Infinity Throne

Chapter 826 Good Junior Brother

Yi Lin finally understood the promotion system within Tianjian Sect.

To make an analogy, it is like a modern large enterprise.

No matter who it is, even if it is Princess Daqian, when she comes to the Tianjian Sect, she will have to stay and work as a handyman disciple.

It is said that a handyman disciple can be promoted automatically after working for only a few years. For example, Chen Bei has worked for a decade. Even the strongest handyman disciple is still a handyman.

In the handyman class, if you perform well, you may be chosen by a senior member of the sect, and you can go to a certain department and become a registered disciple.

As for the value of a registered disciple, Yi Lin already understood it on the first day.

Gongyang Hei took out a bunch of waist cards with his backhand. Each waist card had a corresponding number. He casually threw a piece to Yi Lin.

There are numbers engraved on it - five, six, eight.

The number of registered disciples is random. It all depends on the mood of the boss. It does not mean that there are really as many as 567 registered disciples in front of Yi Lin.

The meaning of the registered disciple is: I will remember you first, perform well, perform well, and you can be promoted. If your performance is not good, we will be unhappy, and you can go back to work as a miscellaneous person.

This is roughly how it works.

From the named disciples up, there are the outer disciples.

If you go to the outer door, you will have the opportunity to learn more advanced techniques and get more sufficient resources.

When a Qi practitioner practices, what can he do if he just relies on naturally exhaling a little bit of spiritual energy?

If you really want to practice to a higher level, spiritual stones, elixirs, elixirs, and magic weapons are all indispensable.

The outer disciples are promoted to the inner disciples.

Inner disciples can basically be said to be the favorites of a certain elder. Unless they make any mistakes in principle, they can basically be said to be as stable as an old dog, waiting to retire.

And it is said that among inner disciples, there is a higher level: personal transmission.

As a direct disciple, each elder can only recruit one person at a time. Once the elder's time limit reaches or encounters any unexpected events, as long as the direct disciple is recognized by the head master, he can directly inherit the position of elder and reach the sky in one step. The peak of monks.

Of course, sometimes the direct disciple may not live longer than the elder. There is also the possibility that the direct disciple will die in the middle and the elder will recruit another one.

By the way, Jian Nanchun is currently an inner disciple.

Belongs to the sect of the Discipline Elder.

After Yi Lin understood the whole thing, she didn't have much idea.

Even though he has been in this world for thirteen years, so long that his memories of the real world are getting blurry, he has not forgotten that one day he will clap his hands, leave without taking anything, and embark on the cruel journey again. .

"Find them and achieve yourself."

Ten messages, seven keys.

early morning.

Yilin is very diligent in breathing every day.

He opened his eyes and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air from his mouth. The clear air rose, and then part of the spiritual energy dissipated from his pores and returned to the world of heaven and earth again.

Yi Lin murmured to himself, and after vomiting, he couldn't help but think of the main mission personally issued to him in Xiao Xi's first message.

"It's time to figure out the main story."

Yilin has read one of Xiaoxi's ten messages.

One of the seven keys has been found and is temporarily stored with Xia Xiaoman.

He had previously confirmed by smashing the earth that the real power of the [Human Emperor's Seal] could not be exerted unless it was the Human Emperor.

If it is left in Xia Xiaoman's hands, it is just an official seal used by the emperor and cannot be used for other purposes.

Yi Lin swiped her finger down, and the apostle panel full of garbled characters appeared in front of Yi Lin.

After a quick check, Yi Lin closed the panel again.

He didn't want to get any information from the apostle panel.

Only by occasionally looking at it like this could he recall his identity as an "apostle" and not an insignificant little monk of Tianjian Sect.

Yi Lin took out the "Jian Nanchun Timer No. 2", then took out the Lin family's ancestral carpenter's knife, and made a slash on it.

Yi Lin has been keeping this habit for more than half a year. If Jian Nanchun doesn't hit his face every day, he will feel uncomfortable all over.

No, after pulling, Yi Lin felt relieved and smiled broadly.

Ah~ Another day worth looking forward to.

Just when Yi Lin had hidden the carpenter's knife and "Jian Nanchun Timer No. 2", a sword light came from a distance and landed outside the garden.

Yi Lin was stunned. This was really what he thought.

"Junior Brother Lin!"

Jian Nanchun came in uninvited, with his hands behind his back and the breeze on his feet, smiling and saying hello to Yi Lin.

"Uh, Brother Jian."

In the past, this guy would be reluctant to call him "Senior Brother", but now when Yi Lin calls him, he becomes more beautiful, with the corners of his mouth raised and his eyes shining brightly.

"Junior brother Lin, are you getting used to staying in the preaching garden these days?"

