Infinity Throne

Chapter 459 Beyond the limit of misfortune! (6700 words please vote monthly)


When Zhao Yulong said the word "rush", Lu Hou took the lead, jumped into the air and broke into the restricted area.

The dense swarm of insects and insect-men of various shapes boiled like food thrown into a hot oil pan the moment Lu Hou broke into the restricted area.

"Choo Choo Choo--"

The insect tide instantly activated its active defense mechanism, attacking anyone it saw. Looking down from a high altitude, the dense swarm of insects gathered into awls, killing Lu Hou in mid-air from all directions.

But after all, Lu Hou belongs to the aerial troop category, and the only ones that can really threaten him are the aerial troop types in the insect tide. Lu Hou, who was wearing heavy armor, raised his head and slashed his spear at the flaming Pegasus, and colorful colors appeared from the armor.

"Defensive stance!"

"Ignore the pain!"

"Damage rebound!"

"Shield barrier!"

"Group taunt!"


In an instant, Marquis Lu, with his men and horses, nearly doubled in size, with a large shield that was half the height of a man standing in front of him. In front of the shield, a light blue light curtain several meters high appeared. It looked as thick as a mountain, giving people a feeling that no one could break it.

"Everyone, follow Marquis Lu!"

Zhao Yulong, who was well aware of Lu Hou's strength, saw that Lu Hou had added defensive skills to his body one by one, so he and Yu Meng floated up, using Lu Hou as a competent "human shield", and entered the restricted area.

"Oda Mai, you are sitting on Nightmare."

Yi Lin did not look back, and skillfully condensed a needle to stimulate the nerves and muscles of her thighs. After reaching the active state, she left a word to Oda Mai, and then suddenly jumped high from the body of the night dire, and at the same time activated [Following Like a Shadow] , after Zhao Yulong and Yu Meng entered the restricted area of ​​the insect tide.

"Locust feet!"

Although Night Dire has a certain degree of mobility, it is more capable of running in a straight line. For a distance of only a few hundred meters, Yi Lin felt that squeezing on the back of the Night Dire with Mai Oda would do more harm than good. It would be better to use the ability of [Shadow Follower] to fade away the sense of existence and wander in the insect tide. safer.

Although Oda Mai is terrible with swordsmanship, she does not have the ability to move in the air. Night Dire temporarily lends her a seat, which can complement her.

By the way, Night Dire can also steal insect heads from time to time to get as much chaos points as possible for Yi Lin.

Gu Sinan seemed to be addicted to hitchhiking on Cybertron. After seeing Dire whizzing out, he did not hesitate. He made a "pop" sound on the toilet and sipped Dire's anus steadily. Gu Sinan used the Dire's aerial mobility to hang under the Dire with a rope with one hand. With the other hand, he used a mini submachine gun to pour out the ammunition in the barrel at the incoming insect swarm.

After several main players took action, the insect tide in the penalty area completely boiled. Muscular soldiers, agility soldiers, and aerial soldiers evolved into bug-men of different sizes. They were vaguely organized into different teams and divided into batches. They were killing humans crazily but orderly, as if to keep humans out of the restricted area. .


"Tu tu tu tu——"

"The bugs eat Grandpa's shot!"


Reserve members have already simulated dealing with various types of monsters in VR simulation training. Although this was the first time for most members of the reserve force to truly face an "abnormal creature", no one showed any fear on their faces. On the contrary, they became red-eyed in a short period of time. , showing a crazy attitude.

If you have to say why it is like this, they have longed to become apostles, but in daily training, they complete almost all simulation training, and rarely have the opportunity to perform real "missions". So in this incident, when Zhao Yulong had to pull them out to make up the count, the reserve members who had been holding back evil fire for many years finally found an outlet, and their expressions gradually became abnormal.

In the blink of an eye, headed by Marquis Lu, Yi Lin and others were about to arrive in front of the high walls made of insect flesh.

The overwhelming airborne troops, with countless mouthparts on their bodies, simultaneously emitted shrill neighing sounds. As Yi Lin and others went deeper, the insect men's offensive became even more fierce and fearless, completely regardless of consumption. Zhao Yulong and Yu Meng had just finished killing one wave, and then another wave came, seemingly endless.

After ignoring the troops on the ground, Lu Hou, Zhao Yulong, Yi Lin, Yu Meng, and Oda Wu arrived at the wall one step faster than the reserve members behind them.

