Infinity Throne

Chapter 1173 Bella

Neil is truly an omnic.

Excellent learning ability.

She learned to be self-sufficient the second time around: she wired herself, laid herself down, inserted herself, and logged in by herself.

After meeting his brother smoothly, before Neil could describe the bitterness, loneliness, and hardship of this trip, his brother "L" stretched out his hand calmly: "Sister, where are my things."

Neil curled his lips, his cold and delicate features became a little more humane - a little unhappy.

Yi Lin was stunned for a moment, then sighed: "You are becoming more and more human-like."

"My brother doesn't like this kind of sister?"

Neil asked with a grimace.


Yi Lin was stunned when he heard this.

She learned "rhetorical questions"!

A serious omnic only knows "declarative sentences".

"This is not a good thing, but it is not necessarily a bad thing."

Yi Lin replied meaningfully.

Neil sent two documents to Yi Lin at the same time.


【please wait with patience. 】

While transmitting the encrypted data packet, Neil hesitated for a moment and talked about what happened at Ark Main Base No. 11.

Lots and lots of things, carefully.

To Neil's surprise, Yi Lin was not concerned about the "human cannibalism" tragedy that was about to take place in the main base of Ark No. 11. Instead, he frowned and said, "Nemesis is here again. Better than me." As expected, it will be a little later.”


Yi Lin lowered his head, his brain running and calculating at high speed.

"Same last time,"

"Also when destroying the water world,"

"There is a 'delay' in the operation of Nemesis."

"Maybe it has something to do with its life essence."

"Even if its sequence reaches 'C', its essence is still 'omnic life'."

"Every move and step it makes needs to be 'calculated' and 'deduced'."

"That's its advantage if the amount of deduction is not large."

"But when this amount of deduction involves a battle at the upper level, or involves the equivalent weight of two universes, this is no longer an advantage, but becomes a kind of 'grinding'."

"This is...the biggest weakness of the God of Omnic Machines!"

As he was about to fight Nemesis again, Yi Lin not only wasn't nervous, but in front of Neil, he was beaming with excitement.

"What should Bella and the others do in the main base?"

Seeing that her brother ignored her, Neil could only step forward, grab his arm and swing it from side to side, squeeze in and ask.

She learned this "behavior" in the database.

In human behavior, this is called "acting like a spoiled child."

"Brother, sister is unhappy."

"If my sister is unhappy, her logic won't work."

"You don't want anything to happen to your sister, right?"

What kind of strange scene did you insert?

If you let me learn, you will fail in your studies, right?

Yi Lin complained in her heart, but Yi Lin saw the changes in Neil. Under the influence of Yi Lin, Neil truly "awakened" and gave birth to a "human" omnic life. Yi Lin was also curious about this kind of change. "Awakening" will ultimately lead Neil to what ending.

Yi Lin thought for a moment and said a few words.

To sum up, it is nothing more than some simple "communication" skills among human beings: killing a chicken to scare a monkey, drawing inferences from one example, cutting off the head when the water is flowing, bearing the brunt, throwing stones to ask for directions, following others' preferences, being kind and making money, and so on.

"That's probably it. Humans are such easy-to-understand creatures. You can express yourself freely, sister, and believe in yourself. This is what humans call...'confidence'."

Yi Lin lowered his head to look at the file and simply said, letting Neil do his own thing.

It's all little things.

Neil understood and happily exited the illusion and disappeared in front of Yi Lin.

When Neil sat up from the "illegal port".

She thought quietly about what her brother said.

In the square, the quarrels became louder and louder.


Someone fired.

The sound of gunfire echoed in the enclosed space.

Neil walked out of the room and saw a "conflictful" scene.

I saw Tang En grabbing Bella's collar, sneering and lifting Bella, who was less than 1.5 meters tall, with one hand. His well-developed biceps were as hard and stylish as a rock. Tang En raised the rifle with his other hand, pointing the muzzle directly upward, and a faint smoke rose from the muzzle.


"Twain: Enemy."

"Bella: Friendly Forces."

Beep beep beep.

Neil's eyes glowed red and he turned on the "killing mode".

Her vision suddenly became very simple.

Green friendly troops and red enemy troops are two different colors.

"I've had enough over the years!"

After Tang En "fired a warning shot," he approached Bella viciously, looked at that "ugly face," and said with a ferocious smile: "The old immortal is about to die. We humans need new leaders to lead us to survive! "

"We don't need cowards among survivors! We don't need trash who doesn't know how to adapt!"

"The ancestors once said that survival of the fittest and survival of the fittest are eternal truths!"

"Under the leadership of that old immortal, we can only live in this dilapidated base without seeing the sun all year round. We are not allowed to go outside, and the Phantom Light is not allowed to land! You must have forgotten that our ancestors are Because they fought bravely against those iron lumps and fought in the illusion of light, they were recorded in history as 'ancestors'!"

"Bah!" Tang En spat in Bella's face, looked at the elder who had a wooden face and showed no emotion or anger, and vented the resentment in his heart for many years in one breath: "We've had enough! If this continues , we humans will become extinct sooner or later! We might as well go out and fight them with enough food!"

