Infinity Throne

Chapter 666: I’m full of epic fruits...burp~ (full chapter)

Qian Duoduo reluctantly took out another [Star Fruit].

The third one!

Yi Lin swallowed again.

I’m still not finished!

Yi Lin burped.

It seemed like I was full from eating epic fruits.

"Don't you have a third one?"

Yi Lin asked tentatively again.

Anyway, give it a try, Qian Duoduo won't get pregnant, and Yi Lin won't lose money.

Qian Duoduo finally stopped in Bengbu. The grievances, old and new hatreds that he had been holding back for more than three hundred days broke out together, and he lay on the ground and cried loudly.

She was crying really loudly.

After Yi Lin finished eating, he suddenly remembered something important. So he curiously asked how they obtained these [Star Fruits].

Especially Qian Duoduo, there are two of them.

He truly deserves to be the best liver emperor in this trial.

Anyway, Yi Lin had already eaten it up and refused to admit it. Bai Runding had no reason to hide it and told the origin of this [Star Fruit].

It turns out that the first person to get the key to the sewer and find Krobus, the hidden resident of Cugu Town, can buy a [Star Fruit] from Krobus for a mere 20,000G.

This is a one-time purchase.

No wonder when Yi Lin found Krobus, this epic fruit was no longer on the product list.

Qian Duoduo's eyes were red, with tears in his eyes, and he stared at Yi Lin, daring to be angry but afraid to speak.

Now that Bai Runding has confessed, Qian Duoduo dare not not say it. Anyway, the epic fruits are all gone, so speaking harshly now will only arouse the man's fiercer temper.

The Gan Emperor, who is smart, understands the situation and takes the overall situation into consideration, has a lot of money and will not ask for trouble.

"After completing the museum branch and finding most of the collections, Gunther will give you one as a gift. As for the other one, there is a fisherman named Willy on the seaside. As long as he catches all kinds of fish in the current version, he will also give you one. One. Do you know how much time and energy I spent, despite the wind and sun, rain and snow, and the weather, to remove all the fish from the lake, from the smelly ditch, and from the sea? Fish it from the river!!!”

"The current version?" Yi Lin was stunned.

"Well, that's what Fisherman Willy said at the time. Maybe it was some fish map or something." Qian Duoduo wiped his tears and answered the man's question honestly.

Yi Lin nodded, that's really cool.

Yi Lin looked at Qian Duoduo's deep-set dark circles and felt inexplicably pitiful for this little girl with dark complexion and yellow hair. After staying in Gugu Town for more than three hundred days, she seemed to have aged more than ten years, from a young girl to a black-faced woman in one fell swoop.

"Quite hard work."

Yi Lin suppressed a smile. Of course he knew that because he was always overfishing, the difficulty of fishing for others increased exponentially. Of course he would not tell this, otherwise Qian Duoduo would only cry more sadly. Of course, if she guessed it herself, that would be another story. They had no evidence anyway.

After telling the origin of the Star Fruit.

Qian Duoduo and Bai Runding secretly communicated privately.

Bai Runding pursed her lips. She looked at Yi Lin for a long time and found that Yi Lin didn't seem to have any evil thoughts towards the two of them, so she asked cautiously: "Then... can we go?"

"Leave?" Yi Lin looked at the two of them with a puzzled expression: "Isn't it true that we haven't negotiated terms yet?"

"Fuck you?" When Qian Duoduo heard this, his hair suddenly exploded. He jumped up from the ground, his lips turned white, and he pointed at Yi Lin with trembling fingers. Her scalp was numb from Yi Lin's manipulation, her eyes widened as if looking at a monster, and she exclaimed:

"Are you still a human? An epic prop! This is a precious epic prop! It's a top-notch prop that can permanently increase your spiritual power by 10%. For your spiritual side, isn't it the best of the best? You Is this a shame? Your conscience has been eaten by a dog? Can you do such a thing?"

She no longer cares about so much.

Anyway, it's just a shot from Yi Lin!

Big deal, hold your head high and die!

She has a lot of money and is not someone who is afraid of death!

Moreover, this man is so shameless!

Epic props!

You eat it, you eat it, there is nothing we sisters can do about it. But you wipe your mouth clean and refuse to admit it?

You can't be like this!

You are not a son of man!

"Don't worry yet," Yi Lin waved her hand, pushed Qian Duoduo back to the ground with a slap from the air, and said with a smile, "Have you forgotten that besides Yan Cao, there is another person who is eyeing you?"