"High-altitude bombing!"

Yu Meng's scythe whirled out in the distance. Wherever the pitch-black scythe passed, the bodies of the insect-men within half an arc were first torn apart, and then the seemingly delicious flesh quickly withered away, and Yu Meng's possession was unknown. What kind of weird effects do spiritual weapons have, and can have such terrifying lethality?

in the air.

Hundreds of armed helicopters circled, and following Yu Meng's order, they sailed into the sky above the restricted area. Sharp machine guns fired wildly, and horrific blood holes appeared on the insect-men, like harvested wheat. Like, they fell down in pieces!

The war has begun!

This is a battle!

A battle across species!


With his defensive skills fully activated, Marquis Lu was nearly three meters tall, like a towering giant, riding on a war horse, exuding an inviolable majesty. After using "Group Taunt", Marquis Lu was like a bright light on the sea, shining brightly. From the high wall, accompanied by the sound of cracking the sky, red whip shadows were drawn almost in the blink of an eye. In front of Marquis Lu.

Lu Hou's abilities are mostly defensive. After using so many defensive skills, he is not without weaknesses. Although the defense power has been greatly improved, with the increase in body size and weight, Lu Hou's maneuverability in the air has been greatly reduced. Facing dozens of incoming whip shadows, after Lu Hou gave a deep drink, the light blue light on the shield The curtain was pushed forward and blocked in front of him.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The whip shadows were blocked by the light curtain of the "shield barrier", and circles of ripples rippled outside the light curtain. Those whip shadows seemed to realize that they could not beat Lu Hou to death in a short period of time, so they attacked more fiercely, stopping Lu Hou's progress in mid-air, and the light screen trembled.

In just a few seconds, the light screen of the shield barrier had withstood hundreds of whip shadow attacks. Cracks appeared all over the light screen, like glass about to break.

Under the helmet, bloodshot eyes overflowed from the corners of Lu Hou's mouth, and he roared loudly:

"I can't hold on for long, hurry up!"

Marquis Lu's "group ridicule" could not cover such a large area. The insect tower in the high wall in the distance has become a devil's cave. At a glance, the number of the heavy whip shadows is almost countless, and some of them are blocked by Lu Hou alone. But more whip shadows seemed to have smelled bloody monsters, tearing towards the armed helicopter that was pouring bullets crazily in the sky.





"Fuck! Zizzi——"

As the whip shadow pointed, almost every time the whip shadow was thrown, an armed helicopter was hit, bursting into flames, and fell from the sky.

Another ten seconds passed.

Hundreds of armed helicopters were swept away, hovering powerlessly and falling to the ground!

In the public communication channel, the noise of the current when the connection was lost was continuously heard, which was also mixed with the driver's screams or curses.

Yu Meng, who was manipulating the spirit-enchanted weapon and consuming spiritual energy fiercely, saw this scene, his face changed slightly, and he quickly issued another order: "Helicopter team, stop output, stay five hundred meters away from the target!"


After losing air fire support, the pressure on the reserve members on the ground increased sharply. All the insect soldiers seem to exist solely to protect the "King" at the core. After the armed helicopter quickly left the restricted area, the sky-blocking aerial troops did not continue to pursue the helicopter team. Instead, they flapped their wings, made shrill and strange screams, and dived towards the ground one after another.

Thousands of monsters swooped down from the sky. This scene was so spectacular that everyone on the ground changed their expressions. However, as the situation changed rapidly, they had already been psychologically prepared for a near-death encounter, and did not show excessive fear. They skillfully approached each other quickly in units of four or five people, and temporarily divided them into small teams that could cover each other while using their hands to protect each other. The hot weapons on the ground slaughtered the insect men while advancing hard towards the depths.

"The battle situation is too tragic."

Yi Rin jumped up and down.

When he jumped up, he was condescending and took in the entire situation.

Too many people died.

The bugs have no so-called awareness of friend or foe. With this whip, no matter whether it was a human or an insect, it was torn in half in an instant. The residual limbs, severed heads, internal organs, and blood dyed the soil red and filthy. Even though the reserve members are well-equipped, they are still flesh and blood and cannot resist this level of damage.

