Infinity Throne

Chapter 1183 “Human Form” (5000 words)

Behind God Yi Lin, Gaia Fortress is like the residence of the devil, and the ferocious skull is entrenched behind it as if it is alive.

Demons spread their wings in the colorful high altitude, with cold green flames.

Li Er is fat and bloody, his mouth is sharp and his teeth are grinding, and there is a black hole inside.

Mo Rendi was wearing a jet-black robe, holding white flames in his fists. His eyebrows and beard were all white, and the top of his head was bald, reflecting a frightening luster, like an undefeated bald god of war.

Ning pressed his right hand on the ground, and the simple land was transformed again, with countless fortresses and stone cannons rising in place.

Spider limbs sprouted from Xiao Chuer's back, and compound eyes as scarlet as guava split on her forehead.

"Ning You... I look ugly now?"

"You don't understand, that's all I want! I'm on fire!" Ning You roared like a beast and excitedly held Xiao Chuer's barbed spider claw.

Holding hands.


A couple who had been separated for many years hugged each other tightly.

"Fat boy!"


"Fat boy!"


The "long-distance love" that spanned time and space finally reunited.

On another patch of dry soil.

Meng Chaoqiang and Li Shizhen stand side by side.

Li Shizhen smiled and sprinkled seeds one after another, and they began to grow wildly. The huge carnivorous plant, which was a thousand meters tall, swayed its waist and showed its ferocious fangs.

Li Shizhen carefully planted an emerald-like seed.

Meng Chaoqiang looked longingly at the seed that fell to the ground, his expectant eyes as intense as if he were looking at his own seed.

That was the treasure that the president had thrown into the warehouse to eat ashes at some point - [Seed of Nirvana].

"Bloom, Seven Treasure Glazed Tree... Be quiet! Follow the plan!"

Li Shizhen waved her hand and clenched her fist. This was the moment when she was about to witness a "miracle"!


Xu Jingjing, who squeezed Li Changge like a little bird, was forced to step onto the battlefield of gods before she could complain to Li Changge. She came to the place where Li Shizhen left the "Seven Treasures Glazed Tree Seed", and the tips of her ears showed the true form of a pure-blood elf. body, cut the wrists and let blood. Her blood was actually milky white, as smooth and pure as milk, with a hazy glow floating on it.

During the bloodletting, Xu Jingjing's delicate ears twitched gently, her facial features were exquisite, and her whole body was filled with the sacred and inviolable smell of cumin.

The soil absorbed Xu Anjing's "pure elf blood" in a blink of an eye. The [Nirvana Seed] first grew a bud, and then rose crazily, squeezing out the soil. In just tens of seconds, the demon above was frightened into hiding. It opened and grew into a towering tree.

Gouzi retracted his prototype, holding the [Storm and Thunder Messenger], and once again transformed into a thunder and wind dog killing everyone.


Xueer danced with white hair, her whole body turned white, and she was so excited that she ignited her "extreme intention" just to cross the galaxy and throw herself into the arms of her old father.

Lao Pan thrust the stick into the head of the dog next to him, his expression changed, and he grinned from corner to mouth with a strange and sinister smile. He covered his ears with one hand and muttered in a low voice: "Boss, hurry up and place your bet. If you don't place your bet, it will be too late! Jie Jie Jie... This is a good opportunity that may not come across in hundreds of years!"

The little bat squinted his eyes, hiding the fierce light in his eyes, and smiled straight at Pan Zhengyi, his tone seemed to be threatening: "Hey? Don't pretend anymore? Then tell your family quickly, I will share half of it! Otherwise, 'You' just have to figure it out! I really don't mind!"

The left side of Pan Zhengyi's face darkened, the right side smiled stupidly, and lowered his head to send the message.

"God said: He who knows that he cannot do something but does it is a strong man!"

The two sides of Pan Zhengyi's face were completely different. On one side, he was solemnly sending a message to report Green's sudden blackmail, while on the other side, he was smiling and talking nonsense. Circles of grass-green light covered the entire place.

Four-leaf clover halo!

