Infinity Throne

Chapter 219 The Place where the Legend Begins (2-in-1 plus update for Big Boss Centipede)

Search parties set foot on the ruins.

Under everyone's feet, there was a sticky texture, a burnt smell, mixed with various odors, and many people had expressions of disgust on their faces.

Under Tiramisu's surveillance, Gu Tianqing searched very hard for something in the messy ruins.

Yi Lin chuckled.

If the guess is correct, the result is bound to be disappointing for the tiramisu.

At this time.

Yi Lin's eyes narrowed.

He glanced down without a trace, then quickly raised his head, using his telekinesis to sense everything under his feet and behind him.

There was an unnatural trace that extended from the pile of corpses to the shore.

It seemed like there was an object similar to a "person", dragging its body all the way to the shore.

Then the trace terminates.

Yi Lin remained silent and did not reveal her findings.

Half an hour later.

Gu Tianqing looked apologetic and said to Tiramisu: "I'm sorry, it seems that there is a slight deviation in my divination."


When Tiramisu heard this, his teeth suddenly shattered on the cigarette rod.

Yi Lin heard the tooth-piercing clicking sound and seriously doubted whether Tiramisu's teeth would be chipped due to her extreme anger.

Facing Tiramisu's eyes that seemed to be spitting out fire, Gu Tianqing still looked apologetic, and said in a serious tone: "I'm really sorry. However, because of this incident, I am more sure that our course is not correct." Wrong, because, according to the divination results, this direction will lead to 'bad luck', oh, it seems to have also brought bad luck to the damn pirates."

The implication.

This pot was thrown directly on Elizabeth Lin's forehead.

Yi Lin: "..."

He smoked the cigarette vigorously.

five minutes later.

Tiramisu finally calmed down, took a deep drag on the cigarette, and commanded with a sullen face: "Close the team! Keep going!"

After one hour.

The nine warships were reorganized and set sail in an increasingly cold direction, following the course jointly guided by Yi Lin and Gu Tianqing.

After the other warships fired their cannons, they didn't know if they heard some rumors, and quietly distanced themselves away from the "Lucky No. 2", as if they were extremely afraid of getting contaminated with something they shouldn't.

Tiramisu: "..."

Ten days later.

Somewhere in the sea.

The weather is calm and sunny.

Never ask who "Fenghe" is and who "Li" is.

The Unsinkable finally arrived at an isolated island in the vast ocean.

This isolated island is not large, and you can see the whole thing clearly from a distance. The white and delicate sandy beach reflects the dazzling light in the sun.

Ding ding ding——

On the deck, many sailors were mentally exhausted, tinkering everywhere on the deck, filling various potholes.

Who knows how they survived the continuous storm!

God knows what they went through not long ago?

The miserable Charlie had a thick layer of gauze wrapped on his forehead, and the gauze was still stained with blood.

He did not join in the work of repairing the deck at this moment. Instead, he was combing the dog's hair for Wang Tiandi who was sunbathing with his eyes closed with a smile on his face.

When Xiao Sa was not paying attention, Ruth quietly sneaked into the corner, took out the compass, moved forward and backward a few steps, and changed several positions.

Before setting sail, Yi Lin had warned Ruth not to let Xiao Sa discover that the compass was on Ruth.

Otherwise... you will die.

Ruth was still startled by Yi Lin's heavy tone.

But Yi Lin's explanation afterwards made Ruth dumbfounded, and she gave it a like.

"Xiao Sa will die. If you dare to snatch him, he will be beaten to death by a dog. So, you better not expose him. After all, Xiao Sa is not easy either."

After moving a few positions, the pointer on the compass swung with Ruth's changing positions.

But there is no doubt that the compass is pointing to the desert island in front of them.

finally reached!

Oh yeah! Arrive at the desired place!

Ruth clenched her little fists and silently put away the compass.

On deck.

The drunk old Gibbs suddenly stood up from the pile of rum bottles as if he had a convulsion.

Now, after the hardships of this period of time, the Unsinkable has formed rules for everyone to perform their duties.

Charlie specializes in serving Master Dog.

Dog Master was specially launched as a "dog cannon".

