Infinity Throne

Chapter 419 Ruins under the clouds (2 in 1)

Before my eyes, it suddenly became clear.

Poseidon broke out of the dark clouds.

It's like entering another space from one space.

In the dark cloud, everyone could hear only the conversations between teammates, as well as each other's breathing and heartbeats.

But the moment he broke out of the dark clouds, thunder, showers, strong winds, and noisy ambient sounds made Yilin suddenly feel like he had entered another world.

This sudden change made several people's expressions look stunned for a moment.

But the reason for consternation is not only due to changes in the environment.

The moment he broke through the dark clouds, Yi Lin felt like a "buzz" in his head, and memories surged in like a tide.

Yi Lin, Li Erpang, and Wang Tiandi were frozen on Poseidon's back.

My memory has been restored!

The moment he broke through the dark clouds, he remembered everything.

Including his identity as an apostle, as well as everything when creating a character before entering the game world.

Everything in the real world is back online.

"Fuck!" The moment Li Erpang regained his memory, he rushed towards Yi Lin: "I almost got tricked to death by you!"

"Woof woof woof——"

Emperor Wang Tian suddenly burst into tears and crossed his paws to cover the little dog. He didn't know that he was remembering some tragic past that made him cry so miserably.

"I will never team up with you again!"


"You are so cheating! You actually have 'amnesia' in the team mode? I swear, if I team up with you again and enter the trial, I will be a dog! A fat dog!"


"Wait a minute, why can Brother Su appear in the game world? Is he cheating?"

Li Erpang suddenly held his head and squatted on Poseidon's back in pain.

Yi Lin had no time to pay attention to the little fat man's complaints, because the moment he regained his memory and combined with everything in the game world, he suddenly figured everything out.

After cursing a few words, Li Erpang remembered the story of "Excalibur Susu", and suddenly he held his head again and squatted aside in pain, right next to the dog, crying with sadness.

Li Erpang's brief complaints and lamentations were also heard by Ning You and Xiao Chuer.

They are not stupid.

In just a few words, the identities of Li Erpang, Yi Lin and others were already revealed.

"You are apostles!"

Ning You's eyes widened and his fingers trembled, pointing at Yi Lin.

The next words could no longer be uttered.

However, Xiao Chuer suddenly drew out her weapon and took a few steps away, her eyes full of vigilance.

If Yi Lin's performance in the game world can be explained by the "protagonist halo", it makes sense.

But if Yi Lin and Li Erpang are both apostles, this scheming would be too terrifying!

From the beginning to the end, they never had any doubt about the identities of Yi Lin and Li Erpang!

If it were all pretended, wouldn't his acting skills be even more extreme than Li Changge's?


Yi Lin sighed softly.

After recovering his memory, he kept thinking.

Consider deeper questions about trials.

Yi Lin looked at Ning You and Xiao Chuer with a calm expression: "I didn't lie to you. I used a 'temporary team contract' with him. I didn't expect that when the temporary team entered the trial, they would randomly arrive." "Sealing Memory' Side Effects."


The cold rain hit my face, causing burning pain. Ning You took a sharp breath. He recalled Yi Lin's performance in the game world after losing his memory, and couldn't help but feel scared.

As an apostle, Ning You could not imagine how he could pass such a deceptive mode if he lost his memory during the trial.

After Yi Lin explained, Xiao Chuer's tense nerves relaxed slightly. Her doubtful eyes swept over Yi Lin and Li Erpang.

Yi Lin couldn't tell, she didn't know if she was cheating. But looking at Li Erpang's expression, it didn't look like he was faking it.

"What about the dog?"

Xiao Chuer snorted softly and asked Gouzi, who was holding his lower body and crying.

Yi Lin's expression did not change and she said casually: "My pet."

That’s so!

No wonder it’s “The Brave Man and the Dog”!


Could it be that Yi Lin was forcibly assigned the status of "brave" in the game world, and could it be one of the side effects of the "temporary team contract"?