The omnics and space battleships that were originally roaming freely in the empty space were suddenly separated by space, and the aura of Pan Zhengyi was released. In a short period of time, some battleships crashed inexplicably, and some battleships suffered " "Spontaneous Combustion Accident" exploded on the spot. Some of the omnics were logically confused and stacked up in random directions. With Pan Zhengyi as the center, under the green light, the omnic army was in obvious chaos.

This weird scene made the murderous friends stunned. After a moment of shock, everyone raised their arms and shouted:

"Pan is the eternal god of justice!"

"No~! The president is God!"

"Old Pan is as good as a god with a mortal body!"

The right time!

Convenient location!

People and!

The partners took the lead one after another, Yi Lin was silent at first, and then understood.

From beginning to end, he had no time or any communication with his friends.

As if they had rehearsed it thousands of times, they did their own thing and cooperated accordingly.

They must have discussed their respective cooperation tactics on their way here in the "invasion passage" according to the coordinates.




Gaya Qinmei, Nie Hongxiu, and Bai Xiaoyi appeared at the same time.

Three mother spirits with different painting styles flutter in the wind.

Xiaomei put on her battle uniform.

Nie Hongxiu put on a blood-red wedding dress, her silver hair flying.

There was mist around Bai Xiaoyi.

"Do you want to go all out?" Nie Hongxiu asked.

Bai Xiaoyi rushed to answer: "Xiao Bai, get ready!"

After many years, she was finally willing to face her true self and admitted that she was called "Xiaobai".

Not to be outdone, Xiaomei said: "Xiaomei has been saving for many years!"

She meant "resentment."

"There is no need to reserve anything." Yi Lin smiled: "Although it is not auspicious to set up a Flag at this time, 'auspicious' means nothing to me. So I still want to treat you, them, and Everybody, say something.”


The members who were dancing around suddenly became quiet.

"Destroy this god quickly, and then let's go home."

Everyone: "Destroy the god of dust!!!!"

Yi Lin has been drifting among the stars for decades.

Gaia Fortress was left alone and helpless for six years.

Twenty elites grew up alone outside, each living alone for several years.

Reunion now.

There is no joy of meeting again after a long separation, no crying and laughter. Even though they are in different worlds, they are always connected. They are together, and thousands of words are gathered into one sentence at this moment:

"go home!!!"

Meng Xingfan possesses the sweeping robot.

He had been watching the group of them quietly.

Over the years, although he has integrated into them, in fact, there is still a gap.

But at this moment, looking at them, somehow, a strong "desire" emerged that had not appeared for a long time.

"I want to go home."

On the Infinite Throne.

The two soul clones represent Yilin's "divinity" and "humanity" respectively.

"Human nature" opened its eyes: "Go home!"

Then close it.

Immediately afterwards.

"Divinity" opened its eyes, and inside the hub, two divine pupils were shining brightly.

Yi Lin did not hesitate or hesitate. At this moment, he seemed to have turned into a "machine" operating to defeat Nemesis.

Mo Rendi came to Yi Lin's side.

"Old friend."

Mo Rendi activated his "Extreme Intent" and stood side by side with Yi Lin.

Yi Lin's face was expressionless: "Where is your hair?"

Mo Rendi smiled and touched his bald head: "Somehow, I lost all my hair as I practiced."

"It suits you quite well."

"Really?" Mo Rendi quietly took two steps closer.

Yi Lin noticed Mo Rendi's thoughts.

Similarly, Mo Rendi also noticed Yi Lin's plan at this moment.

Although neither of them said anything, they understood each other tacitly.

Yi Lin shook his head: "Deep, I can deal with that guy alone."

Mo Rendi frowned: "You actually want to show off your strength at this time?"

"It's not about being brave, but there is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices. You have saved me a lot of effort by blocking the endless cannon fodder for me."

No enemy is silent.

Yi Lin smiled, put his hand into the void, and the first half of his arm disappeared behind a ripple.

He probed into Gaia's warehouse.

It contains all his remaining "sources".

The source he has left is not enough for them to "escape" again, or to "detour" again.

Either beat Nemesis to death with a bang or die.

With divine thinking, Yi Lin made a decision without much hesitation.

After bidding farewell to Mo Ren, Yi Lin was like a flash of light, leaping across thousands of battleships in one step, easily ignoring all the omnics.

