Infinity Throne

Chapter 952 The Death of the Emperor

The overall situation is decided!

The King of Zhennan slowly stepped out of the military tent. He looked outside the door and looked up at the sky. The motionless old gentleman cupped his hands and said, "Old sir, please follow me to Qingdu."


When Protector Feng heard King Zhennan's request, he rarely refused. When he turned around, he had put on a kind face: "Then let me have a closer look at the vision of the prince's ascension to the throne, and absorb a little bit of the human emperor's ascension to the throne. A leak of luck."

Protector Feng’s words were not flattery.

He also disdained flattery.

Even if the qigong masters of this era are not specialized in one skill, they can still read some aspects of their faces.

After the death of King Zhudong,

Zhennan Wang's face was full of light. When he stepped out, the breeze suddenly stopped. If there was no luck, this was clearly a sign of "luck". Before Protector Feng saw that King Zhennan's face was ordinary, but in the blink of an eye, there was a slight bulge in the center of King Zhennan's square forehead, which was clearly recorded in history books as "the face of a sun-horned dragon and the appearance of an emperor." ".

Those who compete for the world will die, become decadent, and become useless. This destiny naturally falls on the King of Zhennan!

The trend is achieved!

The overall situation is decided!

Luck may sound illusory, but for a special group of "Qi Refiners" who compete with God and seek immortality, they believe in this thing the most. Although the Demon Luo Dianfeng Dharma Protector did not have the final say in this battle between the Human Emperor and the Emperor, if he raised his hand a little and protected the key points, he might be able to alleviate some of the murderous karma in the future catastrophe. Enter the realm of immortality.

It's easy work, why not do it.

The king stationed in the east is dead, and the remaining troops are like ants bursting through a dike.

The King of Zhennan never expected that Lin Yi would be so powerful. He had obviously tried his best to kill Lin Yi, but at the last moment, Lin Yi broke into the enemy's formation and took the garrison. The Eastern King’s dog’s fate.

"Perhaps this is God's will."

On normal days, the cautious and suspicious King Zhennan might have thought about whether there was any fraud involved.

But now, he can't think of it!

It is obvious that the king stationed in the east died and the army of the east king was defeated.

No matter how deceitful he is, can he still deceive Xia Xingchen and wipe out the whole world?

"Sir, it's time to take action."

Xia Xingchen said to Ni Bodhisattva.


Upon hearing this, the Clay Bodhisattva responded, smiling and snapping his fingers in the darkness.

from the darkness,

An assassin, wrapped in black robes and whose body shape is somewhat similar to that of the "Apocalypse Assassin", wears a specially made mask that is almost indistinguishable from the pale bone face of the Apocalypse Assassin. Through the darkness, he walks toward The military camp where Xia Jisheng is located.

Xia Jisheng's military camp was heavily protected by a group of elite soldiers.

They are all the confidants of King Zhennan, the confidants of his confidants.

What is a confidant?

He is a dead man who is willing to live and die for King Zhennan.

Several confidants knelt in front of the tent, with blazing fire in their eyes, and shouted in unison to the military tent where Xia Jisheng was.

"The traitors have been defeated, and the emperor's side has been suppressed. Please invite Emperor Jisheng to come out of the camp!"

"Welcome Emperor Jisheng!"

"Welcome Emperor Jisheng!"

The existence of Xia Jisheng,

For many people in Zhennan Wangjun, it has always been a secret.

Many people don't even know that Xia Jisheng left Qingdu a few years ago and came here to be a puppet emperor in name only.

Inside the dark military tent, there was no light.

Xia Jisheng curled up in the darkness and shivered slightly.

He is afraid.

He was so scared.

He was really scared.

The voices of several people kept echoing in his mind, like a song.

A desperate song.


"Jier, if you become the emperor, what will you do?"

"Father, how about playing with Ji'er..."

"Do you know that this seemingly peaceful and peaceful place is actually covered in abscesses and riddled with holes?"

"Jier doesn't understand."

"Ahem... In the north, King Zhengbei was proud of his achievements and his troops, and he never looked down upon his father; in the east, the city of the king stationed in the east was rich and fertile, and his treasure house was as rich as any other country, but he never looked down upon him. Paying national taxes, using all kinds of excuses to shirk; in the west, King Pingxi seems to be keeping his duties, but in fact he is wildly ambitious, using the Xuanmen Qingluan tree to secretly communicate with the enemy; in the south... Xia Xingchen, your uncle, my father was ashamed of him back then. , let him now become a tiger in the mountains, entrenched in the south, if his father could be cruel back then... It's a pity that success depends on family ties, and failure depends on family ties. Oh, no matter how prosperous this great force is, it will not last more than twenty years! "

"Ji'er doesn't understand. Father, can we go play ball?"


This conversation, which was not on the same channel at all, made Emperor Xia Yuan exhausted mentally and physically.

Xia Jisheng overheard his father and mother talking in low voices in the room.

"If you want Daqian Jiangshan to live for a hundred years, or even longer, there is only one way, one...only way! Unfortunately, if you sacrifice Ji'er in order to extend the life of Daqian Jiangshan, how could I do such a thing! !!”

