Infinity Throne

Chapter 218 Nicholas Zhao

[Main mission three: Seal "Calypso" and kill the "Demon King"! The clearance evaluation will be based on the hidden kill contribution. Mission accomplished: return to the real world. Mission failed: completely deprived of apostle qualifications! 】


at this time.

Yi Lin felt that she should have said "What the hell?", which would be more appropriate to the situation.

But he couldn't tell.

The results of Gu Tianqing's behavior were not unexpected, but also reasonable.

Although it was a step too late, Yi Lin only noticed the trick hidden in the second main mission before Shipwreck Bay was completely destroyed.

Some people may wonder whether Yi Lin's experience of resurrecting his life was used to feed Emperor Wang Tian.

Yi Lin whispered two words: "Time limit."

Silence all around.

As the gunfire subsided, darkness returned to the cabin once again.

Yi Lin silently closed the window to prevent the idle navy from discovering it and mistakenly thinking that Elizabeth Lin was planning to jump into the sea and escape.

When thinking about whether there were traps in the description of the main mission, Yi Lin focused more on the differences between "camps".

But I didn't expect that the tower would have a small hole in the time limit for completing the task.

Moreover, it can be inferred from Ta's reaction that the "time limit" is not actually a literal trap deliberately given by "Ta", but a "conflict" inadvertently born under the rules.

The original second main task was——

[As one of the "Nine Pirate Kings", participate in the "Pirate Convention" held again in Shipwreck Bay three months later. 】

As for the "mission time limit", there are additional restrictions.

[Task time limit: before the "Pirate Conference" is held. 】

In other words.

The time limit for the second main task of the original version is different from the usual ones. It is not a simple stipulation of a number of days or hours.

Instead, it consists of two rules: "The pirate conference will be held in Shipwreck Bay three months later" and "Before the pirate conference is held".

In fact, in principle, there is no problem.

Perhaps it was a bit of hindsight, but Yi Lin had thought of two possibilities not long ago.

What if the Pirate Convention cannot be held?

Or what will happen if the place used to hold pirate conventions... Shipwreck Bay is completely wiped off the map?

Then this so-called "task time limit" will completely disappear, which means that even if you never complete the task, you will not be punished.

To put it simply... the main mission is stuck.

This may be the "conflict" explicitly stated in the prompt.

In the end, Ta's method of handling this "conflict" was very simple and crude.

Directly change it to allow everyone to complete it instantly, which is almost a free task content, and skip the second main task.

What is obvious is that the reward for the second main mission that was skipped in this way was stolen and replaced with a bad check, that is, the reward was paid after completing the level.

It's like saying: "Want to get a reward? Haha, I'll wait until the end if I can."

Yilin felt the malice and bad taste coming from Taman.

Because the second main mission was completed in such a loophole-finding manner, the final result was that the difficulty was forcibly raised and promoted to a nightmare level trial.

Nightmare level.

Yi Lin secretly complained, can people still do the trial properly?

The last time I was in Gotham City, the difficulty was also inexplicably raised to nightmare level.

But the nightmare level is still not unsolvable, and Yi Lin doesn't have too much pessimism.

This is not the time to despair.

An experienced driver must have the calmness of an experienced driver.

But... Yi Lin shook her head helplessly.

Even if ordinary people see through this time limit loophole in the main mission, would they choose to test the bottom line of the "Tower" in such a crazy way?

After Yilin saw through the loophole in the time limit, he quickly deduced that once the Shipwreck Bay is destroyed and a "conflict" is actively created, it will definitely change the subsequent mission dramatically.

This is equivalent to forcing the "will of the tower" to make a choice.

Such a bold and crazy move, Yi Lin would never do such a thing without being 90% sure that things would develop in a good direction.

"He's a madman and a gambler."

Actually it's not all bad.

At least Yi Lin gradually began to see Gu Tianqing's character clearly.

This kind of person is not uncommon among the apostles, but there are very few crazy gamblers who can use such a calm expression like Gu Tianqing, even disregarding their own life and death, and completely disregarding the consequences... I have very few impressions.


Yi Lin sensed someone approaching.

The other party did not deliberately hide his traces, and his footsteps were steady in the corridor on the second floor.

After a few seconds.

Knock knock knock.

There was a knock on the door.

The door opened instantly.

Yi Lin had already twisted her hand on the door handle when Gu Tianqing knocked on the door.

Gu Tianqing said with a smile: "To be honest, I'm a little surprised that you opened the door right away."

"I'm surprised too."

"Unexpected main mission change?"

"No, I'm surprised that it's you who came to knock on my door. You're a man and a woman alone. Do you think they believe it when I explain to others that you came to me to discuss the script?"

Gu Tianqing's eyes froze slightly, but she shook her head and did not intend to continue. She chuckled and repeated the rhetorical question in the form of an affirmative sentence: "The main mission has changed."

After saying that, Gu Tianqing looked into Yi Lin's eyes calmly.

Gu Tianqing seemed to be observing the expression changes on Yi Lin's face, even down to the trembling of facial muscles or the diameter of pupils, trying to get a glimpse of Yi Lin's thoughts from the micro-expressions.

"I know, I'm not blind."

