Infinity Throne

Chapter 229 I am the legend

Sea of ​​mist.

Gods, humans, ghosts, monsters and dogs are all on show.

The Iron Demon, the three-headed dog of Hell, the ugly sea monster, the undead pirate, the terrifying face in the sky... and the skeleton gentleman who controls the sea currents and stands in the void.

Ruth felt very scared!

Calypso gave up the idea of ​​actively asking Yilin to hand over the trident the moment she witnessed Yilin begin to use the power of the trident to control the ocean currents.

This using the power of Poseidon!

Damn it!

Damn pirates!

Boom boom boom!

In the sky, angry thunder rolled.

The calm sea was once again stirred up by Calypso's anger.

The fog has long since dissipated. Against the backdrop of the sky, not even a ray of light is reflected from the turbulent sea. The entire sea is as dark as ink.

"Damn pirates!"

Calypso is in the sky, roaring like thunder. At this moment, she didn't care about maintaining the "fame of the gods", so she broke her face without hesitation, manipulated the sea, and launched a terrifying attack on Yilin.

At the moment of Calypso's rage, the surrounding air shook wildly, and tornadoes appeared out of thin air, sweeping up the sea water and turning it into four terrifying torrents that connected with the sky. From four directions, they rushed towards Yi in the air. Rin strangled him.

Yi Lin was in an indescribable state at this time.

Legendary equipment, even if it is broken, rotten, or patched, is still legendary after all.

What is a legend?

Even just equipment can create a legend. This is a "legend".

Yi Lin has seen a lot of epic-level equipment and props in her past and present lives.

Although epic equipment has superior attributes, it cannot exceed a certain limit and cannot be completely unreasonable.

But legendary equipment can be unreasonable.

Even if the trident Yi Lin is holding tightly in her hand is a tattered legend that has been broken and then glued back together, even if it is just a key legendary equipment deliberately set up to survive the plot, it cannot bring her out of this trial world and back to reality. ZTE is making waves...but no matter what, a legend is a legend.

At this moment, Yi Lin is a legend!

"I am a legend."

The trident seems to have become some kind of medium, allowing Yi Lin to clearly feel every breeze, every cloud, every subtle current in the sea through the trident, and everything about the "sea". It's in the chest, and it's in the hands.

It felt to him like he was originally playing a very hardcore first-person game, but suddenly he stopped playing it, turned on God's perspective, could see the entire map clearly, and turned on the console to modify everything.

"Haha, cheating or something is surprising? Calypso."

Yi Lin smiled, and in front of four hurricanes that were enough to tear apart more than a dozen Queen ships, she stretched out her trident and pointed at Calypso in the air.

The four hurricanes broke away from Calypso's control in an instant, spiraling directly into the sky and rolling up towards the ugly face in the sky.


The wind roared, and the four hurricanes merged into one, turning into a large hurricane with more terrifying power. Like a giant cannon that pierced the sky, it instantly penetrated Calypso in the sky.

Yi Lin waved the trident again to disperse the hurricane, leaving only a huge hole in the dark clouds. The scene was extremely horrifying.

The hurricane that swept through the sky and was mixed with ocean currents, after being dispersed by Yi Lin, turned into torrential rain and fell on this sea area.

But when the heavy rain was about to fall on Yi Lin, it seemed to fall on an invisible cover, completely isolating Yi Lin. The clothes on Yi Lin's body were not stained by water, and were as new as ever, full of style.

As the power is consumed, the durability of the trident also decreases.

Obviously, this state cannot last for long, so in order to make this state last longer, Yilin clenched the trident as moderately as possible and did not dare to dance randomly.

After being slapped in the face by Yi Lin, Calypso fell completely silent, as if he was frightened by Yi Lin and did not dare to move rashly.

In the distance, three huge monsters like the three-headed hell dog, sea monster, and demon king transformed by Gouzi were still fighting.

Obviously, the Demon King's steel body was unable to do anything to Calypso even when his power was at its peak. After all, the predecessor of the Demon King was a giant battleship that could withstand any wind and waves. In addition, the Demon King did not need human power to move and was not afraid of any wind and waves. Calypso could not do anything to the Demon King.

Therefore, when Calypso signed the "contract", while longing for the trident, he took the Demon King with him to see if Yilin, as an "outsider", could destroy that Demon King.

Yi Lin speculated that the reason why so many scientific and unscientific products were born in this medieval-style Caribbean was probably all because of that "Governor".

Like a butterfly that disrupted history, the various things that governor did changed the world beyond recognition.

"Want to escape? Can you escape?"

Yi Lin, who had everything under control, noticed Calypso's movements and smiled slightly.

With the legendary weapon in hand, Yi Lin felt like she had control over this sea area.

The trident is the source of all curses.

"God? Calypso, are you really not ashamed? No wonder old Gibbs used the adjective 'cunning and despicable' when he mentioned your name. It seems that everyone's evaluation of you is surprisingly unanimous. "

Old Gibbs: "???"

Calypso: "..."

After finishing speaking, a few seconds later, Yi Lin pointed his trident at the sea in the distance with bright eyes.

"Actually, you are not a god at all."

"Calypso, the real you is nothing more than a 'curse'."

