Infinity Throne

Chapter 755

The Queen's Dewdrop, shooting randomly in the sky.

All the shots are electromagnetic cannons.

Such an unscientific scene made A Deng, who was flying a master model, so jealous that his eyes twitched.

So A Deng became angry.

He yanked open a lid, revealing a scarlet button.

A Deng pressed it!

He pressed it!

After A Deng pressed the button.


The mecha's steam engine turns on the overclocking mode.

The roar of the engine rang out in the distance.

In an instant, the Assault Tiger aircraft driven by Adeng transformed again.

The two arms of the mecha suddenly turned into two ten-meter-long swords.

"I want you to run nine meters first!"

A Deng roared in the cockpit, wielding two ten-meter swords, spraying crystal cannons on one side of his head, killing all the animals in the herd.

Ruth boarded the Queen's Dew.

So Night Dire no longer has to be Ruth's mount, and has free time to take action.

With Yi Lin absent, Night Dire had the right to decide its next move on its own. Without saying a word, it transformed into an aloof Cybertronian and charged into the herd with its extremely high defense.

A mecha, a car, and a ship appeared on the battlefield.

Gilgamesh, who was feeling distressed about the explosive Noble Phantasm, saw this scene, and the golden fireworks in his eyes flashed slightly.

He immediately slowed down the speed of throwing the Noble Phantasm.

In his ears, he could faintly hear the sound of prayer coming from the city of Uruk.

The surviving women and children in the city made insignificant efforts in this final war, praying for the dawn of Uruk and the dawn of victory.

the other side.

Under the night sky.

Aden, Ruth, and Nightmare shine on the battlefield.

In the sky, there are explosions of light from time to time, reaching the ground.

Yi Lin's perception naturally cannot reach such a high altitude.

But based on the light and shadow in the sky, he roughly deduced that Gilgamesh was still struggling.

So far.

Yi Lin still firmly believes that in all this, there is still a slight chance of victory.

Just like the end of Ouranos, the real world of Ouranos was destroyed. But Yilin still ended Xiaowu's nightmare and allowed her to have a good sleep. If what is happening in front of him belongs to Uruk's past, then if Yilin exists here, there must be a way to end this nightmare.



ten minutes!

To change the situation on this battlefield, the next ten minutes are the most critical!

When Yi Lin first came to this world, she originally thought that this "mediocre remote control" could at best deceive a heroic spirit on the opposite side. But he never thought that this game controller would become the key to reversing the situation.

What's even more outrageous is that the Supreme Mage, a good mage, was actually a single otaku in college, proficient in various fighting games.

The eyes of the Supreme Mage were burning with fire, as if he had returned to his youthful days when passion was burning.

This kind of look was something Yi Lin had only seen in the past in Gugu Town when the Supreme Mage faced the "White Hand Army" brazenly.

At this moment, the Supreme Mage clearly had a fighting spirit.

With a burst of hand speed, he controlled the thunder god Tesla, and under Yi Lin's instructions, he rushed to other battlefields.

The top priority now is to surround and kill the black heroes one by one!

While rushing on the road, the Supreme Mage operated as fiercely as a tiger, pressing the game controller loudly. Without wasting a minute or a second, he asked the God of Thunder Tesla to pull up the thunder bow and attack without thinking in the sky.

The herds of beasts in the sky are too dense, and the thunder god Tesla has almost become a human-shaped fort. There is no need to deliberately aim. Wherever the thunder arrow passes, it can always kill a large herd of beasts. The corpses of the monsters fall one after another into the air. There was a nauseating burning smell.

Fireworks spread across the land, and Yi Lin and the Supreme Mage walked and killed each other. A minute later, they discovered the figure of Homeros in a no-man's land.


I saw Homeros standing there.

Covered in blood.

Only one arm and one leg remained.

He used one arm and a long sword to support his posture.

Homeros lowered his head without making any sound, like a sculpture standing on the battlefield.

Yi Lin was silent and walked towards Homeros.

Taking a closer look, Yi Lin couldn't help but feel his breath hitch.

Half of Homeros's head was cut off, and the red and white parts had dried up, making Homeros look miserable.

The sound of Yi Lin's footsteps made Hermelos slowly raise his head.

So far.

He regained his breathing and heartbeat.

Yi Lin came to Homeros, who still had the expression of an iceberg god.

Once upon a time, Yi Lin felt that Homeros's expression was showing off.

At this moment, Yi Lin felt extremely at ease.

Homeros used his last strength to raise the sword little by little.

The sword was full of cracks.

"I won."

Homeros said every word.

"I know." Yi Lin replied with a smile.

"Goodbye, my friend."

After saying that, Homeros closed his eyes.

The golden holy sword broke into pieces little by little, turning into light and dissipating in the wind.

When Homeros completely disappeared from this world, Yilin took a deep breath and turned back to stand with the Supreme Mage again.

"Goodbye, Xiaohe."

The farewells between men are so sparse and dull.

Homeros breathed his last breath just to wait until Yi Lin arrived here and report the victory to Yi Lin. And…goodbye.

"A real man."

