Infinity Throne

Chapter 418 Under the Sea of ​​Clouds (7000-word chapter, please vote for me)

Being immersed in this scene, Yi Lin felt as if the sky and the earth were colliding with each other in ferocious postures.

The giant bird's wings fluttered, and the dark hurricane danced like a dragon.

The dragon raised its head, and the rolling magma surged out from the ground, turning into pillars of hot fire. It was swept up by the dark hurricane, forming red and black spiral structures. In front of this, human beings are simply smaller than ants, as if they are floating.


When Li Erpang witnessed this horrific scene, he was so shocked that he couldn't say anything nutritious except saying "f*ck".

Yi Lin had Wang Tiandi hanging on her feet, and at the same time, she used her "psychic power" to hold the [Mermaid Tears] of Li Erpang, Ning You, and Xiao Chuer, and swept towards the edge of the sea of ​​clouds.


At the moment when High Priest Gil, the [Six Evil Generals and Puppet Master (True)], was swallowed by the magma, another crisp tinkling sound sounded in Yi Lin's ears.

But apart from the "ding" sound, there was no other reminder in Yi Lin's retina.

The mecha that flew from a distance flew closer, and Yi Lin and the others saw clearly that it was a jet-black armor full of technology, with patterns all over its body, and it actually resembled the form of the Night Dire after it transformed into a cybertron. There are some similarities in style.

I saw the black mecha flying in mid-air, its limbs stiff and motionless.

From the place where High Priest Gil was submerged by the magma, a faint black light rose into the sky and disappeared directly into the pitch-black mecha.


All of this changed so quickly. Yi Lin was busy escaping from here with her three teammates and the dog on her legs, and had no time to pay attention to the mysterious mecha flying from that nook and cranny of the sea of ​​clouds.

And when that wisp of black energy merged with the mecha, the lids of the mecha's eyes snapped open.

——It’s like the action of a human opening his or her eyes.

Two scarlet rays of light shot out from the mecha's head, and at that moment, they shone brighter than the light of magma. Like two red light bulbs, it stung everyone's eyes.

"What the hell?"

The sudden change of painting style in the game world once again made several people feel messy and their mouth corners trembled into the shape of cerebral thrombus.

This time "messy in the wind" is no longer an adjective...

They were really messed up in the hurricane at the moment.

The dark mecha's eyes glowed red, and as expected, the health bar, name, and level were displayed on the top of its head.

[Six Evil Generals·Shadow of the Evil God]


Another BOSS!

I have searched for bosses all over the world, but now they appear one after another as if they are free of charge. The world was changing so fast that the corners of Li Erpang's mouth trembled like a sieve, and he completely lost his ability to organize language.

Immediately afterwards.

A shadow that covered the sky and sun swept out from behind Aiolos.

Meteors burning with green flames ejected from Aiolos' back as if they were free.

There is a meteor shower in the sky!

When it fell to the ground, the green meteorite rolled on the spot and turned into stone giants burning with green flames.



The level is not high...

But this meteor shower is all over the sky...

There are too many!

"Hee hee hee--"

Those densely packed black spots turned out to be bad women with black wings and cyan skin. They look charming and charming, with small pieces of cloth hanging on their enchanting figures that can barely block the spots. If Li Erpang could still speak at this time, he would probably yell, "Let go of that witch and let me do it!"

【Charming Banshee】


The army of monsters comes out in full force!

The Aiolos giant beast that was struggling with Boros was like a hornet's nest that had been poked. Countless monsters spewed out, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

In the center of the monster army, a giant with a height of several meters, dark skin, and bat wings on his back flew up in the sky with a rolling sound, nimbly avoiding the hurricane raging between the two beasts.

The giant's head has double horns, and his eyes are covered with black cloth, but a faint green light shines through the black cloth. His muscular body is engraved with luminous tattoos, which is very fashionable. The most frightening thing is the giant's weapon, which is two crescent-shaped war blades burning with blazing green flames. One look at the style and shape of the weapons, you can tell that the leader of the monster army is not the kind of man who is the leader of the monster army. It’s a bargain to get a boxed lunch when you show up.

"Foolish mortals, you know nothing about power!"

The bat-winged double-sword giant smiled coldly, and pointed the blade in the direction where Yi Lin and others were escaping: "Dog Braves, you are seeking your own death!"

"Brave Yilin", who was struggling to hold Gouzi and three teammates who were holding him back, soared in the sky. Hearing this domineering declaration, he staggered in mid-air and almost killed Gouzi and the three teammates. Shake it off.

Who the hell is a dog hero?

Look back.

