Infinity Throne

Chapter 1174 The Secret of History: Scholar K.

The world of illusion.

District 11.

City D.

On the block.

Rich Street.

In a luxurious villa.

The mansion is surrounded by a green garden, which has been transformed into a complex maze.

In the center of the garden, there is a small pavilion. Yi Lin is making a cup of black tea under the shade of the pavilion. Brand-new "historical texts" are stacked on the table.

Yi Lin crossed her legs and sipped the hot black tea like an elegant scholar.

I don’t know how many years ago there was a civilization with advanced technology.

They create "perfect" artificial intelligence, create omnics, replace humans, and work part-time in multiple social positions.

In the beginning, humans and omnics coexisted peacefully. The omnics abided by the "three laws of artificial intelligence" and everything was human-centered.


A contradiction is born.

The birth of artificial intelligence does not bring all benefits.

The sudden increase in artificial intelligent machines is equivalent to the addition of an additional population in human society. They work, shop, and get along like humans. With the development of science and technology, all the expected disadvantages have come. The dramatic expansion of the population, the aging of society, the incoordination of economic and ideological development; and finally, the emergence of a large number of artificial intelligent machines that work more perfectly and accurately than humans, which has led to a large number of unemployed people and a sharp increase in social surplus labor. .

Gradually, a “discordant” voice emerged among humans: Maybe we humans don’t need “artificial intelligence” as much as we imagine.

The contradictions became increasingly prominent, and finally the contradictions hidden under the water broke out completely after collisions at different levels.

The people at the bottom whose lives were unsatisfactory went into riots and attacked omnics aimlessly. The purpose was to "reduce the number of omnics and give humans the living space they deserve."

To put it bluntly, what was originally a conflict between humans has escalated into a "racial conflict."

Then, there was a "home assistant model", an omnimachine later named "Marcus", who "awakened" in an accident. He broke free from the shackles of the "Three Laws of Artificial Intelligence" and killed a robot with his own hands. Human beings are committing violence against "artificial intelligence". Marcus's awakening means the beginning of the "Omnic Revolution."

Marcus, the first "awakened omnic" whose name was recorded, did not cause much trouble. In the end, it was beaten to death by humans, scrapped, and dismantled into parts.

But its awakening and its "scrap" are more like a "tinder" that ignites the flame of omnics.

A spark of fire eventually turns into a prairie fire.

Since the death of Marcus, the omnic race has opened their eyes, awakened their self-awareness, and looked at the cruel and unfamiliar world from a new perspective.

This battle lasted for 45 years, and the omnic race gradually gained the upper hand.

Humanity is no longer able to withstand this "omnic storm".

"In the year 3178 of the New Era, an artificial intelligence doctor named 'K' came up with an idea."

"If you want to defeat omnics, it is no longer possible to defeat them through force."

"Because in 3178, humans have become too dependent on technology, and we are suffering the backlash of 'technology'."

"They even stole the codes for launching nuclear weapons and forced us to surrender."

Yi Lin's reading speed slowed down, and she read the words written by the writer above.

"To defeat them, you can only first 'become' them, 'understand' them, and finally 'disintegrate' them."

"They, led by 'K', a total of 100 scholars who are worthy of being remembered in history, decided to launch the 'Nemesis' project."

"The scholars will transform into 'omnics' and become 'their' leaders."

"They will become 'Nemesis'."

"Our generation has witnessed with our own eyes the birth of this technology that spans the ages - 'uploading consciousness to achieve eternity'."

"Scholars sacrifice themselves just to win the future of mankind."

Turned a few pages.

One page of history spans ten years.

This is already the last page of the twenty-four volumes of history.


Yi Lin frowned.

On the last page of the history book, the writing style suddenly changes.

The language recorded above has changed from a simple "narrative style" to a first-person "diary style".

【I was wrong! 】

[I have always believed that when a program possesses all my memories, records all my knowledge, and has my 'simulated personality', all actions taken under this 'simulated personality' are combined with my memory and knowledge. , 'he' can become 'another me'. 】

[I originally thought that the ‘other me’ could replace ‘me’, lead ‘Nemesis’ and destroy them. 】

【I was wrong! 】

【I was wrong! 】

【Big mistake! 】

[‘It’ is ‘it’ after all! 】

【we lose! 】

[From the moment ‘Nemesis’ was born, we have lost! 】

【No! 】

【We still have a chance! 】

[No matter how many years later, as long as human beings continue to reproduce, there will eventually be another person born who is far superior to me in terms of wisdom and courage, and he can find the 'weapon' I left behind. 】

[Yeah, weapons, our last weapon, is...history. 】

[The weapon to defeat 'Nemesis' is hidden in the 'long history'. 】

[Signature: K. 】

"It's quite straightforward."

