Infinity Throne

Chapter 825 Qi Refiner


In ancient times, geniuses emerged in large numbers.

A woman appeared out of nowhere, and no one knew where she came from, no one knew her real name, and no one knew her true face. But when she defeated all the invincible opponents in the world and was invincible in high places, she became famous all over the world as the "Seven Ultimate Empress".

Looking down at the world, no one can rival him.

In ancient times, among monks, there was no distinction between Buddha, Taoism, and demons.

Only divided into human race and demon race.

In that era, humans and monsters could still coexist harmoniously.

Because of the way they practice, monks are collectively called "Qi Refiners".

But one day, the Qijue Empress suddenly disappeared.

Some say she is dead.

Some say she lives in seclusion.

Some say she ascended to the upper world.

Opinions vary.

But the only thing that is certain is that since that day, no one has seen the Qijue Empress again.

Legend has it that she left six unique weapons in the world.

These six unique artifacts have changed hands and had different owners over the past five thousand years.

In the yard full of purple petals, Yi Lin closed several secret books.

He became the registered disciple of the elder Chuan Gong.

This process is quite magical, and I fell in love with it out of nowhere.

Note that the two of them have the same mind and are the same person.

The two of them together are the "elder who transmits the power".

It is said that when fighting outside, no matter whether the opponent is one person or a hundred people, they are of the same mind and advance and retreat together.

They were separated, one was called "Gongyang Black" and the other was called "Gongyang White".

Weird name.

Yi Lin jokingly calls them "the black and white sheep".

Although Black and White Eryang has a weird personality, he has a good character. On the first day when Yi Lin became a registered disciple, he took out one entry-level secret book after another and threw it to Yi Lin. You pick.

Of course Yi Lin chose to take it all.

Only children make choices.

And thirteen-year-old Lin Yi is already an adult.

Do adults still need to make choices?

Yi Lin looked around.

Speaking of which, the flowers planted in the yard and the dead trees planted in the corner of the yard are not ordinary worldly things.

That purple flower is said to be called "Wuxin Flower".

The flowering and leafing period of this plant lasts for a hundred years, and the leaves grow for a hundred years without flower cores. Once they bloom, they are squeezed out directly from the leaves. After the flowers bloom, they will not wither for a hundred years. Even if they are picked, they will not wither and can last forever. Maintain a polished appearance.

And that dead tree is called the "Infatuation Fruit Tree". After planting the fruit tree, some monks may never see it bear fruit in their lifetime. It all depends on fate. Once it bears fruit, only "infatuated people" can pick the fruit, and non-infatuated people cannot touch it or reach it.

When listening to the black and white elders bragging about their taste in family culture, Yi Lin suspected that they were bragging.

But Yi Lin has no evidence.

The action routes of the white and black sheep are also very regular.

The two of them are elders who teach the practice.

In addition to being responsible for teaching martial arts, he usually plays chess out of boredom.

Day after day, year after year.

At the beginning of each month, the square on the top of the mountain would be filled with formal disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect. The two elders would select a classic book of the Heavenly Sword Sect and teach it to the disciples.

Yi Lin is currently only a registered disciple and is not qualified to attend.

But it’s not important. Yi Lin has always liked to read, learn and comprehend by herself.

I heard from the two cheap masters that he also has a senior brother.

But the senior brother went out on a mission and has not returned for more than ten years, so now he has only one disciple under the elder Chuan Gong, which is called the only disciple.

When this matter was brought up at that time, Yi Lin was curious, what kind of mission can last more than ten years?

Are people still there?

But the two cheap masters did not answer this. They just said in unison and mysteriously: The secret must not be leaked.

Translated: confidentiality.

But that’s fine.

In the villa, there is a small library.

There are many books inside.

Although there is a simple triggering ban at the door of the library.

But Yi Lin observed it for a few days and easily sneaked in.

He took out more than fifty secret books in one go.

Within the Tianjian Sect, the types of secret books are numerous and complex, covering many disciplines.

Simply summarized, it can be divided into: alchemy, sword cultivation, magic techniques, weapon refining, sword formation, strange gates, and hexagram techniques.

Yi Lin is a novice on the journey of cultivation, so there is no need to choose. The vast sea of ​​books is full of unknown knowledge. He rubbed his palms together excitedly, moved out more than fifty books in one go, and found the pure tea room in the garden. Taking advantage of the black and white sheep's preaching time, Yi Lin read here.

I heard from Jian Nanchun that the sermon was preached every month for three to five days. Thousands of monks from the sect sat motionless in the square. The scene was quite spectacular.

Three or five days later, Yi Lin was surprised when she heard this.

