Infinity Throne

Chapter 458

[Lancer's Blessing] can be regarded as one of Yilin's current precious trump cards.

With the addition of Lancer's Blessing, Yilin's luck value will break through the lower limit, once again causing [Echo of Doom], the self-understood lower limit skill, to light up on the apostle's panel.

But after using the Lancer's Blessing, there is a process of "gradual decline in luck".

This process cannot be accomplished overnight, which is one of the reasons why Yi Lin did not use her trump card immediately.

The strength of that cocoon is beyond imagination.

"Maybe my attributes are still too low."

The power and casting distance of [Grasp of Annihilation] are related to strength, agility, and mental attributes.

If you can't be killed by the explosion, you can only say that you are too weak.

Can't blame skills.

But from this we can also see how hard that cocoon is. Being able to take three normal shots of [Grasp of Annihilation] without dying is very terrifying.

This is just a cocoon!

Yi Lin took out the card.

He seemed to feel a cold gaze coming from inside the cocoon.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

But Yi Lin always had a vague feeling that the monster in the cocoon was obviously not born in this world yet, but it could clearly understand everything outside the cocoon through the cocoon.

In the ruins, the sand and soil thrown up by the collapse of buildings have not yet subsided.

The distorted insect-men stood up again with the help of human bones, forming a more terrifying and ferocious posture, slightly majestic in the sand.

The "body of ten deaths" has been broken.

In just a few seconds, Yi Lin seemed to have experienced ten deaths, enduring the damage from the tentacles and the insect tide, and dealt a wave of damage to the cocoon.

But it's of no use.

Along with the rapid recovery of injuries inside and outside the body, waves of fatigue came over, making Yilin's legs feel weak.


The ground shook.

With the shaking, the sand and dust that had covered the surface of the ruins fell down with the shaking, and were shaken up again.

In the distance, all the insect-men are gathering here!


Just as Yi Lin speculated, the value of their lives for the insect-men entrenched around them was to protect the existence of the "cocoon". In the cocoon, their "king" is conceived. Even if they die, they will try their best to block Yi Lin and others so that their king can be born smoothly.

From the bugs' perspective, it seems that they are the victims.

There is nothing wrong with them, they are purely there to survive, evolve, and find food.

But are humans wrong?

In this battle of species, there is no absolute distinction between humans and monsters as invaders and guardians.

This world is not a world unique to humans.


From a human perspective, these bugs must die!

Yi Lin's eyes narrowed and she was about to activate [Lancer's Blessing].

A sudden change occurred.

A hand appeared silently from Yi Lin's side and pressed Yi Lin's wrist with a snap.

Yi Lin was about to crush the card, but she froze on the spot, looking horrified.

Do not know why.

The moment that hand appeared.

Time seemed to stand still all around, and several tentacles covered with mouthparts also stopped strangely in mid-air, allowing Yi Lin to finally see the true nature of the tentacles. It was indeed so clear... Yi Lin could even distinguish the tender meat that had stopped squirming in the mouth, as well as how many rows of sharp teeth there were.

"Oh, it's not the time yet."

In an instant, Yi Lin's spine felt chilly and her scalp felt numb.

He is now deep into the enemy's territory, but he maintains a state of "perception". Everything around him should not be able to escape Yi Lin's perception.

But even if Yi Lin didn't turn her head to see who the hand came from, she felt that it was empty there, without anyone, let alone any living thing.

Whose hands?

The point is...who is it?

If Yi Lin's enemy could have close contact with Yi Lin without Yi Lin noticing, this ability of sneaking would be even more terrifying than Yi Lin's.

Moreover, in the real world, Yi Lin basically does not have enemies that come up to him for no apparent reason.

Anyone who could become Yi Lin's enemy would have died long ago.

Or haven't gotten into it yet.

The voice smiled and still held Yi Lin's hand. However, Yi Lin's hand was held down and she couldn't even move her fingers.

"I am someone who will never appear in front of you,"


"who I am?"

It's a man's voice.

The voice was vague and uncertain, as if it came from a distant place or from my ears.

After the man finished speaking, the hand disappeared without a trace in an instant. Without any precaution, Yi Lin blinked and her fingers could move again, as if everything just now was an illusion.

Yi Lin turned her head.

