Infinity Throne

Chapter 199

This is the "devil's song" that Ruth once sang in the cabin!

That legendary song may bring bad luck even if it is sung!

——Although after Ruth sang, nothing happened.

But since Yi Lin entered this trial, only Ruth had the courage to mention the word "Demon King". This shows what the Demon King's status is in this world.

The Demon King... what kind of monster is he?

To the apostle, all red names are strange.

As long as there are health points, there are ways to be killed.

Although the third main mission has not yet appeared, Yi Lin has a feeling that the next experience in this world must be related to the legendary "Demon King".

Alice's ballad is finally finished.

Yi Lin saw Alice open her mouth again.

Another "Yoh!" sound.

Alice seemed to be unfinished, and when she was about to sing again, Yilin stopped Alice in time.

Although the Queen did not encounter the legendary "Devil" after Ruth finished singing the song of the Demon King, Yi Lin always remembered that this was a world with a "curse". No matter how lucky she was, Alice could not help singing it over and over again.

To be on the safe side, Yi Lin decided not to mention anything about the "Demon King" too much for the time being before getting more information about the "Demon King".

And that song.

Alice: "..."

She did have some unfinished thoughts at first.

No one has heard her sing for a long time.

But under Yi Lin's threatening eyes, Alice decisively gave up this tempting idea.

It was almost as if everyone was on the same page and didn't say the taboo name.

All for safety.

Alice just sang the ballad and didn't express anything else.

If the shipwreck she encountered was related to the "Devil King", she would definitely understand the terror of that Demon King best.

That is a monster that can destroy everything in an instant.

It's no wonder that when Yi Lin's "disaster-ridden" triggered the negative state of fear, Alice was so frightened that she became convulsed.

While the two were chatting happily with an undead, other pirates on the Queen also found this place one after another after Alice stopped attacking.

When they saw the strange scene of Yi Lin having a long conversation with the terrifying undead in front of the shipwreck in the thick fog, they were all in admiration.

On the captain's panel, all the loyalties that had almost dropped to negative numbers suddenly increased.

Yi Lin silently closed the captain's panel.

He knew the status of every crew member well.

Alice had given up the idea of ​​continuing to tease the Queen's crew.

After all, there is Yi Lin here who is more terrifying than her.

She didn't want to try again and be torn by the fear of being ravaged by the memories of the "Demon King".

Moreover, Alice witnessed with her own eyes the way Yi Lin controlled the two was so terrifying.

Yi Lin also didn't expect that this time, she would become second only to the "Devil King" on the virtual fear ranking list in the mind of the little mother spirit Alice.

The area of ​​the island is considered vast, roughly estimated to be similar to Tetuga Island.

Yi Lin and the crew didn't even explore half of it.

Moreover, the fog in this sea area is too thick, making it difficult to explore.

Under Alice's guidance, Yi Lin and the crew found all the food that had strayed to the island in recent years.

The weird thing is that these foods are stored in the form of "canned foods".

According to Ruth's understanding, these canned foods are high-end items that have become popular among the royal family in recent years. They are expensive and cannot be afforded by ordinary poor people.

In addition to canned lunch meat, there are also many pickled canned vegetables and even canned sea fish.

If there is no consumption, Yi Lin can even open all these cans and hold a grand banquet on a desert island.

Yi Lin took advantage of others not paying attention and quietly filled up the rest of the storage space with various cans.

He left only part of it to store fresh water.

Although this time he accidentally sailed to the Sea of ​​Mist and encountered the legendary undead, the process was very tortuous and even scared a ship of pirates half to death.

But no matter what, the ending was perfect. The Queen replenished enough food and fresh water, and on the captain's panel, the amount of supplies became abundant again.

The only thing that makes Yi Lin feel regretful is that after several years of wind, rain, and fog, the gunpowder of the cannonballs in the shipwreck has already been affected by moisture and deteriorated, making it impossible to ignite. It is a pity that the boxes of well-made cannonballs can't be ignited. caliber shells.

