Infinity Throne

Chapter 231 Returned from overseas, the end of the trial! (7200 words is enough for a large chapter)


Yi Rin moved forward at full speed.

Then suddenly, not far from Gu Tianqing, there was a sudden stop.

Demon King: "???"

Gu Tianqing: "..."

Yi Lin held a broad-bladed long knife in her hand and stared at the changes in Gu Tianqing's body.

Although Gu Tianqing was silent, there was still a faint smile on her face, but it was obvious that this expression was just Gu Tianqing's habitual pretense.

After the trident was broken, the skin on Gu Tianqing's face was disintegrating and peeling off at a speed that could be discerned by the naked eye. Behind the peeling skin, drops of fishy blood seeped out as if for nothing.

Yi Lin had already figured out Gu Tianqing's current situation, and laughed and said, "What? Why don't you come together?"

When Gu Tianqing heard this, she couldn't laugh or cry immediately, but she held her chest with a little more force and said, "You're like this... It's hard for us to make friends happily."

"Okay, I'll go by myself."

"Please... please do it quickly."

Yi Lin smiled and replied: "It's hard to say, the other party is so hot, so tall, so hot..."

Gu Tianqing suddenly took a breath, not knowing whether it was from the sequelae of the curse being lifted, or because he had made up his mind.

Suddenly, Gu Tianqing pulled out a card from the storage space.

Not a prop card, but one of the tarot cards from that set.

Gu Tianqing looked into Yi Lin's eyes with a calm expression: "This is my sincerity."

Yi Lin's eyes narrowed further: "Then we have to see how sincere you are."

Gu Tianqing was speechless.

But there was not much time, so Gu Tianqing stopped talking nonsense. With a flick of his palm, the black card came to Yi Lin in the blink of an eye.

And at this time.

Yi Lin also saw the face of the card clearly. On the tarot card, there was an image of a ferocious demon. Behind the demon, there seemed to be an abyss, filled with boundless darkness.

Yi Lin hesitated for two seconds.

Gu Tianqing was afraid that Yi Lin would drag herself to death if she hesitated any longer, so she reminded softly: "I think you can also see that my current state is not suitable for...exerting force. This is my sincerity. At this last moment, I have no There is a reason to attack you."

"Who knows."

Yi Lin shook her head, but still reached out to the "Devil" tarot card.

Indeed, anyone who is not blind can see that Gu Tianqing's current state is not optimistic.

At the same time, Yi Lin also speculated that what happened to Gu Tianqing was similar to the sea monster Zhao Xingchen, but not as pitiful as Zhao Xingchen.

At the moment when the trident was broken, as Calypso disappeared, some people were happy and some were sad.

Yi Lin's fingers quickly reached for the tarot cards.

In an instant, the Tarot cards turned into streaks of black light, following Yi Lin's arms and intertwining endlessly.

[Acquire buff status: Demonized. 】

[Gain time limit: 60 seconds. 】

With the BUFF on her upper body, Yi Lin... no, to be precise, Elizabeth Lin's body swelled up like a balloon, especially her arms, which had muscles as solid as rocks. , veins were exposed on the muscles, and the tuxedo was stretched tightly by this sudden change, as if it would overflow at any time.

"This is--"

Yi Lin was slightly shocked, feeling the surge of power in her body. She didn't expect Gu Tianqing's tarot cards to be able to do this.

Is it a purely auxiliary type?

Yi Lin habitually quickly analyzed the capabilities of Gu Tianqing's possessed weapons.

While gaining the BUFF, a violent emotion that seemed to destroy everything in front of him gradually spread from somewhere in his mind.

But this didn't affect Yilin's sanity, it just made Yilin feel a little excited.

Gu Tianqing urged: "You only have one minute, so you must do it as soon as possible."

Yi Lin took a deep look at Gu Tianqing, which was meaningful.

He did not tell Gu Tianqing his guess, or maybe Gu Tianqing had no choice but to use this tarot card on Yi Lin, expecting that Yi Lin could guess some of the limitations or abilities of his enchanted weapon, and was very helpless. .


