Infinity Throne

Chapter 542 Photos

About the name "Gaya Qinmei".

It is the only information that Yilin team has.

There were many people sneaking into the bungalow at that time.

But it happened that Xu Anjing got the diary.

Maybe it was destined somewhere.

When looking for the file of "Gaya Qinmei" in the archives, Xu Anjing did not write the name on the crowdfunding list because he knew the matter was important.

"thank you!"

"You're welcome."

The smooth little hand that handed the file to Xu Anjing quietly hid in the darkness, as if it had never appeared before.

While Xu Jingjing still had time, her curiosity was overflowing. After getting the key items to solve the puzzle, she couldn't wait to take a look.


[Enrollment date: September 3, 2018. 】

"Seven years ago?"

Xu Anjing carefully identified the yellowed text on the file. Thanks to the online translation function provided by "Tower", she could read it without any obstacles.

Files from seven years ago?

But how could this file be so old?

Is it used for table legs all year round?

Xu Anjing complained secretly.

The material of the archival paper gave Xu Jingjing the feeling, as if it had been soaked in water for a long time, fished out again, and dried to its current wrinkled appearance.

But I still had the patience to read on.

The files are all written in sloppy handwriting.

Isn’t there a printed version?

There is also a photo of Gayageumimi on her profile page.

But due to age and disrepair, half of the photo was blurred, and the eyes and nose were faded. Squinting and using the "demosaic method" to check, I could barely make out that Gayageumimi should be a little girl with short black hair and a light dimple on her face when she smiles.

Xu Jingjing quickly turned to the second page.

On the second page, Gayageumimi’s scores in various subjects were recorded.

By the way, the Kanzaki Junior High School Examination only evaluates grades, not specific scores or rankings. Each subject is divided into four grades "ABCD", and the four grades are further divided into "plus and minus", with a total of 12 scoring grades. But no matter what, from this grading system, Xu Anjing can see that the students of Kanzaki Middle School should not have much pressure from studying.

"Except for the physical education subjects, which are all C and D, all the brain-related subjects are all A+, which is awesome! Huh? Why are there only two years of grades and the third year's grades?"

"Is it really okay to divide grades into ABCD grades like bust size? People with a little imagination can easily go astray!"

Xu Jingjing murmured to himself in the dark corner while flipping through the pages.

Soon, she noticed something was wrong.

Yi Lin seems to have mentioned before that the grade system of Kanzaki Middle School is a regular three-year system.

But why are Gayageumimi's academic scores only recorded in the first two years?

What about the third year?

Xu Jingjing wondered and turned a few more pages.

What struck her strangely was that the last few pages of the file seemed to have been torn out by someone. In other words, the third-year results should have been recorded originally, but they were just lost.

Xu Anjing flipped through the pages quickly, reading ten lines at a glance.

What follows is a record of some scattered personal honors.

It looks almost like a serious student profile.

After a rough scan, the image of a girl with excellent academic performance appeared on the page.

Right now.

Several dog-eared, yellowed black-and-white photos slid out from the last few pages of the file and landed at Xu Anjing's feet.


Any photos?

Xu Jingjing was stunned.

She leaned over and picked up the pile of photos scattered on the ground. After just one glance, she felt her scalp numb. Her whole body seemed to be immersed in ice water. It was so cold that her heart and lungs were stiff, making it difficult to breathe. She seemed to have forgotten her heartbeat. .

The first picture: A short-haired girl wearing a school uniform, who should be Gayageumimi, is squatting helplessly in the corner of the toilet. A group of boys surround Gayageumime, laughing wantonly and peeing on the girl's head.

The second picture: Gayageumimi was hung from a rotating ceiling fan, surrounded by men and women also wearing school uniforms. Some were watching indifferently, some were pointing, and some were immersed in reading.

The third picture: Gayageumimi is being pulled by many people and being stuffed into a dog cage.

The fourth picture: Gayageumimi's thin body was covered with strange symbols of unknown meanings such as "RBQ" and "正" with the brushes used in art class.

The fifth picture: Something was stuffed in Gayageumimi's mouth, and someone covered her face with plastic wrap. Her whole face was covered with suffocation, and she was kneeling on the ground in convulsions due to suffocation and lack of oxygen. Next to her, a sweet-looking girl with long hair stepped on Gayageumimi's head wrapped in plastic wrap, lifted up her skirt, and struck a sultry pose.

The sixth picture...

The seventh picture...

The eighth picture...

Xu Jingjing could no longer describe the scene in the photo with any words.

They are obviously a group of ignorant students who are still in the ivory tower. Through these black and white photos taken several years apart, the bright and happy smiles on their faces exude a "malice" that even Xu Anjing can't bear.

Yes, malicious.

That terrible malice actually emanated from the photo. Xu Anjing, who was very sensitive to this kind of "emotion" after switching to elf blood, felt as if he was in it. A fishy smell surged into his throat, and Xu Anjing finally couldn't bear it anymore. He let out bursts of retching. Even at the end, he vomited a lot of yellow-green bile.


Xu Jingjing sat on the ground as if he was exhausted, covered in cold sweat.

At this moment, a ridiculous idea even came to her mind:

If I were Gayageumimi, I would definitely treat these people...


The terrifying thought that emerged from the depths of his mind involuntarily shocked Xu Jingjing himself.

As an apostle, killing people is nothing.

But at that moment, the thoughts and even images came to Xu Jingjing's mind. In the picture, Xu Anjing is holding a hatchet and using various indescribable cruel methods to kill men and women whose faces cannot be seen.

Xu Jingjing took a deep breath.

