Infinity Throne

Chapter 268 I, the school doctor, Christine

Christine stood up gracefully.

"Welcome, cuties."

Lazy laughter came from behind the cute rabbit mask.

Oda Mai feels like facing a powerful enemy.

This room was once the infirmary of Styx Junior High School.

Yi Lin and Oda Mai have been there once.

In the infirmary, the cold instruments and the empty operating bed were scattered everywhere, as if the structure had been disrupted in a randomly reorganized scene.

But the general atmosphere of the room was roughly the same as that day.

But inside the room, it blends in with the style of a cruise ship. It is surrounded by cold and rusty iron plates. It is pitch black outside the window. From time to time, dark red rust water drips above the head and drips on the ground.


The woman coughed twice, and then said: "The damn transfer student ruined this school. I, Christine, am very angry."

But there was no hint of anger in his words.

School nurse...Christine?

Yi Lin remained silent.

Christine has very long legs.

This is not the point.

The key point is that she stretched her legs slightly and stepped off the table.

High heels.


She seems to be wearing the same style as Queen Yanluo.

When she walked out, the space around her seemed to be weirdly distorted.

But upon closer inspection, there was none.

In front of the two of them, there seemed to be an unspeakable depression brewing quietly.

Kristen put her hands in the pockets of her lab coat.

When she saw the two of them staying in place without moving, she chuckled and slowly took her hands out of her white coat.

Her fair hands were also painted with pitch black nail polish. The color of the nail polish made Christine's skin look even more pale and delicate.

After Christine appears.

Only two sentences were said.

Time seemed to freeze.

After a few seconds.

Oda Mai and Yi Lin moved at the same time.

Before Christine could take action, Oda Mai had already strode forward, her body lying low, like a fully drawn bow.

Draw your sword and chop!

A face to face, no nonsense, Oda Mai instantly used the most familiar and commonly used moves.

Between her and Christine, a thin, almost imperceptible blade started from Oda Mai's waist and passed through Christine's neck in the blink of an eye.

At the moment when Oda Mai made a bold move, Yi Lin took advantage of the situation and activated [Like a Shadow] to lurk in the darkness and quickly circled behind Christine.

The two have a tacit understanding, and this set of coordination can be described as very skillful.

The school nurse Christine's laughter was still echoing in the room, and the masked head had already fallen off, but not a drop of blood flowed out from the broken end of the neck.

In the darkness, Blood Jasmine passed behind Christine silently, revealing herself at the "heart" position.

"It feels so soft."

The moment she stabbed Christine, Yi Lin couldn't help but have such a weird idea in her mind.

Do not misunderstand.

This soft feel does not refer to the softness of a specific part of Christine.

It was the feedback from the tip of the knife at this moment that made Yi Lin completely unable to feel the refreshing feeling of hitting the "monster"... swish, swish, swish.

On the contrary, his knife seemed to be soaked in a slippery liquid. With a slight movement, the moisture inside his body was rolling. It gave Yilin the illusion that it could stir freely inside her body.

"No confusion value."

In an instant, Yi Lin's eyes narrowed slightly, and with a pop, he decisively pulled out Blood Jasmine from Christine's body.

Blood Jasmine's blade was as smooth as new.

After Mai Oda cut off Christine's head with a knife, she also showed a strange expression. It seems that the experienced Oda Mai also noticed something was wrong with the feel.

No matter how weird other demons are, most of their body structures are partially similar to humans.

It's nothing more than flesh, bones, blood vessels, and various tentacles and other organs, forming the devil's wonderful body.

Some are hard, some are soft, but not that outrageous.

"Back off!"

Yi Lin and Oda Mai fought all the way. Although they were not in tune with each other, they had a considerable understanding of each other. With Yi Rin's look and a brief word, Oda Mai understood Yi Rin's meaning. She put away the next knife she was about to make and smoothly retreated, retreating from the situation.

Yi Lin casually threw the blood jasmine away, spinning it around her.

——Empty-handed state.

He quickly retreated, and after his hands were empty, he suddenly raised his right hand, his fingers slightly bent, as if he was holding the space in front of him.

The feeling given to Yi Lin when [Grasp of Annihilation] is activated is indeed very strange.

At this moment, there seems to be a tangible feeling in the palm of the hand, like holding a ball, which can be rounded, squeezed, or even crushed according to Yi Lin's heart.

As Yi Lin locked on, in the 2X2X2 range in front of her, imaginary light rays were quickly outlined, enclosing a square space.

It's too late, but it's soon. It didn't even take a second from Yi Lin's activation of the skill to the moment the [Grip of Annihilation] was locked.

The area locked by [Grasp of Annihilation] can only be seen by Yi Lin.

In Oda Mai's eyes, Yi Lin just lightly kneaded forward a few times.


The space locked by the skill was outlined with light. Yilin's slightly curved fingers clenched tightly, suddenly exerted force, and clenched the five fingers into a fist.

And in Yi Lin's palm, the non-existent "ball"... shattered.

Grip of Annihilation!