Recalling my experiences in the game world, I can't explain clearly the blessings and misfortunes brought by this "brave" status.

Soon, Xiao Chuer and Ning You figured out the general outline of the whole thing.

Ning You sneered, with a self-deprecating look on his face: "It's so damn funny, I, the dignified spiritual apostle, actually thought you were an indigenous character in the trial."

Yi Lin shook her head and comforted: "I don't blame you, I am also a victim."

All the truth is revealed.

After Yi Lin explained his identity, when several people recovered from various shocks, they found that Poseidon's body was bathed in light, and traces of blue light peeled out from Poseidon's body and moved backward. Drift away and disappear into the void.

Ning You and Xiao Chuer refocused their attention on the trial.

Having said that, Ning You and Xiao Chuer were obviously wary of Yi Lin and Li Erpang this time, and they distanced themselves a few steps without leaving any trace.

Both of them have vivid memories of their experiences in the game world.

If Yi Lin is the "protagonist of the game world", then his acting style is sinister and ruthless, which is understandable.

But if Yi Lin is an apostle...this is a bit subtle.

"Where is this?"

Xiao Chuer opened her eyes and looked around, her expression becoming more and more surprised.

Ning You wiped a handful of the rainwater that had hit his face. He frowned at first, then put his palm in front of his nose and sniffed. He was suddenly shocked and exclaimed: "Is this...acid rain?"


Yi Lin squinted her eyes and looked up at the sky.

This is a dead world.

An endless black cloud covered the sky and made it difficult to tell whether it was day or night.

More like eternal night.


In the center of the black clouds behind a few people, there was a huge cave that was bottomless. Apparently not long ago, they took the "Titan Poseidon" and broke through the clouds from that cave to the current "world".

The cold wind, mixed with the smelly rain, hit several people, causing pain. Under the influence of acid rain, the clothes on the surface of Yi Lin's body were faintly covered with white smoke.

Poseidon soared in the sky, with a barren land beneath him.

Abandoned modern high-rise buildings stand side by side. The building, which was broken at the waist, was empty.

In the criss-crossing highways, billboards and street lights were broken in various directions on the highways. Rusty four-wheeled vehicles completely covered the deserted road. The surface of some cars is even covered with potholes of varying sizes, and it is unknown how cruel abuse they suffered before being scrapped.

In the distance, there are violent turbulences from time to time, blowing up the dust, dead leaves, and messy scrap iron on the ground, spiraling into the air, and sweeping everything towards the desolate land further away.


From time to time, a dazzling thunder thunder fell from the black clouds, casting a pale bright color on the cracked walls of the high-rise buildings.

Everlasting night.

Acid rain.

The high-rise building was cut off.

Ruined city.

An empty civilized world.

Yi Lin suddenly understood what kind of place this was.

But he did not express his speculation, but silently swiped down with his index finger, but the familiar "player panel" did not appear in front of Yi Lin with this action.

Ning You's face changed slightly when he saw Yi Lin swiping his index finger.

He got it.

He really gets it!

Ning You quickly made a stroke too.

"This... is not in the game world anymore! It is reality! It is the reality in the 'trial'!"

"Apostle Panel."

Yi Lin thought silently in her mind, opened the apostle panel and took a look.

In the game world, the skills that are like arm skills have completely disappeared. While he was relieved, he was also a little disappointed.

It’s so satisfying to recall the skills of “assassins” in the game world.

the other side.

Xiao Chuer exclaimed: "The equipment and props that I worked so hard to acquire are all gone!"

"No, you still have the same tricks on you." Ning You looked at Xiao Chu'er, obviously he also discovered this.


Everything in the game world is gone!

This is the reality outside the "Ouranos World"!

"I see."

On the mental side of Tangtang, classmate Ning You began to analyze: "It seems that this is the truth of this trial. The game world of 'Uranos' exists above the clouds. And under the clouds, is the real trial!"

"No." Yi Lin's eyes flickered slightly, and she shook her head to deny Ning You's idea: "There is another possibility."


Ning You was stunned.