Yi Lin also fought back with a poker face.

After a moment of silence.

The corners of Gu Tianqing's mouth raised slightly: "Your reaction surprised me again."

"What if? Should I cry?"

Gu Tianqing: "..."

This guy had a small snack, and Yi Lin felt secretly happy.

Yi Lin didn't bother asking Gu Tianqing how he tricked Tiramisu into letting the navy bombard Shipwreck Bay regardless of the cost.

If you ask him, he may not tell you, and if you tell him, it may not be true, so Yi Lin doesn't bother to waste his words.

After stepping onto the deck, Yi Lin found that Tiramisu was feeling refreshed and flushed after firing several rounds. It seemed that as the fortress of Shipwreck Bay was completely razed, Tiramisu's depression was gone. As for Kong, all he needs to do is carve the word "Shuang" in the center of his forehead for viewing.

Gu Tianqing took out three tarot cards in the tone of an old magician: "Oh, Your Excellency, my tarot cards tell me that there may be clues in the ruins."

Tiramisu's face hardened. Although he didn't fully believe Gu Tianqing's words, this man had already proven through facts that his divination was indeed terrifyingly accurate. Moreover, Shipwreck Bay was now in ruins, so it was not a bad idea to go up there and search.

After much deliberation, nine warships finally formed a search team to search for remaining traces in the ruins of what was once the shipwreck bay.

Yilin chuckled, took out the small fan, and waved it in front of tiramisu: "Hey, the weather is a bit cold, and it looks very warm over there. Can I search with Advisor Kusushiro?"

Tiramisu reminded: "It's Amakusa Harushiro... My lady, go! Be safe."

Gu Tianqing: "..."

Before Yi Lin and others landed.

The former Shipwreck Bay was so devastated that its former appearance could no longer be recognized.

Under the fierce bombardment, the fortress that had stood for decades finally came to an end, marking a tragic end in history.

Originally, there were several pirate ships docked in a secret place in the Shipwreck Bay.

But under the crazy bombardment of nine warships regardless of the cost, those pirate ships were turned into wreckage on the sea, the kind that could not be put back together no matter how hard they were put together.

Countless mutilated and charred corpses, still exuding a strong aroma of barbecue, were piled up in the ruins.

You can even see some barely distinguishable shapes of internal organs, severed limbs, and blood plasma, some or all of which are stuck together with the surrounding ruins and debris, making it difficult to distinguish them from each other.

Even the bodies that were barely intact were bombarded into various weird shapes. Some are like the character "大", some are like the character "木", and some are like the character "太".


Suddenly, there was slight movement in one of the piles of corpses.

Immediately afterwards, an arm with black smoke floating in it suddenly stretched out from the pile of corpses, carrying a terrifying aura of being in control of my fate.

A few minutes later.

A "man" with skin peeling off his body and covered with terrible abscesses moved step by step towards the coast.

Burns and abscesses were mixed together, leaving almost no part of this "person" intact, spreading an indescribable smell to the surroundings.

If anyone else is here, they may be able to tell that this is the smell that comes from roasted meat as it rots again.

"How can it be--"

"No, no, no, how could I, Zhao Xingchen, die here? I don't—"

"You're unfair! You're unfair! Why am I the only one who starts like this!!"

Zhao Xingchen let out a hoarse roar, his voice thick and broken, like the harsh sound of a blower, which sounded very strange.

"You're not fair, ahhhhhh--"

A hoarse and low roar echoed faintly in the pocket-shaped terrain of Shipwreck Bay, echoing one after another with the sound of waves.

Zhao Xingchen, or Nicholas Zhao, staggered to the shore.

In the dark night, small lifeboats, with lights on the boats, were quickly heading towards the ruins of Shipwreck Bay.


Zhao Xingchen was shocked.

He opened the apostle panel and sent a series of question marks to "Gu Tianqing" who was still lit in the friend list.

The reply was one sentence.

——"The other party is busy, please do not disturb."

Do not disturb mode! Do not disturb mode! Do not disturb mode!

It’s so sunny!

It’s Gu Tianqing——

It's him!

Zhao Xingchen's eyes instantly started to bleed.

Zhao Xingchen had arrived at the shore at this time, and there were shipwrecks everywhere in front of him, and even some shipwrecks were still burning with flames that had not yet been extinguished.


Zhao Xingchen's feet softened and he fell into the cold sea water.

The salt in the seawater irritated the abscesses and burns on his body, but it could not make Zhao Xingchen feel any pain.

Just because under such severe trauma, the peripheral nerves on the surface were almost burned, there was not much left, and the pain sensation was lost.

in the darkness.

Zhao Xingchen sank quickly.

Deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper, as if there is an endless abyss and purgatory below.

At this moment, the seawater surrounding Zhao Xingchen strangely formed sea currents, and a "human face" made of sea currents appeared strangely in front of Zhao Xingchen.

"Have you changed your mind now, outsider?"

Zhao Xingchen nodded wildly.

He just wants!

No matter what happens next, he just wants to live!

Anyway, it was Nicholas Zhao who made the deal with Calypso. Is he related to him, Zhao Xingchen?

The sound of the waves seemed to condense into a strange laughter.

"As you wish, hehehe..."

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