Sachs worked shifts as a lookout.

But old Gibbs has become the mascot on the ship. When they are bored and lonely, many crew members like to listen to old Gibbs bragging about his adventure stories over and over again.

Hey, don't tell me, drinking rum, this awesome thing sounds very exciting!

Oh, poor old Gibbs, he wouldn't be so drunk if he had eaten more.

Those adventure stories sound simply more legendary than the stories of the Pirate Emperor.


When Old Gibbs suddenly sat up, the pirates around him who were carrying hammers and nails couldn't help but tease: "Oh, my legendary pirate Old Gibbs, have you finally woken up from your sweet dream?"


The others burst into laughter.

Old Gibbs squinted his eyes, suddenly stepped forward, and looked towards the island.

"Here, here, this?"

Old Gibbs' eyes widened with surprise.

And the other end.

Ruth did not hesitate and gave the order directly to land on the island.


Old Gibbs popped the ground, bit open the cork of the rum bottle with his mouth, and took a big gulp into his mouth.

The hot taste actually stimulated old Gibbs to wake up a little more.

Leaving enough people to work on the deck, Ruth thought about it and ordered Sachs, who was about to move, to stay on the deck and not be allowed to come down.

So, Ruth, Old Gibbs, Gouzi, and a few rowing cannon fodder took a lifeboat and landed on the island.

The island is not big, and there is obviously no dense jungle. It is almost a small piece of barren forest and surrounded by beaches, and that's it.

Ruth was also a little confused.

She originally thought that what Elizabeth Lin was looking for should be hidden in a more impressive place.

For example, chaotic ancient tombs, temples of the gods, ancient ruins, temples under the sea... and so on.

But if that's the case, it's a completely different story for a woman to explore these ancient mysteries.

Stepping onto the island, old Gibbs's eyes were full of nostalgia.

Ruth avoided the eyes of others and took out the compass again.

At this point something weird happened.

The compass, which has always been effective, seemed to suddenly have a convulsion. It rotated three times to the left and three times to the right, paused, and then rotated three times to the right and three times to the left, rhythmically.

The compass was spinning in a way that left Ruth confused.

what is this?

Some kind of mysterious code?

Is this too complicated?

The damn captain didn't say this would happen in the first place! the compass filled with water? broken?

Can it be cured by smashing it?

Vigorously miracle?

Many strange thoughts flashed through Ruth's mind, and she was also a little anxious.

She came to this island with an important mission. If she couldn't get that thing back, what would she do if that damn woman wouldn't let her take advantage of her in the future?

"So So So So So!!"

Ruth stared at the dangling pointer for a while, until she was dazzled and couldn't figure out the reason. Then she had no choice but to put away the compass and let her only human hands search the entire island.

"Well, my dear great captain, what the hell should we... be searching for?"

A dog-licking pirate rubbed his palms together and asked flatteringly.

Ruth was silent for a moment.

She couldn't tell that what she was looking for was Poseidon's trident, which was said to be able to break all curses.

After all, the matter was too important and the legend was too ethereal. When she first set sail, she lied that they were sailing to the legendary "Philosopher's Stone", which was a tempting land of gold.

By the way.

Ruth inquired not long ago that in the pirate circle, rumors about the "Philosopher's Stone" are already abuzz. I don't know where the "Philosopher's Stone" treasure map was circulated, inducing countless pirates to set sail in search of treasures, including Including many guys who have quit their jobs and picked up their old business again.

Therefore, Ruth's reason for setting sail is also reasonable. There is a skeleton gentleman, a dog, and a golden stone. Whether it is temptation or the threat of force, it is enough to make these dirty pirates, who were the subordinates of other captains not long ago, squat obediently on this ship. On board, follow Ruth's command.

After all, in their eyes, Ruth with the dog beside her is the "Skeleton Gentleman" himself.

The legend of "using dogs to spread terror" was too realistic and terrifying. They also witnessed the terrifying power of the "dog cannon" with their own eyes. Wherever the dogs landed, there was almost no grass growing, and they screamed in agony. It was so terrifying.

A "dog cannon" can destroy a ship. Who else can do it besides the skeleton gentleman?

nobody else!

