Infinity Throne

Chapter 667 Complete the mission easily! (Big chapter! Added update for the new leader

at last,

Yi Lin left.

He reached an agreement with Wang Gebi.

To be honest, in this nightmare-level trial, Yan Cao and Wang Gebi calculated every step and were more like competent senior apostles than anyone else.

Unfortunately, in the end, Yi Lin used her absolute strength to crush the plan.

The words Wang Gebi said while smoking a cigarette in the dark touched Yi Lin a little.

He and Penny got married in this world. Before the trial ended, Wang Gebi just wanted to live a peaceful and ordinary farm life and no longer worry about the intrigues in the trial.

Winter is coming.

There are less than thirty days until the trial ends.

Qian Duoduo and Bai Runding repeatedly confirmed the answer they received from Yi Lin, saying that Wang Gebi would never attack them again, but they were doubtful. But Bai Runding and Qian Duoduo were still worried, so they specially ordered some iron plates and nailed the windows of the house airtight to prevent Wang Gebi's long-range sniping.

As for Yi Lin...that's impossible to guard against. If Yi Lin really had any weird thoughts, the two of them had no choice but to just go with it. There is nothing to resist, everyone is tired, why bother.

This trial has reached its final stage.

But the painting style is completely different from before.

Yi Lin counted on her fingers and estimated that the progress of others had almost caught up with hers, so she stuffed the [Ancient Fruit Wine] stocked in the cellar into the dimensional shipping box.

The value of this shipment is difficult to estimate.

But it did almost fill up the dimensional shipping box.

The surface of the box was actually bulging.

[Congratulations to "Agricultural Saint" Yilin for her total assets exceeding 30,000,000G. 】

[The level is upgraded to "Farmer Emperor". 】

【Please keep up the good work! 】

[Primary main task: Obtain 30 million assets within three years, task completed! 】

[Please specify the "Farmer Machine" reward. 】

A box interface appeared in front of Yi Lin.

With a tap of the finger, the light flows, and a long list pulls down. Of course, Yi Lin would not hesitate, choosing the [Gem Copying Machine] as her first choice.



[Random rewards and designated farmer machine rewards will be distributed together with the return. 】

[Please "Farm Emperor" Yi Lin wait patiently for the three-year period to end. 】

At this moment, in the wind and snow, a red light fell from the sky, like a meteor, and hit the mailbox next to the door of Farmer Yilin's cabin.

Yi Lin would receive letters from other residents from time to time, but this was the first time that such a big movement had occurred.

"What happened?"

The Supreme Mage who was cleaning the chicken coop seemed to have noticed the red light flashing just now, and hurriedly rushed out of the chicken coop.

"It shouldn't be a bad thing."

Yi Lin waved her hand, signaling the Supreme Mage to be calm.

During this trial, Yi Lin encountered a lot of strange things.

No matter how weird things were, it was hard to move him. Couldn't help it.

In the mailbox.

Lying quietly was a letter with a red cover.

There is a sticker on the seal of the letter in the shape of a cute bat.


Yi Lin seemed to be able to conjure up a certain person with a nasty personality but an extremely awesome personality, hiding somewhere in Gugu Town, watching everything that happened in the 360 ​​days of Gugu Town, hehehehe. Laughing and popping popcorn, it was like watching a boring TV series.

"Whose letter?"

The Supreme Master Bagua got angry, Huzi came over and slapped Yi Lin.

"Think about who trapped you here."


When the Supreme Mage heard this, he became angry and his cloak flew up.

"Forget it, don't bother, you can't do it."

Yi Lin kindly reminded the mage and tore open the envelope, revealing Juanxiu's small words inside.

Um... Juanxiu?

Yi Lin recalled the style of the weird-faced uncle in Green Town, and seriously doubted whether the font was used wrongly.

[Confused farmer:]

[Congratulations on successfully accumulating 30 million assets and being the first to achieve the "Farmer Emperor" achievement. 】

[Hereby rewards. 】

[Wish you a wonderful night, good night~]

At the end of the letter, there is no signature.

There is only one pattern.

It was a cartoon head of a bat with the corners of its mouth turned up and grinning.


Just when Yi Lin was about to ask where the reward was, the letter he had just finished reading turned into dots of red light. After a few seconds, countless rays of light gathered and turned into a [Star Fruit] in Yi Lin's palm.

The two of them were silent from beginning to end as they watched the process of the [Star Fruit] appearing.