No matter what Tang En thinks in his heart, at least at this moment, what he says is very pleasant and his words in the scene are very beautiful.

Many "old guard" who originally stood firmly with the elders lowered their heads under Tang En's angry words, with obvious "shake" on their faces.

Tang En's words indeed expressed their feelings.

They have endured all these years, living like rubbish underground.

Can't see the sun, use filtered wastewater, steal nutrient solution from the garbage disposal station, and eat biomass synthesis cans in the factory as "biomass conversion machine energy".

They have doubted, cried, suffered, been sad, and hesitated.

But in front of the huge omnic army, we humans are too weak, so that these dissatisfactions are suppressed by the terror rule of the omnic army, and no one dares to be a bulging bird.

After "Sparkfall", the world became a scorched earth.

I don’t know who angered that terrifying existence, causing it to use the "Spark" that could destroy the surface of the planet and destroy the "world".

All over the world, these are the only survivors left.

Humanity has reached a moment of life and death.

At this critical moment, humans will develop more negative emotions.

Tang En finished speaking in one breath and threw the weak Bella on the ground.

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

Tang En bypassed Bella and walked towards the elder.

One step, two steps, three steps.

In the oppressive silence, the elder raised his head and looked at Tang En calmly.

"You're wrong, Don."

said the elder.


Tang En's eyes widened.

"You have underestimated human beings, and you have underestimated yourself." After the elder coughed a few times, the wrinkles on his face relaxed, and he showed a relieved smile: "In this long war, under its overwhelming We still survived under their power, didn't we? We have no way to fight them, but even our 'living' is meaningful, Tang."

"The ancestors once said that human beings have an infinite future. As long as we continue to multiply, no matter how many years pass, as long as we are still alive. One day, the world will give birth to a person who can understand our history and see through its weaknesses. , and really...defeat it.”

Tang En became angry again when he heard this.

"Ancestors! Ancestors! You always speak and silence your ancestors!" Tang En raised his gun and pointed the dark muzzle at the elder: "Then, did your ancestors tell you that you will die in my hands today? Bulleted? Besides, he’s already dead and we’re still hungry. It’s just a corpse! I didn’t kill him! His corpse can keep us alive, so what?”

In front of the gun, the elder closed his eyes: "You are right, Tang En." The elder did not deny Tang En's words. He said slowly in a sad but calm tone: "But, during our lifetime, none of us could survive. Like people, but at the very least, when they die, as long as they are still breathing, they should be allowed to die peacefully and dignifiedly like 'a person' instead of becoming food for their companions."

Older gingers are more spicy.

The elder's words made the surrounding survivors waver. They had not yet made up their minds about Tang En's remarks, but now they were backtracking.

With public opinion, the elders occupy the moral high ground.

Small sobs came from the crowd.

Even Bella cried.

Tears streaming down my face.

Tang En was shocked and angry.

His original intention is very simple, he just wants to eat enough.

Is it that difficult?

In the last days, are benevolence, justice and morality really that important?

Isn't the most important thing in life as a human being to survive?

What's the point of dying like a human being?

After all, isn’t he also dead?

"You are wrong!" Tang En said angrily: "History has always been written by the 'survivors'!"

Tang En's face was stern, his finger on the trigger.

Click, click, click.

Hooray, hooray, hooray.

Boom, boom, boom.




Decompress with your feet on the ground.

The engine roared.

Coolant roars.

Neil turned on the power furnace, popped out the steel knife with a clang, and rushed behind Tang En.

[Bear the brunt].

The sound of Neil's movements and the exclamations of the surrounding crowd alarmed Tang En.

As soon as Tang En turned his head, he saw a cold light cutting towards his neck.

A ferocious humanoid skeleton, with a steel knife!

"My younger brother said, this is... some kind of beheading."

Tang En's head was cut off by Neil.

Fly high.


Until Tang En's bloody head fell to the ground, the "radicals" headed by Tang En were stunned.

Neil moved too quickly.

They didn't even react when Neil walked out, or even when she popped out the steel knife, that Neil was a "hostile unit."

I don’t know since when, Neil penetrated into the depths of human beings and became a part of this place.

This jump was too sudden.



Neil kicked his head away and into the Radical's feet.

"Throwing stones to ask for directions."

Neil said something.

Others raised their guns, driven by fear, shock and other emotions, and they finally reacted.

Neil raised his hand, and there was a knife in it, shining brightly.

"You guys, don't be impulsive." Neil reassured the other party: "Neal, there is no hostility."

If there is no hostility, just chop off Tang En's head. But if there is hostility, why not?

The expressions of the others changed.

But they were stunned for a moment.

Some people realized that the tattered humanoid skeleton standing in front of them was not junk. But among the omnics, they are the "combat arms" with the most advanced functions and models. A group of old, weak, sick and disabled people here are really not powerful enough for Nier to kill with one omnic in a hurry.

"Do not impulse!"

"Why did you kill Tang En!"

There were about a dozen radicals with cold sweat breaking out on their foreheads.

This disagreement must be explained here.

"You guys are hungry." Neil organized his words: "So, if you eat him, he will be very happy."

