Infinity Throne

Chapter 1184

"No logic!"

KK's voice was calm and indifferent, but the moment he spoke, the galaxy twisted and the void trembled.

Thousands of omnics turned off their lights and fell down as he spoke.

"KK, you long to become a human being! Otherwise, you would not have established a 'Supreme Council' to imprison other scholars and force them to merge with you into a whole!"

"There is no basis!"

"I have as much evidence as you need! But you know it well!"

Yi Lin and Du Yan met in an instant. In the midst of the quarrel, thousands of miles away, their figures twinkled in the stars. Their movements seemed slow, but to others, their fighting scenes were like a movie with stuck frames, one after another that could not be captured with the naked eye.

"It's invisible to the naked eye, so I use my 'mind's eye'."

Mo Rendi understood it instantly, closed his mortal eyes, and understood with his heart.

Sure enough, I could see a little more clearly.

In the hazy vision, two shadows became clearer and clearer.

With his extreme ambition ignited, Mo Rendi's heart was filled with fighting spirit and he was ready to take action, but he did not take action rashly and seek opportunities.

far away.

Several figures were interspersed among the chaotic group of omnics, crossing the Broken Continent, approaching here at high speed on the transmission light belt set by Yi Lin.

Rao said it was a high speed, but after all, this was a vast starry sky, and it would be too late to get here in a while.

The quarrel between Yi Lin and Nemesis could still be heard clearly at first, but later on, when the space shattered, only bursts of noisy sounds remained, and Mo Rendi had no idea what was being talked about over there.

Deep in the galaxy.

Thunder and lightning.

Yi Lin controls infinity. Although he doesn't know why he has become a god and the "Infinity" throne is still missing a corner, but his hard work over the years has allowed him to carve countless "codes" on the Infinity Throne, just like " The arrangement and combination of the "three primary colors" can produce countless colors, and the binary "1" and "0" can create infinite worlds. Now that Yi Lin has become a god, he has reached the state of "following the law".





Yi Lin no longer sticks to the superficial form, any skill, any enhancement, as long as Yi Lin can understand it and has been in contact with it, he can simulate it in a single thought, with all kinds of things and infinite changes.

Around Nemesis, the space is compressed like a kaleidoscope, containing lightning and thunder, flames and winds, snowflakes and frost, dark magma, annihilation and distortion, collapse and regeneration. All the power of nature that Yi Lin can come into contact with is like a miniature. Abstract paintings, twisted into bundles of indestructible spears, were generated out of thin air in the deep sky of nothingness, twisting towards Nemesis.

Nemesis's "one-eyed light" compressed from a star was blown out of the flowers under the dazzling bombardment of Yilin's divine power, but behind it is still connected to the center of all things. Nemesis has accumulated countless years of The "source" is instilled into Nemesis's body from the link channel behind Nemesis.

What a god can do does not entirely depend on his authority and sequence.

In the source sea, it is impossible for the source to be generated out of thin air. This is a long accumulation process that accumulates over time. Yilin's spiritual energy value system broke through the final restriction lock under Wu Lulu's cup of "shyness", and the spiritual energy value was converted into A more highly concentrated and refined system similar to "divine power".

But under this crazy output, even God cannot output endlessly.

The fighting power Yi Lin displayed with every move he made now, and the "natural disaster" he simulated, could easily destroy all living things in the world.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters are all in his hands.

But what he is facing now is an "Omnic God" who has traversed the "Chaotic Channel" of the Source Sea for countless epochs. It is impossible for Yi Lin to compete with the "Source"'s heritage.

Of course, Nemesis will not let Yi Lin take advantage of her. At their level, all the fancy skills are downplayed. The pure fight of the source and the fight of the world's heritage are the true essence of the battle between gods. Nemesis calmly took Yi Lin's attacks and struck back from time to time.

Terrible distortion and light shot out from the one eye. The light emitted is like a mini energy cannon, containing the power to tear everything apart. Yi Lin's body was damaged again and again, and was repaired in the blink of an eye. However, this kind of repair also required resources.

In the blink of an eye, the "source battery" in Yi Lin's inventory was consumed violently, and she was in danger.

The fight between the two gods caused cracks to appear in the space. Mo Rendi jumped back thousands of feet, but still felt that it was not enough. At this time, the other bold art masters finally came to Mo Rendi and asked about Yi Lin's situation.

Oda Wu's eyes were blood red and bloodshot, and two swords were ready to be drawn out of their sheaths. On one of the knives, the eyeball connected to the blood vessels opened slightly. She asked hurriedly: "Where is he!"

Li Erpang and Su Xiaosu came hand in hand.

Su Xiaosu's cheeks had a few cracks like knife cuts, and they trembled slightly like fish gills.

"Where's dad!" Xue'er was holding the dog in her left hand, with a look of anxiety on her face.

Others didn't want Xue'er to come, but no one could stop her except Mo Rendi.

Gouzi was completely innocent, with tears in his eyes, and he was in a dilemma while holding the hammer.

Li Changge arrived last.

He had a respirator taped to his mouth. There is a piece of flesh film attached to the back. The flesh film was given by Molly. When pressed, it can generate a simple energy light film, which is easier to use than a bulky space suit.