"Look," the Supreme Mage finally broke the silence. He looked at the [Star Fruit] in Yi Lin's hand eagerly. Knowing that he couldn't grab it, he didn't do anything. He could only look at Yi Lin with resentful eyes: "I You’re right, it’s made of pure energy.”

"Awesome!" Yi Lin gave a thumbs up to the Supreme Mage with his left hand and praised him, and quickly stuffed the fifth [Star Fruit] he obtained into his mouth with his right hand.

This is already the fifth time, even if it is a delicacy in the world, I should be tired of it. Yi Lin's expression did not change at all. He looked up at the night sky with fine snow, a bit of melancholy flashing in his eyes.

"Almost, it's time."

Upon hearing this, the Supreme Mage put away his resentful eyes, although he didn't know where Yi Lin was looking up now, as if he was just showing off. But to suit the occasion, the Supreme Mage also raised his head at the same angle, looking in the same direction as Yi Lin:

"Yeah, it's time to go."

The departure time of the Supreme Mage was initially scheduled to be three days later.

Mainly depends on the weather.

If the weather is good, we will proceed as planned.

If the weather is bad, we can just reschedule. Anyway, we have enough time and it’s not that urgent.

"You'd better just use the teleportation technique of the crystal pattern system."

As a great engineer of the Crystal Pattern Technique, Yi Lin made reasonable and professional suggestions: "You don't have to worry about the amount of energy being transmitted. You can get as much as you want. There are two biggest uncertainties at the moment."

"First, as we all know, teleportation requires coordinates. Whether it is your 'spell' or my 'crystal pattern', if you want to accurately determine the point of teleportation, you need to draw up a teleportation coordinate. To be honest, I have never tried to cross I really can’t help you with the experience of being transported from two different worlds.”

"Hey~" The Supreme Mage smiled: "I'm very familiar with this."

"I really hope you won't brag in front of me now." Yi Lin looked at the confident smile of the Supreme Mage and couldn't help but smile: "As for the second key point, it depends on that person's attitude. .”

"That one?" The Supreme Mage's eyes narrowed slightly. He quickly understood the meaning of Yi Lin's words. He pointed to the sky above his head: "You mean this one?"

Yi Lin nodded: "I don't know which one of those gods like Weishan Emperor and Dormammu you boasted about before is more powerful than that one. But one thing I can be sure of is that we are here. Everything the island does, whether you have been trapped here for twenty years or we have been messing around here, is equivalent to jumping around on 'its' territory, and it should be able to know everything that happens here."

"Yes." The Supreme Mage had no doubt: "Otherwise you wouldn't have received the letter just now."

After saying that, both of them fell silent.

They did not continue the discussion.

But the Supreme Mage already knew what Yi Lin wanted to say.

This is Green's territory.

Yi Lin's main mission does not directly conflict with Green.

But these "outsiders" have always been operating under Green's nose.

Green might know everything.

It knows about outsiders, knows about the main missions, and even... very likely knows what is going on in the real world where Yi Lin lives.

In other words, whether the Supreme Mage can finally leave here, the most critical point is...whether Green is willing to let him go.

As the Supreme Mage said before:

"In their eyes, human beings are humble and insignificant existences. They exist forever. In their long lives, this is the only price that may bring them trivial pleasure."

It is very possible that the five outsiders and the Supreme Mage who accidentally broke in here are just ants who brought fun to Green.

Yi Lin still remembers the last time in Green Town.

Green once said something to Yi Lin with a smile.

——[See you later, outsiders...]

Yi Lin closed her eyes.

"That line wasn't 'goodbye,' it meant, 'see you later.'"


Yi Lin casually opened a teleportation circle, reached out from the teleportation circle, and took out two bottles of [Ancient Fruit Wine] that had been chilled in advance.


The two bottle corks were opened at the same time, and Yi Lin thrust one of them into the mage's hand.

"Just blow on the bottle, it's a lot, I have money, you're welcome."

The mage took a big gulp. On a cold day, cold wine has a unique taste.

Feeling cool and excited.

"First of all, I wish you go home and wish you success."

The mage smiled: "I wish 'us' success."


"Sorry! Who doesn't think it's Sun Zai!"

Night two.

A blizzard hits.

There was a blizzard all over the sky, making everything in sight submerged in the deep snow.

In the dead of night.

A farm with lots of money.

A circle of light appeared out of thin air.

Yi Lin stepped out from behind the circle of light and stepped silently on the thick snow.