Am I the spiritual side or are you the spiritual side?

Yi Lin showed Ning You the "Concentric Fraudster Ring" on her finger, took out the "Concentric Compass" from the storage space, and waved it in front of Ning You and Xiao Chuer.

"I discovered one thing. What disappeared were some street stall goods and high-end game props, which were still in the storage space."

After saying this, fearing that Ning You might not believe it, Yi Lin took out another [Deed of Six Evils] and threw it into Ning You's right hand.

Ning You looked at the [Contract of Six Evils] in his hand in shock, and the corresponding attributes appeared in front of his eyes, which made Ning You have no choice but to believe Yi Lin's statement.

Wait, where did you get so many high-end game props?

"If not reality, then where is this?"

Yi Lin smiled slightly: "Isn't there this kind of place in many games? It is a 'hidden map' that is under development but has not really been opened yet. Through certain actions of the player, such as 'left foot and right foot in place' The "Take Off" operation, or maybe it was due to a bug or something, I accidentally ended up in this kind of map."

"Indeed, there is." Ning You pondered for a moment and nodded, feeling more and more that this statement was reliable.

"That makes sense!"

Xiao Chuer echoed that she was also inclined to this statement.

After all, a layer of cloud serves as the boundary between "game" and "reality", which is too fantasy.


Li Erpang, who gradually recovered from the blow of "Brother Divine Sword Su", did not pay attention to the discussion of several people. Instead, he squinted his eyes, wrinkled his nasolabial folds, and patted "Poseidon" under his buttocks. He said to himself in a moderate voice: "Have you noticed that this whale seems to have... shrunk?"

Sure enough, as Li Erpang said, the "giant divine beast Poseidon" under them, as the blue stream of light continued to peel off the body surface, the body became smaller and smaller, and it could no longer reach the scale of the "giant" divine beast.

Just when a few people were confused, a serious reminder message appeared in front of everyone.

——Message from "Tower".

[The team's main mission is being revised...]

[Correction completed. 】

[Trial difficulty corrected to: nightmare level! 】

[Team main mission released: Collect the complete "Evil God Contract" and find the true body of the "Evil God". The mission is completed and you return to the real world. The mission failed, everyone was wiped out! 】



The real main quest has been released.

It is somewhat similar to the "main quest" in the game world.

Although Yi Lin's "hidden map" theory still has some logical loopholes.

But the trial was weird and changeable. In the "Hidden Map of the Game World", the main mission of the tower was revealed, which was not impossible.

This is a team mission!

Ning You and Xiao Chuer instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

Team tasks, in other words, there is no reason for hostility between them.

Yi Lin has fully demonstrated her personal strength and sinister character in the game world "Uranus".

Ning You suddenly felt enlightened as he recalled his various performances in the game world.

No wonder that in turn-based games, dignified assassins have such outrageous methods as "forced concealment".

It turns out to be this guy’s original ability!

If you offend such a terrible person, you will have no peace all day long when you return to the real world, and you will be worried all day long, fearing that a knife will appear from behind at any time.

As for why Yi Lin can fly in the sky in front of everyone, Ning You would rather believe that it is a "prop" in the game.

Isn't it strange that this outrageous guy can still save so many "rare props" in the hidden map, just props that can fly in the sky?

Not surprising.

Ning You figured everything out.

After the main mission was released, Yi Lin closed her eyes, like self-hypnosis, and once again connected the "position of the evil god" with "survival" through various reasonable logics.

A few seconds later, the wildly rotating compass pointer pointed in a certain direction and completely stopped.

There seems to be something wrong with the situation of "Giant Beast Poseidon".

At this moment, the blue light dust on Poseidon's body was constantly flowing away, reminding Yi Lin of the "Chimera" who was summoned to the real world in some way in Itai City. At that time, the Chimera was also floating with the same blue light. Color light dust.

Yi Lin's eyes changed, but his expression remained as calm as before, and he signaled "Poseidon the Little Whale" to fly in the direction of the pointer.

