Infinity Throne

Chapter 121 The Crown of the Old Dark King (Please subscribe)

Maybe it's because of money making ability.

Or maybe it's because of the deep love Gotham citizens have for Bruce Wayne.

Or perhaps it’s because of Bruce Wayne’s unconcealable charisma.

In short, when Yi Lin and the legendary Bruce Wayne were sitting face to face, all the helicopters stopped attacking in unison, allowing the two to have a long conversation on the rooftop of Wayne Tower, drinking and drinking.

The painting style suddenly became harmonious.

Rays of light focused on the two of them.

"Damn! What did I see?"

"Who is the Riddle Gentleman?"

"Bruce Wayne is drinking red wine with Mr. Riddle?!"

"Oh my God, I think today must be the second April Fool's Day."

Fortunately, Yi Lin couldn't hear the translator's voice that was gradually changing over the communication channel.

can only say.

The sponsor’s father is awesome.

Yi Lin smiled at Bruce Wayne, poured half a glass of red wine, and shook it.

"Didn't you guess it?"

Bruce Wayne nodded: "The long river of void, everywhere, going everywhere, refers to the rail transit system all over Gotham City... take off the crown of the old king... Haha."

Old Bruce chuckled, paused, and did not continue to struggle with this riddle. Then he frowned, showing some confusion: "It's just, how is the time of the crime hidden in the riddle? Forgive me. Let me be frank, the first half of your riddle... in my opinion, is more like useless nonsense."

"Yes, it's just nonsense."

Yi Lin admitted it openly, without any embarrassment on her face.


Bruce Wayne was suddenly stunned when he heard this.

"Yes, the bunch of content in front of the riddle is all nonsense that has nothing to do with deciphering. It hides the really useful riddle of 'Crime Time'. In fact, there is only one sentence..."

"Break the barrier between reality and illusion."

Yi Lin chuckled, then stretched out his hand and gently pointed at the Patek Cuili watch on his wrist.

Of course, Yi Lin had no intention of showing off her wealth at this moment.

I guess Bruce Wayne doesn't think Yi Lin has this intention.

No one can show off their wealth in front of him.

He vaguely remembered that there was a box of this kind of watch in the utility room, but he was too lazy to take it out to match it.

And what Bruce Wayne noticed was...

The watch hands... didn't move at all.

Freeze at 00:00!

He suddenly remembered that he was in the video.

At the beginning and at the end when Yi Rin bowed politely as a gentleman, she seemed to point her watch at the camera inadvertently.

This... turns out to be the biggest tip!

In the video that lasts for more than two minutes, the watch does not change at all.

This is the crime time puzzle!

No wonder Yilin chose to publish the puzzle in the form of video!

No wonder Yi Lin talks a lot of nonsense in front of the puzzle!

I see!

I see!

Bruce Wayne suddenly realized it after Yi Lin's prompting.

And, about the line "The gentleman will descend in the center of the fireworks."

As long as all the locations Yi Lin has been bombed are connected, in the middle of the connection, there is...Wayne Tower!

The mystery... solved!

The answer to this riddle that fascinates the entire Gotham is so simple!'s full of secrets!


Bruce Wayne laughed happily.




He didn't expect the answer to be so simple, but he deceived the entire Gotham, including himself...the once wise and brave Batman, Bruce Wayne!

"I lost!"

Bruce Wayne looked happy and drank the red wine in one gulp.

Extremely enjoyable.

This is a matchup that no one knows about.

An intellectual duel between two wise men that spanned planes, time and space, and came together because of the fate of the "Tower"!

Bruce Wayne admits defeat!

He was defeated by his most proud intelligence.

Is it the ability to make money that Bruce Wayne has always been proud of?

Or the various equipment?

Or is it the martial arts that has reached its peak?

Or is it that unstoppable charm?


In fact, it is...wisdom!


Bruce Wayne puts down his empty wine glass.


He stood up with a smile and rolled his neck.

Clicking sound.

After all, he is old.

"Next... take off the laurels that were watched in the dark in the past? I would like to witness with my own eyes the methods of the 'Riddle Gentleman' Edward Lin."