"It is precisely because you are the embodiment of the curse that you tried every means to get the trident. You want to use the power of the trident to break the curse on you and make you a truly unrestrained existence."

"Get out of here, Calypso."

Invisible power surged out from the trident. Where the trident pointed, the sea surface instantly boiled inexplicably, and gurgling bubbles gushed out from the depths of the seabed.

And a few seconds later, under the control of the trident, a giantess as tall as a demon king, completely composed of sea water, with a bumpy figure, broke out of the sea.

In an instant, perhaps because a large amount of seawater was sucked away in a short period of time, everything was sucked into a terrifying whirlpool at the feet of the giantess of the sea. The giantess stood in the center of the whirlpool, the figure without facial features. His face was staring straight at where Yi Lin was, full of resentment.


In these few operations, Yi Lin became more familiar with the feeling of cheating while using the God's perspective, and she became even more comfortable using the trident.

"No-damn pirates!!!!"

The giantess transformed by Calypso let out a shrill roar, immediately raised her arms and threw herself at the Demon King!

The battle between monsters and demon kings has another monster!

A monster named Calypso.

Calypso, Emperor Wang, and the sea monster, with various moods and in their own ways, went to attack the Demon King.

The Demon King's steel body is really terrifying, but under the attack of the same level of stature, there are many scars on the iron plate. After Calypso joins, Wang Tiandi and the sea monster are even more comfortable in their dark tricks. , in the blink of an eye, with the cooperation of Wang Tiandi and Zhao Xingchen, the sea monster actually pulled the giant chain anchor out of the demon king's body.


Gouzi looks like a dog, but he is actually a dog. Seeing that the situation is good, he no longer hides his strength.

This is an experience card with a time limit. When the time is up, it will have to change back to its original shape. It will be difficult to cause too much harm to the Demon King.

After all, the size difference between the dog and the devil is too big.

The surrounding ghost ships had already fired all their shells, but for some unknown reason, after all the shells were exhausted, all the ghost ships took advantage of the opportunity between the attacks of Gou Zi, Calypso, and the sea monster to launch attacks on the Demon King's legs at the same time. A suicide attack, directly involving people and ships, desperately crashing into the demon king's legs.


The Demon King's legs suffered a suicidal violent impact, and his huge body suddenly swayed. The balance that was originally floating steadily on the sea was broken by several ghost ships.


The three heads of the trial version of the three-headed hell dog opened its bloody mouth at the same time.

Legend has it that there are three heads of hell dogs, each with different powers. One mouth spits out lava, one mouth spits out ice, and one mouth spits out venom that corrodes everything.

Different colors of saliva spurted out from the three-headed dog's mouth, instantly smearing the devil's face.

Chi chi chi——

Dark green smoke rose from the face of the demon king, who was confused, and a painful cry came from the electronic synthesized sound.

The three-headed dog that Gouzi transformed into used up his last strength, clapped his hands, and the whole dog jumped high, and the three heads hit the Demon King's chest at the same time.

Although the height of Gouzi is far less than that of Gouzi, he can barely jump enough.

The Demon King, who was about to lose his balance, finally could no longer stand firmly on the sea surface under Wang Tiandi's crazy output without any strokes. His huge body swayed suddenly and fell backwards!

The devil finally fell!

After using up his last strength, Gouzi's [Hell Three-Headed Dog Experience Card] time has expired. His hair is curled up, his expression is sluggish, and he quickly shrinks to his original appearance in the air, so small that he cannot be recognized from a distance.

The gone. Ah no, the output is complete.

Calypso turned into a giantess and yelled madly, but she was also the incarnation of a curse and had to be controlled by the trident in Yi Lin's hand. What's more, Yi Lin was so skillful at the moment that she used the trident to The power is almost brought to its extreme.


Yi Lin checked the properties of the trident again.

Especially the durability column.

According to the normal rhythm... this kind of output is absolutely impossible to last until the end.

This durability setting is probably just right.

"In that case..."

Yi Lin's eyes narrowed, and suddenly, the trident trembled crazily in Yi Lin's palm, and all the cracks creaked, as if it was overwhelmed.

at last--


The waves rolled up again, the surrounding air vibrated again, and hurricanes danced under Yi Lin's control.

But this time it was not a tornado. Yi Lin was manipulating the ocean currents, frantically activating the last power of the trident, changing the shape of countless ocean currents.

I saw the overwhelming sea currents, each current becoming thinner and thinner, as thin as paper.

Then, each sea current vibrated crazily with a frequency that was difficult to discern with the naked eye. Under the high-frequency vibration of the sea current, it seemed that the entire sea was vibrating with it, and the scenery in front of him also produced countless subtle afterimages.

“Taste the high-frequency vibrating water jet!”

Yi Lin raised his trident.

Water jets spurted towards the fallen demon king.

The cutting range of the water jet... even covers Calypso and the sea monster Zhao Xingchen.

Isn’t it a normal operation to use AOE ultimate skills to kill monsters?

The movement made by Yi Lin was not small. At this moment, Calypso and Zhao Xingchen reacted at the same time and let out a scream at the same time.

Calypso: "Damn pirates, no-"

Sea Monster Zhao Xingchen: "Fuck!!!"


When Yi Lin was in high spirits.

The trident was broken.

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