Infinity Throne

Chapter 267

[Unstable Explosives].

This output skill is very unstable and complicated to use, but it cannot conceal its essence as an excellent output skill.

Yi Lin reviewed his current abilities and found that he indeed lacked a conventional output skill.

Before breaking through the first level of spiritual lock, telekinesis cannot exert its due power.

Besides, who would think that he has too many output skills?

Yi Lin didn't hesitate.

The skill light ball was held in Yi Lin's hand.

At the same time, the shattering skill slot matching [Unstable Explosive] lit up slightly, flickering on and off like a breathing lamp.

After the [Bloodthirsty Catastrophe], on the "line" that spread infinitely into the depths of darkness, a broken ball of light lit up.

[This operation requires 20,000 chaos points. 】

【YES/NO? 】

Hesitate for a second.

Yi Lin still chose "YES".

After selection.

In an instant.

The [Unstable Explosive] in Yi Lin's hand turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the module with a whoosh. The cracks on the corresponding shattering skill slot were quickly repaired and relit at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although Yilin's module is a damaged Apocalypse Knight module, everything is DIY based on your own ideas.

But after all, the Apocalypse Knights are walking natural disasters that bring doomsday to mankind. Yi Lin has vaguely figured out some patterns in the direction of the evolution of ordinary skills after adding them to the module.

The skills of the disaster system, whether it is [Calamity Haunted] or [Bloodthirsty Catastrophe], are very overbearing and almost like a disaster.

A strong control ability and an explosive ability.

[Unstable Explosive] After upgrading, there is a high probability that Yi Lin will not be disappointed.

But what Yi Lin is worried about is that she must not create another "cheap card" similar to [Bloodthirsty Disaster], which is terrifyingly powerful but has side effects and skill limitations.

"How about a mediocre output skill?"

Yi Lin cannot fully control all of this, it is all matched by the module.

It's like unboxing a game, investing a huge amount of chaos value and consuming a precious slot, but the final appearance after skill upgrades has a bit of a gamble.

[Consumption of chaos value 20,000. (Remaining chaos value: 55254)]

["Unstable Explosives" is upgraded to "Grasp of Annihilation". 】

"Grasp of Annihilation?"


The name sounds good!

Yi Lin was very calm.

But I still couldn't help but have a little expectation in my heart.

It seems that the time has come to replace shotguns with cannons.

【Grasp of Annihilation】

[Level] 1 star

[Consumption] 200 spiritual energy points

[Restriction] Casting spells with bare hands.

[Effect] Click to view details.

【Explanation】Your hand is so murderous that it will not recognize its relatives. If you are not careful, you may even die in "annihilation".

The moment she saw the skill description, Yi Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally came a mediocre output skill.

Finally, it is no longer a restricted-level nirvana.

Yi Lin silently analyzed the pros and cons of skills.

The consumption of 200 points of spiritual energy is completely within Yi Lin's acceptance range.

The upgraded [Grasp of Annihilation] no longer requires any physical object as a medium for "explosion". It can directly lock a space with bare hands to produce an explosion effect, which is perfect.

This upgrade eliminated all the shortcomings of "unstable explosives" that Yi Lin criticized, and evolved it into a perfect skill.

The power of the blast is unknown?

Is casting distance related to attributes?

These vague descriptions were also expected by Yilin.

After all, the power of a skill is largely affected by its attribute value.

As for the most critical part of the new skill...the annihilation effect, what is this?

Yi Lin saw the end.

The corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Related to luck value...

Yi Lin silently looked at his lucky value of 2.8, and temporarily stopped thinking about the effect of this "annihilation" effect.

——Wait until it triggers.

This skill also has restrictions.

But it’s also a painless restriction.

Just like [Disaster Haunting], when releasing the skill, you must use your "sight" to lock the opponent before you can successfully release the skill.

As for [Grip of Annihilation], it seems that you need to use your "hand" to lock the area where the skill is released.

"Well... I'll give it a try later when I get a chance."