It took a lot of time, and under the command of Ruth, all the pirates searched the entire desert island and loaded the supplies onto the Queen in an orderly manner.

In principle, the word "methodical" seems very funny when applied to pirates.

But when every crew member of the Queen witnessed their great skeleton gentleman captain subdue a ferocious-looking undead, no one dared to make any small moves behind Yi Lin's back.


That's a captain who can't even do anything to the undead!

Who dares to make a mistake?

Of course, Ruth deeply understands the bad behavior of pirates.

Although they seem to be docile now, once they go crazy with hunger, they will rebel again and again when they should, and they will still paddle when they should. The pirate group has no credibility at all.

So Ruth didn't treat them badly, took out a can from the supplies, distributed it, and gave the remaining crew members a good meal.

And what is reflected is that...the loyalty has collectively increased a little bit.


Happy days are always short-lived.

Under the wise leadership of the captain, this desert island no longer has the threat of "the undead", but instead looks like a paradise for pirates to vacation.

Two days later.

Parting is imminent.

Many pirates were reluctant to leave this desert island. When boarding the ship, they couldn't help but shed a few sad tears in the direction of the desert island.

She was reluctant to leave, but no one offered to stay with the lonely mother spirit of Alice.

Every damn pirate knows in his heart that the reason why this island of the dead is so comfortable is because of their captain.

If there is no captain to control them, the undead might turn into man-eating demons in an instant, the kind that pick their teeth with bones after eating.

Yi Lin just laughed at the crew members' thoughts, but did not criticize them.

Anyway, pirates are just useless things, just get used to them.

Before leaving.

Alice looked at the Queen that Yi Lin and Ruth were about to embark on, with a trace of reluctance on her pale face.

She has lost count of how many years she has been alone on this desert island and how many years she has aged after becoming an undead.

After finally meeting a strange man who was not afraid of her, but actually frightened her, Alice was a little reluctant to let him go.


Alice suddenly remembered what Bai Xiaoyi said that day.

——"Stop crying, you will slowly get used to this feeling."

Um? Is this what "getting used to" feels like?

It turns out that the undead won’t be annoying either!

After two days of getting along with each other, for some reason, Ruth developed some feelings for this poor little female spirit.

Before leaving, Ruth gritted her teeth, glanced at Yi Lin's weird mask, and couldn't help but said: "Alice, do you want to... get on the boat with us?"

Yi Lin: "???"

Alice was very surprised by Ruth's invitation.

Although this sexy big sister always looked at her with a strange look, this was the first time that someone invited her on board so many years ago.

If Alice had not lost the ability to shed tears as an undead soul, she might have been moved to tears at this moment.

By the way, when she was ravaged by Yi Lin before, she could only make movements and could not shed tears at all.

Alice smiled: "I am very touched, but... in fact, I am tied to one thing... because before I died... I issued a vicious curse to this world, so I was also cursed by this world. Now, go away, Alice is destined to stay here and never be reincarnated."

Ruth was startled when she heard this: "Curse?"

Alice nodded without explaining much.

Yi Lin understood.

If there were no restrictions on the space for the undead to move around and they could run around the world, they would already be all over the streets and alleys. Why stay in a mysterious sea like the Sea of ​​Mist?

Ruth was also helpless about this.

Yi Lin turned around without saying anything, preparing to board the boat, return to the Queen, and start again.

Time is precious, so he should not have been delayed here for two days in order to replenish supplies.

It will also have a certain impact on subsequent plans.

Just before Yi Lin and Ruth were about to go to sea.

Alice suddenly remembered something and her expression changed slightly: "Wait!"

Yi Lin: "?"

Ruth: "???"

Alice's eyes suddenly became cold and blurry, pointing to the invisible sea in the fog, and whispered: "Be careful, 'she' seems to be angry."

she? ?

Is the Demon King also a female?

