Infinity Throne

Chapter 543 Eyeball

"I just touched something dirty!"

After Xu Anjing was carried out of the archives by Oda Mai, she faintly woke up.

After waking up, the first words I spoke were as if I had not woken up.

There was a hint of weirdness in Oda Mai's cold eyes.

She put Xu Anjing down and shook the knife in her hand:

"Just chop him to death."

"You don't understand!" Xu Jingjing stroked his chest gently, remembering what happened just now, his face was still pale, and he muttered: "This trial world should be the most terrifying 'supernatural' trial! It's in In the apostle forum, many people have discussed the trial type with extremely high mortality rate! By the way, do you want to visit the forum?"

"Practice your sword."

Oda Mai shook her head.

When it comes to the implication, how can visiting forums be as good as practicing swordsmanship?

Xu Jingjing was speechless for a moment.

She was careless just now.

Because among all the apostles who searched for information in the archives, only she and Mai Oda knew the name "Gaya Kotomi". So when that hand stretched out, Xu Anjing subconsciously thought that it was Oda Mai who had finally found Gayageumimi's file and handed it over to her.

But think about it carefully.

This is wrong!

Oda Mai doesn’t know how to look for information honestly!

Totally impossible!


Who is that hand?

While Xu Jingjing was thinking about these questions, an answer flashed in his mind.

But she didn't believe it and couldn't believe it.

All the apostles left silently.

Before there was a clear conflict of interest, the relationship between the apostles was relatively harmonious. After saying goodbye to each other, they happily left with the information they found.

Xu Jingjing grabbed Oda Mai's clothes, and the two of them walked on the deserted campus path.

Perhaps it was influenced by the weirdness of speaking out in the archives.

Even the chirping of cicadas among the trees sounded like a wolf crying and a ghost howling to Xu Anjing's ears, which was very scary.

After what happened tonight, she must not go to the place where she lives.

It’s so annoying!

Whoever wants to live there will live there!

"No, I have to contact the president quickly! Tell him about this!"

There is a trial next door. If you are in trouble, go to Lao Pan.

And here, if you are in trouble, go to the president.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.

Xu Anjing quickly summarized what happened in the archives room and the information he found in the most concise words, and sent it to Yi Lin.

In summary:

"This trial is haunted! It's Gayageumimi seeking revenge!"

Finished sending the message.

Xu Jingjing is very satisfied with his language organization ability, which is very good.

Yi Lin did not reply for the time being.

But no matter what, the news was sent out.

"Maybe the president is busy?" Xu Jingjing was a little unsure.

Or maybe he's fast asleep?

Xu Jingjing couldn't help but feel a little angry when she thought that Yi Lin might be sleeping.

It's already past five in the morning.

Daybreak is coming.

After dawn, it’s a brand new second day.

Today, there are still about six days until the deadline for the second main task.

There's plenty of time.

Xu Jingjing was not in a hurry. Although she already knew that Gayageumimi was behind the whole incident, she couldn't figure out what to do next as she was an agile person. You can only take one step and see one step. Wait for Yi Lin to reply.

Who told you to be on the spiritual side?

Deserve it!

Xu Anjing couldn't help but feel a sense of revenge in his heart when he thought of Yi Lin's frowning expression as she racked her brains to figure out how to pass the level.

"Where are we going now?"

Xu Anjing looked at Oda Mai pitifully.

Oda Wu equipped her with a knife, lowered her head and thought for a while, then walked in a certain direction.

Although Oda Mai didn't say much, her calm posture gave her a sense of tranquility and security. After struggling for a while, Xu Jingjing thought to herself that she didn't dare to go anywhere now, so she might just dance with Oda, which might be safer.

There used to be a saying that people with strong evil spirits are immune to all evil spirits. One look at Mai Oda like that...well, this is very evil-proofing.

Thinking of this, Xu Anjing felt more at ease as she followed Oda Mai.

Li Changge was woken up in the middle of the night by peeing.

Somehow, he always felt uncomfortable after returning to the villa.

There was no one else in the empty villa.

Normally, forget it.

In the trial, every minute and every second was a matter of life and death, so of course he would not make random moves.

"Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock."

late at night.

In the bathroom on the first floor, there was a faint sound of dripping water.


Li Changge's heart skipped a beat, the atmosphere in the air was slightly subtle.


Li Changge's expression changed. No wonder he was woken up by peeing. He usually didn't urinate at night. It turned out that it was the body's instinctive defense reaction that woke him up. Li Changge, you are awesome!

A gloomy female spirit, wearing a pure white dress, floating behind Li Changge without touching the ground.

Li Changsinger squeezed the puppet tightly, feeling a little more confident in his heart.

"Oh, is it really a supernatural trial? No wonder it is called the 'Eternal Night Level' difficulty. It is said that the survival rate of this trial is less than 10%, so many people are matched to this trial world with a low survival rate , how unlucky are you?"

Seeing that there was no one around, Li Changge didn't bother to pretend to be a coward. He put on the [Bat Suit] skillfully, holding the cursed spirit weapon in his left hand and the [Eight Directions Invincible Sword] in his right hand. He walked out of the room and faced the sound of dripping water. Go in the direction it came from.

After walking out of the room.

Because of the backward technology in this era, home lighting module components with artificial AI control and fully automatic control have not yet been born.

According to the past, when Li Changge gets up in the middle of the night, the sweet and sweet female voice will automatically shout "Ya Zhudie my song", which always makes Li Changge's long nights of loneliness in the boudoir more interesting.

