Infinity Throne

Chapter 120 The Devil in the Dark (please vote for me)

The fat man cried.

Totally crying.

Crying miserably.

He eagerly jumped up and down in Gotham, hiding here and there for a long time, originally thinking that he could score a lot of points.

But I didn’t expect that Pan Zhengyi, the legendary clown in COSPLAY, would be cut off immediately.

This script... is completely wrong!

How the hell do you know when and where to explode?

Are you a prophet?

Or did you peek at the script?

Is there any humanity left?

Is there any heavenly principle?

Do you still have any compassion?

"But it's okay..."

Li Erpang cried for a while and quickly took out his mobile phone. Fortunately, he buried... more than one bomb!

Li Erpang never fights an unprepared battle!

He would not be stupid enough to put all the eggs in the same basket and explode them!

This is wisdom, you idiot boy!

Li Erpang just opened the phone he grabbed and looked at the time. It's almost time. Hurry!

Right now.

There had just been a massive explosion over there.

Unexpectedly, in the sky above Gotham, everyone could look up and see the phantom of Joker, smiling again.

When Li Erpang saw that sinister smile, an inexplicable feeling suddenly appeared in his heart...

A foreboding feeling.

“Jiejiejie—crazy! It’s also art!”

Turning his palm over again, Pan Zhengyi suddenly pointed at Gotham City.

Another place!

Archie Goodwin International Airport!

As Pan Zhengyi's palm fell.


Soaring into the sky!


In Gotham City.

Zhu Yun'er, who was posting a post as fast as she could, suddenly moved her legs together and clamped down in fear.

That direction...

It's the airport!

It was the explosion point she planted!

"Pan! Justice! Righteousness——"

Pan Zhengyi seemed to have no intention of stopping.

I saw him closing his eyes, his smile becoming more and more crazy and evil.

Palms together, one drop!

Vince Finkel Bridge!


Fall again!

Evanston High School!


ACE Chemical Treatment Plant!


"Crazy! Crazy! The world has gone crazy!"

Li Erpang stared blankly at the devil-like figure in the sky.

I feel like I have nothing left to talk about.

This is obviously a bomb he planted. He came to a COSPLAY show for those two idiots Mao, and all the sins were stolen away?

For those explosion locations, Li Erpang didn't get even half a dime!

Not at all——!

All of Gotham City!

Completely crazy!

The explosions of fire that shot into the sky were like fireworks at a holiday celebration, completely igniting Gotham City's emotions! Gotham!

The dark and simple Gotham City!

Now, no matter who it is, no one doubts that Joker, who directed the entire celebration like a crazy musician, is a fake.

That figure, that face, that crazy smile, that miraculous criminal method, there is no doubt that he is...


The real Joker!


Chu tu tu tu——

A burst of crazy gunfire rang out.

into everyone's ears.

The legendary King of Darkness, Joker... was instantly hit by a hail of bullets and was sent flying.



The whole city's projection suddenly went out.

It's as if Joker has never been here.

But now Gotham has long been in flames.

Only this celebration proves that he, the King of Darkness, Joker, once danced in the sky of Gotham.

Li Erpang: "..."

Yi Lin: "..."

Zhu Yun'er: "..."

Su Xiaosu: "..."

Gotham: "..."

Dr. Jack: "..."


Little James Gordon, who was fighting fires all over the city, couldn't help but smash his hat on the ground after witnessing all this.

Wait, why do you say again?

A feeling of déjà vu.

If James Gordon Jr. had a hatred value setting, that inexplicable Joker would immediately jump to the second place in hatred value.

As for the first...

Needless to say.

Still the elegant, charming and damn riddle gentleman, Edward Lin!

All deserve to die!

All criminals deserve to die!


Little James Gordon was suddenly startled.

This series of explosions, if it is the work of the fake Joker...then what is the goal of the riddle gentleman?

His hasn’t exploded yet!

But now that Gotham is riddled with holes, there are not many targets left for the Riddle Gentleman to blow up!

Where did it explode?


Where is the location indicated by that extremely difficult riddle?

No, I should say, where else could it be?

There’s no place to blow up, okay?

Little James Gordon was angry and confused, and subconsciously grabbed a handful of hair.

Unexpectedly, I caught a lot of them.

Bruce Wayne took a silent bath.

Dark room.

No lights on.

On the huge round bed, the quilt was uneven, with peaks and ridges like clusters, and waves like angry waves.

There seemed to be four slim figures.