On Poseidon's back, Ning You was still frowning, thinking about the content of the main mission.

"Collect the complete 'Evil God Contract'? It should be the props composed of the 'Six Evil God Contract', right?"

"should be."

"Fortunately, the final requirement of this mission does not require us to kill the 'evil god' directly."

Yi Lin smiled and said: "The tower will not issue 'certain death' missions. Maybe, in the tower's evaluation, with our 'current strength', it is impossible to kill the final boss of this trial, the Evil God." Completed."

"Well, indeed." Ning You agreed with this statement and took a deep breath: "But those BOSS are in Boros. Do we have to work hard to get here and have to go back to kill them again? This kind of development is a bit outrageous. Ah. Besides, before I left, I clearly saw that after the new red name appeared on the top of Da Gil’s head, it was instantly buried by the magma.”

Yi Lin's eyes narrowed slightly and his smile grew wider: "Ha, you probably wouldn't have thought that when the Great Priest Gil died, the 'Contract of the Six Evils' on him fell directly into my toolbox."

"Ah this?"

Ning You was immediately shocked.

Can you still play like this?

Faintly, he seemed to sense that something was wrong.

Not far away, Xiao Chuer thought deeply: "If the 'Six Evil Generals' we killed in 'Uranus' and all the 'Six Evil Contracts' were automatically dropped into the bag even if we didn't pick them up, then... The plot that should happen next is..."

Everyone thought of the same thing.

He turned and looked behind him.

Sure enough, from the hole in the black cloud, a mighty legion of monsters flew down from the hole.

The army of monsters that covered the sky and sun was like locusts crossing the border, chasing the few people on Poseidon.


The moment Li Erpang saw the monster army appear, he immediately went into convulsions.

This is no longer a question of whether they can be beaten or not. Just the number of the Enchanting Banshees and Hellfires alone can drown them in a sea of ​​legs.

"what to do?"


Yi Lin just took a look and roughly guessed that just like the "giant beast Poseidon" under her buttocks, many monsters from "Uranos" could not stay in this collapsed world for some reason. In "Hidden Map".

This can be roughly guessed from the blue light dust that continuously floats out of the monster.

But if monsters catch up now, even if the Burning Legion is not at full health, it can tear them apart with one claw.

It stands to reason that the tower will not give out unsolvable tasks. If the apostle thinks there is no solution, it must be that he has not yet found the correct way to open it.

Illidan and Shadow of the Evil God are extremely fast.

The two BOSS-level monsters, leading the way, flew in front of the monster army and quickly approached Poseidon.

But even though Poseidon was a whale, he still dutifully followed Yi Lin's instructions and flew in the direction of [Congxin's Compass].

Poseidon was flying, with an army of monsters chasing behind him. The chase lasted for a full half hour.

They crossed mountains and rivers, and crossed deserted cities.

For half an hour, they didn't see even one living person on the ground. There was no trace of any living person in the desolate ruins.

Not to mention a living person, not even a monster.

Ning You and Xiao Chuer were very confused. What was the point of making a map without any living creatures?

But Yi Lin still gave a convincing explanation.

"This is a hidden map that hasn't been finished yet. We haven't had time to put all kinds of monsters into the map yet. It's not surprising."

"This is not..."

Yi Rin smiled and pointed into the distance.

"Isn't the final BOSS waiting for us?"

Following Yi Lin's finger, the other three people and one dog looked into the distance.

Under the thundering black clouds, a huge shadow was floating silently in the sky.

Underneath the shadows are the dark ruins of the city. In the center of the ruins, a tall tower building like a city landmark was bent at a sharp angle. The upper part collapsed in the city, like a small tree that was cut from the middle with an axe, and then fell to the side. .

This horrifying scene makes people wonder what kind of monster it is that can possess such terrifying destructive power.

Yi Lin looked at the deserted city from a distance. No one noticed that a coldness flashed through his eyes again.

"That the evil god?"

Ning You quietly glanced at the "pointer prop" in Yi Lin's hand, took a slight breath of the cool air mixed with acid rain, and sighed: "Be more confident and remove the question mark."