Before using the skill, Yi Lin couldn't tell what kind of state this "hand" lock... would be like.

However, Yi Lin thought for a moment and came up with a simple way to circumvent this restriction.

Yi Lin can temporarily use telekinesis to suspend the sword, so that his hands are also in an "empty" state.


Directly enter the "spirit descending" posture. In the spirit descending posture, Yilin's hands can also be freed, so there is no need to worry.

Yi Lin quickly brainstormed several new operating methods based on the new skills.

——Very comfortable.

"It's just a pity that there are a bunch of unused 'explosive beads' in the storage space."

"If I return it to Mengmeng intact and write off the debt...will she be so angry that she wants to beat me to death?"

"She shouldn't be so stingy, right?"

Thinking of the pile of "exploding beads" in the storage space, several thoughts flashed through Yi Lin's mind.

Thinking about it more carefully, although the upgraded [Grasp of Annihilation] has eliminated many shortcomings of [Unstable Explosives], it cannot set the timed explosion as desired like [Unstable Explosives]. This is the only thing that makes it impossible. Yi Lin felt that there were flaws in it.

The time bomb is really comfortable to use, and you can arrange many back-ups in advance.

All kinds of wonderful things, whoever uses them will know.

However, there were gains and losses, and Yi Lin was not too entangled.

All in all, the upgraded skills can be used as Yilin's current main regular output skills.

This is just an ordinary blasting skill, nothing else special.


After upgrading a skill, Yi Lin did not dare to waste time.

There is a lot more chaos value.

This is an opportunity to improve your strength.

Every moment in the module space, psychic energy is consumed.

It's not very safe around Yi Rin these days.

If it weren't for Oda Mai.

If it weren't for Queen Yanluo's strength, Yi Lin would feel the crisis.

Yi Lin would not choose to edit the module at this time.

There is only one skill ball floating next to Yi Lin.

--【runs fast】.

Only children make choices.

Yi Lin decided to upgrade both.

This skill...

To be honest, if you get this skill as an agility side apostle, you will definitely be happy.

But unfortunately... Yi Lin is not.

Although his agility attribute is not weak now, it will not be the case in the later stages.

Yi Lin didn't know how to "unlock" the agility attribute. Even if the agility attribute accidentally rose to 10 points, it would be difficult for him to take the agility side.

Yi Lin is very familiar with the spiritual path, and even has a rough idea of ​​the future evolutionary direction.

But Yi Rin is really unfamiliar with the agility side route.

It is precisely because Yi Lin feels that this skill, which is very useful for agility side apostles, has been shelved here.

"I have a headache."


Yi Lin still had a thought and grabbed the [Run Fast] skill ball in her hand.

at the same time.

The corresponding groove has lit up slightly, ready to move.

"Huh? There..."

Yi Lin has already tried it before, and the only route that [Run Fast] can match is after "Like a Shadow", so Yi Lin has roughly inferred what skills [Run Fast] can be upgraded to.

At this moment, in the module that shrunk into a mini form in front of Yi Lin, the skill grooves that flickered in and out according to Yi Lin's movements. In addition to the one behind [Like a Shadow], there was another weird groove. It lit up.

The broken groove after [Summon Mount: Nightmare].

"Mount strengthened?"

Yi Lin was thoughtful and suddenly realized.

"Is this also...a choice?"


Yi Lin operated quickly and skillfully.

[This operation requires 10,000 chaos points. 】

【YES/NO? 】

A mere D-level skill actually costs 10,000 chaos points?

Why don't you go and grab it?

Yi Lin complained crazily.

But helpless.

He still chose YES.

After the mount route, the corresponding broken skill slot was repaired again by some mysterious power as the chaos value flowed away.

The chaos points that were finally earned were all consumed by Yi Lin before he could keep warm.

Now, all his skills have been incorporated into the module.

He no longer has any ordinary skills.

Of course, Yi Lin didn't feel any pain at all.

If money is not spent, it means nothing.