There is not much time.

Yi Lin let out a long roar, and the Night Dire activated again with the smell of alcohol. Controlling the Night Dire, Yi Lin held a long knife in his hand, crossed the sea, and came to the Demon King.

The Demon King seemed to be at the end of his strength. Under various beatings, his body parts were in pieces, and the breathing light on his chest kept flashing.

But Yi Lin didn't dare to be careless. During this one-minute gain period, Yi Lin's strength attributes skyrocketed. Gu Tianqing's last move was able to prevent Yi Lin from using the "bloodthirsty disaster" as his final trump card. .

Until the last moment, Yi Lin really didn't want to use this skill that could kill a thousand enemies at the expense of eight hundred.

The Demon King was like a warrior willing to die bravely. When faced with Yi Lin and Night Dire, who were "like ants", he did not dodge or dodge, but directly used his only remaining iron arm to strike hard at Yi Lin.

Yi Lin's eyes narrowed.

Driving a motorcycle with one hand is indeed a bit difficult, but unfortunately Night Dire does not have an automatic driving mode, so Yi Lin can only do this.


The air wave exploded, and Yi Lin suddenly lifted the front of the car. In an instant, Nightmare seemed to have escaped gravity, turned ninety degrees, and ran up the Demon King's legs.


This palm covered the sky and the sun, like a meteorite falling, but it shot into the air. The night dire sprayed billowing air waves. Under Yi Lin's control, it flexibly circled around the demon king's body, one after another. lock up.

This is truly ignoring the terrain.

Yi Lin felt very emotional.

As long as it belongs to "terrain", whether it is a dirt road or a ceiling, he can drive up it. With the bonus of his skills, Yi Lin can control the Night Dire on various terrains without having to be skilled in driving.

Slapping his palm in the air, the Demon King seemed stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted.

"That ant" crawled on himself!

"Gurgling... sizzling... squeaking -"

Within the Demon King's body, there were waves of meaningless noises that could not be translated.

It seems angry, crying, helpless, and lonely.

Yi Lin had no time to appreciate the Demon King's emotions at this moment.

Driven by the main mission, either this monster will fall completely, or they will stay in this world and end up like the poor governor.

Fighting... there is no reason!

It's all just tasks.

The Demon King's whole body was twitching wildly, and the damage and joints all over his body were rubbing into horrifying flames.

Click, click, click.

The Demon King was almost crazy and slapped himself, as if he wanted to slap down the night dire crawling on his body.

But Yi Lin would not give the Demon King a chance to scratch his itch, and drove directly along the broken road to the Demon King's back.

If you're capable, you'd better scratch your back!

Put your hands behind your back and scratch it!

As we all know, once it starts to itch, there is an eternal dead spot behind it.

Such a huge BOSS has obvious advantages and sufficient lethality, but its disadvantages are also obvious... Generally speaking, it is not too flexible, relatively speaking.

Yi Lin inserted the giant blade into the Demon King's armor with her backhand, and with the powerful driving force of the Night Dire, she tore out hideous scars on the armor!

"Not enough... not enough..."

The Demon King howled.

Unfortunately, the strength of Yi Lin's telekinesis at this moment is not enough to support Yi Lin's weight. Without the night dire, Yi Lin would not be able to attack the devil's vital points. There is no other way except to get a pedicure on the sea.

While dodging the devil's tickling, Yi Lin held a big knife and drove the car to the devil's chest.

On the Demon King's chest, where the red breathing light flickered, it was actually in pieces, filled with mucus that had long since solidified. The red breathing light shone out from the mucus, as if there was something inside that was struggling desperately.


Sea monster?


Could it be that before this wave of apostles came to this world, Calypso had already manipulated sea monsters and had contact with the devil?

Various thoughts quickly flashed through Yi Lin's mind.

Now, there are less than 30 seconds left before the "demonization" state.

By this time, Yi Lin had no time to think about more details of the plot.

"Xiaobai, change your shape a little."

Bai Xiaoyi: "???"