Jian Nanchun obviously ignored him, and instead of talking about business, he cared about Yi Lin.

Yi Lin sighed softly and waved his hand in front of Jian Nanchun: "Senior Brother Jian, we are not outsiders. If we have anything to say, speak directly."

"Junior Brother Lin, can you feel the concern that Senior Brother has for Junior Brother Lin? Senior Brother, I remember Junior Brother Lin very much."

Upon hearing this, Yi Lin looked wary and quickly took a step back.

"Ahem," Jian Nanchun suddenly realized that his words just now seemed to be misunderstood. He coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment, and a natural and warm smile appeared on his face again: "I heard that Junior Brother Lin this month, We are all practicing alone in the missionary garden. The morning light is very pleasant today. Why don't we take you to visit the fairy island? You see, my brother and I are riding the wind in the sky, traveling in the sky, and looking at the fairyland. Isn't it a great joy in life? "

As for Jian Nanchun, there is nothing wrong with him.

He just likes to go around and save face.

Yi Lin agreed.

Jian Nanchun did not let the two of them crowd on his flying sword this time. He waved and made a seal, summoning two tamed cranes from the sky to carry the two of them and fly into the sky.

These cranes are like buses in Tianjianmen, whoever comes first gets on.

But you must at least have the qualifications of an outer sect disciple to be qualified to use the bus crane.

The two drove the bus crane and flew slowly in the sky.

Jian Nanchun seemed to really want to take Yi Lin shopping. Along the way, he explained to Yi Lin the use of every mountain peak and every suspended hill.

"Look, that's the Commandment Mountain."

"The tallest and brightest one is the Supreme Mountain. It is the place of spiritual cultivation of the head master. No one is allowed to enter except the elders."

"By the way, I wonder if the preacher elders have warned you that you must not exceed the height of the Supreme Mountain when flying in the Tianjian Sect."

"That one is Wenjian Mountain. There are countless flying swords from our ancestors on it. After you enter the inner gate, junior brother, you will be qualified to step into Wenjian Mountain and find your own flying sword."

"That one is Baicao Mountain,"

"That one is Wanjuan Mountain,"

"That is Mount Sumeru,"

"That one is Yanmo Mountain,"

"That one is Fangyuan Mountain..."

The two of them rode a crane and wandered in the sky.

From time to time, a graceful female senior sister would look at Jian Nanchun with a coquettish smile.

At the same time, many people expressed curiosity about the "newcomer" whom Jian Nanchun greeted so warmly.

This place feels like a village to Yi Lin.

Everyone who passes by looks familiar, living and working in peace and contentment, and concentrating on cultivation.

"It's pretty good. I'm not fighting against the world."

Yi Lin rode the bus crane under her buttocks, feeling the comfortable and peaceful atmosphere brought to him by Tianjianmen, and couldn't help but sigh.

"That's natural. After entering the Tianjian Sect, I realized that the worldly world, money and beauty are all just floating clouds."

"What about Senior Sister Chao Rushuang?"

"...Junior sister is the guiding light that will never go out on my lonely journey of cultivation."

Jian Nanchun thought for a while and made a rather earthy metaphor.

To be honest, you still want to sleep with her.

Yi Lin rolled her eyes but didn't say anything.

While chatting, the two of them rode cranes and passed under Wanjuan Mountain one after another.

This is the suspended fairy peak that Yi Lin has been eyeing for a long time and stepped on from a distance when he was in the handyman class.

Taking the opportunity, Yi Lin pretended to be stupid and asked: "What is there in Wanjuan Mountain?"

"Hey, junior brother, I don't know something. Wanjuan Mountain is one of our forbidden areas, and there are countless secret books handed down from ancient times. Around the immortal peak, there are terrifying restrictions set up by several elders. Once you get close, thousands of swords will be fired. No one can stop me, junior brother, the time to get started is still short, so don’t go into these places by mistake.”

"Thank you for the reminder, senior brother. Junior brother has his own sense of propriety." Yi Lin squinted his eyes and smiled, and agreed vaguely.

This junior brother is so obedient.

Jian Nanchun nodded secretly and gave Yi Lin a thumbs up in his heart.

About an hour later, there were many fellow monks in the sky.

Jian Nanchun took Yi Lin for a brief tour. When he almost returned to the Mission Garden on the main peak, he pinched the corner of his clothes and looked like he was hesitant to speak.

Yi Lin looked at the other party and decided to give him some steps.

"Senior Brother Jian, today I have gained a lot of knowledge with you. If I need my help, I will go through fire and water without hesitation."

When Jian Nanchun heard this, he was so excited that he trembled all over. He came closer, held Yi Lin's hand, and said in a trembling voice: "What a good junior brother!"


Jian Nanchun began to talk about things unceremoniously.

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