The boss, who is full of character, is indeed not afraid of the prestigious name of "Dog Brave" and shows his health bar, level and name.

[Six Evil Generals·Betrayer·Illidan]


There is probably a monster production base or something on Aiolos's back.

How could he give birth to such a large army of monsters?

The flaming legions, with ferocious faces and enchanting figures, came in force from behind Yi Lin.

They are all monsters that can fly.

According to the normal game flow, this is probably the final leveling area. Even the BOSS level of the Six Evil Generals is a bit higher than the other Six Evil Generals.

But Li Changge made a trick before his death. It seemed that the game process was "fast forwarded to X3" in an instant, and he acted out of common sense, pushing the plot to a point of collapse. After the fight between the two giant beasts, the monsters no longer had any geographical restrictions and rushed out of their lairs.

Yi Lin felt faintly the pressure.

Although the ability he inexplicably unlocked does not belong to any skill category, the more powerful it is, the more terrifying the crystal energy it consumes. At first, she felt nothing while pulling three people and one dog, but as soon as the speed increased, Yi Lin felt a stinging feeling between her eyebrows, and a strong sense of fatigue came over, making Yi Lin have to pour crystal energy into her mouth crazily. A large bottle to replenish the sharply consumed crystal energy value.

Ning You has been watching the changes in the water polo. As an elite apostle, he has already developed the good quality of maintaining an unchanging face no matter how outrageous the situation is.

Unless you can't help it.

At this moment, he was floating in the air, witnessing a doomsday scene, and being chased by a mighty legion of monsters from behind. Ning You, who was on the spiritual side, could only keep thinking about what to do in this desperate situation. , is there any way to break the situation?

Break... break your sister!

Who the hell can break this situation!

"Look! It's Ge Lang!"

Xiao Chuer suddenly exclaimed in the water ball and pointed to the shore of Poros.

Yi Lin was holding back her energy and flying towards Yunhaihai. In fact, not only Ning You, but Yi Lin is also constantly thinking about the direction of the next plot.

According to this consumption rate, it is absolutely impossible to take three people and one dog across the sea of ​​clouds and reach other giant beasts.

While thinking, Yi Lin was focused on running away and had no time to take into account the changes around her.

After being reminded by Xiao Chuer, Yi Lin also lowered her head and looked in the direction Xiao Chuer pointed.

The earth cracked open, and magma surged from the cracks in the ground and spread in all directions.

The magma was flowing so fast that it could follow Yi Lin's buttocks. The steam was rising and Yilin had the illusion that her buttocks were being roasted by fire.

And it was in this situation that at the place Xiao Chuer pointed to, Blacksmith Ge Lang sat on a rock by the sea of ​​clouds at some point.

In the turbulent and collapsing "earth", amidst the raging wind, he was sitting steadily on the shore, remaining motionless despite the wind and rocks. Blacksmith Ge Lang was just like when he first met, with a face full of stories, a touch of sadness in his eyes from time to time, and he was pouring spicy wine into his mouth one mouthful at a time.

The hot magma was about to submerge Blacksmith Ge Lang's location, but he didn't know it and got drunk alone, just like a loyal NPC.

How could he be there?

The moment Yi Lin saw blacksmith Ge Lang, such an idea flashed into her mind.

And the second thought is...

Yi Lin caught a glimpse of the surging magma tide behind Blacksmith Ge Lang, and her expression changed slightly.

But right here.

Blacksmith Ge Lang raised his head.

In mid-air, he looked into Yi Lin's complicated eyes.

Blacksmith Ge Lang suddenly smiled, turned around and pointed at the vast sea of ​​clouds, put his palms behind his ears, and made a gesture of listening.

"Listen carefully."

Blacksmith Ge Lang's actions made Yi Lin and others stunned.

Li Erpang really listened carefully.

It is said that when God closes a door for mankind, he will open a window from time to time. It doesn't matter if the window is closed, sometimes he may even open a hole.

Li Erpang has bad eyesight, but his hearing is excellent. He frowned in confusion: "I think I heard this sound when I was playing with Miss Mermaid..."

Ning You and Xiao Chuer were puzzled: "What? Where did the sound come from?"

Wait, it seems the point is, when did you secretly play with the mermaid girl?


Yi Lin's expression changed slightly.

He didn't hear any sound though.

However, under "perception", the surrounding air feedbacks bursts of high-frequency vibrations, which are difficult to detect under normal circumstances.

"It's ultrasound!"

At this moment, Yi Lin suddenly remembered what Seren said before she died.

"Thank you, it's okay."

"Believe it and jump."