Yi Lin was connected with Bai Xiaoyi and immediately conveyed his thoughts to Bai Xiaoyi.

After a few seconds.

The two-meter-long giant knife in Yi Lin's hand surged wildly again.

If it weren't for Gu Tianqing's tarot card gain, which added a strength attribute to him, Yi Lin wouldn't have dared to bring Bai Xiaoyi's shape to such a scale.

The bigger and longer the knife is, the better. If you don't have enough strength to control the weapon, it will have no shape.

Therefore, in normal times, Yi Lin is more accustomed to using Nie Hongxiu's form changes, which are more lethal to normal humanoid monsters.

Obviously, the demon king under Yi Lin and Nightmare's crotch does not belong to the category of "carbon-based life".

[Killing Skill] Although it is not as simple as shown in the skill description, Yi Lin cannot find the "gap" in the Demon King no matter how hard he concentrates.


Chi chi chi——

The giant sword changed again.

The smooth blade actually squirmed, and tiny blades formed.

At this moment, what Yi Lin was holding tightly in her hand was no longer a two-meter-long giant knife... but a three-meter-long saw.

"25 seconds."

Yi Lin smiled slightly.

The inspiration for this fine-tuned shape comes from one of Dire's abilities.

When [Saw Blade] causes damage while riding, there is a 25% chance of triggering the 'armor-breaking' effect, which lasts for 10 seconds. The armor-breaking effect cannot be superimposed.


That’s when the hand speed explodes like crazy!

Swish, swish, swish!

With bare hands... uh no, Yi Lin fully demonstrated with her actions at this moment, what it means to dismantle a mecha with a broadsword!

Blood Jasmine turned into a big saw, and with Yilin's current strength attributes, she could barely swing out a series of knife shadows. Yilin gritted his teeth, and the Nightmare under his crotch exerted all his strength, desperately fighting for the mucus on the Demon King's chest. Squeeze in deep!

Kill kill kill!

Dig, dig, dig!

No reasons, no grudges, just pure mission!

Either you die... or I live!

With an increasingly crazy desire to kill, Yi Lin merged with the car, and like an electric drill, it sank deeply into the Demon King's chest.

"Papa papa... sizzle-"

The Demon King suddenly made a loud noise.

25 seconds later.


Deep in the mucus, at the end of the flashing red light, Yi Lin stretched out her hand and pulled out the red breathing lamp.


【Obtain "Contaminated Fire Source Fragments"! 】

[Congratulations to Apostle 1010 for successfully killing the "Devil King"! 】

[Get chaos value +2333! 】

at the same time.

sea ​​surface.

A lump of rotten flesh floated up.

On the rotten meat, human facial features are vaguely distributed, but the position of the eyes, ears, mouth and nose is a little wrong. It feels like a facial jigsaw puzzle, where all the facial features are messed up and then stuck together casually.


From the mouth of that piece of rotten flesh, syllables of unknown meaning came out, and it was unclear what he was saying.

Zhao Xingchen didn't expect that when the curse disappeared, he would turn into such a miserable appearance.

But, this is not important!

He is still alive!

He is still hanging on!

No matter how miserable and tattered this body is, it is still the body of Nicholas Zhao. What does it have to do with him, Zhao Xingchen?

As long as you can - survive!


Just when Zhao Xingchen thought that he would bear the heavy mission of the protagonist's template and was destined to survive in adversity and survive in this desperate situation, a black-haired figure silently appeared in front of Zhao Xingchen.

Zhao Xingchen's eyes suddenly widened.

The one eye was instantly filled with a feeling of "fear".

"Good night, Nicholas Zhao."

Gu Tianqing smiled slightly and silently took out a skinning knife.

The moonlight reflected by the knife reflected on the piece of rotten flesh named "Zhao Xingchen".

Zhao Xingchen looked miserable and helpless, like meat on a chopping board.

After killing the Demon King.

Yi Lin was covered in mucus and felt very uncomfortable.

But now is obviously not the time to take a shower.

"Fragments of the source of fire?"

