Infinity Throne

Chapter 200 The devil is by your side

The third day.

The Queen finally sailed again.

on deck.

The crew members drank swigs of rum, which had a small inventory and had already grown green algae. It was still full of flavor and they sang loudly.

It’s still that “Pirate Song”.

On the sea, sailing days without accidents are always so boring.

Of course, no pirate would desperately hope for the unexpected.

——It’s better to be boring.

To put it nicely, this is called simplicity.

In the cabin.

Yi Lin had already put on Alice's corset and had to get used to another shape again, which was very uncomfortable.

There's no way, it's really hard to be a woman.

Ruth was silently beside Yi Lin, massaging Yi Lin's sore shoulders.

In the upper right corner of Yilin's apostle panel, there were actually "abundant" BUFFs already appearing, but Ruth's technique was so skillful that Yilin couldn't bear to ask Ruth to stop, so she simply closed her eyes and rested, enjoying it with peace of mind.

At this time.

Ruth no longer had the usual teasing and teasing, and there was worry hidden in her brows.


Outside the cabin.

From time to time there was the sound of waves lapping against the ship.

Cover up the noise of the sailors on the deck.

"I regret to tell you that our route has deviated from the original trajectory."

Ruth decided to tell the truth. After all, the captain in front of her, who knew nothing about navigation, was the real owner of the Queen.


Yi Lin didn't even open her eyelids, she just replied in a nonchalant manner.

"Aren't you worried?"

Seeing that Yi Lin was so calm, Ruth patted Yi Lin's shoulder strangely, and her nimble hands began to become a little restless.

"What was the original route?"

"Aren't you looking for the philosopher's stone?"

Yi Lin nodded: "If you didn't remind me, I almost forgot."

Ruth made a move: "..."

Yi Lin smiled sweetly, and Bai Mei suddenly felt happy, and her tone became erratic: "If you can't confirm the direction from the navigation chart, let Xiao Sa try it."

When Ruth heard this, she suddenly lowered her voice: "Do you believe him?"

"Trust", in addition to "treasure", is the most rare treasure on the sea.

Yi Lin shook his head: "I don't trust him, I just trust 'his ability'."

Ruth was puzzled.

But now that the Queen has not yet sailed out of the foggy sea, and she may encounter the undead at any time, Ruth can only follow Yi Lin's instructions and walk on the deck to let Sachs, who is good at "treasure hunting", guide the Queen. direction.

After Ruth left.

Yi Lin slowly opened his eyes and turned over.


After putting on his clothes, he came to the window, opened a crack, and looked into the sea.

Today, the sea is covered in fog and visibility is very low.

In this era, identifying routes almost always relied on nautical charts and certain fixed landmarks on land.

It is said that some high-end navigators can identify the direction of navigation through the stars.

But Ruth doesn’t seem to be such a high-end talent.

If Yi Lin guessed correctly, according to the ability of astrological navigation, it should be the effect of [Navigation (Top Level)].

The fifth day after leaving "Alice Island".

Everyone found it strange.

On the foggy sea, the Queen, which has always been in trouble, has never encountered bad weather again.

Except for the invisible distance, everything seemed so peaceful and eerily peaceful.

It's like a person who is used to being unlucky suddenly wins a jackpot and gets millions. This experience will definitely make people doubt their life and whether they have exhausted the rest of their luck.

Nowadays, the pirates on the Queen are in this uneasy mood.

Although the mood is complicated, the pirates sing karaoke when they should and drink alcohol when they should, and their days have not changed at all.

Since going to sea, Yi Lin has always felt a little uneasy.

He didn't know if his chest was too tight or too tight, preventing him from breathing.

In the dark, there seemed to be a pair of eyes, becoming more and more solid, peering at the ship from a place Yi Lin could not reach.

Some kind of curse?


Demon King?

Yi Lin could not simply attribute this uneasiness to "breast binding", or casually explain it as "illusion".

How come there are so many illusions in this world.

Moreover, Yi Lin also felt a little regretful after putting on [Alice's Curse Corset].

It turns out that Alice, as a different kind of "curse", cannot come and go away like the "spirit" of a spirit-possessed weapon. Whether Alice appears or not depends entirely on Alice's mood, which is very willful. .

At first, Yi Lin thought that she could borrow Alice's strange abilities.

It seems that I think too much.

According to past experience, if this corset is so awesome, its grade is definitely not just [Rare], but at the very least, [Epic].

Yi Lin also discovered that since taking on the role of "Elizabeth Lin", his behavior and way of thinking have changed slightly.

Most likely, it is the inertia of the "role" itself that affects the existence of the ontology.

Yi Lin is now working hard to overcome this negative influence...well, overcoming it.

Anyway, back to business.

Yi Lin still cares about what Yi Lin said to Alice.

——"Be careful, 'she' seems angry."

who is she?

Day six.

The boring voyage finally changed.

Dang Dang Dang Dang——

at night.

Alarms sounded like crazy.

This rhythm and frequency of sounding the alarm means "enemy attack".