Yi Lin's expression suddenly became subtle.

Ruth's expression froze for a moment, and she couldn't help but ask: "She? Who is she? Could it be...?"

She didn't say the word "Devil", but anyone who understands would understand.

Alice shook her head, and her cold expression was quickly replaced by another kind of confusion: "Alice doesn't know, but Dahai told Alice that 'she' seemed very angry."

Alice's lines become mysterious inexplicably.

After saying this, Alice fell completely silent, her translucent body hidden in the fog, and waved to Yi Lin and Ruth as a farewell.

The other crew members had already boarded the Queen and were eagerly waiting for Ruth and Yi Lin.

"Woof woof~"

Right now.

A crisp bark came from the fog.

Needless to say, it was naturally Uncle Wang Tiandi.

Yi Lin slapped the back of his head. In the past two days, Emperor Wang Tian had disappeared inexplicably. If he hadn't barked twice at this time, Yi Lin might have really forgotten Emperor Wang Tian on this island.

The dog ran wildly on the beach.

Cheerful expression.

Yi Lin and Ruth also stopped rowing the boat and sat there waiting for Emperor Wang to board the boat.



Yi Lin narrowed her eyes slightly.

Because the weather was gloomy and the fog was too thick, the field of vision was not very good, and Yi Lin could not see the distant scenery clearly.

But it could be faintly distinguished that there seemed to be something shiny in the dog's mouth.


And shortly after the dog appeared.

Alice, who was about to dive into the thick fog and bid farewell to Yi Lin and others, suddenly widened her eyes and jumped out of the foggy forest, with a bit of panic on her pale face.

"Acridine! That's my hood——"

Yi Lin: "..."

Ruth: "..."


One minute later.

The boat is docked in the shallow water.

The dog directly grabbed Alice's shy corset and swam onto the boat in a skilled doggy style.

Yi Lin looked at Gouzi's skillful movements and nodded secretly.

It seems that this time the role play may not force the apostle to have the attribute of "weak water".

Let’s try swimming in the sea when you have time.

After Yi Lin had a friendly communication with Wang Tiandi, she exchanged the few remaining bones and flesh for the corset from Wang Tiandi.

Emperor Wang Tian had already clearly seen the properties of corsets.

It's certain that this thing definitely doesn't have the flavor of meat and bones in your mouth.

So after Wang Tiandi shook off the water droplets from his hair on the boat, he happily gnawed on the meat and bones, having no time to care about anything else.

Ruth also came over.

With professional eyes, he looked at the corset in Yi Lin's hand.

"Although the style of this corset is old, its workmanship is very exquisite. It is definitely not something that ordinary people can own." Ruth stroked it a few times with her hands, and then said: "This corset is also covered with small inlays. If this pearl is really an antique from more than ten years ago, it would be worth a lot of money!"

Ruth finished her analysis, her eyes flashing with gold coins.


Yi Lin smiled.

Ruth looked at style.

But in Yi Lin's eyes, he saw through the appearance and directly saw the essence of this corset.


【Alice's Curse Corset】




[Effect] Charm +2.0, Luck -0.5

[Instructions] Click to view details.


It is another piece of equipment only for women, which adds charm and reduces luck.

In terms of cost-effectiveness, if you reduce the insignificant luck value and increase the charm value significantly, this transaction can be regarded as a bloody profit no matter how you calculate it.

However, the terrible curse in the explanation made Yilin unable to help but hesitate.

He subconsciously touched the delicate earrings beside his earlobes and fell into deep thought.

I turned it over and over again for a while.

Yi Lin found that there was a pool of bright red blood on the corset in front of her chest. At first glance, the pool of blood seemed to be left yesterday. It was strangely fresh. If you were not careful, you might mistake it for a blooming flower. The roses give people a strange sense of beauty.

Look at it this way.

Yi Lin actually had the urge to put it on, and fantasized about how perfect her figure would be after putting it on.