Yi Lin's heart moved, thinking that the breathing lamp pulled out from the Demon King's chest should be the source of everything.

It's just a fragment of the fire source, so what is it?

After turning it into a card, Yi Lin didn't have time to look at its attributes, so she put it into the storage space first.


After losing the fire source fragment, the Demon King, who was still running wildly just now, instantly lost his power and turned into a pile of lifeless scrap metal. He collapsed and slowly sank into the deep sea.

From then on, there was no more devil in the world.

Yi Lin put away the big saw and turned the throttle. The sound of exhaust ripped through the sky. Yi Lin rushed out of the pile of slime and landed on the sea again.



A gentle laughter sounded in Yi Lin's ears.

Yi Lin looked around and found that there was no one around.


There was relief and purity in the laughter, and there was no resentment hidden under the laughter in the past. Yi Lin could still tell this.

Alice's laughter disappeared in a flash, as if she were delusional.

At this time, Yi Lin really couldn't tell whether it was an illusion or whether Alice really left a belated last word.

After all, after the trident disappears, Alice should disappear into thin air and cannot continue to exist in this world.

"Alice" is also a type of curse.

"The legendary... ascended to heaven on the same spot and became a Buddha immediately?"

Yi Lin laughed dumbly.

"Rin! Rin! Rin!"

Ruth was still alive, crying with joy, rising and falling with the waves, waving wildly in the direction of Yi Lin on the sea.

Taking advantage of the last moment, Yi Lin quickly drove the motorcycle and came to Ruth.

Soaking in the cold sea water, Ruth's face was red, her eyes were blurred, and she seemed to have endless words that she didn't know whether to say or not.

Yi Lin knew very well that there was not much time, so she said quickly: "I have to leave."

Ruth was stunned.

Without waiting for Ruth to ask questions, Yi Lin took out a large pile of messy treasures, gems, treasure maps, gold coins, canned food, fresh water, etc. that had already been packed from the storage space, and stuffed them all into Ruth's hands.

These useless props are useless even if they are brought back to the real world.

Those gold coins have unique historical characteristics. If they are sold in reality, they may cause some trouble. In addition, the apostle is not that eager for wealth in reality, so Yi Lin is too lazy to leave it in the storage space and waste precious gold coins. Just treat the space as clearing out a wave of warehouse garbage.

Ruth's eyes widened. Before she could elaborate on the joy of surviving, she suddenly felt a sense of understanding, as if she understood the profound meaning contained in Elizabeth Lin's hasty movements. leaving?

Was this planned in advance?

The package even has a pretty bow on it?

Yi Lin emptied the warehouse, then took off the mask, smiled slightly, and added: "No need to ask, I probably...won't come back."

Ruth still couldn't hold it back and subconsciously hugged Elizabeth Lin tightly: "My dear captain, one day in the future..."

Yi Lin chuckled, stretched out her index finger and pressed Ruth's lips, interrupting her words.


"You know, 'one day' is a curse word."

"Because when you think in your mind, 'One day'."

"It often means..."



[Main mission three: Seal "Calypso" and kill the "Demon King"! mission completed! 】

In an instant.

Everything was silent.

Time stands still.

Everything in this world is completely frozen.

The cold moonlight, the torn thick fog, the wreckage of the devil sunk at the bottom of the sea, the messy sea surface, countless shipwrecks, the firelight and thick smoke that have not been extinguished but are frozen, everything in front of me is solidified into a tragic but beautiful scene. The picture scroll came into Yi Lin's eyes.

Yi Lin waved his hand, and the night dire turned into light and dissipated into the void.

He stepped on the sea and enjoyed a moment of tranquility.

No matter how many times, the scene before returning is always so charming.

Looking at the frozen world, one has the illusion of being completely above the world. It was as if at this moment, the existence of their apostles was completely transcendent of the "world", transcending everything, and making people intoxicated.

Yi Lin looked down and saw that Ruth was soaked in the sea. In her eyes, there seemed to be an emotion called sadness.

"Oh, boss lady, we will never see you again."