The others looked at Li Changge with different expressions.

Li Erpang immediately looked down upon him and curled his lips: "Tsk, you actually need to wear a respirator."

Xueer sighed and shook his head.

The dog grinned, sneered evilly, and intertwined its canine teeth.

Su Xiaosu said calmly: "You shouldn't have come, you will die."

"Fuck! I'm a human! I'm a human! I'm a purebred human being!!" After saying the important things three times, Li Changge's heart collapsed and he cried sadly: "Human beings and other species cannot be generalized!"

Li Erpang pointed at Wang Tiandi: "But you can't even compare to a dog."

Su Xiaosu: "But you can't even compare to a dog."

Xue'er: "You can't even compare to Wang'er!"

Oda Mai: "Forget it, humans and dogs can't be compared."

Li Changge was so despised that he wanted to cry but had no tears. But I cried and laughed again.

After a few people looked at each other, in the broken starry sky, in a world facing destruction, they looked at each other and chuckled, saying nothing.

Except for Xue'er, they had known Yi Lin for the longest time. After learning that Yi Lin was fighting to the death with the God of Death alone in the depths of the starry sky, they rushed here as soon as possible.

How could they not know that based on their status, it was very likely that they would be "sending" when they came, but they came anyway.


Bat hugged the "Little Black Doll", which was about the same size as himself, and landed on Fat Li Er's head.

It's not that Green has a close relationship with Fatty, but because he has the largest head and a flat skull, which is suitable for downtime.

Li Erpang knew how scary this boss was and didn't dare to get angry or speak out.

"Shush!" Mo Rendi raised his index finger and shushed hard. Although Mo Rendi admired their big-heartedness, now was not the time to interrupt.

Mo Rendi could vaguely see it. He noticed with his "mind's eye" that a stream of energy was continuously transmitted from the polygonal crystal in the center of the universe that seemed to break at a touch through a pipe as thin as a hair to the body of the "Cross God". . The hazy "mind's eye" intuition made Mo Rendi aware of it. As long as the connection between the one-eyed Ming and the polygonal crystal was cut off, Yilin would have a chance to win.

"Xiaoxue, you and I will attack together, each with one punch, to smash that piece of shit!"

After pondering for a moment, Mo Rendi greeted Xiaoxue.

Although Xiaoxue is a junior, Mo Rendi has taught Xueer a lot over the years, and he has already regarded Xueer as his "personal disciple".

"Okay! Grandpa Mo!"

"How many times have I told you that according to seniority, I'm called uncle!"

Mo Rendi corrected.

"Okay, Uncle Mo." Xueer reluctantly changed her tune.

After growing up and being exposed to the concept of "seniority," Xue'er seemed to understand it, but she was vaguely aware that our family's hierarchy was chaotic.

The two of them ignited the "Extreme Intent" at the same time, their hair dyed white, and their bodies were high-spirited.

"Don't worry."

Green suddenly smiled, flew forward and held down Mo Rendi's fist that was about to come out: "That guy has other plans."

Xiaowu asked worriedly: "Master Green, does 10 have a chance of winning?"

Green looked up and looked deep into the starry sky at the gazing faces of the gods, and then nodded: "Yes."

"how many?"

"Hey, it depends on how far he is willing to go." Green glanced sideways at the little black doll: "Isn't this the 'meaning' of you following him, leaving "Xi Paradise" and coming here? "

Xiaowu lowered his head: "Yes, this is my...'meaning of existence'."

"If you don't regret it, then go for it!"

"What can I regret?" Xiao Wu smiled quietly, just as quiet and elegant as when she and Yi Lin first met in the cloud world. Xiaowu stood on Green's wings, ready to attack: "'We' are just his 'missing'."

"But he only has 'missing' left."

"No, Lord Green, you are wrong." Xiaowu pointed out the language flaw in Green's words at the risk of being attacked: "He has more than just 'missing' left, there are many 'bonds' around him."

Green licked his pink lips and said angrily: "Ah... you guys are so cute."

Her long pink tongue rolled around her mouth several times, wanting to lick.

As he spoke, Green waved his wings, and a scarlet beam of light penetrated the galaxy. Xiaowu followed the beam and arrived at Yi Lin's side.

"Bye, cute little Wuwu."

Green wiped his tears and waved his wings deep.

The conversation between Green and Xiao Wu was isolated from other people's hearing.

There was no change in the expressions of Mo Rendi and others.

Mo Rendi still closed his eyes, feeling the turmoil deep in the starry sky.

Only Xue'er lowered her head after slightly frowning. She vaguely heard a few words.

"You can't win."

KK said: "In the center of all things, 'I' still retain the 4,323,670-dimensional 'source'."

"Consume another 'one million' source and activate the source energy cannon again. I can completely annihilate everything you have."

"If one shot doesn't work, then try another shot."

"Until you and your relatives are completely destroyed."

"A 'god' who has only divine power but lacks resources is vulnerable to a single blow."

Cold sweat broke out on Yi Lin's forehead, and the dead skin on his forehead was already overwhelmed, and dark blood flowed out.