Not to mention them, Yi Lin activated the substitute ability of [Resentment] in front of "Cocoon" and resisted a wave of damage with the "Ten Death Body". In just ten seconds, he was "killed" ten times. Except for apostles like Lu Hou who specialize in defense, others simply cannot bear it.

One by one, the reserve members fell down in the roar.

More bugmen stood up, ad infinitum.

Countless aerial troops swooped down and tore flesh and blood with their sharp claws.

The muscle soldier's mouth parted into a sinister expression, pulling the human's legs alive, tearing them in half from the middle, and splitting the balls. The scene was very horrifying.

The agile soldier's slender limbs shuttled through the insect tide like a wild beast, carrying a hail of bullets and ruthlessly chewing off half of a person's head before dying...

In front of the endless sea of ​​monsters, even though every reserve member is an elite among humans, the numerical gap is really too big.

If you look down from the air at this moment.

You will find that human beings gather into small "circles", and the surrounding insect tide is like a red sea, completely submerging each "circle" at a terrifying speed.

The trend is unstoppable!

For humanity, this is a complete disaster.

"What exactly is 'your' purpose?"

Yi Lin, who had turned on [Following Like a Shadow], was like a passerby at the moment, isolated and out of place in the battlefield, and the silence around him was terrifying.

"But no matter what..."

Yi Lin's voice became smaller and smaller, her head lowered and her eyebrows lowered, and she silently crushed a card. Only he could hear the follow-up of that sentence, and the sound was drowned in the various mixed sounds of insects, screams, explosions, and tearing of flesh and blood.

A golden "E" appeared above Yi Lin's head.

Behind Yi Lin, spears of different styles appeared, as if they came from different eras and different dimensions. They were inserted upside down in Yi Lin's back, resembling a tomb, which was unlucky.

After using [Lancer's Blessing], Yilin's luck dropped steadily at a terrifying speed.

In the sky, there were quietly a few gray clouds.

In the gray clouds, Nie Hongxiu stood high, overlooking everything on the ground.

A few minutes later, the enhanced [Echo of Doom], which had been in a gray "unusable" state, lit up silently on Yilin's apostle panel.

Holding the big "E", Yi Lin once again used the needle to inspire the "locust feet" to leap high into the sky and look at everything in front of her.

In the depths of Yi Lin's eyes, obscure streams of light flashed through, full of mystery and mystery.

"Let the world feel pain from now on!"

Yi Lin should have kept a low profile on the battlefield.

So low-key that he became a little transparent on the battlefield.

But when Yi Lin had a golden "E" on her head and a spear stuck behind her back and bounced into the sky, she attracted a lot of people's attention in an instant.

In an instant, in addition to the reserve members who were struggling on the line of death, the other relatively capable Lu Hou, Mo Rendi, Yu Meng, Zhao Yulong, Oda Wu, Gu Sinan, and a group of apostles from the special group all At this moment, he looked at the man with a big "E" in the sky.

Not just on the human side.

Even the insect soldiers in the air noticed Yi Lin's presence.

The sense of existence is elusive and traceless.

But it actually exists.

Yi Lin was like a light bulb at this moment.

A dead light bulb is hidden among a bunch of light bulbs, so it is difficult to attract attention. After all, the light of other light bulbs is enough to eliminate the existence of this light bulb that does not light up. But when this light bulb that doesn't light up suddenly bursts out with a strong light that can blind a 24K gold dog's eye, this light bulb will become the brightest star in the night sky, shining dazzlingly.

After Yi Lin burst out with a strong sense of presence, the insect aerial troops closest to Yi Lin grinded their mouthparts into ear-piercing roars, flapped their bone wings one after another, and ejected bone spurs from their hands. Hundreds of aerial insect soldiers attacked Yi Lin. Kill like crazy.

Yi Lin smiled slightly.

"Let the world feel pain from now on!"

Disaster plagued!

Yi Lin couldn't remember how many times she had used this skill, and how many people, bosses, and monsters had been killed.

Yi Lin was able to compress this skill limit and read it out in two seconds with clear words. Before others had time to hear the content of this saucy sentence, the invisible power of disaster, centered on Yi Lin, Spread around.

A circle of black arc-shaped ripples that were almost extremely light, centered on Yilin, swayed in all directions.

"Echoes of doom!"