This Qi refining and meditation practice lasts for ten and a half days. Isn’t this going to cause hemorrhoids?

While complaining casually in his mind, Yi Lin moved the coffee table where the two elders drank tea to a corner in the tea room, cleared the space, and lined up fifty secret books horizontally and vertically.

Looking at the books that were opened page by page, Yi Lin couldn't help but feel a trance in front of her eyes, which silently overlapped with the scenes in her memory.

When was the last time you did this?


Thirteen years ago.

While in the Clock Tower.

Yi Lin sighed softly, sighing at how time flies, and a light pattern of light appeared on his right wrist.

"Without the hanging ring, the stability of the Supreme Style spell has indeed been affected."

To put it bluntly, I still don’t have enough time.

Yi Lin was depressed. As he spoke, Yi Lin slapped his chest with his right hand, skillfully entering an out-of-body state.

That is, mental state.

In his mental state, the passage of time slowed down, and he must take advantage of these three days to write down all the books in the Black and White Eryang library. Even if you don't understand it or don't know how to practice it, at least use your memory to write it down and then digest it slowly in the future.

A Deng said that knowledge is a priceless treasure house, and there is no other priceless treasure.

No one knew that a young man from somewhere else was like a hungry sponge, frantically absorbing all the "knowledge" he could see.

Three days later.

Yi Lin reluctantly memorized the books in Black and White Eryang's library, word for word.

It's quite difficult, to be honest.

There are also many vague illustrations in it.

The paths through which the breath flows are marked on it.

It took Yi Lin a lot of effort to write them down one by one.

Day five.

After the monthly evangelism meeting, Gongyang Bai and Gongyang Black walked home in the air, riding on colorful auspicious clouds.

What they passed on this month was a profound sword manual.

It was precisely because of its profoundness that it took five days.

Day and night, they kept preaching, which consumed a lot of energy from Gongyang Black and Gongyang White.

When they returned to their villa, they were both dumbfounded.

The entire courtyard has a completely different style.

Their new registered disciple, Yi Lin, was holding up a pair of small scissors obtained from somewhere, clicking here and there, pruning the careless flowers in the yard into various shapes.

Some are like people, some are like birds, some are like clouds, some are like flowers, and some are like houses.

Together, they look like a painting.

A picture of men and women wandering in Unkai Park, surrounded by cranes.

Gongyang Bai: "So..."

Gong Yanghei: "Outrageous..."

Black and White Eryang waited at the door for a long time, and after repeatedly confirming that this was his villa, he stepped in cautiously, thinking that he had entered the wrong door.

"Master, you are back."

The obedient boy had a shy smile on his face.

For a moment, the smile went straight into the black eyes of the male sheep and the white eyes of the male sheep. Under the sunlight, it made the two sheep's eyes swell and hurt.

In the astonishment of the two cheap masters, Yi Lin explained with a smile: "I have nothing to do these days. I looked at the flowers and trees in the courtyards of the two masters. I felt that the courtyards of the two masters were beautiful and picturesque, but a little messy. , but the only drawback was that it lacked a bit of vitality, so I took the decision myself and trimmed the careless flowers in the courtyard. I used the cut petals to lay some patterns in the courtyard. I wonder if the two masters are satisfied?"

Yi Lin didn't say that they hadn't noticed yet.

Not only was the careless flower beside the courtyard wall chopped into pieces, but the petals, which were said to last for a hundred years, were actually spread out in strange patterns on the ground.

The pattern is not symmetrical at first glance, but in detail, it is divided into several plates, and there is a sense of beauty between each plate that makes up for each other's imperfections. In the center, there is a path that leads directly to the chessboard, allowing the two of them to walk along the path paved with petals and reach the chess position in one step.

Ram Black and Ram White have the same mind and think of the same thing.

They didn't say anything, but they had a heated exchange in their hearts.

But if others don’t know whether it’s pretty or not, why don’t they know each other?

Gongyang Hei and Gongyang Bai stared at each other for a long time, not knowing what to say.

Is it a like? Or do you mean to reprimand me?

After a quick compliment, both of them felt that they couldn't be proud of themselves.

Not long ago, they were boasting in front of the new registered disciples that their preaching style was unique among the Tianjian Sect.

He never expected that within a few days, he would be slapped in the face by a new disciple.

To be honest, it's not like they can't pull off this little trick with a simple blindfold.

With a wave of your hand, anything more luxurious than this can be done.

Can the blinding method be compared with the real Kung Fu of one knife and one cut?

After a while.

The two people who were staring at the new courtyard looked solemn at the same time. They stared at the new arrangement of purple petals on the floor. With some doubts, they said in the same voice:

"Tianxin Sword Formation?"

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