Infinity Throne

Chapter 46 The ghost hunter is so scary!

The moment the evil ghost discovered Yi Lin and Xiao Yi, he gave up the "food" at his feet and turned his head sharply.

He aimed his eyes and sharp teeth at Yi Lin and Xiao Yi.

It seems... "it" finds the new food in front of it more tempting.

"You stand back."

Yi Lin lowered her head and whispered.

"Sir, let's run away! That's a ghost! It's impossible for a human to defeat a ghost!"


"Xiaoyi heard someone say that ghosts are immortal. Unless you are a legendary ghost hunter who masters a unique ghost-killing technique, you can completely kill ghosts. Otherwise... ghosts are immortal."

Ghost hunter?

Yi Lin held the dagger in front of her body to defend herself against the evil spirits that were about to attack her. Without looking back, she casually asked, "What is a ghost hunter?"

Xiaoyi whispered: "Haven't you heard of it? There is a kind of people in the legend. They wear black cloaks with the word 'kill' behind them. They wear ghost-killing knives and wander around places where ghosts are... only Only a ghost hunter can truly kill 'ghosts'..."

Suddenly, Xiao Yi looked at Yi Lin's back and said in a surprised tone: "Huh? Sir, this clothes... looks a bit like the legendary ghost hunter."


Yi Lin pondered for a moment, but she didn't expect that she played such a role in the plot.


Ghost hunter.

While Yi Lin was thinking and gathering information about the plot, the evil ghost in front of him, grinding his teeth and showing a fierce look, finally couldn't help but pounce towards Yi Lin.

In an instant, the ghost's nails stretched out a few centimeters strangely and turned into sharp claws.

There was no flashy movement at all, it just ripped straight at Yi Lin's eyeballs.

Yi Lin turned sideways, his eyes flashed, and the blood jasmine in his hand rose from bottom to top, as if splitting the mist in front of him in two. He heard a scoff, and the ghost's arm was cut off by Yi Lin.


Black blood spurted out from the severed arm, but the ghost seemed to feel no pain at all. He let out a low roar from his throat, and his other hand turned into sharp claws again, and continued to kill Yi Lin relentlessly.

"There is no reason..."

Yi Lin dodged the evil spirit's attack again, turned around and swung another knife.

"The attack is haphazard..."


The other arm was broken off!

Yi Lin chuckled.

"Let's try that one..."

Yi Lin's footsteps were nimble, and although she was only using a simplified version of the ancient martial arts of the Ming Dynasty, the Dragon Walk, it was more than enough to deal with irrational evil spirits.

While circling the evil ghost, Yi Lin stared at the evil ghost's eyes without blinking, paying attention to the evil ghost's sight.

This ghost is very different from the ethereal ghost described in ancient Zhiyiye legends.



Can cut.

Can fight.

Can be deceived.

It's not much different from the monsters in the game.

Yi Lin, who has a lot of experience in fighting monsters in the future, quickly figured out the methods of ghosts.

One sentence to describe...


In the mist, Yi Lin silently turned on Follow Me.

Happy circles around the ghost.

The ghost lost its arms and was bleeding with black blood. Its attack method was more monotonous, and it only knew how to bite Yi Lin with its head.

But there was flesh and blood crawling on the ghost's shoulders, and it seemed to be recovering at an extremely fast speed.

"A type that can heal itself? Immortal?"

The moment the ghost's eyes turned around, Yi Lin had a thought and canceled the shadow-following effect. In less than 0.5 seconds, Yi Lin re-activated the shadow-following effect, but her body was shorter, and she flexibly moved from the ghost's sight. Blind Spot” went around behind the ghost.

The evil ghost seemed to be completely aware of Yi Lin behind him, and bit into the place where Yi Lin deliberately left an "afterimage of sight".

"The structure of the retina is similar to that of humans?"

In Xiao Yi's eyes, he is an evil spirit who chooses and devours people, but Yi Lin does various "little experiments" in various ways.

While analyzing in his mind, Yi Lin did not pause. With a flick of his wrist, Blood Jasmine was like the scythe of death, easily slicing through the evil ghost's neck.


A stream of black blood, like a small fountain, spurted into the air from the broken neck.

It's truly spectacular.

Not far away, Xiaoyi saw this scene, her thin body trembled slightly, and she was so frightened that she stayed in place.

The evil ghost's "corpse" slowly fell down, its ferocious face buried in the soil, and its limbs twitching.

Xiao Yi looked at Yi Lin's back, her eyes full of shock, and stammered: "Sir, are you, you, are you the legendary ghost hunter?"

Yi Lin remained silent.

He once again clenched the dark red dagger in his hand.


The fallen ghost stood up again!


Yi Lin savored this sentence again.

In this world, in principle, there is no truly "immortal" existence.

This is impossible.

"That's just right..." Yi Lin took a breath, and the smile on her face became gentler: "Then let's study it in depth."

Xiaoyi's expression was dull and she looked forward.

Her steps were moving backwards involuntarily, little by little.

Like trying to escape from this place.

There was a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, slowly dripping down.

It was only ten minutes ago that the ghost had its throat cut and then got up again.

But it felt to Xiaoyi as if a whole day and night had passed.

"Are all ghost hunters so scary?"

Xiaoyi murmured softly.

She watched Yi Lin helplessly and tried various ways of "killing ghosts".

The ghost hunter was still lingering in her ears, and her tone was three-part surprise, three-part curiosity, three-part admiration, and one part amusement.

"Yo? The wound has actually healed..."

"The brain doesn't seem to be an action center? It's still possible to move after destroying the brain..."

"The eyeballs are damaged and they can still capture my position... It seems that the 'ghost' is not a creature that relies solely on vision."

"Isn't the heart a weak point...try a few more cuts and see."

"If the limb is not completely severed, is it possible to heal it? It's quite troublesome."

"Will the limbs grow back over time? This kind of monster is quite resistant to being beaten."


In just a few minutes, Yi Lin used various methods to "kill" the man-eating evil spirit 64 times.

Yi Lin, who is a little obsessed with numbers, originally wanted to kill 66 times.

It is also good not to seek rounding up, but to seek auspiciousness.

Sixty-six is ​​a great success.

But he didn't expect that the ghost would lie on the ground and refuse to get up after being killed by Yi Lin 64 times.

Originally, Yi Lin had not moved its legs for convenience, so that it could stand up more smoothly.

The ghost in front of him originally had no intelligence.

But for some reason, after being killed 64 times by the terrifying ghost hunter with a smile on his face, it unexpectedly developed an emotion called "fear".

"It's very difficult for me to do this when you show such an expression!"

Yi Lin shook off the black blood on the short knife and hesitated whether to make two more cuts.

You said you were so cruel, but Yi Lin didn't have any psychological burden at all when he acted cruelly.

The ghost suddenly showed such a pitiful look, which gave Yi Lin the illusion that the roles of the two parties had been reversed.

Behind Yi Lin.

Xiaoyi's eyes are getting redder and redder.

It felt like I was about to cry at any moment.

My legs were so frightened that I couldn't close them together and were trembling.


Who is the ghost?

Are ghost hunters so scary?

Xiaoyi retreated one centimeter by one centimeter.

Move little by little.

Right now.

Xiaoyi's eyes flashed.

The thick fog was torn apart by a figure.

There was a cold, hard touch on my neck.

A blood-red short knife was pressed against his neck silently.

Pressed into the tender meat of the neck.

"Hey, don't leave in a hurry, little...yi."

Yi Lin whispered into Xiao Yi's ear in a gentle tone.

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