Infinity Throne

Chapter 230 Calypso’s last curse

With the trident in his hand, Yi Lin can control everything in the sea.

But in theory, the more complex the operation, the faster the durability seems to be consumed.

Just like when Li Changge was beaten under the tower, the more fists and knives he received, the faster the durability of the suit fell off. It was the same reason.

The power of water is unfathomable.

Like Calypso, uncreative natural disasters like whirlpools, hurricanes, and ocean currents may come and go. For humans, they may be extremely lethal, but for the rough-skinned demon king with a body of steel, But it's not painful or itchy.

As a ship, even if it is swept to the bottom of the sea, it can float up quickly.

The Demon King's Ship seems to possess a certain degree of intelligence and has been wandering in the sea, avoiding everyone's sight, indicating that there is something it is afraid of in this sea.

For example... deep sea?

If Yi Lin becomes the King of the Sea, he will definitely use the power of the Sea King to drag him into the deep sea. Even with the water pressure of the vast deep sea, he can crush the devil to death.

Unfortunately, Calypso is not imaginative enough.

And now.

Yilin used the power of the trident to transform into the King of the Sea. He was like a legend. He controlled the water flow and simulated a high-frequency vibrating water jet. With the terrifying cutting power, he mercilessly struck at the struggling people from various angles and postures. The three monsters cut through.

The giantess body now condensed by Calypso was originally transformed by sea water, and seemed to be immune to physical damage. The water knife penetrated Calypso's body instantly, leaving no trace.

But Zhao Xingchen was different. He transformed into a sea monster, with flesh and blood. The water knife struck and instantly cut off all the tentacles of Zhao Xingchen's sea monster. Even the hideous and ugly sea monster's head was neatly cut into pieces. .


The devil has fallen.

The power of the water knife, after smoothly passing through Calypso and Zhao Xingchen, continued unabated, vibrating at a frequency that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, leaving criss-crossing wounds on the demon king's black steel body.

In Yi Lin's hand, the trident once again made an overwhelming crisp sound.

"Come again."

Yi Lin's expression remained unchanged, and she once again activated the power of the trident. Countless currents surged up in the surrounding sea area, turning into a curtain of high-frequency vibrating water jets, mercilessly cutting the bodies of Zhao Xingchen and the Demon King!

At this moment, Yi Lin holds the trident, as if he is the king of the sea.

The King of the Sea who controls the power of Poseidon!



Yi Lin let go of her hand, and the vast power suddenly dissipated without a trace as the trident shattered.

"No-I don't! Damn it! How could you-"

Calypso, who was clearly not harmed by the water jet, screamed in the saddest voice.

The trident... was completely shattered!

Durability reset to zero!

This legendary piece of equipment that controlled the power of the ocean and was responsible for the source of all curses finally completed its mission and was shattered again.

This time, it was broken more completely than it was years ago, completely shattered and unable to stick together again.

Poseidon's trident completely disappeared from this world.

at the same time.

When the trident was broken, there seemed to be some mysterious existence connected to the trident, which suddenly collapsed.

After the giantess transformed by Calypso let out a shrill scream, her body transformed from sea water froze on the sea.

The sea monster Zhao Xingchen had the same reaction. His ugly body, covered with scars and without any intact parts, was also stiff in front of the Demon King, trembling crazily, as if having a convulsion.

Yi Lin was not surprised by this scene.

Just like what Jack did back then, when Poseidon's trident is broken, all the curses on the sea will be completely eliminated as the power of the sea god disappears.

Including...Calypso and Zhao Xingchen!

Not to mention Zhao Xingchen, the existence of Calypso is a "living curse", or the "incarnation of the curse". If the trident exists, she exists. If the trident disappears, it means that Calypso disappear.

From this moment on, there is no longer Calypso claiming to be a god in the world, nor is there a curse named "Calypso".

Chi chi chi——

Yi Lin and Gu Tianqing both had bursts of black smoke shooting out from their bodies at the same time. The curse on Yi Lin's body also disappeared like clouds of smoke as the trident was shattered.

Ah, this sea no longer hates women.

very nice.

A searing pain came from within his body. Yi Lin, who had lost his trident, fell from mid-air in a slightly embarrassed state. The moment he landed on the sea, 8% of his health was lost due to the impact.

Another place.

Gu Tianqing was almost completely shrouded in thick black smoke. He covered his heart in pain, with black blood flowing out of his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and his face was hideous.

The sea monster Zhao Xingchen's body was covered with abscesses, and pieces of flesh and blood were peeling off. Even the sea monster's head and half of Nicholas Zhao's body were emitting thick black smoke. Zhao Xingchen cried bitterly amid the rapidly festering flesh and blood. Tears.

The huge sea monster's body quickly disintegrated and shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On her deathbed, Calypso also understood that her disappearance was inevitable. Suddenly, the rapidly melting giantess suddenly turned her head and looked at Yilin floating on the sea.

And just when Calypso "looked" this way.

Yi Lin suddenly felt a chill running down her spine.

It was as if the face made entirely of seawater really had a pair of eyes filled with resentment, falling on him across the void.

Calypso used the last of his strength to whisper softly.

"Outsider, I curse you."

