Infinity Throne

Chapter 220 Kusushiro, I hate you! (Fourth update)

Compared to the last voyage, this time it was so comfortable.

Yi Lin enjoyed the treatment of the governor's wife with peace of mind, including exquisite breakfast, sumptuous lunch, stylish dinner, afternoon tea and midnight snacks, all of which were indispensable.

Although these ingredients may not be fresh, the cooking techniques will give them a different flavor.

The surrounding temperature is getting colder and colder.

Tiramisu also thoughtfully brought Yi Lin a fur coat.

After all, Yi Lin pointed out the right direction with just a finger, allowing the navy to discover the location of the ship's tomb, and making Tiramisu pay more attention to Yi Lin.

What if something goes wrong with Elizabeth Rin Swann, and the next time she points, she doesn't take it so seriously? What should we do?

Three days later.

With Lucky 2 sailing in front and the other eight warships hanging far behind in this strange formation, the navy once again discovered a second ship grave.

This experience is exactly the same as the original Queen.

Yi Lin didn't even go out of the room, she just stayed in the room, opened the window, sipped the black tea at a suitable temperature, and observed the marks on the shipwreck.

The fourth day.

Another ship grave.

Day five.


Day six.

And double.

No surprises.

Tiramisu rubbed her palms on the deck excitedly every time, as if she was about to face not the legendary devil, but a good husband stripped naked and lying on the bed.

Yi Lin counted the time with her fingers.

What made him very helpless was that in this trial, the only person who could communicate with each other turned out to be a dog. The language barrier was really annoying.

It seems that after the apostle reaches a higher level in the future and the relevant functions are unlocked, he will have to find a way to develop a skill similar to [Level 10 Mastery of Dog Language] so that he can communicate smoothly with this kind of creature.

Strangely, since the naval fleet encountered the first ship graveyard, the nine warships have never encountered excessive maritime disasters.

It is very possible that the direction in which the nine warships are sailing now means the greatest "bad luck", and there is no need to add seasoning.

During this period, Tiramisu seemed to feel that it was not safe and took out the navigation chart many times, asking Yi Lin, who was responsible for the tragic fate of the Swan family, to point out the course many times. Although Yi Lin could not read the navigation chart, she could only copy it mechanically. It was recorded down, and at certain landmarks, it was emphatically imprinted in my mind.

ninth day.

After Yi Lin blindly pointed out the course again, Tiramisu felt something was wrong and asked Gu Tianqing to do another divination.

I didn’t know before whether it was Gu Tianqing’s excuse, or whether his ability required some kind of consumption or cooling time. He always used reasons such as “he is not sincere, and repeated divination will affect the accuracy.”

But this time, perhaps because the direction Yi Lin pointed at was too different from the original route, Tiramisu had a dark face and a firm tone, insisting that Gu Tianqing do the divination, otherwise he would be served in violation of military orders.

Yi Lin stood aside and observed Gu Tianqing's reaction with a smile.

The last time Yi Lin reached out to grab the tarot cards, he revealed a certain intention, so this time Gu Tianqing did not let Yi Lin touch the tarot cards at all, and drew the cards himself to divine the fate of the warship.

"If it's really that accurate, it's a tricky ability."

Although Gu Tianqing stayed away from everyone and set the table, Yi Lin calmly sent out invisible tentacles and quietly touched forward from a distance of more than 20 meters.

Gu Tianqing pretended to divine.

Yi Lin speculated that if this set really came from some kind of ability from the tower, Gu Tianqing might not need to do so many complicated rituals at all. The reason why Gu Tianqing did this was most likely just to confuse other people.

It's more...confused.

Draw a card!

After a round of skillful shuffling, cutting, and repeated operations, Gu Tianqing finally pulled out three cards from the deck.

In broad daylight, it is impossible for Yi Lin to release a spirit to insert his eyes, so Yi Lin cannot clearly see the results of the divination.

Of course, even if she could see clearly, Yi Lin could not decipher Gu Tianqing's unique ability.

Before Gu Tianqing had time to put away the tarot cards, Yi Lin's tentacles touched them instantly.

The cool and smooth touch comes from the perception of the power of thought. The texture on it is as if it was carefully carved with a knife. It is exquisite but has the taste of pure handwork.

Yi Lin's eyes suddenly focused.

This time.

After Mimi touched the card with her telekinesis, a chill came along Yilin's telekinesis.

In an instant, Yi Lin seemed to feel that behind Gu Tianqing, there was a pair of blood-colored crazy eyes, invisible and colorless, staring at her.

Yi Lin's expression remained unchanged and she quickly withdrew her telekinesis.


After a certain thought flashed through Yi Lin's mind, she decisively gave up her plan to seize a card by force.

After Yi Lin removed his tentacles, Gu Tianqing suddenly frowned slightly, raised her head and looked towards Yi Lin.

That elegant and beautiful lady, with a slight smile on her face, stared at the sea, ah, as if she was looking at the beautiful scenery.

Gu Tianqing: "..."

Divination completed.

Gu Tianqing quickly put away all the tarot cards, lowered her head to think for a moment, and then hid with Tiramisu, seemingly discussing some little secrets that Yi Lin could not know.

Yi Lin chuckled and sent a private message to Gu Tianqing.

Yi Lin: Where are the allies we promised? You are not kind.

Gu Tianqing: I am also very helpless about role-playing.

The call is completed.

It was just a complaint, and Yi Lin didn't expect Gu Tianqing to actually spit out any useful information.

The two discussed secretly for a while, and sure enough, all the warships, under the command of Tiramisu, slightly changed their routes, deviating from what Yi Lin had pointed out at the beginning.

Nothing to say for a day.