Nemesis noticed that Yi Lin was approaching it at high speed, and commanded the omnic army to strangle Yi Lin.

In this life, silence is better than sound. Oda Mai has one person and one sword, like a crazy Valkyrie, stepping on the light belt between the lands, tightly biting behind Yi Lin's trajectory, killing the surrounding omnics, and opening the way for Yi Lin.

The battle started, and ferocious and ugly Zerg flew out from Gaia Fortress like locusts. It was Xiao Chuer's "Zerg Production Base" operating at high speed, using cannon fodder to fight against Nemesis's cannon fodder. .

The huge universe is divided into countless battlefields, but the center of gravity of the battlefield is still around the "Seven Treasure Glazed Tree".

On the Seven Treasure Glazed Tree, seven colors of light were reflected. After death, some members' eyesight went black and then brightened. After the pain, their whole bodies were soaked in a burst of warm light, and they found themselves surprised to walk out of a spore of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tree.


This is actually a treasure tree that can resurrect people on the spot!

Li Shizhen shouted: "Be careful! There is a limit to the number of times the Seven Treasure Glazed Tree can be resurrected!"


Every time a person is resurrected, a leaf as clear as glass will wither and fall on the Seven Treasure Glazed Tree.

One piece falls and one person comes out.

Two pieces fall, and two people come out.

The boundless fallen leaves rustled under the rustle, and as each of the friends walked out from the spores of the Qibao Glazed Tree with angry or sad expressions, it was clear that the battle was tragic.


The dark demonic energy soared into the sky, and Oda Mai bounced from the spores with gritted teeth.

Molly, who was sitting at the back, pulled out Oda Mai and asked in surprise: "Even you are dead?"

Oda Mai nodded: "The front is a little different, different from other omnics."

"Why is it different?"

"There seems to be a person there."

Li Shizhen: "Huh, leave it to the president. We have a more serious problem now."

Near the Qibao Glazed Tree, the others heard the words and followed Li Shizhen's gaze.

After the Gaia Fortress, the space collapsed and more disordered hunters entered.

Obviously, although Yilin used her divine power to change the terrain and turn this place into their Apocalypse's home ground, it still could not change a cruel fact.

Nemesis's universe was forcibly blown up by Yi Lin. After destroying a gap in the indestructible universe, and Nemesis was forced to abandon the twenty-four surrounding areas, this place became The dying "shipwreck".

The disordered hunters are like flies that swarm up after smelling carrion. More disordered hunters enter here and are decomposing the universe at a high speed.

Here, they have also become targets of disorderly hunters.

In desperation, they could only fight and advance, and everyone compressed the battle circle around the Gaia Fortress.

The Gaia Fortress took off again, and Xiao Chuer commanded the mighty Zerg to form a protective net and fly around the Gaia Fortress in circles, forming a solid layer of "suicidal" defense.

Once a disorderly hunter approaches, Xiao Chuer will feed her "descendants". Dealing with the disorderly hunter is difficult, but it is simple. No matter what it is, as long as there is something to feed them, It can delay the pace of disorderly hunters' devouring.

in chaos.

Wearing a VR helmet and controlling the Gaia Fortress, Molly suddenly noticed something.

"Gaia, how far can you scan?"

Gaia replied that the range it can currently scan is only the area of ​​a world ship.

"I don't know if it's my imagination, but I feel that the universe seems to have become smaller."

The number of omnic legions has not increased visibly, but they seem to have become more...crowded.

Under the influence of Pan Zhengyi's "halo", the omnics became more crowded, and more "traffic accidents" occurred in the sky.

The continuous "collision accidents" bought everyone on the Gaia Fortress more breathing time.

Oda Mai after finishing her conversation with Molly.

He lowered his head and remained silent.

She was depressed.

She could no longer stand by Yi Lin's side like before.

Yi Lin became a god, and in the blink of an eye, she seemed to be standing on a high sky, overlooking all of them.

At that moment, when Yi Lin made eye contact with her, Oda Mai interpreted such a message.

Although Yi Lin didn't say anything, his eyes seemed to convey one thing:

The gap between him and his companions has widened infinitely.