Within a moment, Xu Jingjing calmed down quickly due to the veteran's strong character and psychological quality.

That pile of photos, and the last one.

Xu Anjing was mentally prepared and carefully took out the black and white photo hidden at the end.

He was obviously mentally prepared.

Moreover, after experiencing the severe beatings and mental torture in the previous photos, Xu Anjing's SAN value has dropped to a certain level. He is as tough as iron and cannot be lost.


When I saw the last black and white photo,

Xu Anjing still felt that there was a loud "buzzing" sound in her mind, which had finally calmed down. It made her brain turn pale.

It was an empty classroom.

Or hanging rope.

Gayageumimi was hung from the ceiling fan.

But this time, it was not the hands that were hung, but the neck.

Gayageumimi, who was hung by the neck, actually...


Just when Xu Anjing saw the contents of the photo and was shocked on the spot by the horrific scene.

A slender hand patted Xu Jingjing's slightly trembling shoulder.




Xu Jingjing's hands are extremely fast.

As soon as he turned around, he drew an arrow.

Oda Mai waved her sword expressionlessly to block the arrow, and the arrow's feathers were nailed to the bookshelf nearby and kept shaking.


When Xu Jingjing saw it was Mai Oda, she knew that something big had happened to her. If she didn't explain it properly, this scary woman might just raise her hand and stab her.

Oda Mai: "?"

She didn't pull out the knife.

He just slowly typed a question mark.

What's wrong with this woman?

"Sister Xiaowu, don't you know that tapping someone on the shoulder in such a dark environment in the middle of the night will scare them to death?"

"Sorry," to Xu Jingjing's surprise, Oda Mai nodded expressionlessly, accepted the explanation, and said, "I didn't expect you to be so timid."

Xu Jingjing's eyes twitched, and he quickly put away the information he had finally found with great difficulty to avoid missing anything. After putting away Gayagemimi's file, Xu Jingjing put away her bow and arrows, and said to Mai Oda in a low voice: "I'm a normal woman, okay...but that's not important."

Xu Jingjing realized that this sentence seemed to suggest that Mai Oda was not a normal woman, so he quickly changed his words: "Sister Xiaowu, you are so awesome, you can find such hard-to-find information. Now I probably know this test What's going on with the training? Let's get out of here quickly. I always feel like something is not right about this place. I want to tell the president the information found here as soon as possible!"

As he spoke, Xu Jingjing didn't want to stay in this gloomy archives room for one more second, so he waved to the apostles from other teams and walked out of the archives room.

Behind Xu Anjing, Oda Mai frowned:

"I just arrived."

Xu Jingjing paused, widened his eyes, and turned his head, thinking that Oda Mai was joking.

Oda Mai quickly walked to Xu Jingjing and comforted: "I didn't find your information."


at the same time.


A girl's secret boudoir.

A hand patted Yi Lin's shoulder.

That hand was so white that there was no blood at all, and it was terrifyingly slender.

Even through his clothes, Yi Lin could feel the biting chill coming from that weak palm, making him feel chilled all over.

"Is this such an old-fashioned trick?"

In the mirror.

A woman with long hair hanging over her face, whose face could not be seen clearly, appeared like a ghost in the deep and dark background.

At that moment, Yi Lin looked at the mirror, and the "darkness" behind him seemed to come alive, twisting into weird shapes. The woman who put her palm on his shoulder seemed to come out of the dark cave and bring love and peace to the world.

Yi Lin did not hesitate.

He had already been mentally prepared.

In this weird trial, Yi Lin will not be surprised by any story that happens.

Unless you can't help it.

The moment the hand was placed on Yi Lin's shoulder, Yi Lin made a decision in less than a second, turned around and raised her hand.

The cold gun pointed at the other party.

The moment Yi Lin made a move, the woman who appeared in the mirror moved like a ghost, diving into the darkness without making any sound.

There was no breathing, no heartbeat, no footsteps, everything was like "nothing".

But in the corner of the room, a "woman" wearing black clothes, with her head lowered and her hair disheveled, was standing there.


Yi Lin was not surprised but overjoyed and breathed a sigh of relief.

The real owner did appear.

If she turned around and saw nothing behind her, Yi Lin would feel depressed.

Now "that guy" is hiding in a dark corner, which makes Yi Lin feel at ease. After all, you can see and shoot. At worst, you can shoot with all your strength and kill him with one shot.

The scarlet revolver, the texture of the gun body, and the flowing light.

The charged bullet was silently accumulating in the magazine. As Yi Lin's spiritual energy was poured into the bullet, even Yi Lin himself was afraid of the shot.

Yi Lin smiled slightly and pointed the gun steadily at the figure in the darkness:

"I should call you...uh!"

Originally, Yi Rin wanted to say: Should I call you "Gaya Kotomi" or "Tanino Chie"?

But he suddenly remembered that important reminder and immediately swallowed the second half of the sentence alive, not daring to speak nonsense.

After a moment of silence, Yi Lin reorganized her words and asked again: "Who are you?"


The woman in the dark was silent for a moment.

"Hee hee hee……"

Suddenly, a strange laughter came from the dark figure.

The next second.

The shadow moved.

She slowly stepped out of the darkness.

Through the dim light outside the window, a face that haunted Yi Lin and could be said to be unforgettable appeared in front of Yi Lin again.

"Rin, it's me."




have no choice.

In an instant, all kinds of complicated emotions surged into my heart.

But these emotions are not intense enough to cause [Resentment] to change to the next stage.

"Oh, Ling Yiyi?"

Yi Lin sneered and pressed the trigger.

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