Yi Lin lowered her head.

It's almost time.

If the delay continues, James Gordon Jr., who is probably so angry that he almost has a cerebral hemorrhage, will resort to even crazier methods.

The atmosphere in Gotham has gradually gone wrong.

If it weren't for completing the second main mission and striving for a higher evaluation, Yi Lin wouldn't be in the spotlight. a plan.

The only person in this plan that was beyond Yi Lin's calculations was Pan Zhengyi.

He didn't expect that Pan Zhengyi would come to a public COSPLAY show out of nowhere and snatch away other people's points.

It's just... baffling.

But the mental ideas of a neurotic cannot be interpreted by ordinary people.

Maybe... it's that guy's intuition?


It does not affect the overall situation.

Before Yi Lin traded with the other apostles, she roughly calculated how many sin points they could get from the TNT bombs in their hands.

Of course, if Li Erpang or someone fails and does not cause explosions in other buildings as planned by Yi Lin, Yi Lin also has backup plans.

He glanced silently at Bruce Wayne.

That look was like looking at a pile of rich points.


Yi Lin smiled slightly, stood up as well, and lowered the brim of his hat.

Bruce Wayne has already squared off.

A sense of déjà vu that says, “I could play all day.”

Yi Lin suddenly stretched out two fingers.

Bruce Wayne: "!"

Gotham: "!"

The Riddle Gentleman has now become the focus of Gotham.

Even as early as when Yi Lin was drinking and chatting with the richest man, Bruce Wayne, there was a media private helicopter, hiding far behind the tactical helicopter, and taking live and long-distance shots of the Wayne Tower rooftop.

The paparazzi in Gotham City are not worthy of their fame.

"This is GBC, this is GBC, I'm your favorite hot Didi, dear!"

"Because the Gotham Gazette and WXYZ radio station were bombed, they were bombed. Now the legendary criminal will be exclusively reported by our GBC, exclusive report!"

"Look! What is that! The riddle gentleman raised two fingers! Two fingers! Oh my God, is he going to declare victory in advance to the richest man, Mr. Bruce Wayne?"

"No! No! No! The Riddle Gentleman pressed down a finger! He pressed - down - down a finger!"

Breaking sound--


The moment Yi Lin pressed down a finger.

The unmanned "B78" tactical helicopter, which had been hovering above the head of Wayne Tower, suddenly exploded in the air.

No warning!

Exploded! Exploded!

Gotham, which was bombed once, is now bombing again!

At the moment when everyone, including Bruce Wayne, was attracted by the brilliant fireworks that exploded from the helicopter above.

Even if it's just for a moment.

It was enough for Yi Lin to make the next move.

Driven by telekinesis, he flicked his wrist and flew the last [TNT Bomb Card] at an angle that no one noticed.

The card was too small, the spotlight was too bright, and there were fireworks overhead. With all the factors working together, even Bruce Wayne, who was just a few steps away, didn't immediately notice Yi Lin's small move.


Another explosion!

Two in a three in a row!

This is the last bomb Yi Rin holds!

It’s also the…end of this night of explosive passion!

The last fireworks from Gotham.

Completely illuminate Gotham's past glory!

When everyone heard the explosion, they all clamped their legs tightly.

So, so, so, so exciting!

It exploded again!

It exploded again!

What was bombed this time turned out to be——

Wayne Tower’s “W” sign!

That is the symbol of Wayne Tower. Even in the past when Gotham's villains were raging twenty years ago, no one could take it off... the symbol of Gotham's richest man!


Bruce Wayne turned his head.

The pupils shrank slightly.

The riddle gentleman, Edward Ring...has disappeared!

Just like that...disappeared out of thin air in front of him, Bruce Wayne.


Bruce Wayne was distracted by the explosion for less than two seconds.

He felt the vibrations throughout Wayne Tower.

Soon, the place where the explosion emitted billowing smoke flew into the sky.

Throughout the Wayne Tower, fire alarm bells rang frantically.

But Bruce Wayne doesn't care.

This building is very strong and will not collapse even if it is exploded once or twice.

As for repairs?

Not expensive anyway.

"The laurel crown of the old king? Is this what you originally meant?"