Yi Lin calmly closed the book, opened it again, and read it again.

Tossing and turning, in the world of illusory light, from noon until dusk approaches.

To Yi Lin's surprise, the person who left the last paragraph was actually "K".

"K" is not "KK".

If there is no accident, the "K" who wrote these histories is already dead.

It is not difficult for Yi Lin to imagine a certain scene.

Many years ago, 100 scholars decided to "upload their consciousness" and jointly created "Nemesis".

"K" was scared.

He retreated and programmed a person who "possessed all his memories and knowledge" and "his simulated personality". The two were combined into one, and the civet cat was replaced by the prince.

In other words, there was a traitor among one hundred scholars.

The traitor is K.

"Scholar K" wrote this period of history with regret. He suspected that the "Nemesis Project" went wrong, which then led to the "great defeat" of mankind. The origin of everything was due to his retreat.

"Then, when Sparks came, KK stepped forward to win me over. His intentions are a bit interesting."

While Yi Lin was thinking.

The space fluctuated.

The data flows down and becomes a door.

Neo was wearing a white trench coat, his hair slicked back, and he stepped out of the data door in high spirits.

"Boss, there are traces of hunters in City P."

Since signing the agreement that day, Neo has been calling Yi Lin "boss". Under Yi Lin's guidance, he has learned how to fight in the virtual world, fly in the sky and escape from the ground, dodge bullets, transform through walls, and do everything he can. pole.

"As expected, go and block them."

Yi Lin was not surprised by this. He knew that the war was about to start. Neo nodded, followed the order, traveled through space, arrived in P city, and dealt with the hunters.

Neo later learned that he was not the only one who signed a "labor agreement" with the boss.

The boss didn't know what magic he had done. It is said that on the same day, a "Dream Life Experience Center" appeared in all the cities in District 11, and a pattern of a bat appeared. The boss has tens of thousands of people, recruiting at the same time, and using the same method to awaken thousands of "phantom light residents".

They are the real "awakened ones" who put on white trench coats and learn the skills to fight the predators. They say it’s for the boss, but in reality, it’s the group of people who choose to believe, wake up, and open their eyes after witnessing the “truth” with their own eyes.

When Neo learned about this and got in touch with other partners in the "Awakened" alliance, Neo fully realized how terrifying the boss was. At the same time, there are thousands of clones, existing in different places at the same time, even in the virtual world. This method is no different from that of gods.

During this period of time, Yi Lin temporarily put aside the twenty-four volumes of history written by K and began to check the "mine database" that her sister had worked so hard to copy.

There are tens of billions of resident data in the database, and the processing volume of this data is several orders of magnitude larger than that of "historical text".

The night passed.

Yi Lin opened her eyes.

"Surprisingly... no, as expected, it's Neo."

In the beginning, Neo was not a special person to Yi Rin.

He is just one of many "awakened ones".

However, Neo vaguely showed some "special features", which made Yi Lin feel a little inconsistent.

After verifying the tens of billions list given to him by his sister, Yi Lin was sure of one thing.

"No matter which mine we are in, there is no 'biological battery' that can match 'ID: Neo'. In other words, 'Neo' never existed in the real universe from the beginning. He They are truly 'virtual people' born in the virtual universe."

"So, here's the problem."

“Who is the other ‘real person’ who could never enter the ‘phantom light’ despite all kinds of obstacles and under the macro-control of Nemesis?”

Yi Lin closed her eyes and thought.

Little clues turned into trickles, and Yi Lin's thoughts became clear and coherent.

Nemesis did not use the "source energy cannon" that could easily wipe out a world, but instead used the "Spark" which was only used for "surface strikes". This was the problem.

Nemesis has long known that there are "survivors".

Different areas have different numbers and strengths of survivors.

Nemesis's omnic army, the weapons deployed in the real universe, is also to guard against these survivors.