The moment before she unlocked it, Mermaid Queen Seren foresaw her own death, so she said: Thank you, it doesn't matter.

She accepted the fate of death calmly and did not want to be an obstacle to the brave man, so she died happily.

And what the last sentence corresponds to...

"Let's jump!"

After Yi Lin figured out Serian's "death message", he no longer hesitated and accelerated into the sea of ​​clouds with three people and one dog.

Emperor Wang Tian: "Wang?"

Li Erpang: "Fuck?"

Ning You: "Are you kidding?!"

Xiao Chuer: "Dance again?!"



[Mermaid Tears] It’s time.

The water balloon burst.

Yilin's [Forgiveness of the Benevolent] and [Uranus's Compromise] effects also disappeared from Yilin.

"Wow ah ah ah ah -"

"Woof woof woof woof woof——"

Enter Poros.

Blacksmith Ge Lang looked calm and allowed the lava to submerge him.

There seems to be endless wine hidden in the bottle of blacksmith Ge Lang.

But this time, after he took the last sip, he turned the bottle with the mouth down and shook it vigorously, unable to pour out even a drop.

"You've finished drinking."

Blacksmith Ge Lang smiled.

"go home."

After saying that, Blacksmith Ge Lang closed his eyes, with a rare expression of joy and anticipation on his tense face.



In mid-air, Yi Lin took a "leap of faith" and fell into the sea of ​​clouds with perfect posture.

Skills that are full of quality are useless if you don’t use them.

The brave team fell into the sea of ​​clouds one after another.

Falling rapidly and sinking at a terrifying speed.

Li Erpang, Gou Zi, Ning You, and Xiao Chuer are still experiencing the thrill of bungee jumping without safety measures in their own ways.

They only screamed for a while and then gradually came to their senses.

The protagonist will never commit suicide easily!

Wasn't it okay to jump into the sea last time?

Jumping into the sea is nothing, it is a blatant escape device for the protagonist!

So in this case...

Deep in the sea of ​​clouds, a huge shadow quickly emerged from the depths of the sea of ​​clouds.

"It's Poseidon!"

Although a few people were not so desperate that they thought they were certain to die.

But at the moment of falling into the sea of ​​clouds, everyone except Yi Lin and Gouzi couldn't think of any way to escape this time.

Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, the "giant beast Poseidon" came to the rescue.

"You are indeed a brave man."

Ning You was deeply moved.

The royal plot in RPG is always so plain and boring.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several people fell into the soft flesh one after another in the vast sea of ​​clouds. At that moment, Yi Lin and others had the illusion of being hugged tightly by a soft and plump F-class.

This time, Poseidon did not swallow Yi Lin and others into his belly, but caught them with his broad and soft back.

On Poseidon's back, there are many pores that open and close like pores, and they are bottomless.

Li Erpang, Ning You, and Xiao Chuer recognized at a glance that these holes were the exits from Poseidon's belly.

Poseidon emits ultrasonic waves of unknown meaning.

Yi Lin felt the vibrations of the sea of ​​clouds around her, and seemed to understand the emotions of this giant beast.

"I'm sorry, Seren is dead."

Yi Lin stroked Poseidon's back.

Although Yi Lin has never stayed in the mermaid kingdom, the mermaid queen Seren seems to have magical abilities and has already predicted this scene, and asked Poseidon to come here to rescue them at this most critical moment. . For the sake of this kindness, Yi Lin could only say sorry to this giant beast at this moment.

Carrying the brave team on his broad back, Poseidon accelerated his movement and emerged from the surface of the sea of ​​clouds.





The fierce wind, mixed with the hot air, blew on several people's faces.

In the distance, the sounds of magma erupting, hurricanes roaring, dragons roaring, and giant birds neighing, intertwined into a magnificent poem, came from behind. Yi Lin and others looked back in unison.

At this moment, they could finally see the true forms of the two giant beasts.

A giant cyan bird, with thick black mist filling its back, and the outline of a temple faintly emerging from the black mist. In the temple, there are constantly burning green flames [Hell Fire], erupting in the form of meteors, forming a rain of fire all over the sky.

With the temple as the center, the faint light of the spell floated on the dark chains. It seemed that there was some kind of existence in the temple, controlling the giant beast in this way, causing the giant beast to scream in pain.

Under the wings of the giant blue bird, the giant fire beast Boros has completely awakened, bathed in fiery red magma. The terrifying high temperature evaporated the sea of ​​clouds in an instant, completely immersing the dragon in thick smoke. The dragon's head raised angrily and bit into pieces with the giant blue bird in the sky.