After saying that, Yi Lin walked on the solid sea without any nostalgia.

The dog was combing his hair with his tongue. When he saw Yi Lin passing by, he silently made several complicated gestures with his two paws.

Yi Lin: "???"

You're really talking about people.

Yi Lin ignored Wang Tiandi and went straight to Gu Tianqing.

Gu Tianqing was smiling. On the sea surface at his feet, there was a pile of unexplained rotten meat, which was also fixed by the world.

At the end of this world, the two looked at each other.

There was not much time, and finally it was Yi Lin who broke the silence first.

"Which side do you belong to?"

Gu Tianqing: "What do you think?"

"Oh, you despicable pirate."

Gu Tianqing smiled slightly and changed the subject: "Killing the Demon King should be a good harvest, right?"

Yi Lin blinked: "Want to know? I'll tell you."

Gu Tianqing: "?"

"Reach out."

Gu Tianqing hesitated for a few seconds, but unexpectedly stretched out her hand, as if she thought Yi Lin would not cause any trouble in this moment of complete silence.


A lump of mucus instantly smeared on Gu Tianqing's hand.

Yi Lin: "Boss is covered in these things."

Gu Tianqing: "..."

The next second.

Yi Lin's eyes suddenly dazzled. In his sight, the dark night and the vast sea were replaced by a dazzling stream of light.

In the streamer.

[Customs clearance evaluation is being calculated...]

[Evaluation: A. 】

[Note: Due to the "Main Mission 2" reward, the clearance evaluation level is +1! 】

[Final clearance rating: S! 】

Yi Lin: "..."


Yi Lin was a little disappointed, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed natural and she felt relieved.

[Total attribute value reward +0.8! 】

[Distributed based on Apostle 1010 trial performance...]

[Strength +0.4, Agility +0.2, Spirit +0.6, Will +0.2, Luck -0.5, Charm -0.1...]

Well, 0.6 is deducted from the luck and charm attribute values, and then added to other combat-related attributes. Isn't this a normal operation? There is nothing surprising.

Normal...what a ghost!

Yi Lin was unable to complain.

Settlement continues.

[Death points are being settled...]

[Difficulty bonus: 40% (Nightmare difficulty)]

[Evaluation bonus: 30%]

[Acquire death points: 3400! 】

Yi Lin looked at the "massive" death points with an expression neither happy nor sad.

After being promoted to the second level, the basic death points for each trial have reached 2,000 points. With the difficulty and evaluation bonus, it seems like a lot, but in fact it is just average.

After the experience in Haiting City, Yilin earned a lot of death points. Now these more than 3,000 death points really can't make Yilin's mood fluctuate, it's just a drizzle.

Oh, now comes the exciting lottery moment!

Yi Lin waited silently.

The mood is very peaceful.

【Now draw random rewards! 】

[Get the prop "Scene Card of Shipwreck"*1! 】

[Get the prop "Rotten Sea Monster Tentacles"*3! 】

Yi Lin: "..."

He silently calculated his current luck value, and immediately held his hands and looked into his tearful eyes, speechless and choked.

Settlement continues.

[Because of Apostle 1010, I completed part of the hidden plot branch of "Alice's Long-cherished Wish" with a completion rate of 32%, and received an "Alice Q Version Fantasy Commemorative Badge". 】

[Due to Apostle 1010, if you gain a certain level of activity in the trial under the name "Skeleton Gentleman", you can replace your current title with "Skeleton Gentleman". Do you want to replace it? 】

【YES/NO? 】

Yi Lin thought for a while and chose to replace it.

[Level improvement...]

[Congratulations to the second-level apostle for reaching the 16th floor of the Tower of Death. 】

[Current level: LV16. 】

[It has been detected that Apostle 1010's body is slightly damaged. Do you want to use death points to repair the body? 】

【YES/NO? 】

Slight damage, probably some of the sequelae left after using the mind needle. Yi Lin did not suffer much damage in the final scene, but for the sake of safety, Yi Lin did not hesitate to choose to repair it. This is the case with too many death points. Willful...and safe.