【Echoes of Doom】


[Effect] At the consumption of double the spiritual energy value, all skills will be given a "doom" status, 100% trigger all special effects and negative effects, and can trigger "multiple releases" in a range.

[Explanation] You have understood the essence of misfortune and surpassed the limit of misfortune. From now on, your misfortune will become the disaster of others.

At the end of Itai City, Yi Lin used [Lancer's Blessing] to make her luck exceed the lower limit. In the extreme misfortune of Na Blessing's soul, she realized this terrible ability.

Yilin seemed to understand what "bad luck" meant.

My misfortune is the disaster of all things!

A stream of light flashed in the depths of Yi Lin's eyes.

Wherever the black ripples passed, all the insect-men who were killing Yi Lin with ferocious postures stopped in mid-air.

In the next second, a scene that left countless people stunned and unforgettable occurred.

All the insect-men affected by the black ripples began their own performances.

Some bug-men clamped their wings and fell straight to the ground...

Some insectoids seemed to be stupid, blindly flapping their wings and flying around Yilin, and even had a tragic car crash...

Some bugs went crazy and killed each other, stacking up, down, left, and right. Even one after the other, with funny expressions.

Some bugs eat each other...

Some bugmen flew in slow motion in mid-air, and were then knocked dozens of meters away by other chaotic bugmen...

Chaos, dizziness, confinement, weakness, blindness, and various negative states, under the blessing of [Echoes of Doom], all the bugs locked directly from the perspective of "Nie Hongxiu" are released as targets, releasing a ferocious negative effect!


Among the chaotic insect-men, there were several insect-men with serous fluid gushing out from their bodies, their limbs contracted, and they were trying to resist but were approaching Yi Lin... What's going on?

It turns out to be a charm...

Yi Lin expressionlessly pulled out his guns, loaded two boxes of psychic bullets with one click, and ruthlessly took away the "charmed" bugs.

[Get chaos value +233! 】

[Get chaos value +215! 】

[Get chaos value +232! 】


"Too cruel!"

Looking at the chaotic insect army, everyone was completely stunned as they witnessed this spectacular scene that could not be described with other words except "brutal".

Even though they clearly knew that they must remain vigilant at all times when they must not be in a daze on such a dangerous battlefield, those who witnessed this scene could not help but be completely stunned.

I can't help it!

"It's actually a large-scale group negative state!"

Zhao Yulong was well-informed. He just glanced at the many insect-men writhing around with their legs in the insect wave and instantly guessed the effect of Yi Lin's ability.


He was extremely lucky now that Yi Lin's ability was able to distinguish between friend and foe.

If those black ripples couldn't distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, and there was one in the melee... hiss, just imagining that beautiful scene made Zhao Yulong shudder subconsciously.

After Yi Lin fired his ultimate move.

The dense insectoids were in complete chaos.

The mess turned into a pot of gruel.


"Awesome Plath!"

On the ground, many reservists reacted and shouted how awesome they were. When the bugs were in various negative states, they exploded with amazing hand speed and output wildly.


A figure quickly stepped on the insect man's head, like a bolt of lightning, taking advantage of the insect man army to fall into chaos, and suddenly swept towards the high wall.

He is invincible!


The enemy is moving!

If it doesn't move, it will be fine, if it moves like thunder!

At this moment, Mo Rendi was like a sharp knife, quickly crossing the battlefield, covering a distance of hundreds of meters in just a few seconds. Wherever he passed, insect-men of various types exploded one after another under the hidden power contained in Mo Rendi's trampling, and red slurry burst out one after another.

Behind Mo Rendi, a bloody road made of bloody fireworks was left!

"Let's go!"

Yu Meng's eyes flickered and he looked away from Yi Lin. After waking up the others with a word in the communicator, he controlled his telekinesis to levitate, followed Mo Rendi's footsteps as quickly as possible, and flew towards the high wall.

"Having only been an apostle for half a year, how can he have such strength? The consumption of skills of this level must be extremely terrifying. How can he have so many spiritual energy points? His attributes are too outrageous!"

Zhao Yulong activated his ability and casually pulled the two team members around him to serve as cannon fodder... er, no, they were valuable combat power. In the shock, he did not dare to hesitate and also jumped towards the high wall hundreds of meters away.

