Infinity Throne

Chapter 1187

In front of the center of all things.

In the stream of light.

A portal set up in advance opened on time after Yi Lin and Nemesis fell into the Origin Sea like meteors.

At the moment when the "Key" invaded, "Scholar K" had retreated due to "cowardice" many years ago, leaving behind a backup plan and becoming the most critical part in "blocking" Nemesis.

In a flash of light, Neil, Bella, and Neo stood side by side in front of the Center of All Things.

A platform made of flowing light rose from the bottom up. Neil, Bella, and Neo stood in front of this huge polygonal crystal.

"I remembered..."

Bella and Neo looked at each other.

"We come to it again and again as a 'savior'."

Bella burst into tears: "It mocks us, it looks down upon humans, and it believes that the meaning of human existence is just to give birth to 'it'!"

Neo nodded: "I remembered it too."

"But this is the first time we have come here, in front of the Center of All Things."

The two felt something in their hearts, looked at each other, and looked away.

They have a feeling that the moment the two of them come into contact with the Center of All Things, this world and this universe will undergo changes that have never happened before.

When things came to a close, Bella hesitated a little, and her tears seemed to be uncontrollable, falling from the corners of her eyes.

"Will we 'die'?"

Neo hesitated for a moment and finally took Bella's hand.

"Everything is illusion, the real 'us' is in the center of everything."

"But," Bella thought of her grandfather: "Will we forget everything before? Will everything we have experienced, our 'memories of reincarnations', disappear? Will the pain we have experienced never disappear? Doesn’t it make any sense in the first place?”


At this moment, Neil walked behind the two of them, separated their hands, stood in the middle, and held Neo's and Bella's hands on the left and right respectively.

"My younger brother said that he will defeat Nemesis because of the 'fire' left by your ancestors. Everything is meaningful, your experiences, their deaths, and all the pain you have experienced. It is meaningful. Even if everything is restarted, these meanings will be preserved and passed on in a unique way. L said..." Neil imitated Yi Lin's tone and said vividly: "This is human beings!"

In fact, Yi Lin never said these words.

But in Neil's mind, Yi Lin's image was very tall and majestic. After assuming her brother's perspective, she felt that his brother would say such things.

"Yes," Bella was instantly convinced. The man's words always had the power to stabilize people's hearts: "Grandpa said that everyone's life must be meaningful in this era, even if the meaning of everyone's life is this." Tiny,' but once these tiny sparks gather on a person, they will eventually burst into anger that can sting the eyes of gods."

"We will be the 'tinder' and light the fireworks."

The three of them stepped into the center of all things.

The center of all things decomposes flowing light shuttles, wrapping them inside.

They are completely enveloped in "light".

Bella and Neo were holding hands with Neil respectively, but when they stepped into the Center of All Things, Neil disappeared, leaving only the two of them, holding hands, floating in the warm light.

"So warm..."

There seems to be something at the end of the light.

Bella swam hard toward the end.

Neo is also swimming.

He followed Bella.

Gradually, a figure appeared at the end of the light.

A kind old man opened his arms to Bella.


Bella cried and threw herself at the old man.

Gradually, there were more and more people around the old man.

Everyone was smiling, and the warm sunshine fell on everyone.

Neo lowered his head and looked at his limbs.

After Bella left, Neo found that his limbs were disintegrating into pure data.


He was different from Bella from the beginning.

Bella is a "real person" and he is a "virtual person".

He was created by Nemesis and was called "Savior Neo".

When his mission is completed, he should disappear.

"Oh, bye."

After Neo was shocked, he took off his sunglasses, closed his eyes, and smiled freely.

Forever, ever, ever.

When Neil's vision returned, she was standing in a bright room.

There are computers placed in the room, and there are many old men in white coats working back and forth in the room.

Neil was stunned, and the scene in front of her was beyond her calculations.

"You're finally here, it's too late, it's too late!"

A gray-haired old man wearing gold-rimmed glasses held a high-tech light curtain in his left hand and pulled Neil with his right hand to an empty seat.