The scene of the fight between the two giant beasts shook the earth and the sky at every turn. Waves of clouds covering the sky and the sun were thousands of meters high. Centered on the place where the two giant beasts were fighting, they spread horizontally in all directions.

Yilin and the others were on Poseidon's back, thousands of miles away from there, but they could still clearly feel the turmoil from the sea of ​​clouds, as well as the power of the hurricane and magma.

The war between giant beasts is definitely not something that just players can get involved in. This is no longer the same level of power.

As mentioned before, Yi Lin once tried to stab the ground with a complete combo. Not to mention the damage value, even the health bar did not show up. This shows that the player's damage is not even a scratch to the Titan.

"They're catching up!"

Ning You's expression changed.

In the direction where the giant beasts were fighting together, in the sky, a large shadow, densely packed, was chasing in this direction. The number is so large that it will be really difficult to estimate for a while.

In front of the monster army, the most conspicuous thing is a jet-black mecha that spits out flames and flies like a fighter jet, as well as a giant that flaps its rotten bat wings and holds a crescent-shaped war blade.

They are the last two Six Evil Generals!

[Six Evil Generals·Shadow of the Evil God]!

[Six Evil Generals·Betrayer·Illidan]!

The two final bosses, with a large number of subordinates, are chasing Yi Lin and others!

"Did I dig up your ancestral graves in my last life?"

Li Erpang was angry.

Is this battle necessary?

This is too much!

"what should we do?"

Compared to Li Erpang's anger, Ning You and Xiao Chu'er gradually got used to the intense frequency and rhythm. They calmly looked at Yi Lin and asked slowly.

What is the protagonist used for?

It’s just for cheating at critical moments!

Otherwise, why did they work so hard to hold the protagonist's thigh during this trial?

Isn’t it just for this moment?

All six key bosses have appeared. It is obvious that this has reached the final stage of the trial.

Although their level is in the Kingdom of Amara, they gain a lot of experience points by using the spells to harvest lives. But compared with the more terrifying experience points required for later upgrades, this huge amount of experience points still cannot allow them to reach the full level.

If you follow the normal process and slowly level up monsters, it is not impossible to pass the level smoothly.

However, because Li Changge's undead were randomly involved in this trial, the plot was fast-forwarded, and their leveling speed could not match the speed of the BOSS's pursuit. As a result, at this last moment, their level was unable to safely defeat the BOSS, which was very embarrassing.

"Do you remember our main mission?"

Yi Lin was silent for a moment.

"Sign out……?"

If Yi Lin didn't mention this, Xiao Chu'er would really forget that there was a main mission.

In this trial, or in other words, this time in the game, the presence of the main mission is really too weak.

I concentrated on upgrading, spawning monsters, upgrading equipment, and running side quests, but I didn’t touch the main quests much.

Mainly because it can’t be touched!

So Xiao Chuer fell silent as soon as she said two words.

Ning You honestly reopened the "Tasks" interface and took a few glances.

"Looking for more clues about the evil god?"

Yi Lin smiled, sat cross-legged on the back of "Poseidon", and took out an old compass from the [Props].

Staring at the fixed pointer on the compass, Yi Lin's expression gradually became serious and she spoke slowly:

"Ever since I killed the first 'Six Evil Generals', I have been thinking about a question."

"Most of the tasks in this world are presented in the form of 'progress'."

"For example, the task of collecting items will show the progress of the collection."

"The task of killing monsters will show the progress of how many monsters have been killed."

"But our main mission remained unchanged until I personally killed the two 'Six Evil Generals'. In the mission, from beginning to end, we were asked to collect 'more' clues about the evil gods."

"According to common sense, if the purpose of this mission is really to let us defeat six difficult bosses in order to unlock the ultimate boss evil god, then the current goal of the main mission should have changed accordingly."

"That's right!" Ning You patted his thigh and suddenly realized. But soon he frowned again and asked, "But why?"

Xiao Chuer chuckled.

The subtext of this smile seems to be: The mental side of this session is not very good...

"I have a bold idea."

Yi Lin glanced at the pointer.

The pointer seemed to be broken, pointing straight down.

In the sky behind, the monster army was burning with blazing green fire, getting closer and closer.

After being far away from the area where the Titan beasts were fighting, the Shadow of the Evil God and Illidan flew without any hindrance, and the speed of chasing down the brave team became faster.

"If the prophecy that Seren knows already includes our current situation, then you should be able to understand what I am saying, right?"

In the second half of Yi Lin's sentence, she patted "Poseidon" on the back and said to the giant beast.

Poseidon's true form is actually an incredibly huge whale.

"This big guy seems to be shouting a little happily."

