Infinity Throne

Chapter 1189 Infinite Paradox

Haiting City.

On the ruins.

A beam of light illuminates the sky.

Yongye was violently torn apart by that blue glow, and a big hole was opened!

The moment Li Kai, who had gray hair on his temples, saw the beam of light and a big hole opened in the sky, he first stared in shock, and then he seemed to be out of breath and burst into laughter that even he himself couldn't control.


"The president said,"

"He said that their battle was just the 'beginning'. For us, it will be a long 'tug of war.' He told us not to get involved in this battle. Suppress anger, stay calm, and preserve our strength. No matter how great it is, Suffering, pain, sadness, we all have to find a way to survive in this long 'eternal night',"

"We will be hiding, waiting, dormant."

"Waiting for him to return with 'hope'."


"Until dawn."

The entire Haiting City resident.

Or on the battlefield with the Famine Knights.

All members of Tianqi Guild,

They all looked at the light stupidly.

That beam of light penetrated the horizon, penetrated into the ripples, and disappeared.

Li Kai suddenly,

Flying high into the sky, he opened his mouth wide and breathed, breathed, breathed.

The Apocalypse Guild raised its head and looked at Li Kai, who had aged more than ten years in five years. The once elegant Confucian scholar Li Kai was now haggard and sick.


Dead silence.


They seemed to notice something.

But I dare not say it.

There was silence for a full ten seconds. At this moment, the world seemed to exist for the Apocalypse Guild and the others.

Li Kai raised his right fist hard and raised it high above his head.

A man doesn't shed tears easily, not to mention that he has persisted in the style for five years. But at this moment, Li Kai was crying and laughing, raising his fists high, shouting in the guild channel, to the whole world, and at the same time.

Four short words, sonorous and powerful, convey the bitterness of five years.

"Dawn is coming!!!"

Behind the Famine Knight.

The green sea of ​​decay recedes like a tide.

The moment the green chain broke, the Famine Knight suddenly felt that some kind of force that had been supporting him suddenly collapsed.

His whole body went limp and he almost lost his balance.


The Famine Knight looked desperately to somewhere in the sky, but there was nothing there.

Mirien made several ups and downs before breaking into the tight siege and raising the pitch-black holy sword towards the smelly, nameless old black man.


The dark light condensed into a beam, shooting towards Lao Hei like artillery fire.

The shadow of death hangs over my heart.

Before the black sword light came to kill, the Famine Knight felt something in his heart and shouted with all his strength: "I am——"

call out!

The dark sword light drowned everything including the nameless old black man.

The black energy pulled out a ravine of tens of kilometers on the surface, spanning mountains, rivers, and splitting everything in half.

The ferocious ravine was burning with black flames.

Among them, there is no unpleasant smell.

Mirien raised her head and looked at the sky.

The green "famine star" clicked and went out!

Miriam took a long breath, swung the sword and put it into its sheath with a snap.

Covered by blond hair, the blood-red eyes on his forehead closed again.

Miriam recalled Lao Hei's cry before she died and scratched her head in confusion: "Did he just want to curse someone?"


Xi'er, who was tied into a tortoise-shell shape, had one of the chains on her body broken and loosened a little.

"You're back."

Xi'er smiled with a deep smile, but her eyes were full of guilt: "Actually, I hope you come back, but I don't want you to come back."

"I was born here."

Xiao Wu's thoughts floated out from behind Yi Lin: "Xi!"


Xier's eyes were filled with tears.

The two new goddesses who used to cross the chaotic waterway, now they see each other, their eyes are filled with tears.

As they looked at each other, a subtle atmosphere spread between the two goddesses.

"Sorry, Nozomi."

Without any extra words, Xiaowu's "sorry" already contained the meaning of "goodbye" and he hit the rudder of the ship.

Yi Lin grabbed Xiaowu's hind legs and pulled her back.

Xiaowu: "?"

"Will they disappear?"

Yi Lin refers to the missing people.

"We all miss you, and our missing will never disappear, but," Xiaowu said softly, "We will never meet in this way again, until a new 'missing' authority is born."

"Then wait."

Yi Lin seized the moment and flicked her fingers, and a few rays of light and shadow fell down and condensed into human figures.

They are Hua Niang, Chu Chu, Ju'er, Miao Miao, Niu You, and Gou Ge, all the ancestors of the demon clan.

The cockpit suddenly seemed a bit crowded.

The tall butter subconsciously rubbed his neck for fear of damaging his brain.

Brother Gou folded his arms coolly, as if he was keeping strangers away.

Miao Miao, Ju'er, Chu Chu, Yao'er who accompanied Xia Ruxue and Yi Lin in the past, called "Young Master" earnestly.

The demon clan ancestors gave Yi Lin a happy smile.

Before leaving, take one more look.

"You," Hua Niang didn't ask any further questions. She stepped forward and poked Yi Lin's forehead: "Why don't you let me help beat up that chip?"