Not far away, Qian Duoduo, wearing a simple cotton-padded jacket, dug a hole in the frozen river. She said nothing, her whole body covered with a thick layer of frost, and she was ice fishing alone by the river.

Yi Lin did not conceal the sound of his footsteps. When he walked to Qian Duoduo, Qian Duoduo waved his hand and asked Yi Lin to sit down without looking back:

"Would you like to fish together?"

"Okay." Yi Lin subconsciously agreed at first, but when she was about to roll up her sleeves and "fish", she suddenly remembered: "Oh, by the way, I don't have a fishing rod."

"I am stupid?"

Qian Duoduo couldn't stand it anymore: "You don't have a fishing rod???"

"Ahem, that's not important." Yi Lin sensed the release and found that there was no bait at all on Qian Duoduo's fishing rod, and it smelled like a willing fisherman. It's a pity that the fish in the river are not that stupid. No wonder the fish basket next to Qian Duoduo is still empty.

"You forgot to put the bait on your hook."

"I did it on purpose." Qian Duoduo rolled his eyes, thinking that this idiot was indeed cheating. But now, she seemed to be unable to pursue anything, and sat back down weakly. He threw the fishhook without bait into the ice hole in the river.


Yi Lin didn't ask Qian Duoduo why he did this.

He guessed it.

Qian Duoduo said to himself: "I find it strange. It's almost over, but after staying here for a long time, I always feel uncomfortable unless I find something to do."

"It's normal." Yi Lin didn't intend to show off his superb "fishing skills" in front of Qian Duoduo. He stood up and drew a circle around him: "I'm just here to remind you, don't forget our agreement."

"I see, it's not a strange reward, it's just a farmer's machine. You've even swallowed epic items and still care about this?" Qian Duoduo thinks there's something wrong with Yi Lin, but so far, there's nothing to say. Waving his hand with a look like "I want to be alone", he waved off: "I almost have enough 30 million. After completing the task, I will definitely abide by the agreement and set the task reward as a 'Gem Copying Machine'. "

The end.

Qian Duoduo added: "I don't want to be stared at by people like you, and I won't even feel comfortable sleeping."

After she said this, no one responded behind her.

Qian Duoduo suddenly turned his head and found that Yi Lin had left without leaving any trace.

"This kind of person is so terrible."

a long time.

Qian Duoduo was shocked and frightened, and sighed from the bottom of his heart.

How could such a person be allowed to learn such a BUG-level skill that comes and goes without a trace?

What's the difference between this and putting a cannon into a robber's hand?


There is no justice!

Qian Duoduo pulled up the fishhook bitterly, but the next second, he was suddenly startled.

Because she was surprised to find that she deliberately did not put any bait just to catch a lonely hook, and actually there was a dying "snapper" firmly attached to the hook. That poor fish seemed to have encountered something. Its eyes were wide open, its mouth was opening and closing, and it was squirming. It looked aggrieved, as if it had some huge grievance that it was hard to express.

" did you get hooked!"

Qian Duoduo's eyes widened.

Wait, Qian Duoduo remembered Yi Lin's extraordinary mental ability not long ago, and suddenly, she understood everything.



Yi Rin is not that boring.

He went to demonstrate.

No one understands the apostle's temperament better than Yi Lin.

If they don't take special measures to remind them, they might forget about their original agreement.

Yi Lin followed suit and went to Bai Runding's farm.

Even at night, Bai Runding was dressed like a pretty peasant woman and was working hard to make wool in the pig house, very diligently.

But before Yi Lin could speak, Bai Runding blinked and instantly guessed Yi Lin's purpose: "Don't worry, it's a gem replicator, right? I remember it."

"Just remember."

Yi Lin drew a circle and prepared to step into the circle and leave.

"Wait, wait." Bai Runding caught up a few steps and held Yi Lin back. "According to convention, these rewards should be given out when you return. will we give them to you then?"

"This should be what I'm worried about." Yi Lin smiled: "The original agreement was to ensure that you return safe and sound. Naturally, we will make a deal after returning. To be honest..."

Yi Lin pointed at the circle in front of her and smiled slightly: "I personally believe in your credibility and I am not afraid that you will default on your debt. In short, I will contact you as soon as possible after returning."

Bai Runding watched Yi Lin step into the circle of light and disappear into the snow.

There was a moment of silence.

Bai Runding pursed her moist lips, feeling angry and funny, but she couldn't get angry.

"You talk so nicely, aren't you just here to threaten me? You can get in and out in this way, who dares to default on your debt?"

Note, it’s a big chapter!

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