Li Erpang didn't know if he was gifted, but he could vaguely distinguish the cry of whales, so he translated by the way.

"Dive down! Take us to the bottom of the sea of ​​clouds!"

Yi Lin did not hesitate and gave instructions to "Poseidon".


The giant divine beast Poseidon beneath him could really understand what Yi Lin said. In the blink of an eye, several people were sitting on the back of the giant beast, sinking rapidly into the depths of the sea of ​​clouds.

Others: "What the hell?"

Emperor Wang Tian: "Wow?"

As Poseidon sank rapidly in the sea of ​​clouds, everyone was swallowed by the "cloud" and lay tightly on Poseidon's soft back, fearing that they would be blown away by inertia.

Li Erpang shouted mercilessly: "Fuck, are you crazy?"

"No..." Ning You lay firmly on Poseidon's back, his expression becoming more and more astonished, muttering to himself subconsciously, his pupils almost shrinking into a awn shape: "We are wrong, we have always been wrong! "

Xiao Chuer tried hard to maintain her balance and asked: "What do you mean? What's wrong?"

Deep in the sea of ​​clouds, Ning You's expression became more horrified, and he loudly expressed his conclusion: "Brother Yi Lin is right! We have been wrong all along! We have fallen into inertial thinking from the beginning!"

"What do you mean? Can we still talk properly?" Xiao Chu'er wanted to slap Ning You on the face with a whip. Are you looking for a slap in the face if you are still showing off like this?

Yi Lin smiled and looked at his teammates and the dog lying awkwardly on the back of the giant beast. He was still sitting cross-legged, unmoving, with an indifferent expression: "What he means is very simple."

"If according to normal logic, our action of killing the 'Six Evil Generals' complies with the requirements of the main mission, the main mission should have changed the 'current target' and displayed a killing prompt."

"In other words, in fact, to complete the main mission, you may not need to touch the 'Six Evil Generals' at all."

"Another way of thinking. We have always thought that in order to prevent the resurrection of the 'Evil God', we must kill the 'Six Evil Generals'. But have you ever thought about it, this is a game. Is the original intention of the final BOSS design just to let the 'Six Evil Generals' be killed? Did the players do everything possible to avoid the appearance of the final BOSS? Then what’s the point of designing this BOSS?”

Yi Lin's words made Xiao Chu'er think about it with horror. She vaguely understood what Yi Lin wanted to say next, and her expression was shocked: "You mean..."

"Haha, the final BOSS will definitely appear! This is the original intention of the 'game designer'! This is also the fun of the game! The premise of the so-called 'fun' is that no one will die in this game."

"Thinking about it, our action of killing the 'Six Evil Generals' might not actually prevent the 'Evil God' from resurrecting, but... the death of the Six Evil Generals is the condition for the Evil God to resurrect!"

"This theory made me think of such a possibility."

"Could it be that there is actually a way to clear the level without killing the 'Six Evil Generals', but by collecting information on the sea of ​​clouds map to deduce the true location of the 'Evil God'?"

“That’s why the main mission asks us to ‘collect more clues’!”

"Actually, there's another thing. Don't you find it strange? Everyone in the game world, NPCs, including us players, all know that the world view of this world is a 'magnificent adventure world built on the clouds'."

"But have you ever thought about what is under the sea of ​​clouds?"


At this point, Poseidon no longer knew how deep he had dived in the sea of ​​clouds.

The surrounding sea of ​​clouds was pure white at the beginning. As Poseidon dived, the color became darker and darker. I don't know when it started to turn into billowing black clouds.

In front of several people, the visibility dropped at a terrifying speed. They stretched out their hands and could not even clearly identify their five fingers.


The giant beast Poseidon, which followed Yi Lin's instructions, seemed to have hit a soft membrane-like obstacle, and its speed slowed down sharply. The terrifying impact force acted on several people. Ning You, Xiao Chuer, and Li Erpang groaned at the same time, and fell on Poseidon's back under the influence of inertia. Even though the flesh on Poseidon's back was very soft, their health points dropped by a small amount under the impact.


When Poseidon hit the "obstacle" in the dark clouds, Yi Lin was even more sure of his conclusion. Without hesitation, Yi Lin waved her hand and told Poseidon to continue charging!


Poseidon is also very powerful and does not slack off in his work.

Really going full speed to make the final sprint with full power.


After a fierce sprint.

The hero, friends and dog lying on Poseidon's back suddenly had the illusion that Poseidon had broken through a layer of membrane.

The pressure on my body suddenly decreased.

A completely different "world" is displayed in front of everyone.

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