"It'll be too late!"

In the room, other old men were sitting in their respective positions, typing on the keyboard with their fingers flying.

Neil half-pushed and half-seated into the position. It was a semi-curved cockpit. When Neil sat on it, a helmet connected to countless optical cables slowly lowered and rested on Neil's head.

"I'm not……"

Neil prepared to resist.

"You are!" Before Neil could refuse, the old man interrupted Neil with a smile: "It was that timid K who brought you here through 'remedial measures'."

When Neil heard this, he suddenly understood that in K's plan, the person who was supposed to come here should be Neo.

Or Bella.

But for some reason, the person who came here turned into her.

Neil was about to argue.


The old man raised his index finger to his mouth like the Riddler, and two buttons appeared in front of Neil.

A red button and a blue button.

"Select the 'restart' mode first!"

"The red button represents the 'Clear Mode'. After pressing it, all data in the Center of All Things will be completely 'formatted'. After formatting, a brand new 'universe' will be generated, and you are this The new creator god of the universe - 'Angel of Power'."

"Of course, you can also restart the universe by pressing the blue button. But you use the 'retention mode'. You will retain all the data in the Center of All Things, but there is a drawback to doing so. Some of them may remember KK After everything has been done and the universe is on the right track, it is possible that the personal will to 'rebel God' will be born again. This is the 'instability factor' that the 'preservation mode' will bring."

Neil was stunned: "Can it only be Neil's choice?"

"Otherwise? Is it difficult for us to choose? If we choose, just choose 'clear mode', it will save trouble!"

The old man replied with a roar.

"Once you select 'Clear Mode', will everything in the Center of All Things disappear?"

Neil asked.

"Of course, but when it disappears, it actually means it is restored to its pure 'source', where a new world, new species, and new 'human beings' will be born from scratch. Everything will start again."

"Then..." Neil shook his head and pressed the blue button without thinking much.

Select "Retention Mode".

The old man was shocked: "Why did you choose 'retention mode'?"

"How bad it would be if everything was cleared. Bella, Neo, Bella's grandfather, and the people who once lived there will all be sad."

Neil answered matter-of-factly.

Snap, snap, snap.

Snap, snap, snap.

At this time.

When Neil pressed the blue button, the scholars in the room who were supposed to be immersed in their work at their respective positions stood up, looked at Neil in the cockpit, and clapped vigorously.

Some shed tears of excitement.

Some nodded happily.

Some lamented and lit a cigarette.

Their figures gradually faded in front of Neil and became illusory and uncertain.

"I know you have a lot of questions in your heart." The old man who pressed Neil into the cockpit at the beginning, somehow produced a Walkman. After pressing the play button, the tape rotated, and a pre-recorded voice began to follow. Played with the sound of "sizzling" current.

[Are you the Supreme Council? 】

【etc! Who are you! How could you...]

【Shh! I invaded secretly, I am...L, according to your understanding, I became the 'virus' of this universe. Sizzling...]

[You can actually bypass KK's defense? How outrageous this is! ! 】

[Generally, the point is not here. In the near future, I will personally pull down your ‘god’. But once this world loses its ‘god’, it will be in a land of sinking, with only ‘destruction’ left. Therefore, in order to make up for it, I will bring you a new 'god'. 】

【Do you still want to control us? 】

[No, I don’t have this idea. But verbal arguments are always so feeble. I don't have much time, Zizizi... It's up to you to decide whether to choose her or not. She is my sister, Neil, an 'intelligent being' who has truly awakened to 'humanity' and was born in this world. 】

[Wait...why? 】

[If you mean why I helped you... maybe it's because of 'empathy', I... no, we have similar experiences. 】


The recording ends.

The old man smiled: "We are extremely surprised by L's invasion."

"At first, we didn't believe it."

"Furthermore, even if KK is pulled down, we feel very resistant to letting an 'intelligent life' become our god again."

"So we secretly discussed it and decided to do a simple test in a hurry after you come."

"Choose 'control' or 'compassion'."

"Your choice made me believe his words."

