Infinity Throne

Chapter 1188

The source energy cannon fired by Neil filled the escape tunnel in an instant.

Yi Lin, who was fighting with Nemesis so hard that you and I couldn't tell each other apart, bit Nemesis tightly when Neil's source energy bombardment came, and the two of them were pushed away.

At the end of the escape tunnel,

It’s Xi Paradise! !

The bodies of Yi Lin and Nemesis were destroyed in an instant.

But both of them are gods, and the existence of "body" is close to "form". As the two true gods who are a trinity of "authority", "divinity" and "divine power", at the moment when the body is destroyed, they are also constantly building new ones. of usable body.

In the escape passage, the concept of "distance" has long been lost, and the light flies behind the two gods.

The explosion of the universe, the fall of dust, the birth of microorganisms, the evolution of mammalian life, the demise of ancient creatures under the mass extinction, humans stand up, pick up flames, humans are worshiping gods...

All kinds of strange pictures flew through the passage. As they were regressing, the flickering pictures seemed to be playing the evolution of a "world".

Under the cover of the escape tunnel, it was equivalent to a "safe zone" that separated them from the Source Sea. This was originally a beneficial thing for Nemesis, but Nemesis never expected that Yilin would be like this. Pin, actually used its source energy to bombard himself, as if they were both going to die together.

Up to this point, Nemesis still didn't know that Yi Lin's plan had even taken the opportunity to take away its "center of all things".

The situation is over!

Nemesis intentionally shot out a ray of light that penetrated Yi Lin's ferocious head.

Yi Lin soon grew a new head.

"You don't deserve to be a god."

Nemesis's tone was trembling slightly: "As a god, you should aim to become the 'master' and chase the 'end'."

It starts talking about "dreams" with Yi Rin.

As if asking "What is your dream?"

Yilin ignored it. As she reorganized her body again and again, Yilin could no longer feel pain or pain.


Halfway through.

Nemesis opened his hands and grabbed the space on both sides.

The invisible space in the passage suddenly seemed to turn into two "tight pieces of cloth", held in Nemesis's hands.

The falling speed of the two gods slowed down.

"You can't win." Nemesis saw that "talking about dreams" could not make Yi Lin change his mind: "In the end, you will just look back in vain."

"Human beings are a small creature, a creature that can be 'copied', 'created', and 'set' without limit. Now that you have become a god, you should understand a truth. I cannot understand what you are doing. .”

It started to make sense.

“Man, in the eyes of God, there are as many as he wants.”

It continues to make sense.

The recovery speed of the two bodies is getting slower and slower.

The bodies of the two became increasingly blurry.

Gradually, Nemesis could no longer maintain the "one-eyed vision" posture. In the tattered body, a steel-like red and black "spherical" authority was exposed.


Yi Rin smiled.

He himself felt that this smile was very kind and free.

But in Nemesis's eyes, Yi Lin was like an avenger from hell, with a terrifying and ferocious smile, full of resentment.

Inside the hub, the Infinite Throne suddenly glowed brightly, and countless chains branched out from the throne and burst into the lake.

A huge whirlpool appeared on the lake.

The attack directly from the "throne" passed through the node between the hub and the outside world, protruding from Yilin's back, locking Nemesis's "authority" that was finally exposed.

Suddenly, Nemesis finally understood what Yi Lin wanted to do.

Yi Lin is greedy for its power!


Authority is the foundation of a true god, just like a god’s ID card. Only a god with authority can have the right to speak in the source sea.

Authority is like the "primordial spirit" of the monks in the novels about cultivating immortals. Authority is immortal and the gods are immortal.

Authority is like the COA certificate of a product, which is unique, high-end, anti-counterfeiting, and formal.

"We... can negotiate a deal."

Nemesis held the space with both hands, refusing to fall down.

At this moment, it was like a puppy that had fallen into the toilet and was about to be washed away by the rushing water. It was holding on to the side of the toilet with both hands, helpless and weak.

During the fight in the Source Sea, Yi Lin relied on the convenience of the Entropy Beast to fight with it, and the Source in Nemesis's body was almost consumed by the fight. The energy cannon fired by Neil after taking away the "Center of All Things" and becoming an "Energy Angel" was like the penultimate straw that overwhelmed Nemesis, both physically and mentally. I understand one thing deeply:

The situation... is over!

It's now meat on the chopping block!

Its authority is now being tightly controlled by Yi Lin!

As a "perfect life form" born in an "accident", it felt the approach of "death" for the first time!

Behind Yi Lin.

Seeing that Yi Lin and Nemesis were stalemate again, all the missing people madly used their swords, punches, circles, and kicks, pressing down on Nemesis's divine body that was about to collapse.

Nemesis fell, and fell, and fell.



Nemesis let go of his hands, fell some distance, and pressed his back against a solid board.