The Chaos Points are not used to upgrade skills, they are just kept in a tuck, and there is no interest. Is there anything wrong with that?

After spending 10,000 chaos points to deal with [Run Fast], Yi Lin did not hesitate to spend 40,000 chaos points, all of them on [Grip of Annihilation].

This is an output skill that can be used frequently, so the higher the level, the better.

Looking at the 80,000 chaos points required for the next level, Yi Lin was speechless and choked.

[Grasp of Annihilation], which was upgraded from one star to two stars, has no other changes except that the explosion range has been expanded to "2X2X2".

But this upgrade is really worth the money.

This blasting range is eight times that of the 1-star level, and can be used as a small-scale AOE skill.

Yi Lin is very satisfied with the new skills.

When exiting the module space, Yi Lin opened her eyes and met Oda Mai's slightly curious gaze.

"Have you rested enough?"

Oda Mai didn't answer.

She just stood up slowly.


The knife pops out slightly.

This was her answer.

The two of them didn't stay in this room for long.

Yi Lin and Oda Mai reorganized their team and entered the maze.

The maze was filled with a strong smell of blood.

That's not human blood.

In the narrow space, Yi Lin still used the "Nie Hongxiu" form change. Under the surging bloodshot, no monster could stop Yi Lin from facing him.

Considering that Oda Mai was seriously injured behind her back, Yi Lin also took the initiative to stand in the C position of the main output, and extinguished the green lights in the darkness with an expressionless face.

The demons have long lost the sense they had when they were "Students of Styx Junior High School" and have all turned into hungry tentacle monsters.

Although these low-level demons were troublesome, Yi Lin had already gained experience in killing them and barely stopped in her footsteps, leaving a field of corpses behind them.

Although most of the monsters were snatched away by Yi Lin, which made Oda Mai quite unhappy, there was nothing he could do if he couldn't snatch them away.

Oda Mai could only follow Yi Lin with her head down, unsheathing and retracting her sword, retracting and unsheathing it, going back and forth without much blood on it.


Yi Lin is not an iron-clad machine. Fighting like this not only consumes spiritual energy, but also energy and physical energy. In order to be able to cope with any emergencies, Yi Lin alternately uses two methods of killing monsters: assassination and frontal hard anal. , in order to try to maintain the spiritual energy value above 50%.

Otherwise, if they accidentally encounter Queen Yanluo in the maze and their spiritual energy is exhausted, Yilin and Oda Mai may really have no choice but to lie down and let the queen train them.


Yi Rin is not alone. When she is tired, Yi Rin lurks in the darkness, letting Oda Mai stand in front and take over the main force, so that Yi Rin can get a chance to breathe.

As time goes by.

Yi Lin clearly felt that the density of monsters in the maze was getting thinner and thinner.

Several times, for nearly five minutes, the two passed through several intersections, but no demon emerged, only corpses in various forms of death.

They have walked this road before.

Ten hours later.


Both of them were covered in demon blood.

This time it was Oda Mai's turn.

She was used to the pain in her back.

In addition, since the wound was covered with a towel, there was no need to worry about leak detection. Oda Mai was in a happy mood and her expression was distorted.

Yi Lin's sudden call to stop made Oda Mai a little unhappy. After brutally dismembering the demon in front of her with a few knives, she put the long knife into its sheath and turned to look at Yi Lin, wanting to reject him in return.

Yi Lin looked at Oda Mai's expression and roughly guessed what she was thinking. I can't laugh or cry.

Haven't you killed enough yet?

Yi Lin felt like she was almost exhausted.

Although this maze has become a barrier for the two of them, as long as they are careful and don't run into those elite monsters, there is not much danger.

But after ten hours of this high-intensity fighting, let alone the demons and monsters, he felt like he was about to vomit just by seeing the green light.

"This maze, time is running out."

Oda Mai was slightly startled.

She also knew very well that the reason why they had been able to deal with the demons and monsters for so long was largely due to this huge maze.