"Neil, you have 'humanity'."

"If you could have been born in our time, none of this would have happened... Sigh."

inside the room.

The scholars who were imprisoned in the Center of All Things turned into streams of light and disappeared one after another.

They hugged each other, high-fived each other and laughed their goodbyes.

"Jona, maybe after the 'reset' we can have another drink."

"Brian, after the 'reset', it's time for you to stop smoking, exercise more, and drink less."

"Fart, you are the one, it's time to get married."

"After 'restarting', will the color of the sun be what I imagined? Oh, I really want to see a 'green' sun full of life."

“What’s the first thing you do after ‘restart’?”

"of course!"

"of course!"

"I want to beat K with my own hands."

"I want him to drink my foot-washing water."

"I'm going to eat and drink at his house for ten days."

"I'm going to pluck his nose hairs."

"Sister, I'm going to kill him!"

One after another old scholars disappeared.

Many years ago, in order to end the dispute between omnics and humans, they chose to give up their physical bodies and upload their consciousness.

Because of K's cowardice, the 'Nemesis Project' failed, and they became undead and have been imprisoned in the Center of All Things in the form of "data".

Now, their disappearance is a kind of relief. They have lost their "eternal life", but they can truly live again as "human beings".




at last.

The old man with glasses standing in front of Neil took advantage of the others to disappear and sneaked closer: "The great god Neil, after restarting, can he make this old man the richest man in the world for once? Oh, by the way, my name is Steve Jobs."

Neil was stunned again. The old man didn't wait for Neil's answer, shook his head and disappeared, but the smile on his face didn't look like "regret" or "annoyance".

"Acridine~another little god is born."

Green, who didn't mind watching the excitement, stared happily at the changes in the center of all things.

What happens inside Neil, Bella, and Neo cannot be seen by the outside world.

But after the three Neils entered, in just a blink of an eye, countless streams of light intertwined and rebuilt into a graceful figure.

Rays of light converged into a human form, and Neil stepped out of the light. The light solidified and turned into a body-hugging sexy armor.

The armor seemed to be just for decoration and had little defensive effect. It was stuck on piece by piece, barely covering key parts.

Circles of halo bloomed behind Neil. The moment she opened her eyes, the last halo fell above her head, and six pairs of light wings composed entirely of light trembled and spread toward the starry sky.

To become a god, it is easy to say, but not simple.

It's difficult to say, but it's actually not difficult either.

The true God is "authority", "divinity", and "divine power", which reaches its peak and is the comprehensive existence of the trinity.

Of course, there are also unorthodox "gods" who, under various opportunities, possess only a mere amount of divine power but have not condensed it into "authority" or "divine nature".

Green said that this kind of unreasonable spirit would be broken into pieces every time, but for Neil, his starting point was much higher than that of other creatures.

She is equivalent to occupying the magpie's nest after Nemesis was knocked out of the Origin Sea, plundering everything Nemesis accumulated, and suddenly became the god of this broken world.

"Angel Neil"!

Source in the sea.

One by one, the "missing entities" stood side by side with Yi Lin.

"Just in time!"

Yi Lin noticed that far away, Neil, who had a "reason" connection with him, had undergone earth-shaking changes in his aura, and nodded with joy.


My sister has achieved transcendence.

Nemesis stirred in the source sea, slapping Yilin and his thoughts.

Gilgamesh, Hermelos, Jian Nanchun, Chen Bei, Nie Shanhe and other swordsmen raised their swords at the same time.

The space was split, and different sword lights met, but in an instant, they were smashed to pieces by Nemesis' palm.

Under the cover of the remembrance bodies, Yi Lin came to Nemesis as if teleporting. The data flow changed, and her figure skyrocketed. Like an unparalleled ferocious beast, she bit Nemesis with a ferocious mouth. .

The moment Nemesis was bitten by the "Lin Beast", he felt the energy accumulated in his body drain away faster.

Among them, it is not just the decomposition of the source sea, this "monster" sipping on itself is also absorbing the "source" in its divine body!