"But, this country has been passed down to you by the ancestors of the Xia family. Are you really willing to watch Daqian be destroyed?"

"...I don't want to!"

"Why not, let Ji'er make his own choice."

"Shh! Ji'er is here..."

"Ji'er, have you really made up your mind? Your father once left a message in the past. Although he has arranged everything, if you don't want to, just go to Ping'an Temple to become a monk, remain anonymous, and give up your country. Your father, even if he is under Jiuquan, will not blame you for a word."

"Mother Queen Mother, Ji'er has made up her mind."

"It's a pity that you are destined to only sit on this imperial throne for twenty years."

"That's enough. The country is not important. The people are the cornerstone of the Xia family's country."

"But if you go to the south and go to your uncle, everything will be irreversible."

"This is how fate should be. If my father's arrangement can keep the Xia family alive for another hundred years, Ji'er will have no regrets."

"Silly boy."

"Mother Queen Mother, is what you see in the Heavenly Book true?"

"If you believe it, it's true."

"Hehe, that Miss Xiaoman, she is really majestic..."

four years ago.

Xia Jisheng left Qingdu and came to Jingnan City.

Concubine Shu, the current empress dowager, once asked Xia Jisheng a question on the road.

At that time, Xia Jisheng didn't know how to answer.

"Are you willing to hold your head high and really be the leader of the country, or are you willing to do nothing in this life, hide your name, and live an ignoble existence? In the former, you may follow the path arranged by the late emperor in advance, but in the latter, you can Longevity."

In the dark military tent,

The shouts of "Welcome Emperor Ji Sheng" outside were like reminder notes, so harsh and noisy.

But as he listened, the harsh call suddenly became more beautiful in Xia Jisheng's ears.

He slowly straightened up his crooked back, little by little, with all his strength.

Finally, Xia Jisheng straightened his back like a gun standing on the battlefield.

Xia Jisheng raised his head and stepped out of the military tent.

When the confidants of King Zhennan called out Xia Jisheng's imperial title, the soldiers and generals of the South King's army who were ready in the military camp were already stunned.

Why was Emperor Jisheng, the emperor of the dynasty, in the military tent of King Zhennan?


So in the battle between King Zhennan, which one was fought?

I don’t understand!

Although thousands of soldiers and generals could not understand the situation, when Xia Jisheng walked out, they still subconsciously knelt on the ground and shouted "Long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live."

Thousands of soldiers knelt down in groups. Viewed from a height, it looked like a field of wheat being cut down, spectacular and neat.

The shouts of unity were deafening and resounded through the sky.

When those confidants saw Xia Jisheng walking out of the military tent, they shouted again:

"Congratulations to Emperor Ji Sheng! Prince Nan is so brave that he has put down the rebellion!"

"Congratulations to Emperor Ji Sheng! Prince Nan is so brave that he has put down the rebellion!"

The atmosphere at the scene is a very subtle thing.

If one person shouts, others will follow him; if several people shout, more people will follow him. Just like a live concert, maybe no one can sing, but when they shout along with the rhythm, the overall effect will be like everyone knowing the lyrics of the song by heart.

Such is the case at this moment.

Thousands of people chanted.

Breathing and breathing, the words became: "Prince Nan is brave and invincible!"

"Prince Nan is invincible!"

Xia Jisheng looked at the scene of thousands of people kneeling and took a deep breath.


He puffed up his chest and shouted with all his strength: "I am the 14th generation leader of the Daqian Dynasty, Xia Jisheng!"


Just when Xia Jisheng finished saying this,

A sharp knife was stabbed into Xia Jisheng's back and out of his heart.

"My lord, it's over."

The mysterious "Apocalypse Assassin" appeared, killed Emperor Ji Sheng, caused a scene in the military camp, and killed several of King Zhennan's confidants before leaving.

The entire process from Emperor Ji Sheng's appearance to being assassinated in public took less than a minute.

In that short minute, the entire Nanwang Army camp and the audience were filled with emotions ranging from sadness to joy.

The emperor falls!

This vast country is ownerless!

When King Zhennan ascended the throne of the emperor, everyone would say this: Xia Xingchen, as the emperor's uncle, used the power of thunder to put down the rebellion of the three kings. In the end, because the enemy was too cunning, the Apocalypse assassin killed the emperor. And he, Xia Xingchen, as the last male bloodline of the Xia royal family, naturally ascends to the throne of God!

Destiny belongs to emotion and reason!


This vigorous farce sweeping across Dongsheng Divine Continent should end here!

King Zhennan got on his horse and headed west.

There was an empty city waiting for him to capture it.

Before traveling,

King Zhennan deliberately put on a luxurious dragon robe, a golden crown on his head, dragon-patterned boots on his feet, and combed his hair like a boss.

Today is different from the past.

In the past, he was Prince Nan,

Now, he is about to ascend the throne of the Human Emperor...the Stardust Emperor!

"Set off,"

The king of Zhennan is wearing a robe and a crown, and he is undoubtedly the emperor's treasure.

I saw him looking sad, riding on a war horse, in front of the 300,000 troops of King Zhennan. He looked sad, raised his long sleeves, and pointed at Qingdu in the distance:

"For my good nephew, take back this vast country!"

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