Infinity Throne

Chapter 754 This is a man-eating mountain! (4K)

Inherent enchantment.

In the Ghostly Mist Mountain.

Two girls, Nie Hongxiu and Bai Xiaoyi, fell in a pool of blood.

A pair of wings grew from Roland's back. wings.


This sword is awesome.

In addition to its alias "Indestructible Holy Saint", it also has another name that has not left much footprints in history.

——"Angel Sword".

Legend has it that an angel resides on this sword.

Roland didn't believe it when he was alive.

But when he died and turned into a heroic spirit, he had to believe it.

Because his most powerful Noble Phantasm that consumes the most magic power is related to angels.

"The Holy Angel is Coming"!

Originally, angels were pure incarnations serving gods.

But when Roland activated this Noble Phantasm, for some reason, the wings turned pure black.

In any case, after Bai Xiaoyi and Nie Hongxiu forced him to use this precious weapon, everything settled down.

No one can break the legend of the Paladin's invincibility.


Roland danced his black angel wings, and feathers fell all over the sky and fell to the ground.


Roland sighed.

He knew it wasn't over yet.

When it's over, the inherent barrier disappears.

As a paladin, he disdained to perform last-ditch attacks on opponents who had lost the ability to resist.

But if you want to leave this space, you can't do it without a last hit.

So he sighed, indicating that he was troubled.

When Roland approached Bai Xiaoyi and Nie Hongxiu who were lying on the ground.

Their delicate bodies swayed for a while, and at this moment, they stood up again.

Nie Hongxiu and Bai Xiaoyi still maintained their "ghost" postures, but their "ghost horns" were chopped into pieces by Roland, and thick black ghost blood dripped down.

Bai Xiaoyi and Nie Hongxiu looked at each other, with a hint of regret in their eyes.

Facing the enemy who stood up again, Roland couldn't help but laugh, but he quickly raised the black "Durandal" and swung a sword: "It's okay, I, Roland, don't like to hit, whether in life or after death." Kill the enemy lying on the ground."

Bai Xiaoyi looked at Roland. After a moment of silence, he suddenly asked: "What is your dream?"


Roland stopped moving forward.

He didn't understand what the other person meant when he asked this sentence before he died.

But obviously, these words touched Roland a little.

Bai Xiaoyi breathed heavily and looked sluggish: "When I sat on the Seat of Heroes, the stool told me that the person who can truly sit on the Seat of Heroes is not because of strength or deeds." Bai Xiaoyi said in a tone of voice. After a pause, it took her a lot of energy to speak such a long sentence in succession. She took a deep breath of the mist of Guiwu Mountain, feeling complex emotions of nostalgia, disgust and hatred in her heart, and continued: "Instead, Only when someone has an obsession that cannot dissipate with death can he have the opportunity to sit on the Throne of Heroes and become a heroic spirit. I am curious, what obsessions does a person like you have?"

Roland was silent and gently lowered the sword he just raised to his side.

He originally didn't want to talk too much on the battlefield.

But there may be some words that have been held in for a long time, and if you don't say them out, you feel unhappy.

In fact, Roland also heard a saying.

Some villains die because they talk too much.

But he felt that this statement made no sense.

First of all, he is not a villain.

Secondly, the opponent does not have the strength to make a comeback.

So he opened his mouth and said:

"That was my last battle. At Dalon Sifuling, my army was ambushed by the Omiya Dynasty's army, and the entire army was wiped out." Roland lowered his head: "If that day, I can be more careful, I can be smarter Some of them may be able to detect the other party's ambush in advance, and my army, they, will not die with me in the Dalongsi Fuling."

"It's nothing for me to be famous in the world as a Holy Knight. But my army, they were buried there for my false name."

"They have wives, children, parents, and they don't deserve to die. But in the end, no one can survive."

Roland raised his head with a calm expression. As he spoke, he raised his sword again to Bai Xiaoyi and Nie Hongxiu, and said with a slight smile: "That person said that the heroic spirits who won the Holy Grail War can make a wish to the Holy Grail. I My wish is to go back to that day and prevent this tragedy from happening."

"What a grand wish." Bai Xiaoyi grinned, her two pointed teeth glowing with a terrifying cold light: "My mother and I, our wish is very simple."

Nie Hongxiu was silent and suddenly rushed towards Roland.

Roland had long expected that these two people would not be so honest. He had been alert for a long time and slashed Nie Hongxiu into two pieces with a sweeping sword.

A large amount of ghost blood darkened Roland's vision.

Black spurted out from Nie Hongxiu's body, and also dyed her red wedding dress black.