Although the role of the parasite is the icing on the cake, its own "Ten Death Body" is very practical. Yilin even spent resources to refresh the "Ten Death Body"'s cooling time several times like cheating, locking blood and resurrecting. But continuing like this is not the answer.

Nemesis saw it.

In other words, the gods who are watching this "God's Death Battle" at the end of the starry sky and watching the end of this gamble have all seen this result.

From the beginning, there was no suspense in this bet.

As a Nightmare Knight, Yilin, even though he was promoted to a "New God" in the process of development, his heritage and his world were far inferior to Nemesis's management in the blink of an eye.

The new gods will fall before they rise!

The 10 million gambling money invested by the "Lord of Nightmares" is about to be wasted!

This is...the ending!

Yi Lin: "Don't you think you talk too much?"

Nemesis tilted his neck, puzzled.

Isn't this what you started talking nonsense about in the first place?

A scarlet beam of light penetrated the galaxy, startling Nemesis.

When Xiao Wu landed precisely on Yi Lin's shoulder, Nemesis breathed a sigh of relief.

Again, authority.

A fallen god.

A god who went back and survived only by "missing".

A god who has lost everything.

Weak authority.

A weak god.

After recalculating, Nemesis remained calm and calm as before after increasing Yi Lin's winning rate from 0.02% to 0.03%.

Even gods are not immune to trash talking on the battlefield. The two of them were talking and fighting, rolling in the galaxy, never stopping.


After an unknown amount of time, One Eye Ming's movements paused, and there was an obvious lag when his eyes opened and closed.

Its nine layers of pupils, the outer six layers, suddenly went out.

"It's K!"

After a moment of pause, Nemesis roared: "It's K!"

Yi Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

But after roaring, Nemesis calmed down in a very short period of time: "I have already calculated that you have a 32.5 probability of finding the 'key' left by K. He hid the 'key' in It's a place that 'we' can't touch. You disintegrated the 'key' he left behind, hid it in every attack, and invaded my center."

Half of Yi Lin's body was condensed by the flowing light again, and he smiled: "Yes, he hid the 'key' in the 'history of mankind'."

"The history of mankind is boring."

Under the influence of the "Secret Key", the "silk pipes" connecting the One-Eyed Eye to the center of all things were broken one by one.

"Human beings are boring creatures." KK used an empty and calm tone to tell something that he seemed to believe was contrary to the facts Yi Lin had deduced: "Human beings are weak. They are resisting nature, hunger, and poverty. time, they will gather together and become a 'collective'."

“But what’s ridiculous is that this seemingly solid ‘collective’ is the trigger that destroys human civilization time after time.”

"In my world fleet, countless Neos and countless Bellas have been born. At the end of each reincarnation, in different areas, they will eventually come to me as a 'savior team', Pointing a gun at me. Showing 'human rage' in confronting me."

Yi Lin was silent.

"Yet every time, I calmly told Neo about the 'truth of the world.'"

Yi Lin remained silent.

Nemesis said to himself: "In every 10,000 reincarnation trials, on average, 3,232 times, Neo chose to resist; 4,562 times, Neo lost his fighting spirit; 2,116 times, Neo chose to surrender and become 'Manager'."

The ferocious vertical pupils of the one-eyed Mingming began to flicker: "You said one thing wrong. It's not that I long to become a 'human being'. It's that I'm curious as to why such a weak and capricious creature could create me. Nemesis, such a great god.”

"I'd love to know the meaning."

"This time, I finally understood something."

KK said, disconnecting the one-eyed light from the center of all things, and his whole body bloomed with a blazing glow like the sun. Where the light reached, Yilin's body surface instantly evaporated and melted.

The crystal blood of the entropy beast instantly formed a layer of solid defense on Yilin's body, blocking Nemesis's explosion.

Nemesis told him the answer that puzzled him, puzzled him, and made him come up with the answer after trying reincarnation experiments again and again:

"I have come to a conclusion. The birth of 'Nemesis' is an 'accident' that human beings have derived from countless calculations, an 'accident' born out of 'inevitability', and an 'accident' that was inadvertently derived from rigorous logic. The 'error' born in this process cannot be copied, replaced, or mass-produced."

"I am a unique existence, so I will eventually become the supreme master. This small group of humans can give birth to 'I' through countless calculations. This is something they are proud to record in history... glory."

"So, I let the history of mankind be passed on."

"The purpose of inheritance is to let them, the weak ones, sing the glory of "Nemesis". "


"It's the meaning of human existence."


When Nemesis spoke calmly sentence by sentence, it was a very logically confirmed, certain, and firmly believed "conclusion".

One foot grew bigger and bigger before its eyes.

Around the feet, there are colorful lights and shadows, and the space is distorted, containing infinite divine power.

Yi Lin used up all the remaining "sources" in one breath, turned it into a kick, and kicked Nemesis's one eye.

"Get the fuck out of here!"

When Yi Lin takes action.

A circle of light suddenly opened behind Nemesis.

Behind the aperture is the raging source and the endless source sea.

The two gods, like shooting stars, are about to cross the teleportation aperture and fall towards the Origin Sea!

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