The situation was changing rapidly, Yi Lin thought, and Molly, who was far away, noticed that someone was giving instructions to "Gaia" remotely.

The thick "escape channel" runs through the galaxy and extends to the end of the starry sky.

At the end of the passage, Mo Rendi and others saw a vast god being surrounded by a group of remembrancers and Yi Lin. The battle was fierce.

Mo Rendi was about to rush into the passage.

Other friends are also ready to make a move.

Green kindly reminded: "Don't go wandering around. There is a sea of ​​​​sources. Nemesis has sources to consume. It can carry it for a while. If you go in without any precautions, it will be broken down into slag in an instant... No, there won’t be any scum left. Everyone will forget you, and even the traces of your ‘existence’ will be eaten clean. Once you go, you will never come back! Don’t give it away in vain! What a waste!” Green licked his mouth.

The escape tunnel instantly enveloped Nemesis, Yilin, and the missing people.

In the stream of light, gods and gods bite and roll, flesh and blood flying.

At the end of the escape tunnel, I don’t know where it leads.


Yi Lin roared and gave instructions to her sister beyond the galaxy.

"younger brother!"

"I said, fire! Trust me!"

Behind Neil, circles of star rings began to gather. She remained silent, activated the star rings, and activated the source energy cannon.

The huge cannon barrel was highly compressed and condensed into a huge cannon in Neil's hand. She closed her eyes and couldn't bear to see this scene. But before firing, she still opened her eyes hard to fully charge the power of this energy cannon.

The muzzle light is highly condensed, like a star, shining like a star in the deep sky.

Neil aimed at the escape tunnel of "Xi Paradise" and blasted out!

Pure energy almost filled the entire passage. The two gods biting each other, under the stimulation of the source energy cannon, were like plugs stuck in a high-pressure water pipe. When the water flow was clear, they blinked in the blink of an eye. , was rushed away!

Molly regained control of the Gaia Fortress, and her voice was urgent and angry through the loudspeaker: "Doesn't Hun Dan want to die together with the God of Death? It's not necessary!!!"

Green first licked his own down, smoothed the hair, and explained slowly: "If I guessed correctly, this should be 'Xi''s plan. The four 'chains' locked on the rudder, each one represents He has obtained part of the authority of a master. If you want to forcefully break through it, you can only use the authority of a righteous god to have a head-on conflict. That kid probably wants to take this opportunity to fight back! The chance only lasts a moment. , a moment, a thought, when 'they' notice it, it will be too late before making arrangements!"

"But," Green smiled, with a hint of sigh and melancholy in his tone: "Forget about my one, how can you get enough for four?"

Green didn't finish his words.


Oda Mai took the lead and rushed into the escape tunnel.

Mo Rendi was stunned for a moment, then laughed three times and walked away.

Li Erpang muttered in confusion: "You'll never come back! That's it!"

"It's time for me to show up." Li Changge, who had been playing soy sauce all this time, smiled and wielded his sword, flying towards the passage, like a shooting star that would never look back, the light gathered above his head, and in an instant, he seemed to have stolen everyone's limelight. , became the protagonist of this world.

Li Erpang, who was thinking casually, suddenly became quiet.

On the Gaia Fortress, Xiao Chuer, Meng Chaoqiang, Li Shizhen, and the surviving Shence Army learned that the president was going to kill them all back home.

All kinds of experiences came to mind again.

If it fails this time, maybe...maybe there really will be no "future".

A mere god!

Damn God!

Damn it!

Li Changge's ability ignited everyone's emotions and blood in an instant.

Mo Rendi and Xue'er's bodies ignited with white light, like two gods of war.

Pan Zhengyi suddenly laughed strangely.

His voice was particularly penetrating, and he was smiling. Others listened quietly, as if waiting for instructions from the leader.

Pan Zhengyi is holding a stick and his hair is dancing like a devil. Seeing Pan Zhengyi in the spotlight, he smiled and asked, "What if you never come back?"

Others understand instantly.

All with a knowing smile.

"That's it,"

“You’ll never come back!!!”

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