And now, Ruth looked at the few licking dogs in front of her... Oh no, a few capable cannon fodders, after thinking for a moment, they said: "You find all the suspicious things, it shouldn't be too small, maybe a box , maybe a tombstone, or a cloth bag or something, find whatever you careful, things may be easily broken."

Ruth remembered that the trident had been broken and then glued back together, and she quickly reminded her.

At the end, Ruth imitated Elizabeth Lin's pretentious tone in public, squatted down and touched Wang Tiandi's dog's head with a smile, and said indifferently: "Haha, don't try to hide anything, its eyes come from the abyss, watching you, no matter what Wherever you are, watch your back.”

(Elizabeth Lin: Who is showing off???)


In an instant, all the pirates dispersed and started searching hard.


Old Gibbs burped: "Hey, this is a great place for vacation. As expected, Captain Jack always has a soft spot for this place."

"Huh?" Ruth couldn't help being stunned when she heard this: "Old Gibbs, do you know this place?"

"I know you, why don't you?" Old Gibbs glanced at the skeleton gentleman and said with a smile: "This island is where the legend of Captain Jack began."


Old Gibbs had the wine and no need for supervision, so he happily told short stories.

"Many years ago, the legendary Captain Jack was betrayed by his first mate and exiled to an island, ah, it was this beautiful island."

Ruth was stunned.

Is it miserable?

Isn't it a normal operation among pirates?

Old Gibbs showed a mysterious expression: "At that time, Captain Jack only had a flintlock gun and the last bullet left on his body, which was said to be reserved for Captain Jack to end his life... Oh, old Gibbs, you must be curious, how did the legendary Captain Jack Sparrow escape from the island?"

Ruth: "..., no, I'm not curious at all! Where is that thing hidden?"

Old Gibbs: "..."

Old Gibbs, like Ruth, was swaying drunkenly on the beach seemingly aimlessly, while speaking slowly in a tone of nostalgia for the prosperous years.

"Legend has it that Captain Jack braided his hair into a rope, tied up two big turtles, and kept swimming, swimming, swimming..."

Ruth: "..."

"There is another legend that Captain Jack captured two magical parrots and used them to fly across the Caribbean Sea..."

Ruth was momentarily confused.

Emperor Wang Tian... was dumbfounded.

A person and a dog actually looked at each other in tacit understanding at this time.

Ah, this...does anyone believe this?

Ruth reluctantly looked away from Gouzi's face.

No wonder Captain Jack, whom Gibbs spoke of, became a legendary pirate. It turned out that it all depended on the support of his peers.

Boom, boom, boom.


Old Gibbs stopped somewhere and stamped his feet hard, and a dull sound came from under Old Gibbs' feet.

Ruth's eyes lit up when she heard the strange sound under Old Gibbs' feet. She trotted all the way to Old Gibbs and stamped her feet a few times.

There is something under the sand.

Ruth hesitated for a moment. She had no other tools at hand, so she could only dig in the sand with her hands.

While digging, he asked, "How do you know the location of this thing?"

Old Gibbs said leisurely: "Hey, Captain Jack's habit of hiding things has never changed."

After digging for a while, Ruth began to feel a little difficult, after all, she was doing it with her bare hands.

Emperor Wang Tian smiled coldly and walked slowly with an awe-inspiring and inviolable power.

The dog twisted his butt, and in front of Ruth, the front legs were fixed, and the back legs seemed to be equipped with small electric motors, frantically digging up the beach in front of the two of them.

While old Gibbs and Ruth were stunned, the dog's two hind legs danced like the wind, spinning like a dragon, faster and faster, and turned into an afterimage.

One minute later.


The dog arrogantly retracted its legs, shook the sand from its fur, and then squatted aside, huffing and sticking out its tongue, with an unpredictable expression.

Like a dog but not like a dog.

At this time, Ruth had no time to praise the diligent Wang Tiandi. In the small hole dug by Wang Tiandi, a nearly rotten wooden board appeared in front of Ruth.


As the wooden board was lifted, a musty smell rose into the sky, making the dog squatting aside subconsciously roll his eyes.