All the pirates did not hesitate. After all, their lives were the most important thing. Almost as soon as they heard the alarm, they rolled down from the hammock. With their pants lifted, they rushed onto the deck with their bare feet.

"Enemy, enemy, what kind of enemy?"

All the pirates' eyes widened.

In order to show their excellence, some crew members have even started loading cannonballs into the barrel.

Ah, clever pirate!

Maybe the captain will like me!

Many people have already guessed the hidden relationship between the captain and the first mate.

——Although there is no evidence.

Although many crew members disagree with this taste, for the sake of the future of the pirates and their status on the ship, it is not a bad idea to feel aggrieved occasionally...

Twenty minutes later.

In the shortest possible time, Yi Lin appeared on the deck dressed neatly and elegantly, like a devil dancing in the night.

No one knew when the captain stepped out of the captain's cabin and stepped onto the high deck.

It seemed that when they came to their senses, the captain's back was already there.

It's like appearing out of thin air in the dark, so mysterious and terrifying.

Although the first mate "Louis" has dark skin, in the dark night, the corners of his eyes, mouth, and cheeks seem to be full of something wrong, which makes people think.


Under the strange looks of everyone, the first mate and the captain stood together.

Xiao Sa dangled the rope, and his rope proficiency was well-deserved. Saks performed several difficult juggling moves with the help of the rope in mid-air, and landed lightly behind Yi Lin and Ruth.

Yi Lin raised her head and looked at the bright moon in the sky, frowning slightly: "Have we sailed out of the foggy sea?"

"Respected Captain, yes."

Xiao Sa's tone was neither humble nor arrogant.

Ruth took out the ancient navigation chart from her arms and asked, "Why did you sound the alarm?"

Sax's eyes lit up: "Your Excellency, First Mate, in that direction... there is a ship tomb!"

Ship grave!

See the boat grave again!

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

Countless shipwrecks float lonely on the sea, and even wisps of black smoke are still floating on some shipwrecks.


Yi Lin's heart moved.

The black smoke floating on the surrounding shipwrecks actually contained a bit of scalding temperature. Now that the Queen was approaching the Pole, the temperature was gradually decreasing. But when the Queen began to approach the ship's grave, Yi Lin clearly felt that the surrounding The temperature has risen a lot, as if the Queen was surrounded by a wave of heat.

Ruth subconsciously wanted to turn around.

But if you look back, you will most likely be lost in the sea of ​​mist again, unable to extricate yourself.

Ruth looked at the backbone of the ship with pleading eyes.

——"Captain Skeleton Gentleman".

Yi Lin lowered her head and thought for a moment, as if hesitating or pondering something.

A few seconds later, Yi Lin's tone was calm, but he made a decision: "Continue to move forward in the original direction and pass through the ship tomb."

Ruth's expression changed slightly, but she didn't say anything more. She just sighed softly and made up her mind to leave her fate in Yi Lin's hands.

After carefully identifying the direction of the current, Ruth did not waste too much time and immediately ordered all the pirates to lower their sails and let the Queen pass through the "ship grave" quietly and steadily with only the push of the current.

The pirates on the Queen also knew what the appearance of the "Ship Grave" meant. Every pirate did not dare to show off his anger, but they were very skillful. They quickly slowed down the Queen's speed and kept silently. Slowly moving forward among various shipwrecks.

Yi Lin took out a monocular and distinguished the remaining flags on these shipwrecks in the dark night.

Ruth did the same thing.

"It's the Royal Navy...and pirates..."

"But they all died here."

"No one survives."

"Is it...'it'?"

Ruth and Yi Lin made judgments on the identities of these shipwrecks in almost no particular order.

It...the devil?

No matter how bold Ruth was, she would never dare to say that name at this time.

I was afraid that this ship would bring bad luck and end up with the same fate as these ship graves.

After one hour.

The Queen successfully sailed out of the ship graveyard.

For an entire hour, no one dared to say another word.

Including Yi Lin and Ruth.

Emperor Wang Tian also gnawed the bones obediently, not daring to bark in the silence.

After all, as a dog, you must have the consciousness of a dog.

After completely staying away from this ship graveyard.

All the pirates cheered thoroughly.

The seventh day.


"Ship grave! We encountered a ship grave again!"

"Damn, oh, we hit the ship grave again!"

Day eight.

"Hey, Captain, we encountered a ship grave again!"



ninth day.

After the Queen set sail, when the fifth ship grave appeared in front of them, Yi Lin and Ruth yawned again and stepped onto the deck. They both looked at each other.

This can no longer be described as "probability".


Ruth became increasingly uneasy.

But at this moment, she heard an inexplicable chuckle from behind Yi Lin's mask.

Ruth: "?"

Yi Lin suddenly whispered something in a voice that only the two of them could hear, which made Ruth's scalp tingle instantly and she suddenly felt creepy.

"It's all around us."

Emperor Wang Tian, ​​an elite among dogs, suddenly opened his eyes, pricked up his ears, and listened.

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