When Bai Xiaoyi saw Nie Hongxiu being chopped into two pieces by Roland, black blood sprang from her eyes. Her red eyes were full of murderous intent. She rushed towards Roland desperately. Facing the two female heroes who were not afraid of death, Roland also respected them and planned to give them pleasure and not let the pain last too long.



In an instant, the network of light and shadow shredded Bai Xiaoyi's body into pieces. Bai Xiaoyi's head flew into the air, and its empty eyes suddenly returned to red light at the last moment. The head that should have fallen far away turned back strangely in mid-air, biting Roland's "Durandale" firmly. ”.

"Did you know that the hardest part of the body of 'Ghost' is the ghost's teeth!"

Bai Xiaoyi used her last strength to bite Roland's sword!

Roland looked at the dismembered bodies of Nie Hongxiu and Bai Xiaoyi in shock. Only then did he realize that what caused Bai Xiaoyi's head to float in mid-air was not some strange force, but Nie Hongxiu's hair!

She used a piece of hair to control Bai Xiaoyi's head!

When Bai Xiaoyi bit Roland's holy sword.

Nie Hongxiu, who had been cut off at the waist and had only his upper body left, used his hair to support the weight of his body. His silver threads tightly wrapped around Roland's wings, feet, and hands.

Roland's holy sword was first bitten by Bai Xiaoyi, and then his whole body was locked by the power that Nie Hongxiu exploded before he died. He tried his best but couldn't break free!

Right now.

Luo Lan, Bai Xiaoyi, and Nie Hongxiu fell to the ground at the same time.

The solid land, after being contaminated with the ghost blood of the two people, turned into a dark quagmire at some point. Roland's legs were stuck deeply in the quagmire and were being hit by the two female ghosts at a terrifying speed. Dragging myself to the depths of the mire and sinking!

Nie Hongxiu said coldly: "This is a mountain that eats people! No one can walk out of here alive. This is the true face of Guiwu Mountain!"

Bai Xiaoyi bit the sword, and the power of the holy sword eroded the corners of Bai Xiaoyi's mouth until white smoke came out. Bai Xiaoyi endured the severe pain, but a happy smile appeared on his face: "Our wish, It’s very simple.”

Nie Hongxiu closed her eyes: "Live on, officer."

At this moment, Nie Hongxiu and Bai Xiaoyi felt a strange feeling in their hearts.

They spent a long time getting out of Guiwu Mountain.

Now, I am immersed in this familiar mental landscape again.

Roland struggled wildly in the mire.

But everything is of no use.

This is the true face of Guiwu Mountain.

This is a cannibalistic world.

Including Bai Xiaoyi and Nie Hongxiu, they could not escape after returning here.

"It turns out that is a dream that I, Roland, can never touch in my lifetime."

At the end, Roland realized.

Nothing can be repeated.

Time cannot be turned back.

Regret will always be a regret.

The rest of his life after death will be forever bound by the Throne of Heroes.

Roland closed his eyes.

The three of them were completely swallowed up by this mountain.

Gilgamesh is overwhelmed by monsters.

But when countless monsters completely covered Gilgamesh's figure, countless Noble Phantasms erupted in the middle of the moving monsters, tearing all the monsters into pieces.

"Get out of here, you bastard!"

There wasn't even a drop of dirty beast blood on him!

Behind Gilgamesh, pieces of precious phantoms turned into light and shot into the sky.

He did not hesitate to use the precious treasure as a bomb and exploded deep in the alien beast.

To say that I don't feel bad is a lie.

These are Gilgamesh's treasures. Every year in the past, after the goddess sacrifice, he would take out each piece of treasure one by one, place them neatly in the palace, and personally wipe and maintain them carefully.

Gilgamesh cherishes and cares for treasures, which is contrary to the "kingly character", and even Siduri, the personal priest, is not aware of it.

Enkidu always used to laugh at him, saying he was stingy and like a miser.

And every time, when Enkidu laughed at him, Gilgamesh would restore Enkidu to the "Lock of the Sky" posture and scrub it with water repeatedly until Enkidu couldn't stand it anymore and he stopped teasing him. .

But these treasures,

To Gilgamesh, they are just external objects.

What he truly cherishes is this world.

It’s the “human” race itself!

"Bloom your dazzling light! The King's Treasure House!"

Half of the vast sky was dyed with golden light!

Two different colors, gold and black, compete against each other in the boundless sky.

Kill kill kill!

Even if this battle is destined to fail,

Even if the city of Uruk will eventually be destroyed,

But in the end, they will win!

Whether it is a thousand years,

two thousand years,

It’s still a long five thousand years,

Humanity will finally witness the true dawn!

The light of "Xi Paradise" will cover the earth!

"You said that only when we sail to the 'end' is our 'paradise' truly ours."

Gilgamesh chuckled and recalled the past while exploding treasures in the sky.

"But, I have already seen the paradise you mentioned."