The owner of the corset, Alice, drifted in from nowhere.

A faint sigh.

"This is my corset."

Yi Lin: "I know."

This is nonsense.

Alice did not hide it: "This is also the reason why Alice cannot leave the island, because before I died, I cursed someone out of resentment, but at the same time, Alice's soul was bound to this corset forever. All these years, Alice couldn’t leave.”

When Ruth heard this, she was puzzled: "In other words, the reason why you can't leave this island is all because of this... corset? Isn't that very simple? Just take it with you?"

Alice shook her head, with a hint of sadness in her eyes: "Sister Ruth, think about it carefully, how many women dare to sail on the sea today and risk being cursed?"

In the past two days, Alice had already seen that Yi Lin and Ruth were not men.

That's why he was able to strangely become close friends with two human women, talking about everything.


at this time.

Wang Tiandi, who was chewing on the meat bones, roared inexplicably.

There seems to be a trace of indiscernible grievance.

Yi Lin ignored it.

Ruth didn't bother to bother with it.

Seeing that the others had no reaction, Wang Tiandi could only lower his head and continue to chew the bones.

The conversation continues.

Seeing that both the two people and the dog were speechless, Alice continued.

"On the sea, there are all men or pirates. Who would be interested in a corset?"

"Oh~~" Ruth understood.

Yi Lin thought for a moment: "Maybe there are pirates who are interested in women's corsets... but you haven't discovered them yet."

Ruth: "..."

Alice: "?"

Wang Tiandi's mouth curled up, as if he was holding back a smile.

Yi Lin did not dwell on such a bad topic.

Three seconds later, Yi Lin stroked the silky corset in her hands: "The curse... what exactly is it?"

Alice, who was floating in the air, was silent for a moment, and whispered in a very helpless tone: "A woman who wears this corset will never be able to fall in love with any man in her life. Once she falls in love, the other man will treat her with the utmost kindness." What a miserable way to die at sea.”

Ruth's mouth instantly opened into a shape that was difficult to close: "What a terrible curse!"

Yi Lin breathed a sigh of relief: "That's it? Then it's okay."

Ruth: "?"

Alice: "???"

"Anyway..." Yi Lin did not hesitate and smiled slightly: "I will accept this corset."

Ruth's surprised mouth finally closed. She suddenly seemed to think of something, her face flushed, and her eyes were full of emotion: "Rin..."

After a brief moment of surprise, Alice's eyes wandered uncertainly on Yi Lin and Ruth. But after a moment's thought, she seemed to have thought through it, nodded, and looked at them with an envious look: "That's great. ,I wish you happiness."

Yi Lin was startled.

Did you misunderstand something?

Yi Lin didn't ask in detail as to why Alice encountered such a curse and became undead.

Because after Yi Lin obtained [Alice's Curse Corset], Alice disappeared in front of the two of them with a relieved and kind smile.

If she hadn't known the truth, Yi Lin might have mistakenly thought that Alice had fulfilled her wish and became a Buddha immediately.

As a local undead, Alice is different from the weapon spirits Bai Xiaoyi and Nie Hongxiu, and seems to have even weirder abilities.

Although he would be cursed, Yi Lin really didn't take it seriously.

The one who cannot fall in love with a man is "Elizabeth Rin". What does it have to do with Yi Rin?

Think about it this way.

Yi Lin looked at the silky material of the corset with great pleasure, and the more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

Before boarding the ship, Yi Lin put away her corset.

Just wait until after setting sail, and then ask Ruth to help put it on.

There is still a fog all around.

When all the crew saw their great captain, the Skeleton Gentleman, saying goodbye to that terrifying undead like a friend, their eyes were full of admiration and fear.

The legendary undead in the Mist Sea were actually so vulnerable in front of their captain.

In the eyes of all the crew members, the image of the Skeleton Gentleman became more and more tall and mysterious.

It's hard to fathom, and I don't dare to think otherwise.