"Chopping board?"

Such a ridiculous idea suddenly flashed through Nemesis's mind.

Yi Lin held on to Nemesis tightly. By this time, he had nothing to talk about with the God of Death. They had a life-or-death relationship.

He knew very well that behind Nemesis, there was what was blocked by the four masters... Xi Paradise!

That barrier!

By this point, Yi Lin had exhausted almost everything he could.

His mental, spiritual, and physical abilities were almost exhausted.

Squeezed dry.

Nemesis felt death coming. Before he died, his whole body flashed with light, smashing the missing bodies to pieces, and then pushed Yilin back bit by bit.

The two powers collided in the escape passage, and the space cracked with textures. The escape passage could not withstand the terrifying power of the collision of the two gods' powers.

"You can't win! You can't win! You can't win!"

Nemesis was like a cornered heifer, ready to fight to the death.


Yi Lin, who had a toothy grin and a kind smile, suddenly relaxed.

"Teacher Nie,"

Yi Lin said in a deep and profound tone.


"I admit that human beings have their limits. However, I never think that human beings are weak beings."

Suddenly, Yi Lin's whole body ignited with white flames.

That pure whiteness and those pale eyes made Nemesis feel extremely frightened.

Yi Lin's posture at this moment made her inadvertently think of a certain white being.

In the escape tunnel.

Behind Yi Lin.

Mo Rendi, Oda Wu, Wang Tiandi, Pan Zhengyi, Li Changge, Li Erpang, Su Xiaosu and others.

The huge fortress of Gaia.

They were frantically following the escape route, chasing Yi Lin.

In front of them, there were two gods fighting together, their bodies almost broken into data streams.

Mo Rendi, Oda Wu, and Wang Tiandi rushed out of the fortress with determined expressions.

The moment they rushed out of the fortress, they were also covered with a scarlet energy gauze, allowing them to move freely in the aftermath of the raging source energy cannon.

In the fortress.

Green laughed wildly and put his hands on his hips.

Yi Lin also smiled at the same time.

Green: "This is human beings!"

Yi Lin: "This is human beings!"

Mo Rendi took a step forward, and on the seventh step, he bit his finger fiercely, violent steam erupted from his body, his body turned into a giant, and he punched Nemesis.

Oda Wu wielded two swords, and suddenly a smile appeared on her face. The brilliant light on the sword disappeared, leaving only a dull sword light: "Go back, Rin."

The dog and the fat man looked at each other, understanding and reaching a consensus.

"Dog! Let's use a trick!"


They seemed to be back under the sea of ​​clouds. After looking at each other, the two of them made strange postures, their figures overlapped, the light flickered, and they merged together.

A slightly fat kobold appears!

"I'm not fat Li Er,"

"It's not Emperor Wang Tian,"

"I'm the one who wants to defeat you!"

"If you insist on giving me a name,"

"I am the strongest fusion warrior...the Fat Emperor!"

The kobold smiled evilly, opened his mouth and bit Nemesis' thick neck.

Molly was in the fortress. Looking at this gesture, Yi Lin felt distressed and angry. With tears streaming down her face, she released countless mechas and pressed on Nemesis like locusts.

"Don't bully my dad!"

Xue'er raised her fist high and punched it down, directly punching a big hole in Nemesis's body.

After smashing her pink fists, Xue'er turned around suddenly and saw a beautiful figure standing aside with a smile in the light. The woman's appearance was 90% similar to hers, and she remained silent.


Xue'er left the dying Nemesis and threw herself into Xia Ruxue's arms.

At this last moment, mother and daughter crossed the barriers of time and space, reunited again, and embraced each other tightly.

"Go, help daddy kill that bad guy."

Xia Ruxue wiped away her tears. After many years, she once again hugged her daughter in a "missing body" gesture.

"Okay mother!"

During the fight, the sky where Li Changge stood was like a small, quiet world, and his painting style was incompatible with the others. He was seen holding his sword high with a stern look on his face.


Li Changge, with eyes like lightning and hair as long as a sword, who usually only has a few seconds to be awesome, has put all he has learned and realized in this life here.

For a moment, Li Changge even felt that in his life, all his sufferings and all his strength were just for these three seconds.

Three seconds!

That's enough!

After lowering his head and thinking for a moment, Li Changge showed his teeth, smiling like a young man who had just left the village.

"I have a great sword that can cut through the sun, moon and stars. I can rule over eternity and kill gods!"

"This is it,"

"Kill gods with one sword!"

"Ninety-nine swords!"

Swish swish swish.

Li Changge pointed like a sword and moved mysteriously in front of him. In the distance, Nemesis' divine body was suddenly cut open, leaving only the small piece in the middle that wrapped the authority.

Three seconds later, Li Changge slumped and fell towards Gaia Fortress.