Yi Lin has clearly memorized more than 70% of the map of this maze, which is equivalent to a humanoid navigation. No matter how complicated the maze is, as long as the scene does not change, it will be of no benefit to Yi Lin and Oda Mai. Harmful.

Not long ago, they encountered an old dog in the maze.

At that time, Yilin's spiritual power was not in the best condition, so after weighing the pros and cons, the two of them only had a little deal with the old dog, and did not forcefully fight with the old dog.

In the end, I took advantage of the maze and easily got rid of the old dog.

However, the old dog didn't seem to pay attention to the two of them at all. When it saw the warm corpse next to it, it happily gnawed on it without any restraint.

Dog... isn't this normal?

It's a real dog.

After finding a relatively safe cabin, the two of them rested in silence and restored their spiritual energy.

"There's still about an hour left."

Yi Lin closed her eyes and silently counted the little time left in the maze of scenes.

Taking advantage of her free time and safety, Yi Lin entered the module space again and directly upgraded [Disaster-ridden] to the full level.


[Grade] 5 stars (MAX)

[Consumption] 120 spiritual energy points

[Restrictions] You must say "Let the world feel pain from now on" loudly before you can activate the skill.

[Effect] It can cause a single target within sight to fall into a random negative state (confusion, slowness, dizziness, imprisonment, charm, blinding, etc.). There is a 60% chance of causing the target to fall into more than one random negative state. The skill effect is affected by the spirit. Attributes and the target's will attributes are affected.

【Explanation】If you love, say it out loud!

Among the many module skills, only Disaster Haunting consumes the least amount of Chaos Points, while the others... are all expensive.

For [Disaster Haunted] that has been upgraded to 5 stars, the spiritual energy consumption has been reduced to 120 per shot.

Currently, with the bonus of Blood Jasmine, Yi Lin's spiritual energy value has exceeded the 800-point mark. Under the premise that her spiritual power is at full value, Yi Lin can even unleash six consecutive rounds of disaster, and the effect is very brutal.

If you hit this button six times in a row, if you encounter a timid person, you might be able to urinate on the spot.

Of course, generally Yi Lin wouldn't use it like this, just saying.

Another change is that the probability of disaster triggering various negative states has increased from 50% to 60%. Although all probabilities are in vain, they are still higher, which gives Yilin hope.

After all, he has triggered this effect before. This probability does exist and cannot be faked.

[Disaster-ridden] After reaching the full level.

Yi Lin was a little more casual.

Another prompt popped up in front of me.

【Insufficient permissions. 】

It is exactly the same as the prompt after [Like a Shadow] was upgraded to the MAX level.

"That is to say... MAX level is not the highest skill level."

"Can it be improved further?"

"But what does 'permission' mean?"

"Is it because the module is incomplete?"

After flipping over and over for a while, Yi Lin couldn't come to a conclusion and had no choice but to exit from the module space.

The remaining skills probably wouldn't improve in this trial, so Yi Lin was too lazy to look at them.

After a simple meal, Yi Lin and Oda Mai silently regained their strength.

in the darkness.

Yi Lin gently rubbed the compass.

In this trial, there is still one chance to use the compass.

But the exit has been destroyed. Even if Yi Lin silently counts the "exits" in her heart, she will not gain anything.

Without clear "desire", Compass cannot give an answer.

You need to find the answer yourself.

There is only one chance left, how to use it?

A corner of the room.

Oda Mai seemed a little impatient.

The unsheathed long knife was moved from the left hand to the right hand, and then from the right hand to the left hand.

The two of them were silent.

Yi Lin closed her eyes.

Thinking about what to do after the maze disappears.

Once the scene card expires, the two of them will be exposed to the sight of all monsters, with nowhere to hide.

Faced with so many elite monsters at the same time, Yi Lin, even after switching from shotgun to cannon, would never be able to escape unscathed.

Yi Lin now even had the confidence to circle twice in front of Queen Yanluo without dying, but she didn't have the confidence to face that group of elite monsters at the same time.