Under the wooden board, there was a secret small cellar. There were piles of rum bottles neatly placed in it. The rum bottles were covered with dust and fine sand, and it was unknown whether they had gone bad or not.

"Why is it all rum?"

Under the mask, the corners of Ruth's mouth twitched slightly.

Old Gibbs cheerfully added: "Captain Jack always has the habit of hiding rum, especially when Elizabeth is around... By the way, she married William first, and then gave birth to Captain Jack for some reason. Get off the saxophone, oh, this damn love. Gululu—"

Ruth was in no mood to listen to old Gibbs telling Captain Jack Sparrow's green love story at the moment. Her eyes fell on a corner of the cellar.

in the corner.

A mysterious bag wrapped in a tarpaulin, lying there quietly, sealed in dust for who knows how many years, finally saw the light of day.

And right now.

A hint of human doubt suddenly flashed across Wang Tiandi's expression, and he stretched out his dog paw to light something in front of him, as if chatting.

Beep beep beep.

Beep beep beep.

Beep beep beep.

After clicking for a while, Wang Tiandi reluctantly pulled on Ruth's trouser leg.

Ruth was holding her tarp bag and thinking about the future, looking forward to the situation after the curse was broken. Ah, by then...up and down, front and back, left and right, with Elizabeth Lin...huh? Strange, why are all the scenes of women in my mind?

While she was having a weird fantasy, Ruth felt someone pulling her hind legs. When she looked down, she found that the dog was grinning, as if he wanted to signal something.

Ruth was helpless: "I don't understand."

Gouzi thought for a while and suddenly had an idea.

He quickly drew three letters on the beach, then squatted on the ground and drew two exaggerated half-arc shapes with his paws in front of his chest.

Exaggerated half-arc... Ruth understood instantly and looked at the traces left by the dog on the beach.


This is a universal distress signal on the sea!

"Save Our Ship"!

Ruth knew that there was some strange connection between Gouzi and Elizabeth Rin through black magic. This was one of the reasons why Ruth dared to follow Gouzi into the boundless sea.

After all, Yi Lin is controlling the situation remotely.

And from Gouzi's message, we can know... Something happened to Elizabeth Lin!

"Sail out! Sail out! Sail out!"

Ruth returned to the ship in a hurry.

She followed Yi Lin's instructions and did not open the tarp bag. It was said that breaking the curse required a specific ritual, which could only be completed by a knowledgeable Yi Lin, and Ruth did not dare to be careless.

Ruth already knew exactly how to use the compass.

The trident has been found, and the worries are over.

The remaining longing... Ruth closed her eyes and clenched the compass in her hands.

Emperor Wang Tian: "?"

After a while.

The trembling needle on the compass finally pointed in a certain direction.

"Oh, my dear captain, this time, it's my turn to save you!"

Ruth licked her lips and smiled brightly.

Yi Lin looked at a large ship grave that appeared in the distance.

That's right.

It is indeed a ship grave.

Familiar ship grave.

After all, Yi Lin had seen a lot on the Queen and was not too surprised.

The only thing that Yi Lin found a little surprising was that with one direction of her finger, she really led the nine warships in the direction of the legendary "Devil King".

Is it fate?

Or is there a hand controlling it?

Ever since Shipwreck Bay was completely destroyed by the navy with the help of Gu Tianqing, and after the release of the third main line mission, Yi Lin noticed that the rhythm of the entire plot had suddenly accelerated.

It's like what Gu Tianqing did, turning on a certain switch and pushing the plot to the end in a short time.

Yi Lin lowered his head.

He silently sent a series of messages to Emperor Wang Tian and closed the apostle panel.

Wang Tiandi's IQ is not low, and he is even a bit of a dog. Yi Lin is not worried about whether Gouzi can understand his intentions. His only worry is that Ruth cannot understand what Gouzi conveys.

If the guess is correct, according to the normal rhythm, the apostles should be exploring various plots in this trial, and eventually they will reach two lines, the pirate line and the navy line.

The two lines correspond to the two camps respectively.

In this trial, camp warfare is not the main theme.

The final BOSS corresponding to the pirate line should be Calypso.

The final BOSS corresponding to the naval line should be the "Demon King".