But now...

Before going downstairs, Li Changge did two things.

One, send a text message to Thigh Rin: "Boss, help me! I'm going to be cold!"

It doesn’t matter whether Yi Lin wants to come or not.

It's always right to call for help.

What if the boss cares about him and rushes over immediately?

Moreover, Yi Lin said before that the voice would not be answered. So Li Changge didn't dare to harass Yi Lin with his voice in the middle of the night. If Yi Lin couldn't figure it out and blocked him, and something big happened, Li Changge would really be in trouble.

As for the second thing.

Li Changge put various equipment collected during this period on his neck, head, wrists, and waist.

After being armed to the teeth, Li Changge's sense of security increased step by step, and he felt that no matter what monster he encountered, he could kill it with one sword.

"Others may look down upon this type of trial,"

Li Changge chuckled and walked downstairs cautiously, but in the empty and dark villa, Li Changge's confident chuckle echoed: "Ah, but for me, having a cursed spirit-possessed weapon, I am The nemesis of this kind of 'stuff'."

"Master, you are so cowardly."

Zhenzi was held in front of Li Changge, floating speechlessly, and whispered something.

"This is not called cowardice, this is called sincerity!" Li Changge was stunned when her mother spirit complained. She didn't know where she learned this from.

Li Changge did not give too complicated a noun explanation for the word "coward", and urged: "I think you can't understand the true feelings of human beings. Hurry, go to the toilet and see who the monster is. It’s causing trouble.”

"Good master!"

Mako responded obediently and submissively.


When he walked downstairs, Li Changge quickly turned on the lights in the whole room.

Suddenly, the bright LED lights dispersed all the darkness.

At the same time, it also dispelled Li Changge's heart.

This time he wasn't afraid anymore.

Wearing a suit of top-notch equipment and holding "Zhenzi" in front of him, Li Changge finally arrived at the dripping bathroom.

It's the shower head that's leaking.

Although Li Changge doesn't look very good, he is still a veteran who has lived from the beginning to the present. He has gone through version changes and is still alive. After hesitating briefly in front of the toilet door, Li Changge quickly walked to the bathtub to check if someone had secretly turned on the switch.

"Huh? The switch is obviously closed tightly, how can it leak?"

Li Changge first frowned and muttered to himself, and then asked Zhenzi beside him: "Is there anything weird?"

Mako's eerie gaze stared directly at the leaking shower head above through the bangs that were scattered in front of his forehead.

"Master, there is hair there."

Zhenzi pointed at the head of the shower head and said quietly.


Li Changge followed Zhenzi's white hands, and found bundles of tiny hairs emerging from the densely packed pores on the shower head.

"No wonder water is dripping. What kind of physical phenomenon is this?"

When he saw the hair, Li Changge breathed a sigh of relief.

Since it is a scientific phenomenon, there is nothing to be afraid of.

On the first day, he had already experienced the strange phenomenon of hair emerging from the shower head. Now, these few hairs could not scare the brave and careful Li Changge.

Li Changge pulled out those bunches of hair.

The last time, he told Yi Lin that it was nonsense to stuff it back.

Who the hell can put hair back through that hole?

He threw it all in the toilet and burned it.

Unexpectedly, after the burn, my hair broke out again today.

"Is it over yet?"

Li Changge threw all the bunches of hair into the toilet and flushed them away, feeling immediately relieved.

After solving the leak, Li Changge flushed the toilet again just in case it didn't come out clean.

After solving the leak, Li Changge checked the shower head and turned on the switch.

But this time, Li Changge was stunned again.

"Why don't you come out of the water now?"

Li Changge got angry and slapped the water pipe with an angry palm, making a loud bang.

The next second, Li Changge watched helplessly as several strands of black hair came out of the shower head, and water leaked into the bathtub again.


Li Changge was speechless.

"Master, it should be blocked inside."

Mako saw from the side that his master couldn't produce a miracle despite his great efforts, so he kindly reminded him.

"I know, I just took a shot."

Li Changge's face was expressionless. Although he looked a little angry, he had not lost his mind. From the moment he became an apostle, Li Changge, who has survived until now, was even more cautious in the Eternal Night Level difficulty trial, never daring to take it lightly.

As the saying goes, when things go wrong, there must be a monster.

There's no way this shower head would just flood randomly, there must be something weird about it.

Li Changge hesitated for a while.

On the other side, Yi Lin didn't know what she was busy with and didn't reply to his message.

"It's time to prove my worth, Li Changge."

Li Changge sighed. Now that things have come to a point, he can no longer hide his strength. Li Changge twisted hard, and the entire water pipe, including the shower head, was unscrewed by Li Changge.

Look, Li Changge is so awesome.


The moment the water pipe was unscrewed, a disgusting stench spread in the toilet.

After the water pipe was unclogged, water gurgled out from the broken part of the water pipe. Within a few moments, the dry bathtub was filled to less than half.

Bundles of hair, floating in the bathtub.

In addition to hair, there is also a lot of foam.

In the foam, there is a white bead, which rises and falls with the waves in the bathtub, rolling endlessly.

The white beads rolled for a while and just turned around.

At that moment,

Li Changge was so frightened that he took a few steps back, his face turned pale, and he pulled out the Bafang Invincible Sword and held it in front of him.

turn out to be,

Blocking the water pipes,

It's a human eyeball!

"...Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

The next second,

Li Changge’s screams,

resounded through the night sky.

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