Until... night.


The nine warships started their turbines to accelerate again, and bravely forced their way through a ship graveyard.


The mottled shipwreck hit the wall of the ship, making a series of harsh sounds.

It's like trying to bring out certain existences through this rough method.

In the cabin.


The hidden "death mark" trembled slightly.

After Yi Lin read the message, he lowered his head and smiled.

at the same time.

Lucky No. 2 in another location.

The dark cabin.

The windows were closed and the doors locked.

Gu Tianqing sat quietly in the narrow and damp cabin, hidden in the darkness.

In the darkness, Gu Tianqing silently stroked the tarot cards one after another, like a lover, touching the texture behind the tarot cards, breathing a little faster.

This posture is like enjoying the touch of the texture of the tarot cards on the fingertips.

"Ah, Freya..."

Gu Tianqing murmured in a low voice, which seemed to be a woman's name.

Because in this world, in a rare "Scandinavian" language, "Freya" means "noble woman", and the name contains a beautiful meaning.

As an "adventurer from the East", isn't it normal to learn multiple languages?

Gu Tianqing played the tarot cards over and over again.

One after another.

Close your eyes and savor the delicate touch of the tarot cards.

After a while.

In the darkness, Gu Tianqing smiled slightly and said in a calm tone: "Freya, your skin is really irresistible... The human body is just a constraint for you. With this attitude, you can see through it." The truth of this world is truly 'noble' to you, right? What do you think? Freya..."

Gu Tianqing slowly raised her head.

in the darkness.

In the void.

A translucent body covered in scarlet blood floated silently in front of Gu Tianqing.

With a rare gentle look, Gu Tianqing looked calmly at the pair of crazy and strange eyes in the darkness.



Right now.


Above the deck, there was a sudden violent vibration.

The vibrating sound actually caused nine warships to turn on their coal boilers at the same time to accelerate, and the whistles that resounded through the night sky at the same time were even louder.

Gu Tianqing's expression remained unchanged, but she put away the tarot cards she had been rubbing in her hands.

With a flip of his palm, the stack of tarot cards turned into cards and disappeared into the darkness.

Gu Tianqing suddenly stood up from the bed.

But after stopping for a moment, Gu Tianqing seemed to remember something and slowly sat down again.

on deck.

It was chaos.

The terrible explosion seemed to appear out of thin air without any warning.

If you say it will explode, it will explode.

Tiramisu stood in front of the fire, dumbfounded.

That's the captain's cabin where the Governor is.

The power of the explosion was extremely terrifying. It seemed like there was some deep hatred. It used enough materials to blow up the ceiling of the captain's cabin directly and flew into the sea. The deck was a mess.

"Oops! Governor!"

Tiramisu's eyes flashed, and the other navy had already reacted. In order to put out the fire as quickly as possible, they even spent precious fresh water, bucket after bucket, to put out the fire that was billowing smoke in front of them.

"Damn pirates!"

"Quick! Search the whole ship! The damn skeleton gentleman must have snuck aboard!"

"Also, send a signal to other warships to block this sea area. Not long after the explosion, even if the damn pirates left here, they have definitely not gone far. Pay close attention to whether there are any suspicious figures on the sea. Once you see a lifeboat or It’s a strange ship… No need to ask for instructions, just fire!”

One order after another was issued.

The fire in front of him was quickly put out.

Tiramisu's expression condensed, as if he remembered something, and asked everyone to block the deck. No one except himself was allowed to get even half a step closer to the captain's cabin.

In the ruins, a charred figure lifted up the surrounding bombed debris with a click and stood up suddenly.

Tiramisu stepped forward quickly.

A strange tone came out of the charcoal: "No, it's okay... sizzling... damn, that guy is probably... sizzling..."

Seeing that the "contact" was not broken, Tiramisu breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was night. If it were during the day, it would not be easy to explain the Governor's appearance.

ten minutes later.

Macchiato, who always had a coquettish smile, rarely showed a nervous look on his face, and Cappuccino, who had a sullen face, and the two admirals passed through the lifeboat and boarded the deck of Lucky No. 2.

The strange thing is that both admirals are carrying a very heavy-looking box in their hands, and they don't know what is inside.

"Is he okay?"

Tiramisu nodded: "It's okay, I can still contact the 'body'."

The two talked in low voices.

The tense atmosphere finally relaxed a little.

Right now.

A navy man hurriedly climbed up from below the deck with a panicked expression.

Because the explosion site was far away from the warning line, no one except the three generals were allowed to enter. He could only report loudly to the three generals from a distance: "No, no! Elizabeth, Ms. Elizabeth is missing. It's gone! She's missing!"

The three generals were stunned when they heard this.

Why at this time?

Tiramisu was most familiar with Elizabeth Rin. She glanced at the other two admirals and immediately went to deal with Elizabeth Rin's disappearance.

How could something like this happen at such a critical moment?

Damn pirates!

The navy soldier who reported the news took out a wrinkled sheepskin from his pocket with trembling hands: "Ms. Elizabeth is missing! The room is in a mess! The windows are also broken! There is only a sheepskin on the table, on the sheepskin, on the sheepskin... "

At the end of the sentence, the naval soldier didn't know what he was worried about, and his tone was hesitant.

"bring here!"

Tiramisu was impatient and snatched the crumpled parchment directly from the stuttering navy.


Tiramisu was stunned.

There was actually a line of words written in blood on the parchment scroll.

——"Kusashiro, I hate you"!

Sheepskin, with blood written on it, the handwriting is hideous and shocking, as if it contains the resentment of a sad girl.



Once again, thank you to the boss of "Round Centipede Spirit" for your support! Depositing manuscripts... is in danger!

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