But...that's not important.

Bruce Wayne suddenly smiled.

Then he took out a bottle of Lafite red wine from the wine cabinet in the room.

"Well... the taste is average this year. It's a pity that there is no better one at this time, so I'll make do with it."

He took two more transparent red wine glasses.

Humming a little tune, he took the elevator and went directly to the top floor.

The rooftop of Wayne Tower is a platform that can accommodate helicopters landing, with a large "H" printed in the center.

Place the red wine glass and red wine on the ground.

Bruce Wayne thought for a while, then moved downstairs to move a small table and two small benches.

After spending 20 minutes setting up the small table and bench, Bruce Wayne opened the red wine and poured it into a special decanter.


Bruce Wayne was just wearing a bathrobe and slippers, sitting on a small bench with his eyes closed, as if waiting for something.

Or...waiting for someone.

"Fight the fire, put out the fire! Damn it! Where's the fire brigade?"

"The fire brigade is chasing the 'Black Goose Man'!"

"I found that monster 'King Kong' next to the 'Empress'! Shall I go? 'King Kong' kicked down the telephone pole..."

"East District! There's a gun battle in the East District! Wait, wait! Am I dazzled? It's Joker! Joker! He's on the run! He's actually on the run! Be careful, he must have some trick up his sleeve!"

"Damn it! Are there no people in the fire brigade?"


The entire Gotham City is in complete chaos.

The whole city mobilized.

Be it police or citizens.

They are all frantically hunting down the "criminals" who disrupt Gotham's good style.

But this "chase" gradually took on an inexplicable atmosphere.


James Gordon Jr. wasn't hunting anyone down.

He holds a map in his hand.

I just picked up a copy of "Gotham City Travel Guide" from a roadside store.

It contains the most complete map of Gotham City.

Looking at the map, James Gordon Jr. tried to solve the riddle of "The Riddle Gentleman" line by line.

He may not have even noticed that James Gordon Jr. gradually forgot why he was trying to solve this super difficult problem.

Like a demon.

As long as he doesn't solve this problem, he won't be able to get out of this vicious circle of thinking.

He must personally punish that damn riddle gentleman, Edward Lin!


"Wait, I can use the process of elimination."

Little James took out a marker and marked the places where Edward Lin had blown up one by one.

In fact, just looking at the explosion locations, Edward Lin has not bombed as many places as the "Fake Joker" tonight, nor has the "Fake Joker" bombed it so neatly and artistically.

But who gives Edward Lin a high hatred value?

Little Gordon completely fell in love with the Riddle Gentleman.

"There's also the place where the 'fake Joker' exploded..."

James Gordon Jr. is trying to mark the spot where he was bombed tonight.


Little James Gordon's expression suddenly changed.

The pen in his hand fell to his feet involuntarily.

If you get an electric shock.

"Could it be!"

His pupils shrank sharply, he quickly took out the marker from his feet, and then connected the locations where the Riddle Gentleman had exploded with straight lines.

Then, at the midpoint of all connected lines——



Yi Lin looked down at the land.

"It's almost time."

at this time.

The sound coming from the helicopter's public channel reached Yi Lin's ears.

"B78! B78! You fucking knocked the lamp crooked again!"

"Wait! B78! You are too close to Wayne Tower! Too close! Are you still drunk? Huh? Huh? Huh?"

Yi Lin took off her earmuffs directly.

To be honest, operating a helicopter is really difficult.

Fortunately, the helicopter was thoughtfully equipped with a helicopter instruction manual. It took Yilin 28 minutes to initially master the helicopter's operating skills.

Fortunately, Yi Lin has no intention of becoming a professional helicopter pilot, as long as she can fly.

10 minutes ago.

All helicopters circling Gotham City chasing criminals have received orders from Mayor Gordon.

Give up chasing other criminals and move closer to Wayne Tower!

"I didn't expect that guy to think of it?"

Yi Lin smiled slightly: "I guess I found it accidentally while staring at the map."

"However, that is only part of it. Even if it is discovered, it doesn't matter."

"The rail transit all over Gotham, my riddle gentleman, is going to blow up! It's fixed!"

Yi Lin said to herself with a determined tone.


The short sword and the long and narrow spear overlap at the same moment.

The Gotham Clock Tower emitted melodious bells.

Dang, Dang, Dang——

Gotham City.

When the time is fixed at midnight.

Almost as soon as the bell rang.