Bai Runding and Qian Duoduo were stunned for a moment.

Yi Lin's tone seemed to have been seen in some TV series.

This is clearly the tone used by the villain to threaten innocent citizens.

Should we say next, if you don’t want to die, just do what you want?


As Qian Duoduo expected, Yi Lin continued: "His long-range sniping ability is impossible to guard against. Your mission has not been completed yet, and you don't want to be hindered by him at the last moment, causing you all to fail to complete the mission and be defeated by Grandpa." Wrap it up?"

"What do you want?" Bai Runding subconsciously covered her chest... She was thinking wrongly.

Yi Lin chuckled and finally stated the condition he had been preparing for a long time: "I will guarantee that you will leave this trial alive. Personality guarantee. But you must designate the task reward as a 'gem replicator' and make it before leaving the trial." After practicing, leave it to me."

Yi Lin was not afraid that the two would go back on their word after agreeing.

Anyone who has seen his ability to draw circles and teleport with his own eyes would not dare to go back on his word.

Who is not afraid of someone suddenly appearing in his room in the middle of the night, laughing and touching his head?

"That's it?"

Bai Runding's hands covering his chest were involuntarily released.

Fortunately, she just had a fierce ideological struggle.

If Yi Lin really made any excessive demands, would she comply? Or do you want to resist? Or would you rather die than obey?

The conditions Yi Lin proposed were surprisingly simple.

In her opinion, although these farmer's props are magical, they are basically useless when brought back.

They wouldn't return to the real world and foolishly study how to farm, right?

As for the gem replicator, it's not like they haven't thought about it.

But with the "Version Update 2.0", times have changed. Overnight, almost everyone became an apostle. The order established over the years in the real world collapsed overnight. Values, the monetary system, and the rhythm of life are all in chaos in an instant, and they are no longer what they used to be.

Diamond jewelry and luxury jewelry that were once sought after by countless people in the real world have become unpopular. The value of these valuables is not even comparable to a [rare grade] prop or equipment.

So, what is the use of this gem replicator?

Bai Runding had strange thoughts in her mind, but she was afraid that Yi Lin would regret it or make more excessive demands, so without saying a word, she winked at Qian Duoduo eighteen times, telling Qian Duoduo not to think too much and to agree quickly. Let’s talk about it later.

Yi Lin nodded with satisfaction and decided to let the two of them leave.

"How on earth did you know that I had the second Star Fruit?"

Before leaving.

Qian Duoduo finally couldn't help it anymore and wanted to ask for clarification.

Yi Lin rolled his eyes: "Isn't this very obvious? Who wouldn't want to take a bite of an epic prop with unclear attribute descriptions and still keep it on his body? So, there is only one possibility, that is, Bai Runding knows about this epic prop. The true function of the props. How did she know? It was just that someone told her after eating it."

"The next step is a simple multiple-choice question. If you try a little cheating and see your reactions, you can get a rough guess."

Yi Lin said matter-of-factly.

It is indeed a fraud!

at last,

Qian Duoduo cried sadly and was dragged away from Yilin's farm by Bai Runding.

Yi Lin faintly heard the "pop" sound of Qian Duoduo slapping her face, and while slapping her back, she cried and scolded herself: "I made you have a bad mouth! I made you have a bad mouth! I made you have a bad mouth!"

"Well, she is a little girl who knows how to reflect."

Yi Lin looked thoughtfully at the backs of the two people leaving, especially Bai Runding.

Just at this moment.

The mage who came as a farm assistant also collected a wave of vegetables and was happily stuffing them into the shipping box.

"Is it done?"

the mage asked with a wink.

Yi Lin shook his head: "There is still one person left."

At night.

Yi Lin slowly shared a sumptuous dinner with the Supreme Mage. After eating and drinking, he waved and drew a circle and came to the wilderness, where there was a farm.

——Wang Gebi’s farm.

On the farm, everything is well taken care of. In a log cabin in the distance, there was warm firelight, and there were faint figures walking around inside the house.

Yi Lin stood outside the window.

A girl with her hair tied up was happily busy in the kitchen, while Wang Gebi maintained a smile and looked at Yi Lin outside the window.

Yi Lin did not deliberately hide her whereabouts, she came in a big way, and Wang Gebi also noticed Yi Lin's presence.

The two looked at each other through the window.

At this time.

Penny, a new mother in the house, brought out a plate of freshly baked pine nut cakes.

"It tastes good."

Yi Lin smelled the fragrance wafting from the room. As a professional soul cook, he couldn't help but praise Penny's cooking skills.