The center of the 2X2X2 square area lit up without warning. In the blink of an eye, the explosion of fire completely filled the square space and lit up the darkness.

The strange thing is that the power of the explosion did not pour out at all, and was completely confined to that square area. Yi Lin and Mai Oda stood on the edge of the explosion, not even feeling a breath of wind. The terrifying explosion heat wave happened out of thin air without any warning.

During those ten hours.

Yi Lin also released [Grasp of Annihilation] and gradually mastered its operation.

The power of the explosion is not exaggerated to the point where it can kill gods if gods block it, and kill Buddha if Buddha blocks it.

There are even some rough-skinned demons who, after taking one shot of [Grasp of Annihilation], can still emit black smoke from their mouths, lie on the ground with limbs twitching, and are close to death.

Mainly the way of exerting force.

It is a new experience for Yi Lin.

Give him the illusion of being in control of everything.

...Of course it's just an illusion.

An output skill only gives Yilin a simple and mindless output method, but it does not allow Yilin to instantly rise to several levels.

Let’s talk about the shortcomings of [Grasp of Annihilation] in actual combat.

The first thing is... you have to be empty-handed.

No need to say more about this.

Qi Yilin found that there was a delay of about 0.8 seconds in the process of locking the explosion area with his "hand".

Although generally speaking, this delay of less than one second in skill release is nothing, but Yi Lin has played high-end games in her previous life. In front of some apostles who specialize in agility, a delay of 0.8 seconds is enough to change the situation.

But in general, the skill Grasp of Annihilation has flaws that outweigh its flaws.

Simple and crude, deep-fried!


"Explosion is a man's romance."

After the light of the explosion dissipated, Yi Lin grasped the void again and locked onto the area filled with thick smoke.

The difference from [Calamity Haunting] is that when releasing Catastrophe Haunting, what needs to be locked is the "target", while [Annihilation Grip] locks on a "location". Even if there is nothing in the location, Yilin can easily Release an air explosion.

Come again!

Christine's calmness and the feeling of feedback when stabbing the knife made Yi Lin feel that something was wrong.

He focused his gaze, consumed 200 points of spiritual energy again, and released [Grasp of Annihilation] again at the same place.

Unfortunately... the "Annihilation" effect was not triggered.


After the explosion.

The smoke has not cleared.

A lazy and charming laugh sounded from behind Yi Lin.

Yi Lin's pupils shrank slightly. This type of laughter could not possibly come from Oda Mai, so it was self-evident who it was.

A, no, I should say, a head wearing a cute rabbit mask, resting quietly on the table, motionless, and the laughter came from behind the mask, which was very strange.

This end, since when did you climb on the table?

Yi Lin shook her hand, and her telekinesis swept through her. Blood Jasmine flew into the air and was held in Yi Lin's hand again.

Oda Mai and Yi Lin worked together to output a wave, although Christine only had one head left on the table. But that leisurely laughter made it difficult for Yi Lin to have the idea of ​​"I'll take off his clothes if the enemy is ashamed."

Two shots of [Grasp of Annihilation] caused Yilin's spiritual energy value to drop instantly.

The two of them made no move.

Yi Lin winked at Oda Mai and retreated to the door.

That head made no sound after it let out a weird laugh.

It looks like it's down.

But Yi Lin knew very well that Christine was definitely not dead.

Because Yi Lin did not gain chaos points.

Chaos value is Yi Lin's criterion for judging whether a monster is dead or not.

none of them.

Because for now, as long as "life" is killed, Yi Lin will definitely get the prompt, without exception.

Yi Lin was already 100% certain that the head wearing a cute rabbit mask on the table was the mastermind behind all this.

With the sarcoma inserted behind their backs, they secretly manipulated everything, hid behind the scenes, and directed everything.



Yi Lin still doesn’t understand.

Who is she?

In this trial, what identity does it exist?

swish swish——

In the darkness, there were faint and strange sounds coming from all directions.

Because the sound came from every corner of the room, Yi Lin couldn't tell what the rustling sound meant.

Under the gaze of the two people, the head finally made a move, floating silently from the table.


Instead of floating up, there were shadows crawling like reptiles from behind the head, converging under the head from all sides of the room and regrouping.

In the blink of an eye, all the squirming "worms" twisted and twisted, and soon reorganized into a naked body under the head.

The snow-white plump body was dazzlingly white in the darkness, ridiculously large, and some parts even glowed slightly.

This scene should have been very charming, but Yi Lin was completely unmoved and unmoved.

After all, he had seen with his own eyes what this almost perfect body was made of.

Christine reunites.

She sat on the table, not shy, with her legs crossed and crossed, blocking her key parts, allowing Oda Mai and Yi Lin to look past her unscrupulously.

"Haha, you surprised me."

Kristen swayed her fair and long legs, and she still had the same lazy tone when she spoke.

Witnessed it all.

Yi Lin suddenly understood what the tumor that lay behind him and Oda Mai not long ago... was.

If I guessed correctly, it should be... part of Christine's "body".

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