"No, it's most likely a special state due to the bonus of some kind of props." Yu Meng just noticed the big "E" on Yi Lin's head, and in a quick guess, he roughly guessed the reason why Yi Lin is so scary right now. They were inseparable, paused, and continued:

"But even with the bonus of props, the strength he has shown now is enough to attract our attention. It seems that his profile needs to be raised to another level."


Zhao Yulong was convinced.

He still clearly remembered that at the end of the "Haiting City Zhang Huichun Incident", he was inexplicably hit by a skill rebounded by Zhang Huichun and fainted. Looking back now, the skill that was rebounded turned out to be from Yi Lin's handwriting.

This kid is so insidious!

It's actually hidden so deeply!

Lao Yin beep!

Zhao Yulong silently labeled Yi Lin as an "old yin beep" again.

Oda Mai drove the Night Dire, and the man and the sword merged into one, moving flexibly in the air. Wherever he passed, the insect-men in the air who were still in various negative states were chopped into two almost as soon as Oda Mai passed by. Half, crisp and clean.

Viewed from a distance.

Gray clouds in the sky.

Blocked sunlight.

The sky was filled with blood rain, broken limbs, and insect remains.

Bodies everywhere, helicopter wreckage, and burning fires.

Smoke filled the air, and the writhing monsters were being killed in a frenzy.

This situation is like the "hell" in the fairy tale, which has appeared in the human world inexplicably.

And in the chaos.

Among the reserve apostles, someone who was slaughtering the Insects wantonly was suddenly shocked, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

【Do you believe in God? 】

【YES/NO? 】

Two lines of text appeared strangely before his eyes.

After pointing with trembling fingers, a certain reserve member disappeared from the spot.

This strange scene did not attract the attention of others.

Lu Hou's body shrank back.

Returned to normal body shape.

Mo Ren is extremely fast.

Wherever it passes, no insect can stop it.

What's more, the insect man is in a negative state.

This is the best opportunity!

Naturally, Yu Meng and Zhao Yulong would not let go of the opportunity created by Yi Lin, and used their fastest speed to reach the high wall.

"ten minutes!"

Yi Lin didn't believe that Yu Meng and Zhao Yulong, with their mental IQs, could not see that his current state was the result of using props. So he didn't hide anything. He told the duration of [Lancer's Blessing] on the communicator, and added by the way:

"The last time."

When Mo Rendi penetrated into the depths of the insect wave like a sharp knife, and when he arrived in front of the high wall, the insect people, who had fallen into various chaotic and negative states, returned to normal one after another, all looking confused.

Yi Lin didn't give people a chance to react. After silently calculating the consumption of spiritual energy, she once again switched to Nie Hongxiu's perspective from high in the air.


【Echo of Doom】!

here we go again!

Black ripples swayed out again with Yi Lin as the center. All the insect-men convulsed again and danced square dance on the spot, fighting each other.

"Is it a unified yet dispersed consciousness?"

When Yi Lin used [Disaster Haunting] to add a state of misfortune, she was not sure it would take effect at first.

Hu Sandao had already set an example before this and staged a scene where his defense was broken. With Hu Sandao's lesson learned, Yi Lin was worried before that the consciousness of all insect people was the consciousness of the "king". For such a high-end existence, the control effect of "disaster-ridden" may not be effective.

But I didn’t expect it to be...

And the effect is quite good.

From this, Yi Lin made corresponding guesses about the ideology of the "weird insect" group.

Another possibility is that Yi Lin's mental attributes are close to the limit of the first-level lock at this moment, and are much higher than Hu Sandao's.

With Yi Lin's divine assistance, the sharp knife team crossed the last three hundred meters at the fastest speed.

Three hundred meters!

Two hundred meters!

The closer you get to the high wall, the more intensive the tentacle attacks will be.

But Mo Rendi was the fastest and had already arrived under the high wall one step ahead of the others.

Right now.

A sudden change occurred.

When Mo Rendi arrived at the high wall, the top of the wall made of wriggling insects changed shape after a strange twisting and writhing movement in front of everyone.

The squirming flesh was reshaped into the shape of a long tube, and the surface was covered with a layer of metallic light.


There was a weird crisp sound coming from the long tubes on the high wall.

In the distance, Zhao Yulong looked slightly startled when he saw this scene.

But the next second, the hairs all over his body stood up, a chill ran down his spine, and he cursed:

"What the hell? It's... a bug-meat heavy machine gun!!!"

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