Bruce Wayne suddenly understood, and his smile gradually solidified.


What he didn't know was.

In Yi Lin's plan B, if the crime value of others is not enough, the "laurel crown of the old king" does indeed refer to his own head.

That's what's called...a pun.

Gotham City.

James Gordon Jr. was standing right in front of Wayne Tower.

He witnessed with his own eyes that the flashing neon "W" sign was blown to pieces in an instant.

Boom boom boom boom.

Fragments of signboards, glass, steel and concrete, as well as the wreckage of helicopters falling in the sky, countless debris fell from high altitudes.

But now the entire Gotham has been plowed by various explosions, and it has long been changed beyond recognition and is in chaos.

The explosion from Wayne Tower was just the icing on the cake.

And just when Yi Lin detonated the last "TNT bomb", blowing up the "W" sign above Wayne Tower.

A line of text suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

[In the name of "Riddle Gentleman", destroy "Bruce Wayne, the richest man in Gotham City, the sign of Wayne Tower", and obtain a crime value of +80,000! 】

[Main mission two: restore Gotham City to its former glory! mission completed! 】

[Rewards are now distributed based on the ranking on the ‘Sin List’! 】


The text paused for a while.

The system is stuck?


Three seconds later.

The mission rewards finally came out, and there were thousands of pear blossoms on the trees... uh, no, the mission rewards were rolling in.

[Get reward: Clearance evaluation level +1! 】


Is there such a reward?

Yi Lin pondered for a moment in mid-air.

Something feels wrong.

The rewards for these two main quests...

It seems that settlement is done after customs clearance?

In other words...if you don't get out of the trial alive, then there is no need to honor the reward?

How is this different from a bad check?

And almost at the same time.

In Gotham City.

No matter what happens, everything is going crazy.

Still running around with his head in his arms.

Still smiling stupidly.

Or maybe they are showing off their muscles silently.

In front of all the apostles, the prompt "Main Mission Two Completed" appeared.

However, it is unknown what the rewards will be for each person.

"That's it? It's over? That's it?"

Li Erpang slapped a gap in the crowd in front of him. There were many bullet holes in his body, and he was bleeding. The 'Black Goose Man' uniform was already riddled with holes, leaving only a pant-shaped trousers, which just covered the body. Live in shame, and finally you don’t have to be reduced to the pitiful state of streaking.

At this time, after receiving the message that the task was completed, Li Erpang ran and opened the "Sin List" to take a look.

【Sin List】

[Gotham's crime level] 1000000/1000000 (100.00%)

【Irin】557771 (55.78%)

【Pan Zhengyi】270255 (27.03%)

[Li Erpang] 83216 (8.32%)

【Zhu Yuner】54432 (5.44%)

【Su Xiaosu】34326 (3.43%)


Sad, sad, sad!

The sin is heinous!

This is against the law!

But forget it.

Li Erpang was very sad.

He clearly remembered that the two fools Pan Zhengyi had a crime value of 255 before taking action.

After this round of pretentiousness, the crime value increased neatly by 27W.

What does this mean?

It shows that apart from those two COSPLAY shows, Pan Zhengyi has done nothing else.

It jumped directly to second place on the crime list!

Become the second crime star of Gotham!

Li Erpang is simply jealous of his real name.


It seems to be a bit.

In short, it’s not a taste.

And back over Wayne Tower.

Whether it's a combat helicopter or a media helicopter.

Everyone witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

After the explosion, the riddle gentleman Edward Lin was missing from the top of Wayne Tower!

Little James Gordon, who was commanding everything, was stunned for two seconds after receiving this information, but in an instant, he also reacted!

He remembered the scene in the bell tower.

Reminds me of the scene where the riddle gentleman fell from the sky.

He got it!

He's enlightened!

there is only one truth!

"The Riddle Gentleman can fly! Attention, everyone, spread the spotlight and find the damn criminal near Wayne Tower!"

"Hurry up!"


All helicopters received instructions from James Gordon Jr. at almost the same time.

In an instant, all spotlights were removed from the Wayne Tower rooftop.

Searching for the figure of the heinous criminal.