He did not disturb Wang Gebi and Penny.

Yi Lin stood quietly outside the window for half an hour, watching Wang Gebi and his wife enjoying dinner in the room until the end.

"Be good, you take a shower later, and my husband goes out to smoke a cigarette."

Wang Gebi chuckled and patted Penny's butt. Penny laughed and shouted that she was disgusted, but she wanted to resist and pushed her butt towards Wang Gebi's hand.

The two of them had a little fight, and Penny went to the kitchen with a smile to clean up the dishes after the meal. At this time, Wang Gebi silently took out a cigarette from his body, opened the door, and lit it skillfully.

It turns out she is Penny.

Yi Lin was impressed.

When he was chatting with Vincent to collect information, the boy was still shouting that he would marry Penny as his wife when he grew up.

Poor Vincent.

He wanted to marry Penny, but he was destined to wait until the five farmers left.

Ah no, there are only four left now.

Yan Cao has died in the mine, so pitiful.

In the darkness, smoke obscured Wang Gebi's face.

Wang Gebi looked at Yi Lin, whose body was completely lurking in the shadows, puffing out smoke rings happily, and said with a smile: "Thank you for letting me and my wife finish this meal."

Yi Lin also smiled: "I didn't expect that you actually enjoy it...well, I mean this kind of life."

"Is it weird?" Wang Gebi was silent for a moment and took a few sips. The cigarette in his hand suddenly burned violently and sparks flew. Wang Gebi finished the cigarette in several puffs, stubbed out the cigarette butt in his hand, and then threw it into the wastebasket next to the door. After doing all this, Wang Gebi's face returned to calmness and he said: "Isn't this kind of life what we dream of? Calm, safe, and risk-free. Get married, have children, grow old together with an ordinary woman, and don't have to worry about when you will die. During the trial, you don’t have to worry about being assassinated by your enemies one day.”

"Yes." Yi Lin nodded, agreeing with Wang Gebi's words, but then said, "But I'm not completely satisfied where I am now."

"Before," Wang Gebi smiled slightly: "I personally killed many indigenous people in the trial, and watched them being blown into bloody flowers by my compression sniper cannon... Bang, I enjoyed that kind of killing. Pleasure. I have always regarded the people in the trial as NPCs in video games. If I kill them, I will kill them. If I sleep, I will sleep. What does it matter? Everything we have experienced is not so much a trial. Rather, it’s more like a game…ah, a life-threatening game.”

Yi Lin responded with silence, and Wang Gebi lit another cigarette and continued: "Maybe it's because I've been here for a long time. There was a time when I almost forgot my original identity. I don't know why, I became more and more The more I feel that these trial worlds we have experienced are more like real existences, and the people in this world are flesh and blood, with love and hatred, they..."

"Like a living person."

Listening to Wang Gebi's tirade that seemed to be complaining or expressing his true feelings, Yi Lin narrowed his eyes and said, "Oh?"

"Haha, thank you for listening to my whining."

Wang Gebi smiled, flicked his wrist, and a card flew towards Yi Lin.

"Give it to you."

Ah this.

Another star fruit.

Yi Lin walked to the farm stream.

Wash the Star Fruit with clean water, nibble it in your mouth, and ask, "Where did it come from?"

Yi Lin's calm reaction made Wang Gebi slightly startled.

Is this an epic fruit?

Just chewed it into your mouth so easily and casually?

Let's have a more grand, formal, and thoughtful use ceremony, right?

Wang Gebi always felt that something was wrong.

"This is the reward you get after your friendship with a certain resident of Gugu Town reaches an all-time high."


"should be."

"So, you have more than one resident whose favorability is off the charts. As expected of you."

Wang Gebi glanced into the room subconsciously, with an embarrassed look on his face: "Ahem...if you see through it, don't say it."

In a few words, Yi Lin had already digested the Star Fruit.

There was another bang in my head, and it was stretched open.

Counting it down, this is already the fourth star fruit that Yi Lin has obtained in various ways in Gugu Town.

After Yi Lin ate them separately, she received a total of 40% of the permanent spiritual power limit bonus.

Coupled with the attributes of the epic title [Shadow Warlock], Yi Lin's spiritual energy value has almost doubled.

The powerful Nongsheng is so terrifying!

"Why don't you eat it yourself?"

Yi Lin asked curiously.

"If I eat it, won't I have no bargaining chip now?" Wang Gebi spread his hands and said with a smile: "So, is this fruit enough to buy my life?"

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