[Consumption of 58 death points! 】

[The repair is completed instantly. 】

【return! 】

On the sea.

The still time resumes its flow.

The remains of the "Devil King" continue to sink until they completely decay, and they may not be able to be salvaged again.

The fog around me didn't know when it would completely dissipate. From now on, there will be no curse in this world, and there will no longer be this sea of ​​mist filled with a mysterious atmosphere.


Elizabeth Lin suddenly fell into the cold water.

Ruth's eyes blurred. Elizabeth Lin, who was originally in front of her, suddenly teleported not far away for some unknown reason. Although Ruth looked confused, she still hurried forward and swam forward, even with the large package of " Property" has no time to take care of it.

"Rin! My captain!"

Elizabeth Lin's eyes were closed and she fainted.

On the sea.

A dog swam in a slightly awkward manner, huffing and puffing, and swam towards us. The dog's eyes were wide open and he was panicking.

not far away.

A navigator from the East, "Amakusa Seishiro", had a complicated expression, mixed with three parts pain, three parts confusion, three parts horror, and one part confusion written on his forehead. His heart suddenly stopped beating, and his expression was completely frozen. Then it sank silently to the bottom of the sea.

Even he himself died in an unclear manner. It was clear that he was still in the warm bed one second, and when he came back to his senses the next second, he was already here. Before he could express his last words, he died tragically at sea. .

Ruth didn't know what was happening, she just called Elizabeth Rin's name frantically.


Elizabeth Lin opened her eyes, and those eyes shone with a deep blue light, just like the color of the sea in front of her.

"Damn outsiders!"

Elizabeth Lin gritted her teeth, and her eyes showed two traces of hatred that were very unfamiliar to Ruth.

Ruth: "Rin?"

After a while.

All the hatred in Elizabeth Lin's eyes disappeared. She floated on the sea and gracefully rubbed the ornaments around her earlobes.

On the earrings, there was a drop of dried blood, which melted into Elizabeth Lin's white fingertips without leaving a trace.

Elizabeth Lin Swann smiled brightly at Ruth: "Do you want to see the new world?"

New, new world?

Ruth didn't know what she was thinking of, and her breathing became short.

Is that, that, so exciting?

You, you finally figured it out! My good captain!

Thinking of the depths, Ruth also felt her limbs feel hot in the cold sea water, and she twisted subconsciously.

She didn't notice that after Elizabeth Lin said those words, a trace of hidden hatred flashed in her eyes.

Ten days later.

Various versions of the battle in the Misty Sea spread throughout the sea.


Governor's Palace.

A woman with an elegant figure and calm manner appeared in the empty and gloomy Governor's Mansion.

As if she was in a deserted place, Elizabeth Lin went straight to the gorgeous corridor on the first floor that was full of concave and convex spiral reliefs.


After Elizabeth Lin walked slowly through the corridor, a dazzling red light flashed around her, and the alarm bell rang loudly.

But soon, the piercing alarm bell fell silent again, as if it had never sounded.

Elizabeth Lin walked gracefully to the dark door.

Before she entered the password, the elevator opened automatically, as if to welcome Elizabeth Lin's arrival.

ten minutes later.

Underground of the Governor's Palace.

This is a room filled with white light.

The four walls of the room were covered with many strange instruments, which made beeping sounds from time to time.

In the center of the room, a mutilated body was soaked in a glass tank filled with a strange green liquid.

It seemed that the head of the broken body in the glass tank was still intact. Electrode pads connected to the wires were stuck around the head. The face was fragmented and the appearance was terrible.

And under the head, it was even more miserable. Most of the body seemed to have been bitten off by some monster, with only half left.

A normal person would never be able to survive in this posture.

Elizabeth Lin came to the glass trough and chuckled: "Long time no see, Governor Henry Turner. Or should I call you... an outsider?"

A glass tank filled with green liquid.

The broken body and the closed eyes on the face slowly opened.

"Want to leave this world? Outsider."


A string of tiny bubbles burst out of the glass tank.

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