Infinity Throne

Chapter 47 The ghost hunter is so cruel!

"Master Ghost Hunter...what are you..."

Xiaoyi swallowed timidly, her mouth was dry.

A cold and stinging pain came from his neck, making Xiaoyi motionless.

It's not that I can't, but I don't dare.

"What do you think?"

Yi Lin squinted and smiled, her smile gentle, like the sunshine in the warm winter.

But the knife in his hand pressed a little deeper into Xiaoyi's skin.

Black blood spread along the dagger's blood groove in a thick blood line, and finally dripped down the tip of the knife.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

Xiaoyi's thin body was stiff and stiff.

"Master Ghost Hunter..."

Xiaoyi squeezed out a hint of crying.

But the ten fingers on her hands trembled slightly, and veins bulged silently on the backs of her palms under the coarse linen clothes.




Yi Lin suddenly pulled the knife from his hand without any warning.

Blood splattered.

But because of the angle, all the blood sprayed on the ground, and not a drop fell on Yi Lin's white clothes.

Xiaoyi's eyes were full of shock, and she staggered forward a few steps.

He turned his head, with an expression on his face as if he had been struck by a ghost.


How do you say that you have to go under the knife?

Aren't you mentally prepared?

And how could you be so cruel?

Am I not cute enough?

Are all ghost hunters so scary?

Woo woo woo...

The people from outside Guiwu Mountain are so cruel!

Xiaoyi covered the wound on her neck but did not fall down.

Her two piercing big eyes turned red instantly, revealing two strange bloody lights in the mist.


Xiaoyi opened her mouth again, revealing several pointed fangs.

"Master Ghost Hunter, when did you find out?"

After a while, when the wound on Xiaoyi's neck began to slowly heal, she was finally able to speak.

Yi Lin shrugged with a calm expression: "It's obvious."

"You said he was your father. After he recognized my identity as a ghost hunter, he didn't ask me to rescue your father immediately, but instead pulled me to escape?"

"In this fog, I can't even see your face clearly from ten meters away. How can you still tell the direction?"

"But these are not important..."

Yi Lin grinned, but her eyes became colder.

"The most important thing is, your name is Xiaoyi?"


Xiaoyi's sharp claws on both hands swelled out, and she stretched out her scarlet tongue and licked it gently. Her red eyes looked even more enchanting in the thick fog.

"What's wrong with Xiaoyi! Can't you just call me Xiaoyi?"

She witnessed Yi Lin torture and kill a certain poor ghost 64 times, which left some shadows in her heart.

But it doesn't matter, this guy just looks a bit cruel, cruel...violent.


It doesn't matter!

Xiaoyi is a ghost!

He, he, he is just a ghost hunter who has not even mastered the "ghost-killing technique". It doesn't matter, he can't kill Xiaoyi!

The word "cruel" could not help but pop up in Xiaoyi's mind. She struggled in her mind for a long time, and finally the idea of ​​"human beings cannot defeat ghosts" took over.

The distance between the two is only a few meters.

Xiaoyi's eyes showed a fierce light, and her sharp claws tore through the dense fog. A cold light flashed, and the dim light appeared in front of Yi Lin's eyes in the blink of an eye.

call out--

In the blink of an eye, the sharp claw pierced through the center of Yi Lin's eyebrows!

Xiaoyi felt happy, but soon felt puzzled. Because the feeling on my fingertips... was a bit wrong.

There is no pleasure like tearing flesh and blood and cracking open the brain as imagined.


A short knife appeared silently from diagonally below and stabbed Xiaoyi's jaw straight to the bottom.

Shadows leave traces!

Although there are many usage restrictions, for the same target, the first use has the best effect.

After that, the naked eye will quickly adapt to this sudden change in "sense of presence".

Yi Lin directly passed Xue Jasmine through Xiao Yi's chin and nailed it to the ground.

He had done an experiment on a poor ghost a few minutes ago. This kind of injury... would not kill him.

Yi Lin skillfully sat on Xiao Yi, pressing Xiao Yi's body, holding down Xue Moli with one hand, and pressing Xiao Yi's hands with her legs to prevent her from suddenly pulling out her claws.

After restraining the brat, Yi Lin's smile faded and she asked word by word without any expression.

"Now, I ask, you just need to nod or shake your head a little, do you understand?"

A trace of hatred flashed in Xiao Yi's eyes, and she seemed to be trying to get up from under Yi Lin.

In this case...

Yi Lin suddenly looked into Xiao Yi's eyes and shouted: "Let the world feel pain from now on!"

Xiaoyi: "?"

A certain kid looked confused and forgot to struggle for a moment.


What kind of?

Before she could react, a cold breath surged from her body, making Xiaoyi shiver inexplicably!

At the same time, countless horrific images appeared in her mind.


This was a malice she had never felt before.

If she had to describe it, she would rather be completely saved by the ghost hunter than face the inexplicable horror.

"Oh, it's actually a state of fear."

After Yi Lin used the new skill "Disaster Haunting", she kept observing Xiaoyi's reaction.

Seeing that Xiaoyi had a look of horror on his face the moment he was hit by the skill, his whole body tensed up, his legs were tightly clamped, and he struggled wildly, as if he was undergoing some kind of torture in his mind.

From this, Yi Lin roughly guessed the type of negative status Xiaoyi randomly received.

Think of it as testing out “new skills”.

This is a new version of the ship, so naturally we need to study it carefully.

Yi Lin was somewhat curious as to what kind of scene she saw in her state of fear.

5 seconds later.

Xiaoyi recovered from her state of fear.

As a ghost, Xiaoyi looked like a human being, covered in dense sweat, as if she had just been fished out of the water.

"Want to do it again?"

Yi Lin pressed the dagger and asked with a smile.

When Xiaoyi heard this, she was immediately frightened out of her wits and shook her head desperately.

He even forgot that there was a knife stuck in his chin.

The fierceness and ferocity at the beginning were no longer in those red eyes.

"Can you read my memory?"

Yi Lin asked.

Xiaoyi shook his head.

"Xiaoyi... did you choose the name yourself?"

Xiaoyi still shook her head.

"Oh, your mother took it from you?"

Xiaoyi nodded desperately,

Then he shook his head again.

Yi Lin's hand holding down the dagger relaxed a little.

Is it really just a coincidence?


The bad taste of "it"?

Yi Lin slowly breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down.

Xiaoyi was puzzled at this moment.

From Yi Lin's questions, she tasted something not quite right.

This cruel ghost hunter seems to have some objections to the name "Xiaoyi"?

Is there another "Xiao Yi" who has a grudge against the brutal ghost hunter in front of him?

What is the hatred and grudge?

Such a cruel attack!

Inexplicably, Xiaoyi actually hated the name "Xiaoyi".

Yi Lin has not yet triggered the plot mission.

He was a little confused. Logically speaking, since he had been deep into the plot for so long, the mission should have been released long ago.

The "ghost-killing technique" mentioned by Xiaoyi and his identity as a "ghost hunter" seem to be the key to this trial.

Yi Lin's assigned identity in the plot seems to be a rookie ghost hunter who broke into Guiwu Mountain and does not understand "ghost-killing skills".

It seems so.

Just as Yi Lin was holding the little girl down, she was thinking about the direction of the plot.

A cold murderous intent suddenly came from behind Yi Lin!


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