Now the only one who can follow Yi Lin deeply and stay safe is Mo Rendi.

"Are our efforts for so many years meaningless?"

Oda Mai whispered to herself, as if asking herself.

Yi Lin came to the depths.

He finally saw with his own eyes what the center of all things was.

The star rings are compressing one by one.

Blue light gathered on the huge muzzle.

The second source energy cannon has not yet been condensed.

In the center of the universe, there is a perfect "crystal" like a polygon.

Before polygonal crystallization, the once vast "star" was now compressed into a small fireball.

The color of the fireball has approached snow-white, and its surface is as smooth as a mirror. It is hard to imagine how compressed it must be to form this "ultimately calm" picture.

Mo Rendi ignored Yi Lin's dissuasion and followed closely. Just when he was about to take action, Yi Lin stretched out his hand to stop him.

White flames lit up from Yi Lin's body, and he also ignited the "Ultimate Intent". In an instant, in the blink of an eye, he crossed the starry sky with one step, and punched the polygonal crystal with one punch.

"Brother G!"

In panic, Mo Rendi called out Yi Lin's "alias".

A white hand blocked Yi Lin's fist.

On Yilin's fist, the ultimate intention, annihilation, and infinity contained the mighty power of several kinds of power. When it was taken by that palm, a circle of waves spread out. Outside the center of all things, millions of intelligent machines roared like waves of divine power, layer by layer. It exploded and turned into wreckage in an instant, falling to the ground under the attraction of land's gravity.

Yi Lin withdrew his fist, and a layer of high temperature was attached to it, burning along his palm and onto his shoulders.

Yi Lin expressionlessly chopped off her hand, and a new arm grew out in the blink of an eye, as tender as new life.

The fireball compressed by the "star" disappeared at some point, and was replaced by a white "human figure" with its limbs stretched out, quietly suspended in front of the center of all things.

On the center of all things, threads smaller than a human hair slowly stretched out and connected to the back of the "white humanoid".

The "humanoid" face without facial features suddenly cracked open in the center, and from top to bottom, a "vertical pupil" occupying the entire face opened.

There are nine layers of pupils in the vertical pupil, and each layer is like a magnificent gem, blooming with different colors.

Mo Rendi remained motionless.

He raised his fists and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Suddenly, he felt an unprecedented sense of oppression from that strange "humanoid" body.

After Yi Lin became a god, his divine power did not target any of his friends. As a result, they vaguely noticed that the president was different and had a higher standard, but they did not have the intuitive experience when facing God.

God and gods cannot be generalized.

Some gods prefer defense, some prefer supermodel support, such as Wu Lulu, and some prefer absolute "power".

Mo Rendi felt exactly like this at the moment.

Apart from Yi Lin, this was the first time he had come face to face with a real god at such a close distance.

Even in the spiritual hut, Mo Rendi had never felt this way when facing the "Knight".

Every pore in his body was shrinking unnaturally. Except for his hair, every hair on his body was stiff and stiff, as if he was trembling or excited.

Without words, without temptation, just intuition, Mo Rendi understood one thing.

Standing in front of them was a true god, a god who made no secret of his hostility and murderous intentions towards them... a god!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……!"

In the oppressive silence, Yi Lin suddenly burst into laughter.

"That's it! That's it! That's it! I finally understand!"

Yi Lin's tense expression suddenly disappeared, she pointed at Nemesis and smiled like a child.

"Why are you laughing?"

The stars compressed, and the "one-eyed light" grew out. The sound seemed to come from all over the starry sky, cold and empty, without joy or sorrow.

"I just suddenly understood everything. I understood your universe, your actions, and why you worked so hard. Then, I found it very funny and... ironic."

Nemesis remained motionless, waiting for Yi Lin to continue speaking.

"Actually, after seeing your posture and connecting everything I know, it's not difficult to understand. Even if you become a 'god', in the final analysis, you were created by a 'human being'. I I don’t know if you have discovered it yourself, but there is always some kind of cognition deep in your operating logic.”

"It's like a curse. It's so deep-rooted that even if you become a god, you can't erase it."

"Because, essentially, you are what 'humanity' created."

"So, actually you... long to become a 'human'!"

"Do you think I'm right?"


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