The Queen was restocked with canned food and fresh water, and the crew regained their high spirits.

Although everyone is reluctant to leave that island, as a pirate, his goal is the stars and the sea, and he is destined to wander on the sea... Staying on the island for vacation forever is just talk. .

No pirate can endure loneliness.

At this time.

Loyal Charlie came licking his face.

"The great, respected, invincible captain."

Charlie instantly spat out a bunch of lofty adjectives.

For some reason, in Charlie's mouth, Yi Lin's titles are getting longer and longer and more domineering.

The others instantly cast contemptuous looks at "Loyal Charlie".

Charlie didn't waste any time and told Yi Lin that there were several crew members who had not returned yet and asked Yi Lin if he wanted to set sail or wait for them to board the ship.

Yi Lin remained silent.

He just confirmed the attributes of those people in the list provided by Charlie from the captain's panel.

——Especially the loyalty column.


After Yi Lin confirmed, she said in a deep tone: "I can feel that in addition to the undead, there seems to be some other evil spirit on this island that is ready to move. It is very likely that they encountered something on the island. "

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and the deck instantly became dead silent.

Suddenly someone whispered: "According to the Pirate Code, any pirate who lags behind is destined to live or die."

"Life and death are destined."

Everyone hummed softly at the same time, and soon there was a smile on their face again.

In the end, Yi Lin decided to disembark from the ship to look for the stragglers amid everyone's astonished gazes.

Everyone was filled with admiration.

Only Ruth found it a bit strange.

This guy doesn't look like such a kind person?

However, because the voyage was about to begin, the Queen had experienced gunfire and disasters and was already in tatters. Before sailing, Ruth had to keep an eye on these dirty pirates and use wooden boards to repair the Queen as much as possible to the point where it would not sink at sea.


Ruth suddenly remembered the "curse".

If Alice is included, there are three women on board the Queen.

I wonder if I can ride the wind and waves and move forward this time.

Or... the undead are not actually women? Can it only be considered a mother spirit?

Ruth was deeply troubled.

Half a day later.

The skeleton gentleman captain, who awes everyone, still wears the same elegant outfit that is incompatible with all pirates. Even his tuxedo has no wrinkles as he returns from the island again.

Yi Lin brought back a piece of news that surprised no one at all.

——"They are all dead."

A deeper explanation is: "There are other more terrifying undead on the island."

(Alice: "???")

In short, the deaths of these stragglers did not cause anyone to feel sad, let alone cry.

Yi Lin did not explain any more.

In the eyes of others, their great captain's back seemed to be filled with fatigue, regret, loneliness of being unable to save his companions, and indescribable sorrow. He locked himself in the captain's cabin again. Inside, it was completely locked and no one took another step out of the door.

On the Queen, all the pirates were silent for just three seconds. They used these three seconds to give their captain a thumbs up.

Then he continued to be busy.

Yi Rin is in the captain's cabin.

After confirming it with telekinesis, he took off his disguise again.



After completely breaking away from the worries, I finally felt comfortable.

Yi Lin swayed a few times, hesitating whether to take advantage of the abundant fresh water resources and take a luxurious, clean hot bath.

When the fresh water ran out, Yi Lin always washed her body with sea water and then wiped it carefully with fresh water. It was very uncomfortable to finish the work in a hurry.

Taking baths in sea water every day, Elizabeth Lin's delicate skin had many wrinkles, and Ruth felt distressed every time she massaged her.

"Forget it, let's do business first."

Yi Lin looked at the few lines of reminders that had not yet faded out in her retinas.

[Get chaos value +67! 】

[Get chaos value +56! 】

[Get chaos value +44! 】

[Get chaos value...]


Like a belated surprise, after harvesting the last meager chaos value, Yi Lin had accumulated enough chaos value from the last trial in the next world, and the chaos value finally reached a satisfactory value.


The Apocalypse mount is about to reappear in the world.

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