"No matter where you go, no matter where you are, no matter what time and space you are in, I, Calypso, will curse you with my life."

"Curse your body to wither like a corpse and rot like a sea monster. I, Calypso, curse your soul. Day and night, you will be haunted by nightmares. You will encounter the most tragic misfortune. You cannot escape, you escape. But you can’t escape—”

Yilin's pupils shrank suddenly.

Calypso's voice echoed between heaven and earth, and the vicious curse, like a demonic sound, lingered in Yi Lin's ears.

How can it be?

Didn't the curse disappear when the trident was shattered?

What curse did Calypso use?

And is there any need to curse like Alice?

I, Elizabeth Lin, didn’t do anything to you!


As Calypso completely disappeared, Yilin suddenly had the illusion that his whole body was soaked in slippery and cold mucus, and as if he was bound to the depths of the ocean floor, with the surrounding cold seawater filling every pore of his body. It was so oppressive that Yi Lin could hardly breathe.

This is...Calypso's curse!

Amid Calypso's spiteful voice, Yi Lin's spirit was in a trance for a moment. When he came to his senses again, Calypso and the sea monster had disappeared from the sea level.

On the sea in the distance, there was only one dog. His hair was soaked. He was quickly crawling in the standard dog crawling style, with his four paws moving rapidly, as if equipped with a small electric motor, and he was rushing towards the direction of Yi Lin. Come swim.

A small and simple prompt appeared in front of Yi Lin's eyes.

[Successfully sealed "Calypso"! 】

That is to say, there is still...the Demon King!

After Yi Lin and Gu Tianqing endured the pain of the curse being dispelled, they received prompts from the tower at the same time.

Now, at this final stage, due to Gu Tianqing's saucy operation, there is no longer any distinction between camps. The only mission of all the apostles in this world is to seal Calypso and completely kill the Demon King.

Calypso is cursed and cannot be killed, but as for the Demon King, since the word "kill" is used, it proves that the Demon King has a health value and can be completely killed.

All red names are strange.

As long as there is a health bar, there is always a way to kill.


There were bursts of chaotic noises coming from the place where the Demon King fell.

The water jet formation that Yi Lin created before the trident was completely shattered, coupled with the output of Calypso, Zhao Xingchen, Sea Monster, and Gouzi in turn, caused serious trauma to the Demon King.

At this moment, the so-called Demon King could no longer produce a normal tone. His armor was in tatters and almost no part of it was intact. The Demon King's head and chest, where the dog had drooled over his face, showed serious symptoms. Due to corrosion, the entire head was missing a piece, and countless weird parts were exposed, spraying sparks of electricity out of the head.

However, no matter how miserable the devil is at the moment, he is still alive!

The health points have not been cleared yet.

The devil is not dead yet.

The main mission...has not yet been completed.


Yi Lin took a long breath. Sure enough, although the development of things was slightly different from what he had originally imagined, in the end, the apostle still had to do it himself to give the Demon King the final stab in the back.

This is the ultimate difficulty of this main mission.

Yilin quickly mounted Nightmare.

Night Dire is well fed.

As an alternative apocalypse mount, Night Dire seemed to be aware of the solemnity of the surrounding atmosphere, or felt the owner's emotions. When Yilin slowly turned the throttle, a roaring exhaust sound was emitted from behind, which was very domineering.

Um? Yi Lin always felt that there was a faint aroma of wine in the exhaust emitted by Night Dire, which was a bit strange.

Yi Lin: "..."

After careful identification, Yi Lin was speechless for a moment. It really smells like alcohol!

far away.

The devil has risen again!

Yi Lin had no time to think about whether it was reasonable and scientific to emit alcohol from the exhaust.

At this time, the Demon King was in a miserable posture. The giant anchor and arms were torn off from the body. The part of the chest that resembled a cockpit seemed to be composed of many spheres. There was a little red light there, faintly with a certain rhythm. Flashing, just like the breathing light prompt when the energy of some device is exhausted.

"Ah, this is really a thoughtful reminder."

Yi Lin was a little surprised and silently took out the knife.

The dog had swam behind Yi Lin, spreading its paws with a regretful expression, as if to indicate that there was nothing he could do.

Gu Tianqing opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Yi Lin was speechless. All of these "teammates" were disabled?

He was complaining crazily in his heart, but he glanced at the remaining spiritual energy value and could only condense the telepathy needle and insert it into his head. After using the telepathy needle, Yilin had entered an activated state.

As for going to the next level, the so-called double happiness, in the role-playing mode, without the self-healing effect of the Dionysus factor, Yi Lin would not dare to try it.

It can range from torn tendons to severe injuries, which is not just talk.

In the activated state, Yi Lin also activated rarely used abilities.

——"morphological change".

But this time, it wasn't from Nie Hongxiu's bloodshot blood, but from Bai Xiaoyi's morphological change.

In an instant.

The blood jasmine in Yi Lin's hand surged at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, the short sword turned into a giant blood-colored blade, almost two meters long, like a severing sword. The terrifying blade alone made people shudder.

One person, one car, and a big sword, riding on the waves.

With the sound of billowing exhaust, Yi Lin and Nightmare merged into one, and instantly turned into a black stream of light, rushing forward.

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