Sure enough, there was no one around.

After she could move her fingers, Yi Lin frowned. Before she could savor the strange scene just now, the surrounding insects surged towards Yi Lin again. This time, the density of the insect tide was beyond imagination. The madly squeaking insects overlapped inside and outside into a seamless wave, which was fully ten meters high.

"Boom, boom, boom—"

Beyond the smoke, the roar of the Dire engine could be heard.

Yi Lin's heart moved. While thinking about the identity and purpose of the man just now, facing the increasingly fierce insect swarm, Yi Lin pondered for about half a second, then temporarily put away the [Lancer's Blessing] and activated it again. The ability of [Shadow Kill] turns into a shadow and moves quickly outside the smoke.

"I was impulsive."

In the shadow state, Yi Lin reflected while moving in the direction of Night Dire.

Since the fight with the insect army began, Yi Lin maintained the abilities of [Walking Like a Shadow] and [Shadow Killing] throughout the whole process, following closely behind Mo Rendi. Although Yi Lin's mental attributes are about to "break the lock" and the upper limit bonus of spiritual energy brought by the epic title, the consumption of maintaining skills can be almost ignored.

But this is just "almost".

The psychic value is still slowly declining.

The continuous consumption of skills exceeds the speed of natural recovery of spiritual energy. As long as these two skills are maintained, Yilin's spiritual energy will always be consumed.

After spending all the time until now, Yi Lin not only summoned Nie Hongxiu, but also used [Grasp of Annihilation] to shoot three shots at the cocoon. Now, his spiritual energy value is only about 30%, which is in danger. Even if he really used the effect of [Lancer's Blessing] and reawakened [Echoes of Doom], he still wouldn't have enough spiritual energy to squander it.

The output methods of spiritual apostles are almost all based on the premise of abundant spiritual energy.

That hand, that person reminding himself that "it's not yet time", could this be what he was referring to?

Something seems wrong again.

As for the riddle behind it...

Hmm, riddle?


That's a riddle!

Yi Lin suddenly opened her mouth wide, and there was a bang in her head.

At this moment, the same words kept echoing in his mind.

——"So, who am I?"

"It's the master!"

Night Dire finally dared to speak.

A figure quickly walked out of the smoke.

Relying on the connection with his master, Nightmare immediately sensed Yi Lin's appearance and quickly issued a warning. It was afraid that Oda Mai would be happy with the chopping because his sight was blocked, so he slashed inside.


Before Nightmare made a sound, Oda Mai noticed someone coming from the depths and raised her knife slightly. But before he had time to cut it out, Dire's dashboard flashed and flashed, issuing a red warning and a warm reminder using a sound component.

After hesitating for a moment, Oda Mai's slightly raised sword fell back to its original position.


Yi Lin pushed Oda Mai behind her and looked back. Oda Mai had actually activated the ability to possess spiritual weapons, and her arms were covered with wounds she had made, dripping with blood.

As for how to distinguish... Oda Mai's knife marks and the scars left by the monster insects are still easy to distinguish.

Oda Mai sat silently behind Yi Lin.

Yi Lin twisted the accelerator, and the Nightmare roared, bursting out with astonishing power, turning around on the spot, and moving away from the center.

As soon as the Dire's front wheel left, the dust floating in the air was suddenly washed away by a wave of nearly twenty meters of insects. Countless tentacles chased the Dire, as if to kill the Dire. Pull it back and turn it into food for the insects!

But even if it is a night dire under normal conditions, after it reaches its true speed, it is definitely not something that the insect tide can catch up with. No matter how terrifying the insect tide is, it is still made up of insects. If the speed of insects can really catch up with the Night Dire who is a Cybertron motorcycle, then the destruction of the world will not be so far away.

Yi Lin and Mai Oda were squeezed into the same seat, but they didn't mind. When the Dire drove away from the cocoon about five hundred meters away, the insect tide and tentacles that were chasing the Dire chrysanthemum suddenly stopped and then slowly retracted.

"Five hundred meters."

Yi Lin quickly judged the safe distance and looked forward.

Zhao Yulong, Yu Meng, Lu Hou, Mo Rendi, Gu Sinan and others were all walking towards this side quickly. Behind them, there were a group of official members of the special team.

Overhead, armed helicopters were circling, but they did not dare to approach.