The intricate rail transit all over Gotham City suddenly and without warning... experienced a series of explosions!

Explode from the east to the west of Gotham City!

Explode from the north to the south of Gotham City!

Boom boom boom boom——

The explosion craze caused by "Joker" has not yet subsided, and the sky above Gotham City was instantly illuminated by a stronger burst of light, like the morning sun!

The dark clouds over Gotham City were like burning clouds, red and dazzling.

Boom boom boom boom——

Orbits collapse from the sky!

Countless Gotham citizens turned pale with fear and fled!


As expected, Li Erpang was uneducated. When he saw this scene, he didn't know it was Yi Lin's handiwork. He was so frightened that he yelled "F*ck" again.

Overhead, a huge steel rail was falling towards the top of Li Erpang's head.


Li Erpang scurried away with his head in his arms.

Pan Zhengyi continued to run around with his head in his hands.

Zhu Yun'er had no expression on her face and raised her sword to the sky.

The steel bars were split instantly without any pause.

Su Xiaosu slapped the steel bar hard, and used skill to push the steel bar aside. When she looked down, her palms were dripping with blood.

Then... it began to slowly heal.

Boom boom boom boom——

Yi Lin's eyes began to be flooded with words.

[In the name of "Riddle Gentleman", destroy Gotham City's "Burnley District Rail Transit System" and obtain a crime value of +50,000! 】

[In the name of "Riddle Gentleman", destroy Gotham City's "Diamond District Rail Transit System" and obtain a crime value of +50,000! 】

[In the name of "Riddle Gentleman", destroy Gotham City's "East Side Rail Transit System" and obtain a crime value of +50,000! 】

[In the name of "Riddle Gentleman", destroy Gotham City's "Odsburg District Transportation System" and obtain a crime value of +50,000! 】

[In the name of "Riddle Gentleman", completely destroy Gotham City's famous "Rail Transit" system. Your infamy will be immortal in the history of Gotham City, and you will receive an additional reward of +50,000 crime points! 】

[Kill the "good" citizens of Gotham City and get +10 crime value! 】

[Kill Gotham City...]

[Get chaos value +18! 】

[Get chaos value +1]

[Get chaos value +2]

[Get chaos value +21! 】

[Get chaos value...]


Fortunately, the word was small. The earth-shattering explosion caused by this moment almost blinded Yi Lin's retina.

The chaos value is too much. After all, Gotham is not only populated by people, there are also many cockroaches and rats. This explosion almost covered the entire Gotham City, causing countless deaths... Amitabha.

However, Yi Lin had to complain.

This really fits the original setting of Gotham City.

Human life... is worthless.

How much does 10 cockroaches equal one Gotham City citizen?

I don’t know whether this rule exists or whether I have learned mathematics well.

(Li Erpang: Can you believe that spitting out 10 mouthfuls of phlegm is equal to one life?)

"Well, if I have a choice, I want to be a good person."

Yi Lin set the helicopter to a "hovering" state. Although it could not last long, this moment was enough.

Stepping out of the cockpit, Yi Lin opened the hatch and jumped in!

The B78 helicopter, under the control of Yi Lin, stopped right above the Wayne Tower!

Not long after Yi Rin jumped out of the helicopter.

Others have already discovered the anomaly of this B78 helicopter.

I yelled in the communication channel for a long time but no one responded.

Almost immediately after Yi Lin jumped out of the helicopter, all the helicopter teams surrounding Wayne Tower focused their spotlights in this direction!

In mid-air.

Yi Lin took out two cards from the storage space.

Then crush them separately.

Two rays of light of different colors turned into countless light spots from Yi Lin's hands and merged into Yi Lin's body.

In the upper right corner of the apostle panel, next to the countdown skull BUFF icon, there is an inexplicable "wings" icon and a "polyline" icon.


"what is that!"

"Black tuxedo, gentleman's hat, white gloves...yes, yes, yes it is him!"

"It's him, it's him, it's him!"

"It's the Riddle Gentleman! Edward Rin!"

"He actually jumped out of a helicopter!"

"Fuc...kkkk? Am I dreaming? Oh cake seller, the vodka last night must have been too strong! I saw a hallucination! The riddle gentleman actually used an umbrella as a parachute!"

"No! We saw it too! The Riddle Gentleman is flying!"

"He's landing with an umbrella!"

Poyin: "Doctor! I need a doctor——"

Yi Lin was in mid-air.

Back straight.

Straight up.