The third main quest under normal difficulty is most likely "Sealing Calypso", or it may be related to the Demon King.

Now, after the destruction of Shipwreck Cove, the second main mission was completed in an almost free-for-all manner, which directly increased the difficulty of the entire trial and changed it to a nightmare-level trial.

Under the control of certain mechanisms and rules, the two lines that originally did not interfere too much, the navy line and the pirate line, were forcibly twisted together in the end.

This is the nightmare-level main mission solve the final BOSS of both parties!

It is truly a nightmare level difficulty!

Whether it was Calypso, whom Yi Lin had met once before, or the Demon King, whom she had never met, they were definitely not beings that the apostles could forcefully escort.

Putting aside the Demon King, Calypso alone, as long as there is enough fuel, Yi Lin is confident that she can drive the Night Dire on the sea, ride the wind and waves, and escape from Calypso's persecution.

But if you want to kill such an illusory existence, it is impossible with the abilities you currently have.

Therefore, after Yilin learned more information, she asked Ruth to cooperate with Gouzi to go to sea to find the legendary trident.

If everything goes well, it won't be difficult for Calypso.

Now the problem is...the Demon King.

The appearance of the ship grave undoubtedly told everyone that they were sailing on the road to death.

on deck.

Gu Tianqing smiled calmly and stood aside, silent.

Tiramisu had already stepped onto the deck, stuck his head out by the fence, and carefully identified the traces on the wreckage around the warship.

From the traces of those shipwrecks, we can roughly deduce the type of beating the ship suffered before it was wrecked, and we can even roughly deduce the scene at that time.


Tiramisu once again confirmed the route with Gu Tianqing, and then sent signals to Admiral Cappuccino and Admiral Macchiato who were on other warships.

Different from the Queen's behavior of squeaking through the ship graveyard, the nine warships were not only unscrupulous, but also used their full power. They turned on the coal boilers one after another, and the sound of whistles resounded throughout the sea.

The nine warships that accelerated their speed set off rolling waves on the calm sea.

The shipwreck floating in the sea area of ​​​​the ship graveyard was forcibly pushed away by the menacing nine warships, and it was floating in the waves, which was very pitiful.

From Yi Lin's point of view, it was obvious that these nine warships were heading towards the Demon King. They seemed to be fully confident in facing the Demon King. Their expressions were excited and there was no trace of fear on their faces.

"Do they know the identity of the Demon King? Or even... have a way to deal with the Demon King?"

Yi Lin didn't dig deep enough into the navy line. He quietly looked over to Gu Tianqing, and he didn't know if it was just right. Gu Tianqing was looking at him with a smile, and the two people's eyes immediately separated.

Yi Lin: Lao Yin beeps.

Gu Tianqing: Show off.

Yi Lin: Acridine~I sent it wrong. (dog head)

Gu Tianqing: Oh, it’s the wrong word. (Smile)

Yi Lin:…….

Gu Tianqing:…….

The two sent the message almost at the same time, and received the other party's message almost at the same time, both of them were speechless.

Yi Lin closed the communication panel with an expressionless expression, and then, in full view of everyone, she walked elegantly into the cabin belonging to Elizabeth Lin and ordered a pastry and black tea.

Don't eat for free before you break your skin.

While enjoying afternoon tea, Yi Lin shook her legs and thought silently.

Regarding the next main quest... what will happen?

"No, it should be is destined, must, and will definitely happen."

Yi Lin opened the window and stared at the sea.

It seemed that somewhere in the sea, there was a pair of strange and indescribable eyes, looking at Yi Lin across the unreachable void.

"Hi, Calypso."

Yi Lin smiled: "I'm here."

While saying this, Yi Lin took out an explosive bead from the bottom of her skirt that she could no longer hold back, and threw it into the sea, making Calypso confused.

No one found it.

Below the buttocks of nine warships, deep in the sea.

A shadow with a strange shape, fleeting.

Thank you to the boss of "Round Centipede" for your support! The character Yi Lin has reached four stars, and personal gifts are being customized, so stay tuned! Add 2 chapters for the boss! 13,000 words in total! This chapter is 2 in 1~~

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