The Supreme Mage was distracted by two things. At the same time, he controlled the roaring thunder god Tesla and launched skillful combos to kill seven in and seven out of the beast herd. The Supreme Mage watched the scene where Yi Lin said goodbye to Homeros. While operating the controller, the Supreme Mage made an evaluation of Homelos.


Yi Lin rolled his eyes. Being interrupted by the damn mage, the sadness in Yi Lin's heart was diluted a lot.

The two moved on.

Another minute passed.

In the wilderness, Yi Lin found a ghost-killing knife and a corner of a bloody wedding dress.

Yi Lin remained silent and searched for a while. After finding nothing, she returned to the sky.


The Supreme Master could see that the three people who came later, Bai Xiaoyi, Nie Hongxiu, and Gayage Qinmei, had a close relationship with Yi Lin. They were not as simple as pure heroic spirits or mother spirits.

"Let's go to the next place!"

Yi Lin looked calm and left.

"Are they dead?"

The Supreme Mage asked while controlling Thor Tesla to fire his ultimate move.

Yi Lin took out [Destruction and Redemption] with her backhand and held the two guns in her palms. He carefully felt the delicate texture on the gun butt, as if caressing their skin. So Yi Lin shook her head: "No."

Another minute passed.

The group of monsters in the sky, with everyone's efforts, cleared up a small area.

The Tiangong Continent was covered with corpses.

The corpses were piled up into hills, and the strong smell of blood filled every corner.

More corpses fell to the wasteland below.

"There's someone over there!"

The Supreme Mage's sharp eyes saw what seemed to be two people standing among the pile of corpses.

It’s Gayageumimi and my wife Yuno!


My wife, Yuno, was smiling and holding Gayagemimi's face with one hand, letting Gayagemimi hang softly in the air.

In her left hand she held a chainsaw that was turning wildly.

Yi Rin didn't know what was going on here, but it was obvious now that Gayageummi had lost!


Yi Lin suddenly activated her skills and turned into a shadow, cutting into the battlefield.

The distance between Gayakomi and Gatama Yuno was too close, and Yi Rin was unable to use a large-scale explosion. In a hurry, Yi Rin gathered a box of psychic bullets, aimed at various vital points on Gatama Yuno's body, and fired.

The two guns are shot at the same time, and the bullets fly. Even the most common flat A bullets have a good damage effect. My wife Yuno turned around suddenly and threw Gayagemimi at Yireum who appeared behind her. However, using the cover of Gayagemimi's body, she cut Yirein's neck with the saw.


I didn't expect that the opponent would be so ruthless when he started to attack, and even used Gayageumimi as a shield. Yi Lin snorted coldly. Xiaomei was beaten into such a miserable state. Yi Lin was lying if she said she wasn't angry. The power of thoughts gathered silently and turned into countless slaps, squeezing, squeezing, and slapping my wife Yuno hard. In the end, Yi Lin pinned Yuno Yuno, whose limbs were twisted, in mid-air... He felt relieved.

"Is this the end?"

The Supreme Mage was a little confused, how could he be easily restrained by Yi Rin when he was able to beat Gayageumimi into such an opponent.

Yi Lin used telekinesis to control my wife, Yuno, without any nonsense or hesitation. Even though the other party was sweet and charming, the matter of loving her and cherishing her did not exist with Yi Lin. After catching Gayagemimi, Irin threw the Destruction Revolver into the air, freed her hands, and activated [Grasp of Annihilation] towards Yuno, my wife.

Another palm that failed to trigger "Annihilation", the violent blast blew Yi Lin's hair back.

In the center of the explosion, my wife Yuno suffered the full blow. Her whole body was blackened, and she knelt on the ground with a thud. It was obvious that she would not live long.

Yi Lin raised his hand, pulled the trigger, and finally hit my wife, Yuno, between the eyebrows with a bullet, repairing the wound.

After confirming that the other party was completely dead, Yi Rin hugged Gayageummi.

There was not a single piece of intact enemy in her body, it was chopped up till it was bloody, one arm was lost somewhere, and blood was still pouring from her shoulder. Yi Lin felt a little distressed: "Why are you tormenting yourself like this? Don't you know how to run away if you can't beat me?"

"No! Rin-kun, be careful!" It was rare to be hugged by Princess Yi Rin, Gayageummi should have been excited and happy. But she couldn't care less about enjoying it at the moment. She clutched the cuffs of Yi Lin's magician robe tightly and breathed quickly: "Jun Lin! Be careful! That pervert will come back to life! Xiaomei has killed him once before and chopped him into pieces. But she actually put it together on the spot!"



Is there anything so outrageous?

Yi Lin was stunned.

At this time, the Supreme Mage, who was violently twisting the joystick and controlling the thunder god Tesla to shoot several cannons in the sky, suddenly noticed something was wrong with the "corpse" of my wife Yuno. He suddenly frowned and reminded: "Farmer! There is something wrong. Something’s wrong!”

He didn't just remember the reminder and not take action. While reminding him, the Supreme Mage casually let Tesla, the God of Thunder, perform a skillful combo.

"Thunder God Edition·Hundred-Shiki Oniyaki!"

Forward, lower, forward + A!