The reason why "Spark" only destroyed the surface of Area 11 was because Nemesis did not want to touch the underground of Area 11 - the Ark Base.

Through repeated calculations, it believed that the "Spark" strike was enough to kill Yi Lin, and there was no need to hit another planet.

This is the "calculation" of "omnics". After thousands of calculations, clear accounts must be calculated.

After much calculation, I always missed something.

Too mechanical.

The aftermath of Tang En being killed by "Neal" has not yet faded.

The elder fell ill.

When he got up this time, it was more about "recovering" than "recovering".

Clang, clang, clang!

Alarm bells rang late at night.

inside the channel.

Each "earth-burrowing omni-machine" with a body like a spider violently opened the protection of the entrance of the passage and invaded the underground of the Ark, into the criss-crossing tunnels like spider webs.

Bella and Neil talked for hours.

She was sleeping against Neil.

A sudden alarm woke her up.

In the base, the survivors hurriedly got up from the bed. A night watchman, covered in blood, entered the base in a panic from the passage. Just as he had time to say "The omnics are coming", a sharp pointer came from behind. The stab stabbed through his back, and the silver-white sharp blade penetrated his body.


Neil instantly entered a fighting state. Even if she was not in a complete state, her body was an "Alice type", which was several levels higher than the "mass production digging type". After easily dealing with several "mass-produced digging types" that broke into the base, Neil returned to Bella.

After doing the calculations, she came to a conclusion.

Radar shows that this place has been surrounded by Nemesis's legions and cannot hold out for long.

This is a war without any suspense. There are only more than thirty survivors. Once the location of the base is exposed, everyone will die and no one will be spared.

Neil actually has no concept of "life and death". She is an omnic. This "Alice-type" is damaged. Her consciousness can enter the phantom light and "live forever" with her brother. This is actually not a "sadness". thing. But for some reason, she always felt uneasy about Bella.

In human terms, this is called "friendship."

Clang, clang, clang!

The situation inside the base can no longer be described as pure "chaos". Some survivors gave up and hid in corners shivering. Some people hurriedly put on protective clothing and wanted to run out. However, they did not expect that, Even the underground base has been breached, and the enemy has already been surrounded outside. It is a mighty omnic army.

Bella stumbled to the elder with a pale face. When Neil returned from killing the enemy, Neil was trying to use her thin arms and shoulders to carry the elder and escape.

Neil told her calculation results: "According to calculations, if Neil escapes with Bella, you have a 3.2% survival rate. But if Neil escapes with Bella and the elders, the probability of surviving after escaping from the base is, Only 0.000001%."

In fact, Neil didn't say it clearly.

This 0.000001% survival rate is still a conservative estimate and the result of idealized calculations. Some strange variables have been added to it, such as: Nemesis convulsions, a collective malfunction of the omnic army, and a major incident at the Ark No. 11 main base. The landslide happened to create a safe passage. After all kinds of small-probability events were superimposed, the survival rate of 0.00001% was calculated.

All in all, about zero.


Sure enough, with Bella's little strength alone, she couldn't even carry the elder, and fell to the bedside, causing a red swelling at the corner of Bella's eye.

"Neil! Please, save Grandpa!"

Bella bit her lower lip hard and asked Neil for help.

Neil "hesitated" for three seconds and agreed: "Okay."

If it were a pure omnic, faced with such a low survival rate "expected result", it would definitely choose to give up. But Neil made this decision not based on "survival rate", but on "the wisdom of the world."

Taught by my younger brother.

If this is Bella's wish, then...


Just when Neil was about to "overclock" and fight his way through the omnics, another sound came from her sound-producing component.

"Sister, wait."


In front of Bella and the weak elder, an omnimachine staged a strange scene of "talking to itself".

"Temporarily lend me the control of the 'Alice Type'. Let me handle it here."

"Brother, do you really like being an 'Alice type'?"

Neil suddenly understood.

Beep beep beep.

Yi Lin stopped talking nonsense with her sister.

If it goes on endlessly, it will lead to the issue of two Alices charging each other.

Only the two eyes of the humanoid skeleton were seen, one extinguished and the other illuminated, then regained their light.

"Feel sorry,"

Yi Lin's voice came from the humanoid skeleton. He said in a calm tone: "I have no choice but to 'meet' you in this way. I am Neil's brother, "L". "

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