His spiritual energy value is his limit.

He cannot use skills infinitely.

After a while.

Yi Lin opened her eyes in the darkness.

Made up my mind.

The subtle change in the atmosphere made Oda Mai stop being impatient and look towards Yi Lin.

Their eyes met.

Yi Lin didn't see even a trace of hesitation or hesitation in Oda Mai's eyes.

He suddenly remembered Oda Mai... what her teacher said.

"Hesitating will lead to defeat, but being decisive will lead to failure?"

"Sometimes you might think too much and take too many detours, so why not just hit us head-on?"

Yi Lin suddenly smiled.

The compass needle... suddenly froze.

The two set out again.

Follow the directions of the compass.

There are fewer and fewer monsters in the maze corridors.

The passage of the sunken ship was covered with corpses.

There were even many corpses that had been chewed up until only their bones remained.

Yi Lin felt that this factory might also learn from the principle of cultivating gu.

Once something unexpected happens and the monsters eat each other, they might be able to raise a giant insect.

While walking.

Looking at the corpses around him, Yi Lin paused for a moment and murmured to himself.

"By the way, I seem to have overlooked something."

"Since this factory operates in such a weird way, didn't the 'principal' who never appeared before expect that the factory would go out of control?"

"These demons will become perverted once their stomachs are full, and they can evolve into this situation so easily... Could it be that from the beginning, this factory had a 'plan' to prevent this situation from happening?"

"Or is it... a backup plan that can completely clean up this 'situation'?"

"Like...spring cleaning?"

Following the guidance of the compass, Yi Lin came to the outside of the "map".

According to the maze map Yi Lin remembered, this place is at the bottom of the sunken ship.

Normally, it should be the location of the power furnace.

However, under the random effects of scene cards, all the rooms and spaces in the entire maze were completely confused.

Even if a row of women's toilets appeared behind the door in front of her, Yi Lin wouldn't be surprised at all.

The compass needle pointed right in front of me.

The maze was too big, with criss-crossing roads, and Yi Lin had to avoid elite monsters, so she didn't explore all of it.

There were several rooms at the bottom of the sunken ship, which the two of them had never been to.

There are still many places that have not yet been filled in Yi Lin's memory.

Without saying a word, Oda Mai picked up the knife and prepared to fight in.

Yi Lin quickly held down Oda Mai.

She didn't know where Yi Lin used the compass for the last time.

What Yi Lin guided was... the murderer of Saya.

The concept of "the mastermind behind the scenes" is also too vast.

Compass has no answer.

But the murderer of Saya was different.

Yilin brewed her emotions for a while, thinking about Saya's kindness, her cleverness, and her beauty. As soon as this sense of substitution came, Yi Lin's heart welled up with sadness. The compass could naturally sense his desire for the "murderer" and instantly gave him the direction.

Oda Mai raised her head, her face expressionless, and she almost pulled out the knife, but Yi Lin pushed her back again.

Yi Lin was about to use her senses to see who was behind the lower door.

And right now.

"Please come in."

behind the door.

An elegant and lazy voice came.

Yi Lin and Oda Mai looked at each other in shock when they heard this.

Oda Mai even hung both knives on her waist and instantly entered a state of preparation for battle, her muscles tense.

"Is this... welcome?"

Yi Lin pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "Then I'm welcome."

Say it.

Yi Lin asked Oda Mai to follow her and pushed the door open.

The scene behind the door actually seemed familiar to Yi Lin.

He is obviously from Styx Junior High School...


A woman wearing a white coat with hot clothes was sitting on the table leisurely.

Her fair and slender legs were crossed in front of her, swaying slightly, and her five toes were painted with strange black nail polish.

Of course, legs are not the point.

The clothes are quite big.

The white coat is very white.

Yi Lin looked up.

The woman's face is wearing a mask.

A pink bunny mask.

Yi Lin: "..."

Oda Mai: "..."

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