The power of the long-range attack by the tentacles and the reserves on the helicopter can be seen more clearly when looking down from a high altitude... The attack range is so terrifying that they feel that this advanced armed helicopter is not like a weapon, but like their coffin. It's the kind shared by a whole cabin of people.

"Huh...huh...huh...did you steal it?"

Seeing Yi Lin coming to an emergency stop ahead, Zhao Yulong, carrying a "hundred-ton hammer", panted and asked.

Yi Lin did not answer Zhao Yulong immediately. Instead, his eyes fell on Mo Rendi.

There was a blood-stained scar on Mo Rendi's shoulder, and his dark uniform was slightly damaged. It was obvious that it was just a minor scratch. But... Mo Rendi was still injured.

I'm sure others have seen it too.

Maybe I don’t even dare to ask.

While Yi Lin was alert to the movements of insects five hundred meters away, he informed everyone of the existence of the cocoon.


Zhao Yulong and Yu Meng looked at each other.

The conclusion they least wanted to see, but which they had already deduced, came true.

"Are you trying to trick me into breaking out of a cocoon and being reborn? Do you really think you've evolved into a butterfly?"

Zhao Yulong couldn't help but curse in a low voice to cover up the panic in his heart.

After Yu Meng digested the information given by Yi Lin, he raised his head and looked at Yi Lin and asked, "Did you destroy that cocoon?"

In the data, Yi Lin is a terrifying mental side with a wide range of AOE skills. In Itai City, the mutilated Chimera corpse caused professionals from the special team to conduct detailed analysis and reasoning about Yilin's abilities. Yu Meng combined the information and quickly thought of the key point.

What he meant was, you obviously have a large-scale AOE ability, why didn't you destroy the cocoon?

Yi Lin looked at Yu Meng and looked at her, her expression a little more depressed.

He opened the apostle panel and looked at the number in the "Psychic Energy Value" column: 431.

"Not blue enough."

In front of Mo Rendi, Yi Lin revealed the "black talk" among the apostles.

Yi Lin's answer was reasonable.

Yu Meng's expression relaxed slightly.

Zhao Yulong suddenly understood.

The records in Yi Lin's file are clear and clear.

According to the frequency of the trial once a month like an aunt, Yilin's evaluation in every trial is ridiculously high. Being able to advance to the second level or even the third level in a short period of time is already incredible. . Being able to draw a wide range of output skills in the trial can be called the treatment of smoking from the ancestral grave, but it is impossible to get rid of the shortcomings in the spiritual side of the apostle's psionic value in a short time.

Moreover, as we all know, the more powerful the skill, the more spiritual energy it consumes.

far away.

The twisted insects formed high walls, surrounding the cocoon, and seemed to be fighting to the death with humans.

Countless tentacles, from a distance, look like a piece of mimosa, swinging slowly.

It was covered with ferocious mouthparts, which reflected sparkling white light in the sunlight, which was extremely frightening.

"Everyone come closer."

Yu Meng glanced at Mo Rendi's shoulder, then quickly looked away. She was not stingy either. After others gathered towards Yu Meng, Yu Meng once again took out a prop that could restore psychic energy. Above everyone's heads, a rain of light fell, nourishing the body and mind.

As a melee apostle, Mai Oda has little need for spiritual energy. She lowered her head and had already put away the "defeated warrior spirit" behind her back. She was bored and used her small leather shoes stained with insect slurry to pass the time by picking at the insect carcasses accumulated on the ground with the toes of her shoes.

"Ten minutes, action in ten minutes."

Yu Meng's face was as dark as water. After telling him the time limit for taking action, he looked at Mo Rendi again, as if waiting for Mo Rendi to make a decision.


Mo Rendi put his hands behind his back, closed his eyes and rested at the side, and softly uttered a word from his mouth, which was as sonorous as iron.

With Mo Rendi's approval, everyone else understood at the same time. They will launch the final attack on the bugs in ten minutes when their spiritual energy is restored.

Marquis Lu smiled and said, "But this is fine. Instead of letting these disasters escape, they are so cooperative and stay here waiting for us to come, which is exactly what they want."

Zhao Yulong once again showed the images returned by the high-altitude thermal energy scan in front of everyone.