The Supreme Mage swept all the way, and the handle finally lit up with a dazzling red light.

Alas! ...Pikachu is full of energy!

"Super Profound Truth: Lei Wu Style!"

Lower forward, lower forward + A!

In the thick smoke, my wife Yuno stood up unsteadily, covered in darkness.

But at this time, Tesla, the God of Thunder, controlled by the Supreme Mage, first used a palm of lightning to catch it from bottom to top, lifting Yuno, my wife, into the sky. Immediately afterwards, Pikachu, who was full of energy, raised a finger lightly, and a little electric spark lit up on the fingertip. A white and purple electric light shot towards Yuno, my wife, in the sky. past.

Yi Lin held the miserable Xiaomei in her arms.

He watched the God of Thunder, Tesla, with a scowl on his face, but couldn't break away. Under the control of the Supreme Mage, he poured out the power of thunder and lightning.

If this move continues, let alone my wife Yuno, Yi Lin herself will not be able to take it.


Yi Lin's eyebrows twitched, and he saw that Thor Pikachu's movements seemed familiar.

I vaguely remember that a certain dog once performed a similar pose.

In the electric glow and gunpowder smoke.

My wife, Yuno, had patches of cracks on her skin.

The chapped skin was like a shell, peeling off quickly in the lightning.

Under the black shell, what was displayed in front of Yi Lin and the Supreme Mage was fair skin Shengxue, flawless.

"Hee hee hee--"

My wife, Yuno, let out a sharp, sly laugh.

She tapped her feet lightly and hung in the air.

I saw her holding both hands, and the thunder and lightning that was running wildly around her was finally "caught" in her hands.

Yi Lin frowned.

Gayageumimi was speechless at this kind of cheating, and her contempt was palpable: "She died once, said 'Second Eyes', and then became stronger. Now..."

Before Xiaomei finished speaking, my wife Yuno looked crazy, looked at Yi Lin and the Supreme Mage, and whispered: "Axue, it's time for me to go back to find Axue. Yuno can't let Axue wait for too long. It’s been too long, too long, too long. A-Xue is too lonely, I can’t let A-Xue...become a god by herself."

Saying that, my wife Yuno shook her hands and threw two beams of thunder spears at Yi Lin and the Supreme Mage respectively.

The Supreme Mage has quick eyes and quick hands. When he sensed something was wrong, his hand speed increased to another level, allowing Thor to step forward and catch the gun with his face.

Poor Tesla, the God of Thunder, completely became the plaything of the Supreme Mage. Two thunder guns were inserted into Tesla's face, and Tesla let out an angry cry of pain.

In the air, Yi Lin and the Supreme Mage looked at each other, and saw a look of surprise in each other's eyes.

Don't look at Tesla being treated badly under the "mundane remote control" and being allowed to do whatever he wants. But who is he? God on earth, the incarnation of thunder and lightning! The perfect incarnation of thunder and lightning was actually screamed in pain by the gun he shot out and back again?

What's happening here?

What kind of treasure does the other party possess?

The Sorcerer Supreme continued to command Tesla, the god of thunder, and walked around Yuno, my wife.

Thunder and lightning struck my wife, Yuno, as if they were free of charge.

But a hazy seven-color glow appeared on the surface of Yuno Yuno's body, deflecting all attacks.

As my wife Yuno moved, strange shadows appeared on her body.

Those shadows were like lags when playing a game, causing obvious gaps in the figure of my wife Yuno in the eyes of Yi Lin and the Supreme Mage.

"Is it divinity?"

The Supreme Mage held the joystick in his hand and looked at Yuno Yuno, who was easily patting Thor Tesla back and forth, and said two words in disbelief.


Yi Lin moved in the air, firing cold guns from time to time, and came to the Supreme Mage and asked: "How do you know?"

"I have felt similar auras in some big guys." The Supreme Mage said helplessly: "Her current performance is no longer purely at the level of 'power'. It is about laws. All our attacks are not defended by her. Instead, she was 'rejected'. Her existence itself has reached the point where it affects the rules of the world."

Yi Lin was surprised and said: "Can the Holy Grail summon a guy of this level? Moreover, if you really become a god, how can you be bound by the Holy Grail?"

"So," the Supreme Mage held out a finger, but he quickly pressed it down. He felt that this gesture was somewhat unlucky. He explained: "There is only one possibility. In her own story, she is an existence that 'has become a god' or is 'destined to become a god'! Otherwise, she will never have divinity visible to the naked eye!"

My wife Yuno's cold eyes penetrated Tesla's lightning and fell on Yi Lin and the Supreme Mage.

From a distance, she could easily "read" the conversation between the two.

My wife Yuno smiled and said: "You are right, the current Yuno is the Yuno who killed everyone in the three weeks, won the victory, and obtained the 'qualification of God'. Unfortunately, the power of that cup, There is no way to fully project Yuno's divine power into this world. But now Yuno is no longer just a "Berserker". "

My wife Yuno smiled brightly, as if recalling some warm memories, she said slowly: "Yuno's rank now is "G·O·D"... God! "

God... divinity?

Yi Lin was thoughtful.

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