Yi Lin was full of energy, and she suddenly disappeared in front of her only mother in many reincarnations. Yi Lin, who was a little embarrassed at this moment, was like a naughty kid who was caught by his parents after stealing candy and was ready to beat him up. He explained a little embarrassedly: "You are the elder after all."

"If the elders can't do it, then the wife can beat them up, right?" Hua Niang was angry and funny, and the smile and reluctance in her eyebrows became deeper and deeper.

"That's different. We ask husband and wife to be of the same mind, and it will break through metal."

"Taiyi, you are the only one with a sharp tongue!" Hua Niang rubbed Yi Lin's hair. She lowered her head and looked at Yi Lin's body, which was half empty and half real, beaten into fluid. As Yi Lin's "missing body", she knew what Yi Lin had experienced over the years, and fished and fished in Yi Lin's body with distress. , the movements are exactly the same as Xia Ruxue: "Are you tired?"

"Not tired." Yi Lin shook his head: "Not even tired."

"Remember to take care of the baby."

Yi Lin nodded.

"Don't keep thinking about mother and Xue'er's death anniversary. We are fine."

Yi Lin nodded vigorously.

"Look forward, there will be no resurrection, don't look back."

Yi Lin was stunned.

"Don't look back." Hua Niang hugged Yi Lin, her long eyelashes trembling: "Don't look back."

Yi Lin nodded again and closed his eyes: "I'm sorry, I couldn't save you."

"Silly boy."

Seeing them hugging each other, Xiao Wu smiled slightly and bumped against the rudder.

She was aiming at the red one. The power of "missing" manifested itself in the center of Xiaowu's eyebrows, and with a bang, she knocked the red chain into dust in the void!

The War Lord's chains... are broken!

Xiaowu's figure gradually disappeared into the room.

At the moment when the authority of "missing" is broken.

at the same time.

A Deng and other five old scholars from the College of Engineers raised their swords and crutches high and disappeared.

Homeros nodded lightly, turned around and walked towards the void, fading step by step, and finally disappeared.

Gilgamesh didn't want to suffer the pain of "reunion", but he still couldn't help but sneak up to the cockpit with his head held high, sneak through the big hole, and take a look at Xi'er.

"Bye, Jill."

Ciel nodded to Gilgamesh.


Gilgamesh turned his head, snorted arrogantly, and turned the back of his head towards Xi'er, but when he turned his back, a cool smile appeared on her face, turning into golden spots of light.

"I don't have much chance to appear." The Supreme Mage looked annoyed. He always felt that he was at a loss today. He was feeling weak and had nowhere to express his abilities. He was a little weak, so he left.

far away.

Xia Ruxue and "Xia Ruxue" hugged each other, and mother and daughter hugged each other to say goodbye.

"You and mother look so much alike."

"Dad said so too!"

"How about," Xia Ruxue's figure gradually faded. She looked back at the tall back, lowered her head and said, "I'll find an aunt for you when you have time."

Xueer blinked in confusion: "Aren't there quite a few?" She began to count the elders on her fingers: "Aunt Molly, Aunt Xiaowu, Aunt Miriam, Aunt Xiaoxi, Aunt Xiaowu, Aunt Xiaobai , Aunt Mei, Aunt Hong, Aunt Ruth..." After counting back and forth several times, her fingers almost ran out, Xueer slapped her forehead and added: "And Sister Green!"


Xia Ruxue was about to raise her fists to cause trouble for her husband, but when she thought about it carefully, she couldn't help but laugh.

She knew her husband's temperament, a pure and honest man, and he and she had to wait three lives to get together. Her husband was so capable, so she didn't have to worry so much.

The missing bodies disappeared one after another.

Chen Bei drank, laughed and scolded Lin Yi for a few words, then joined hands with Shi Huayan, kissed each other, and enjoyed the last moments.

Jian Nanchun dances with the sword, the dance becomes lighter and lighter, and finally the sword points to the direction.

Ye Liangchen waved a bunch of fairy grass and said goodbye.

Hua Wuyu hugged a stove and shouted, "Don't even think about Lin Yi's evil beast."

The black and white sheep held the chess pieces in their hands and sighed that they could not play another game.

One by one they disappear, goodbye, never to be seen again.

Finally, Yi Lin looked at Xia Ruxue.

Xia Ruxue waved her fists and smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth.

The two of them didn't say much. Silence was better than sound at this moment.

"I originally," Xi'er lowered her head, "guessed that Lord Green would cut off one for you."

Two of the chains on Xiao Xi and the rudder have been broken.

There are three left.

One of them was dropped by the Lord of Nightmares.

As soon as she finished speaking, the root that represented the "Lord of Nightmares" was cut off on its own initiative, as if she heard Xiao Xi's words.

Xiao Xi smiled and said: "She can only help here after all."