Gilgamesh raised his head: "This is paradise."

Thousands of strange beasts have fallen!

"Believe in science!"

A Deng flew over in a jet mecha.

When Gilgamesh was carrying millions of beasts alone, Aden joined the battlefield!

I saw that A Deng was not sitting in the cockpit at this moment, but lying on the back of the mecha, with a wrench in his left hand and a small carving knife in his right hand. His hand speed exploded like the wind, and a high-speed afterimage swept across the back of the mecha. , radiant crystal pattern arrays emerged on the mecha.

In the shortest time, A Deng completed the high-risk high-altitude operation and slipped back into the cockpit.

"Roar! Attack the Raging Tiger!"

Well, "Raging Tiger" is the name of Adeng's mount.

In mid-air, he completed the upgrade of the mecha in a hurry.

Before the upgrade, it was called "Angry Tiger". After the upgrade, it became the extremely cool and explosive "Strike·Angry Tiger"!

Back and forth, up, down, ABAB!

A Deng skillfully controls the mecha and uses his ultimate move.

Although there is no crystal on A Deng's body.

But he is a heroic spirit!

The air is full of magic!

It’s all... "source"!

The steam mecha had nozzles all over its body, spewing out a large amount of steam and began to deform.

After a series of changes in gears, bearings, and parts on the complex-shaped chest, a giant cannon was launched.

"Take the call - the Tiger Roar of the Engineering Team!"


"Bombardment! Bombardment! Bombardment!"

Aden, the great engineer from the world of Ulanos, is on full fire!

Except "Rider" A Deng.

A dark light and shadow, accompanied by the roar of the engine and the roar of the exhaust pipe, drifted in the air and cut into the battlefield.

"Little guy, you have become a lot stronger."

Ruth was riding on Dire, laughing and slapping Dire's butt hard.

The familiar touch of the seat bag made Ruth sigh with regret, and a little moisture appeared in the corners of her eyes and other places.

She suddenly had the illusion of going back to that time and once again galloping around the Caribbean with the captain, wreaking havoc unscrupulously.

In this exaggerated situation.

Ruth's personal fighting power seemed too weak.

She was just an ordinary female pirate...the female pirate king.

Compared to the others, she seemed too plain.


Ruth Emily was able to come to this world with the rank of "Archer" and as a heroic spirit, not because of the flintlock hanging on the side of her round buttocks.

That flintlock gun was just an ordinary D-level Noble Phantasm.

As a legendary pirate who has unified the pirate world, and as a female boss who travels all over the world, how can she dominate the world with a small pistol?

"My captain, open your eyes and see clearly, see our memories clearly!"

Ruth stood up on Nightmare's back, and the howling wind blew in Ruth's ears.

At this moment, she heard the chirping of seagulls, heard the sound of waves, and smelled the salty smell of the sea.

"Our adventures never stop! Come out! Queen of Waves!"

"The Unsinkable Ghost of the Sea - Queen's Dew"

"Grade" A+

"Type" Fortress Noble Phantasm

"Valid range" 1~99

"Biggest catch"?


The crisp sound of crashing waves resounded through the sky.


A blue ocean with sparkling waves appeared in the sky.

On the other side of the sea, a dark sailboat, like a ghost, sailed into the battlefield at a terrifying speed!

A sea appeared in the sky!

A slice of Caribbean Sea!

On the Caribbean Sea, ride an unsinkable pirate ship!

Queen's Dew!

Ruth rides the Night Dire across the ocean and lands on the sailboat.

Above the deck, black shadows moved, and expressionless crew members appeared.

They were wearing tattered sailor uniforms and had dark skin. Every crew member could not see their faces or expressions clearly, they were like ghosts on the ship.

"Children! Rock it! Full right rudder!"

"Full speed ahead!"

Ruth stood in front of the main helm, holding her scimitar high, and her voice was as strong as iron: "We are about to start a war! All artillery strikes are ready -"

"Hehehe! Remember this, the real owner of this ship, the king has returned!"

"I'm targeting them all!"

"Aim at these ugly bastards in the sky!"

"To my dear captain!"

"Ready - fire!!!!"


Nightmare was blinded by the headlights.

When it was in the Caribbean Sea, it had not yet had the "Fire Source Fragments" inserted into it, so it was at a stage of ignorance and inexperience.

But according to common sense, this old sailing ship is nothing more than an ancient iron cannon, and the air is filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke.

But it's not.

Nearly a hundred artillery shells fired simultaneously, and the blazing white light completely suppressed the headlights of the Dire.

Night Dire even had the urge to turn off the lights and pretend that he had never been there.

How is this an ordinary sailing ship?

These forts are all firing unscientific railguns, you bastards!

This unscientific!

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