Neil pointed at Tang En, who was still bleeding on the ground, and said in a kind tone: "My brother said, this is called 'playing his favour'."

Bella: "..."

Elder: "..."

the masses:"……"

Radical: "..."


Many people looked at Tang En's body and vomited on the spot.

Neil helped Bella up.

Bella's face turned green and white, and she turned around and started to vomit.

More and more people are vomiting together.

It's not like they've never seen dead people.

But among the "human beings" who died so suddenly in front of them, some of them had never seen such a battle.

"Did your brother teach you?"

The elder looked strange and asked in a tone that was difficult to distinguish between joy and sorrow.

"Yes, my brother taught me well."

Neil replied.

The dispute that determined the life and death of mankind in Area 11 was solved by Neil with a single blow.

Crisp and neat.

Tang En's tragic death seemed to remind them of two things.

First, "eating people" is actually not something that can be easily determined.

Second, it was not a wise choice for Neil to successfully sneak into them.

Radicals calm down.

Tang En's body was pieced together and placed in the mourning hall.

The elder has spoken. If you really want to eat, just eat Tang En. He doesn't mind.

Bella helped the elder into the house to rest.

Neil was satisfied after handling the matter here. She felt that she was closer to "understanding human beings". This matter was handled properly under the guidance of her younger brother.

Just when Neil was about to lie down in the "illegal port", return to the virtual world to reunite with his brother, and once again feel what his brother called "the joy of reunion," Bella stopped her.

"Thank you, Neil."

Bella still looked a little shocked. She washed her face and sat on the steps glumly.

Neil thought for a moment and sat down next to Bella.

"Bella, you're sad."

Neil "parses" Bella's emotions.

Bella buried her face in her knees, covering her head, and her voice came from between her legs: "Neal, you must think 'human beings' are ridiculous, right?"

Neil tilted his head: "Why?"

"Isn't it ridiculous?" Bella's body was trembling slightly, and there was a bit of fear in her voice: "Obviously at this time, human beings should unite and think of ways to survive. But whether it is Tang En or Everyone else is only thinking about how to keep 'themselves' alive... and even have the idea of ​​'eating people'."

"This is the 'instinct to reproduce'," Neil thought for a moment and comforted: "This is the 'instruction' engraved in human genes that allows humans to reproduce. Just like us, we will do whatever we can in times of crisis. Ground 'overclocking' to exert stronger combat effectiveness."

Ah this.

Neil's analogy is strange.

But when Bella heard this, she didn't know how to refute.

That makes sense.

Talking logically with omnics is really the worst decision.

How could the omnic's logic be wrong?

After Neil finished speaking, he sat down next to Bella, slowly stretched out his cold mechanical arm, and hugged Bella's thin shoulders.

The cold touch did not make Bella resist. On the contrary, at this moment, when human life and death were at stake, Neil's cold embrace made Bella feel a different kind of "warmth". She raised her head, with tears on her face, and leaned against it tiredly. Neil's arms.

"Neil, do you hate humans?"

"Not annoying," Neil said without hesitation.

"Why? Humans and omnics... are natural enemies."

Neil wondered: "What does that matter? Bella and Neil are not natural enemies."

Bella couldn't laugh or cry: "Neil, that's not what we were talking about..."


Neil was quiet.

"Ah, sorry, I didn't mean anything else."

"It doesn't matter," Neil's eyes turned green, which represents "peace": "Neil doesn't hate Bella."

"It would be great if," Bella sighed, "other omnics could 'awaken' like you and coexist peacefully with humans a long, long time ago as described in the 'historical text'."

"Is this Bella's wish?"

"Of course, that's what we all want."

"But," Neil pointed at the other people in the distance who were looking here furtively with fearful eyes, and frankly speaking, they were looking at Neil. Neil simulated a "rather regretful" expression. In a tone of voice, he said: "They don't think so. Is this what humans call the 'racial generation gap'?"

Following Neil's finger, Bella looked into the distance. Her tribesmen had witnessed Neil hacking Tang En to death not long ago. As Neil said, they all looked at Neil with a look called "fear", as if they were looking at a corpse. Humanoid "monsters".

At this moment, Bella understood something.

It is impossible for humans and omnics to understand each other.

Neil is right, this is a "racial generation gap" that is difficult to bridge.

"Neil, tell me about 'Phantom Light'."

Bella was slumped and decided not to continue discussing the impossible topic of "racial peace".

Now she is depressed and just wants to find someone to accompany her.

"Bella, have you never entered the 'Phantom Light'?"

"No." Bella shook her head. She seemed to have remembered something: "It is impossible for me to enter the 'phantom light'. No..." Bella struggled, and suddenly pulled up the cloak that had been covering most of her body, revealing her arm.

On Bella's arm, nerve connections were left. Not only her arms, but also her back, neck, and pillow all had the same nerve connections, and these nerve connections were all blocked by "plugs."

Neil recognized it at a glance. This exquisite workmanship and impeccable surgery could only be completed by a "factory". In other words, Bella was not born as a "natural person" in the real world, but from a "factory". The "bio-battery" produced!


When Neil saw this scene, his eyes lit up like "question marks".

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