After a few seconds.

"found it!"

"On the west side of Wayne Tower! About the 40th floor! This is the umbrella used by the 'Riddle Gentleman' to land!"

Boo hoo hoo hoo——

All the light beams gathered together.

"Shoot! Kill!"

When little James Gordon heard the great news coming from the channel, he waved his hand without hesitation.

kill! kill! kill!

Let the blood of the Riddle Gentleman bloom in the sky of Gotham!

Why don't we kill this kind of person and keep him for Christmas?

Chug tug tug——

The combat helicopters that surrounded the circle opened fire one after another, directly shooting the black umbrella into a sieve.

No umbrella could survive this kind of firepower.



Where are people?

After the passion, ah, no, after the strafing, all the pilots on the helicopter were stunned in unison.

“Go, go, go—”

James Gordon Jr.: "?"

Too excited?

"Chief Gordon, there are only umbrellas and no one there!"

"The riddle gentleman, Edward Lin, disappeared again!"


Gotham: "!"


Little James Gordon smashed the police hat on his head to the ground again.

Snapping sound.

It also brought out a few strands of golden hair.

While others are pondering their ranking on the sin list.

Before James Gordon Jr. lost his hair.

Before the helicopter strafed the umbrella.

Yi Lin said she was a little busy.

After using two consecutive explosions to divert everyone's attention, Yi Lin took advantage of the effects of the two "magical little buffs" to directly activate "Walking Like a Shadow" and hid silently in the darkness.

The sense of presence dropped by 100%. At that moment, even Bruce Wayne did not notice when Yi Lin disappeared from front of him.

Just a moment.

Yi Lin's grasp of the timing of skills is almost perfect.


Yi Lin is still in mid-air now.

In fact, no one knew that his landing with an umbrella was just a gimmick and a cover-up.

The black umbrella in his hand... is actually just an ordinary umbrella.

Nothing special.

Of course it’s not a “mediocre” series either.

Yi Lin is just creating the illusion for everyone that the riddle gentleman is landing with an "umbrella"!

To be precise, it's an illusion in which "the riddle gentleman has to use an umbrella to land."

The truth is, that black umbrella has no use other than to enhance your character.

Yi Lin landed layer by layer.

Empty hands.

No umbrella.

In the darkness, Yi Lin silently released his "psychokinetic" tentacles and "pulled" his body toward the wall.

Originally, in the case of a normal fall, with the current intensity of his "psychodynamic force", this was an extremely difficult operation that was basically impossible to complete.

But with this slow landing, it's easy to do.

Yi Lin sticks to a certain floor.

Blood Jasmine stabbed the glass, shattering it, and Yi Lin disappeared outside Wayne Tower in the next two seconds.

"Oh, sure enough, I knew that the richest man with nearly 100 million people would definitely not let the power outage in Wayne Tower."

Yi Lin dusted himself off.

The pure black tuxedo is spotless.

Lower the brim of your hat.

Yi Lin took the elevator silently.

Three minutes later.

Little James Gordon, who was losing his hair, did not notice that a gentleman as elegant as an aristocrat strutted out of the main entrance of Wayne Tower.

In the blink of an eye, it melted into the darkness and disappeared.

At night, it is the world of gentlemen.


Dr. Jack silently turned off the TV.


The special program broadcast on TV was officially broadcast by GBC, the only broadcasting company in Gotham.

"Riddle Gentleman" special.

And it’s live broadcast.

Dr. Jack smiled slightly.

He sat in the office and subconsciously reached out, trying to take out something.

"Oh - I almost forgot, there is no need for a key here."

Dr. Jack opened the drawer directly.

There is a small hole where the lock is.

If Yi Lin saw this scene, she would definitely be familiar with it.

Because he dug this hole with his own hands.

deep impression.

Dr. Jack's expression did not change at all.

He carefully took out all the messy things in the drawer, such as mirrors, cosmetics, lipstick, notes, notebooks, etc.

And in the innermost part of the drawer.

I don’t know when, but another small box was hidden.

Dr. Jack stroked the box silently.

Suddenly he sighed.

"Those old guys also need further treatment..."

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