Holding the umbrella in one hand, he landed slowly in a trajectory that was completely inconsistent with the laws of physics.

Judging from Yi Lin's trajectory, he... will soon land on the roof of Wayne Tower!

Everyone who witnessed this scene couldn't believe it.

There is a helipad on the rooftop of Wayne Tower which is nice.

But that is for stopping, not for stopping JIO!

All the spotlights fell on Yi Lin.

That mysterious and elegant gentleman, at this moment, attracting everyone's attention and the lights gathering, is like an elegant devil appearing silently from the darkness, or an elf flying in the night!

At this moment when the entire Gotham is burning in flames!

Everyone who witnessed this scene unanimously thought of the end of the puzzle——

"The gentleman will descend in the center of the fireworks and take off the crown of the old dark king."

They also understood in an instant.

Gentleman, will the center of the fireworks!

Here, now, here.

All of this, this pussy, is so rounded and perfect, all fitting into the puzzle that no one can solve.

This scene, in their eyes——

It is far more shocking and mysterious than the "Joker" that caused a big explosion in the city, and it will be unforgettable for the entire Gotham.

"Why are you so stupid?"

James Gordon Jr. suddenly roared crazily on the communication channel: "Kill him!!!"


All helicopter pilots suddenly reacted.

Chug tug tug tug——

Countless tongues of fire spewed out crazily!

To the riddle gentleman slowly falling in the sky!

No matter how elegant or charming he is, he is still a criminal!

Gotham City's criminals...kill!

Kill kill kill!


Countless bullets passed by Yi Lin and deflected strangely.

That hail of bullets, not to mention killing the riddle gentleman, didn't even leave a single bullet hole in the umbrella!


"How can it be!"

"Devil! Devil! The riddle gentleman is the real devil!"


The helicopter team fired wildly.

Seeing that there were no bullets hitting Yi Lin, she was instantly confused in the wind.

James Gordon Jr. also witnessed this scene.

But he was standing underneath the Wayne Tower.

Can't see clearly.

But the news coming back from the communication channel also made him feel extremely horrified.

This, this, this, can this be a human being?

Stop being a human being! Riddle Gentleman!


"Stop, stop, stop!"

"There's someone on the rooftop of Wayne Tower!"

"Ceasefire ceasefire!"

When Yi Rin landed lightly on the "H" subtitle.

Spotlight beams down.

They found that besides the riddle gentleman, there was another person on the rooftop who had already moved the bench and table, as if he was waiting eagerly.

The man had white hair and was wearing a luxurious bathrobe and slippers.

"It's...Bruce Wayne!"

"Cease fire! Attention! Attention! Attention everyone! Gentleman Riddle, Edward Rin has kidnapped Bruce Wayne, the richest man in Gotham!"

"All units cease fire! If Bruce Wayne is accidentally injured, no one... no one will pay to rebuild Gotham!!"


Upon hearing the tragic news that no one was funding the rebuilding of Gotham, everyone gasped in horror.


Yi Lin silently calculated the remaining time of the BUFF in her mind.

Put away your umbrella.

Looked up.

Looking at the old man in front of him.

There is no doubt that there is only one possibility for those who can wait for him here in advance.

Bruce Wayne!

The Batman whose name resounded in Gotham City twenty years ago.

Of course, now his name is also resounding throughout Gotham, just by another name.

Yi Lin didn't look surprised at all.

Others may not be able to guess.

But for Bruce Wayne himself, "taking off the crown of the old dark king" in the riddle is not a riddle at all, nor is it a hint, it is an explicit statement.

"Sit!" Bruce Wayne motioned for Yi Lin to sit down.

Yi Lin raised his eyebrows but did not refuse and sat down opposite Bruce Wayne.

"First meeting, Mr. Riddle, Edward Rin."

Yi Lin smiled slightly: "I won't introduce myself, and you don't need to. It seems that this time, you finally didn't guess it?"

This time?

Bruce Wayne's pupils shrank. In other words, the "Riddle Gentleman" in front of him had already known that he had guessed the previous riddles?

Bruce Wayne chuckled.

Then he poured half a glass of red wine for each of them, with an apology on his face: "Sorry, I was in a hurry and couldn't find a more expensive red wine."


Yi Lin... drank it all in one gulp.

It would be nice to feel the power of money ability for yourself.

"I'm curious, what is the answer to your riddle?" Bruce Wayne never forgot this.

Yi Lin smiled and said, "I think everyone is curious about the answer, aren't they?"


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