In the picture, there is a big "circle" with extremely slow dark red dots inside, with almost no gaps. And in the center of the dark red circle, there is a white light dot, which is very eye-catching.

Zhao Yulong pointed at the white light spot in the center of the circle with a serious expression and said: "Let me put it simply, there is a BOSS here that is ready to appear. Our mission is to prevent the BOSS from emerging from the cocoon. "

"As long as we are careful about the elite monsters on the periphery, there shouldn't be a problem. There are only a few sets of them that come and go. They just produce various types of troops, and it is a bit troublesome to coordinate them together. But I think for everyone here, it should not be the case. It’s a big problem, just be careful not to get dumped by the bugs.”

Having said this, Zhao Yulong grinned: "If you really get caught, you will really become a 'dumpling' for the insects."

Hearing this, chills ran down the spines of the rest of the team members. Just imagining being torn apart by countless insect-men, one bite at a time and one at a time, eating like a dinner party. This scene made people's scalp numb and their legs weak.

But those who can rush here have basically seen many big scenes in the trial. Except for a slight change in their expressions, no one showed any obvious fear, and they listened quietly to Zhao Yulong and Yu Meng's plans.

"So, let's... Emmm... Yi Lin, tell me, what do you think?"

Zhao Yulong was a little stuck while talking, so he turned to ask Yi Lin.

As a pure spiritual apostle, Yi Lin's abilities have long been recognized by Zhao Yulong and Yu Meng in one incident after another. At a critical moment, Zhao Yulong actually consulted Yi Lin for her opinion. In addition to the surprise on the face of someone who was not familiar with Yi Lin, even Lu Hou looked at Yi Lin with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Yi Lin glanced at the other people's faces, but avoided Yu Meng. After he pondered for a moment, he quickly said: "For now, those who have the ability to escape from the insect wave at any time are the team leader, Brother Zhao, Sister Meng, Brother Hou, Xiao Wu, and me. Even if the BOSS cannot be defeated, the problem of escape does not matter. big."

"The biggest threat to us now should be those tentacles. Those tentacles are similar to the mechanism of a defense tower. They have fast attack speed and large range, and ordinary apostles cannot take the damage of those tentacles. I think that to easily avoid those tentacles, except Except for the team leader, everyone else has some difficulties.”

Others think so.

They witnessed with their own eyes Mo Rendi's figure dodging in the shadow of heavy whips.

Even Zhao Yulong and Yu Meng cannot be as easy as Mo Ren.

After all, they are also on the spiritual side.

Not good at close combat.

At this time, Oda Mai heard Yi Lin's words, raised her hand, frowned and retorted: "I can."

"OK, you can, you can."

Yi Lin followed Oda Mai's words and responded. After thinking about it, Oda Mai's sword skills are superb, and it seems that she can really do it. But now is not the time to talk about this. Yi Lin continued: "I have tried it just now. The cocoon is very strong, so strong that it is unimaginable. Most people can't break it. Anyway, I tried it and failed."

"That move?"

Zhao Yulong's pupils narrowed and he drew a "square" in front of Yi Lin. This is how Zhao Yulong deduced the outline of Yi Lin's skills through the remains of the Chimera.

Yi Lin is now a little curious about what is recorded in her files in the special group. He looked at Zhao Yulong's gesture and understood it instantly, and nodded helplessly: "That's the move."


Zhao Yulong took a breath of the fresh cool air that came around eight o'clock in the morning.

The cool air moistened his lungs and made him sober.

Most people really can't break it...

Swish, swish, swish.

Suddenly, shortly after Yi Lin said these words, everyone looked at Mo Rendi who was resting with his eyes closed.

Mo Rendi noticed the gazes of others and opened his eyes calmly. His expression remained unchanged and he just raised his fist.

He is truly invincible!

Everyone was shocked and amazed.


Yi Lin calculated the time, and it was almost ten minutes. If he delayed it any longer, he might even give birth to cubs and grandchildren. Without further ado, Yi Lin concluded: "There is no plan. I personally think that we should destroy those tentacles from all directions as much as possible. At the very least, we should attract the attention of the tentacles."

Taking Yi Lin's words into account, Zhao Yulong thought about it and quickly made arrangements:

"Aerial gunships, regardless of cost or consumption, use maximum firepower to clean up elite monsters and bugs, reducing the pressure for us."