Li Erpang rubbed his palms and looked at the huge figure of the shadow, and his mouth twitched: "Isn't it still a turn-based system? I've had enough of the damn turn-based system!"

Although the little fat man's words were just speculation without thinking.

But it frightened Ning You and Xiao Chuer so much that they trembled at the same time.

It can be seen how bad memories "turn-based" has left for them in the game world.

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

Yi Lin gave the answer definitely.

At this moment, Yi Lin seems to have become the backbone of several people.

Although Yi Lin did not explain why he was so sure that the next battle would not take place in the cheating "turn system", the understanding and reasoning ability of the trial that Yi Lin showed along the way did not seem to be more decisive than Yi Lin's final decision. A convincing line.


When it was nearly a kilometer away from the black shadow, Poseidon, who was constantly flowing with blue light and dust, finally exhausted his strength and smashed to the ground with several people, causing dust to fly.

After a few breaths, Poseidon closed his eyes completely and stopped moving.

Only then did they see clearly that Poseidon's true form was indeed a whale-like aquatic creature. A white whale.

Before Poseidon fell, Yi Lin and others had expected this scene and were well prepared to jump off Poseidon's back in advance.

"Before my spirit reaches 10 o'clock, my telekinesis power is still not enough to carry my weight..."

Yi Lin landed on her back, with the solid concrete road behind her. At the moment of falling, burning pain spread throughout her body, but it was nothing serious.

The familiar heat flow circulates in the body, quickly eliminating the pain caused by the violent collision.

Several people got up from the flying dust and looked up at the sky.


Yi Lin looked back at Poseidon who was completely dead, was silent for a moment, and said softly.

In the distance, most of the mighty monster army has disappeared. Obviously Yi Lin's guess was correct. The monsters that were hunted here from the "World of Ouranos" could not stay in this world for a long time. As long as time was delayed, they would self-destruct sooner or later.

Yi Lin's eyes narrowed slightly, and he once again thought of the Chimera in Itai City. The Chimera's decaying body seemed to be in a similar situation to these monsters.

"They're coming!"

Li Erpang let out a roar. At the end of the trial, he did not dare to hide his strength anymore. In the world of Ouranos, the more than two hundred kilograms of weight accumulated over several months of overeating finally had a use. . He brazenly launched [Burn! Fat! ], in the blink of an eye, he transformed from a naive fat man into a strong man with muscles as strong as a rock.

"Ah this?" Seeing Li Erpang's astonishing change, Xiao Chu'er was instantly stunned. She never imagined that this was the effect of Li Erpang's skills.

"Hey, hey, beauty, fat man, am I particularly handsome now?" Li Erpang's whole body seemed to be burning with hot flames, and his short hair stood on end and was stiff.

As he spoke, Li Erpang laughed loudly, his brows filled with confidence, and he strode forward.

"Bah!" Xiao Chu'er actually envied Li Erpang's skills. This ability to control fat freely is what every girl wants to have from the bottom of her heart. Why did it happen to fall on a wretched fat man... What a pity.

"Don't waste time! You have a wife! Take the monster! Here it comes!"

Yi Lin reminded loudly.

"I know ah ah!"

When Li Erpang heard this, he immediately put away his colorful heart, squeezed out tears of sadness from his narrowed eyes, and turned to face the army of monsters. His generous and majestic back looked like a martyr rushing to the battlefield.

"Stay back! I'll go first!"

None of the people present were rookies. The team battle is about to begin, and everyone quickly finds their position. Ning slapped his right palms on the ground and activated his skills. The cracked concrete road suddenly shook, and walls quickly formed, blocking everyone's path.

"You know nothing about power!"

[Six Evil Generals·Betrayer·Illidan], now covered in blue and green flames, his body size has shrunk by a circle compared to what he was on the clouds, and thin traces of blood appeared on the surface of his dark skin. , green blood is oozing out from those blood marks, and he doesn't seem to be in peak condition.

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