Yi Lin was silent. He raised his hand calmly, and the highly condensed "infinity" kept spinning on his fingertips.


Xiao Xi struggled hard: "Let's go!"

Yi Lin looked at Xiao Xi, surprised.

"You are protected by Lord Green, and you have joined the 'Nightmare Troupe'. In this dispute, you will be safe and sound."

"I said this was the last time, but in the end, I didn't want to see 'this time'."

Yi Lin looked at Xi'er who was crying pitifully, and stepped forward to wipe away the goddess's tears.

"Don't forget, you are God."

Yi Lin looked at the "infinity" spinning in her palms with some reluctance.

There's a corner missing.

He never knew what part was missing.

He absorbed knowledge everywhere, greedily explored in the ocean of knowledge, and integrated all the knowledge that could be accommodated, always, always, always, always missing a corner.

Yi Lin still doesn't know what that corner represents.

What's wrong with him?

Even though he became a god in one fell swoop with Wu Lulu's push, he still didn't know what was the difference between him and the other gods.

"Have you thought it through?"

Yi Lin asked: "Are you sure... this is the last time? I mean, the last puzzle."

Xiao Xi promised: "This is really the last time."

After saying that, Xiao Xi took out the "Paradise", slapped it at the rudder, and aimed at the silver chain.

"Xiao Xi, actually you are wrong."

Yilin smiled and threw "Infinity" towards the rudder: "I am not a mistake born in "Xi Paradise". "

Two lights of authority of different colors intertwined and collided with silver and gray-black chains respectively.

At this time, Yi Lin said something that "Riddle Xi" didn't expect.

In Xiao Xi's astonishment.

Yi Lin said calmly:

"In these years of experience, especially the friendly exchanges with Teacher Nie, I have vaguely noticed one thing."

"Perhaps I am not an 'accident' born from countless time artifacts."

"Is there a possibility,"

"Am I an 'accident' born from the 'infinite loop' of this 'origin sea', and 'accidentally' fell into the 'Xi Paradise'? "

"Is that corner a 'blank' that can never be filled?"

"Perhaps, this is 'infinity'."

"Never ending, never ending."

"It's a paradox."

“From the beginning, ‘infinity’ should not have given birth to ‘authority’. "

"So, why is this?"

"If you move forward, you will always be one step away from finding the answer. I think the answer may not be 'in front', but 'in place'."



The silver and gray-black chains are broken!

Yi Lin smashed into pieces the "Infinite" that had been worked hard for many years but was still missing a corner, but there was no trace of distress on her face, but rather a sense of relief that all the hard work had come to an end.

"I'm looking forward to the answer."

The chains broke one after another.

The first thing to stop is "famine".

The moment the "famine" locked to the rudder broke.

African continent.

There is no trace of life left.

The place is full of devastation, with rotting corpses lying everywhere.

The rot crows, with half of their bodies exposed, ate the corpses in the wilderness, flew into the sky, and died completely while flying.

This place has become a dead place.

In the center of the dead land, a tall, dark green tower, representing the power of "famine", suddenly sank to the ground when the chain broke.

No one knew how high the tower was or where it led.

But at this moment, this tower of famine sank!



The sunken Tower of Famine disappeared in an instant, leaving only an empty pit and desolation that no one could appreciate.

at the same time.

Asian continent.

Tower of death.

Continental Europe.

Tower of War.

American continent.

Tower of Conquest.

The "four towers" that have descended since 2111 have collapsed and sunk into the abyss today, in the "5th year of the Apocalypse Calendar".

Haiting City.

On the battlefield.

First, she killed the unknown black man Mirien with a sword, and then she was about to raise her sword and kill him elsewhere.

As soon as she took two steps, she was shocked and froze in place.

Miriam looked back in shock. High in the sky, the "War Legion" that once belonged to her army but that she hated so much, turned into black and red smoke bit by bit, turned into clouds, and dissipated in the mid-air.

There was a burning pain on her forehead, and Mirien felt that the voice that had been whispering in her ears suddenly disappeared.

It is quite now.

It's quiet.

Feeling comfortable.

Miriam pulled out the holy sword in disbelief. The black air on the holy sword faded away, glowing with golden brilliance again.

Using the sword's edge as a mirror, she carefully lifted her blond hair from her forehead with her trembling gauntlet.

That ugly eyeball... fell to his feet with a bang, withered and lost its color.

The next moment, Miriam frantically stepped on the withered eyeball one after another, stomping to death.

Stepping on and off, Miriam's legs softened, and she knelt on the ground, raising her jaw weakly, letting the beams of light that had not been seen for five years shine warmly on her face.


The visor cracked, revealing Mirien's pale face.

It was a tired girl whose smile had disappeared for five years.

"Rin...oooooo! Wow-Rin! Rin! Rin!"

Miriam cried freely, like a weak girl.

"I'm back."

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