"As for the team leader, while we try our best to drag the monster and its tentacles, we must find a way to get into the deepest place and kill the cocoon!"

Others didn't have any objections to Zhao Yulong's direct rudeness and lack of any strategic arrangements.

If in everyone's minds, there was anyone who could blast that cocoon with one blow...only Mo Rendi.

The power of Mo Rendi is deeply ingrained in the hearts of everyone in the Special Group, and the impression is indelible.

When Yi Lin was discussing with others.

Yu Meng asked a few questions in a low voice through the communicator.

The reserve members on the periphery have completed the process of cleaning up the remaining insects and are rushing here at full speed.

This is good news.

Facing the vast number of insectoids, the more combat power the humans have, the better.

"Is there a problem?"

Yu Meng looked at the others.

"I shouldn't be able to avoid those tentacles."

At this time, a senior team member looked embarrassed and whispered.

Judging from his performance just now, it seems that he is an apostle on the strength side, and he does not carry a solid armor like Lu Hou. After careful consideration, I had to say these embarrassing words.

"Just do what you can, clear out the mobs as much as possible, and reduce the sacrifices."

Zhao Yulong looked a little ugly, but he didn't force it. After all, he knew that his men were incompetent and could not let them go up to die.


Yi Lin looked at Gu Sinan.

Gu Sinan looked at Mo Rendi and nodded lightly.

The brief exchange of glances between the two did not attract the attention of anyone else.

After discussing the so-called strategy, ten minutes flew by. Yu Meng's recovery psychic items also reached the time limit, the long rain of light disappeared, and the spiritual energy values ​​of Yu Meng, Zhao Yulong, and Yi Lin also recovered to a certain extent.

"Is it full?"

Zhao Yulong glanced at Yi Lin and asked.

Yi Lin nodded: "Absolutely."

It's actually much worse.

There is no way, the water tank is too big...

This little amount of recovery is like stirring up a big vat with a toothpick, without any sense of fulfillment.

Yi Lin's current upper limit of spiritual power may be higher than that of Zhao Yulong and Yu Meng. After all, Yu Meng's light rain props are not restored based on percentages. But Yi Lin will naturally not leak out the secrets of her own attributes under any circumstances.

Within these ten minutes, many reserve members arrived outside the penalty area.

Zhao Yulong assigned tasks to the reserve members in the shortest possible time. Although they are undergoing secret training as "preparatory apostles", as long as they are not apostles, they cannot become the main force in this battle... Well, let's talk about the unreasonable existence of Mo Rendi.

"You try to attract the attention of those monsters from the outside. Be careful not to get too close."

Zhao Yulong reminded with a solemn expression.

The reserve members listened to Zhao Yulong's instructions, but their expressions showed an unconcealable eagerness to try. After all, being able to become an apostle is their biggest wish... no matter what method. How can they calm down now that they can get involved in the world of the apostles "in advance"?

Moreover, in the information on the special group, there are many speculations about how people who meet the "summoning requirements" can increase the summoning rate.

For example, when you are emotional;

In times of life or death;

When matching men and women;

... etc. Under special circumstances, the summoning rate may be slightly increased.

Isn’t this a special situation now?

What if "YES/NO?" suddenly pops up?

There is always a dream.

Now that they have joined the "reserves", they don't want to be just salted fish.

"Haha, they're just some little bugs. Apart from looking disgusting, they're actually not much different from the ones we used during simulated special training." A strong man holding a multi-barreled rotating Gatling gun in one hand touched it He touched his bald head and laughed.

Several reserve members not far from Zhao Yulong echoed, saying that these bugs are just small cases.

Looking at this group of energetic "reservist members", Yi Lin's eyes were calm as he scanned their faces one by one, lowering his head in thought.

After finishing dressing up, Zhao Yulong waved his hand and said fiercely through the communicator through gritted teeth:

"Anyway, everyone remember one thing!"

“Act according to your ability and apply methods according to your aptitude!”

Everyone: "...?"

Zhao Yulong seemed unaware of how much damage his words had caused to morale, and continued:

"Here, I... rush! Rush, rush, rush!"

Everyone suddenly stepped into the restricted area.

Zhao Yulong whispered again:

"Don't die."

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