Xu Anjing caught Li Changge, wiped the blood that spilled from the corner of the big star's mouth distressedly, and complained: "You are too short-lived, only three seconds!"

Being hugged by the fragrant cumin elf, Li Changge, who should have been happy, opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

The whole army of Gaia Fortress assaulted.

Next to Green, a small red shadow appeared silently.

It looks like a red sunny doll, with a small head full of sorrow.

"Ah, why are you here!"

Meng Chaoqiang, who was good at defense, had no idea what to do. His eyes quickly moved around to alert him. As soon as he saw the Sunny Baby, Meng Chaoqiang recognized it. It was the "Crimson Tamer" who had given him a lot of help during his solo development. ”.

When he saw Meng Chaoqiang, the crimson beast tamer shuddered, turned his head away, pretended not to see him, and talked to Green on his own.

"Does this not count as cheating, sir?"

The Crimson Tamer asked with a grimace.

"What about cheating?" Green used his wings to pick his ears, his face full of disdain: "Do they have evidence?"

"They never use evidence when doing things!"

"What a coincidence, I won't tell you either."

"My lord is confused!"

"Huh? Who did you call stupid just now?"

"...little confused!"

The Crimson Tamer immediately dodged.

But it could see that Lord Green was determined to intervene.

It quickly reported the incident to the entire troupe.

Pass it on!

The great Lord of Nightmares, Lord Green, licked the bottle and revealed his true feelings! !

This is a "big event" that is enough to stir up the entire upper source sea!

While the battle was going on here, the story of "Green's bottle licking addiction" spread throughout every corner of the Origin Sea, shocking the gods.


Seeing that the Crimson Beast Tamer ignored him, Meng Chaoqiang didn't ask for trouble. He sat down, watched the vibrations in the air, and let out hearty laughter from time to time.

Smiling, his body cracked and solid pieces fell off.

When fighting against the omnic army, no one noticed that it was Meng Chaoqiang who blocked most of the cannonballs alone.

Li Shizhen carefully picked up the fragments on the ground and tried to put them back on Meng Chaoqiang, but failed.

"You know? Azhen," Meng Chaoqiang said with a smile: "I don't know why, from the beginning, I didn't think we would lose."

"I don't think so either."

"God, that's a god. To be honest, seeing a god being beaten like this with my own eyes, I think it's normal." Meng Chaoqiang coughed, and more fragments fell from his body. He grinned and said, "If I can When we go back, I, Lao Meng, can have bragging rights with them! I also participated in the Battle of God Slaughter!"

Li Shizhen rubbed her eyes: "Aqiang, let's get married when we get back."

Aqiang: "It seems a bit unlucky to say this now."

"I don't care! I'm going to say it!"

"Okay, get married! I, Meng Chaoqiang, am married!"





Everyone in the Apocalypse Guild attacked the gods crazily.

Nemesis was so fragile that only a piece of authority was left, attached to a barrier.

Now, the "human beings" who have always been despised by Nemesis, their final burst of output is the "last straw".


Hammering, hammering, the barrier cracked to a point.

The missing people had already stopped and looked at the humans who were crazy about the Hammer God with relief.

Xia Ruxue: "My husband is so handsome."

Aden stood together with several deans, Hermelos, and the missing people from Xiaowu's side.

"Xiao He, have you ever thought that we would be lucky enough to see this scene?"

Xiao He shook his head with a sullen face: "Don't forget, we just 'miss' you."

"That's enough...that's enough."

far away.

Gilgamesh's figure gradually faded.

Like a ghost.

He stared intently at the barrier behind Nemesis.

He knew that behind the barrier was the "paradise" he longed for.

"never mind."

Gilgamesh suddenly turned around and sneered: "I hate this feeling of reunion the most."


The barrier finally cracks!

A dazzling light penetrates the eternal night!

The aftermath of the source energy cannon wrapped around Nemesis's authority and Yilin's authority, and broke into Xile Garden.

At the end of the light, a space actively opens.

In the small space, there is Xi'er tied up like a turtle shell, and the "rudder" with four chains of different colors wrapped around it.

Xi'er raised her head, showing a complicated smile, as if looking through time and space, looking here.

A moment.

The world seemed to be still, and there was no sound in Yi Lin's ears or the ears of her friends.

call out--

The chains separated from Yi Lin's authority tightly locked Nemesis's "omnic". In an instant, it broke through the eternal night and slapped Nemesis' authority on the rudder.

A bright light tore through the eternal night, reflecting on the land where the war was spreading.

Everyone on the earth raised their heads in unison and looked at this long-lost light.


On the rudder,

The "omnic" collided with the green chain.

There are no gorgeous light effects, no sound, and no vibration.

Just like a chemical reaction caused by two completely different substances, the "OMIC" authority and the chain collided at the moment.

The green chain...


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