Infinity Throne

Chapter 953 Afterlife

The overall situation is decided!

The incident of "Xia Jisheng was mercilessly tortured by Tianqi assassins" spread throughout the entire army in a very short period of time.

The king of Zhennan rushed to Qingdu with his army, beaming with joy.

Traveling all night, the news spread throughout the Southern King's 300,000-strong army.

Even intentionally, this matter is spreading to the whole world at a terrifying speed!

When the sun rises tomorrow,

The reputation of the Apocalypse Assassin will once again be elevated to the level of omniscience!

Kill the king!

Kill the emperor!

Do no evil!

Kill no one!

The crime deserves death!


If Xia Xingchen didn't have the protection of Moluo Dianfeng, he wouldn't have the confidence to kill the Apocalypse assassin in a one-on-one duel in full view of everyone.

Otherwise, his reputation will be pushed to an incomparable level that can only be matched by the founding emperor of Daqian at the moment he killed the Apocalypse assassin with his own hands!




On horseback, King Zhennan had a sullen face, feeling both pain and happiness.

A perfect plan, but because of his lack of personal strength and because Lin Yi exceeded expectations, the final result was not so perfect.

But, this is enough. The ending is perfect, but the process is not perfect, and he can accept it.

But what he didn't understand was that with the strength of the Wind Protector, he could easily kill Lin Yi, who only had the cultivation level of the Golden Core Realm.

But why didn't Protector Feng take action?

Could it be that there are some scruples?

With this idea in mind, King Zhennan went to Qingdu.

In the messy military camp, Xia Jisheng's body was simply buried.

At the place where the leader of Daqian Kingdom died, there was a simple earthen mound.

King Zhennan told the soldiers at that time that when the country was stabilized, it would be time to welcome the late emperor back to the imperial mausoleum.

Yes, Xia Jisheng became the "first emperor".

Yi Lin was always nearby after killing the Queen in East.

But he didn't dare approach.

Next to King Zhennan, there was a person with an aura so terrifying that it was hard to predict.

According to the strength of Qi Refiners in this world, that person's strength is at least at the level of the Tianjian Sect elders, or even... higher.

Yi Lin didn't dare to step forward and only dared to watch from a distance.

Within a safe distance, Yi Lin had the confidence to escape at any time.

After all, he has quite a few life-saving skills.

He can die, but in this life, he must not die without any meaning.

When it was confirmed that King Zhennan's army was completely gone.

Yi Lin stayed alert and came here.

"He is truly a true hero."

Yi Lin stopped in front of the mound, looked at the lonely grave in the field, and observed a few seconds of silence.

In Xia Jisheng's life, he proclaimed himself emperor at a young age. From beginning to end, except for inheriting the title of "emperor" from the late emperor, he had no experience that could be called "political achievements".

Even if the historians don't write it and the ministers don't tell it, people all over the world know that the imperial concubine is taking care of the government, and the memorials are reviewed by the concubine Shu in Chang'an Palace.

But at the end of his life, he straightened his spine and used his own life to interpret what it means to be an "emperor".

"In the end, he finally gained the responsibility and consciousness of an emperor. What about you, junior sister, are you ready to awaken?"

When Lin Yi stopped, figures came from afar.

Different colors of light reflected the dark sky in colorful colors.

Yi Lin looked up at the sky and watched calmly as figures appeared in the sky.

At the head of the group was a fat man with a stout figure. He was sullen, and the glimmer of light around his body was distorted, as if it was a world of its own.

"Evil disciple Lin Yi! Hurry up and capture him, and return to the Heavenly Sword Sect to be punished!"

Behind Bi Tiexin, followed a large group of disciples from the Discipline Mountain. They were like a club patrolling, maintaining the formation of flying swords taking off collectively, very domineering.

Among them, Yi Lin saw the figure of Jian Nanchun.

Yi Lin squinted his eyes and saw that Jian Nanchun was looking anxious, holding the nail that Yi Lin had given him, and frantically making a "Call" gesture to Yi Lin from a distance, signaling Yi Lin to answer the call quickly.

Since the Yi Lin operation, he has never answered the call between Jian Nanchun and his junior sister.

"Hmph, Lin Yi has long since become a public enemy of Xuanmen. He has committed heinous crimes and interfered with the rise and fall of secular dynasties. This is no longer your Tianjian Sect's private matter! If Lin Yi does not die, none of us in Xuanmen will be allowed to do so in the future. peaceful!"

A piece of bright red clouds flew quickly from the other side of the sky. At the moment when the red cloud appeared, the sky was dyed with the color of fire. As the red cloud appeared, the cool night sky and the slightly cool air became unbearably hot, making people feel dry in the mouth.

It’s the Xuanmen Burning Sky Valley!

Look at the sky on the other side.

A huge sword that was dozens of meters long was coming towards this direction, accompanied by the fierce sound of wind.

If you look closely, you will see that the huge sword in the air is made up of countless small flying swords. At this moment, the giant sword is like a bus that gets on as soon as possible. There are dozens of green-robed monks standing on it. Behind each green-robed monk, there is a broad sword box on his back.

It’s the Sword-making Villa!

In the past six months of chasing Lin Yi, Fentian Valley and Zhujian Villa have all contributed a lot, making Yilin not lonely during the six months of pursuit and escape.

Yi Lin looked at the figures of several people from a distance and vaguely recognized many old acquaintances.

He raised his hand and lightly touched his face with his fingers. The pale bone armor quickly shrunk, and the [Laughing Mask] retracted on his forehead, turning into a seemingly ordinary piece of dead skin.

Looking at Lin Yi who showed his true face again, Jian Nanchun felt a shock all over in mid-air. He was so shocked by Lin Yi's face that he couldn't speak anymore. He almost lost his grip on the double-deck nail that he held tightly in his hand. , falling to the ground.

Ever since Yilin traveled around Daqian as an "Apocalypse Assassin\

,"The two brothers never met seriously again.

At the beginning, we occasionally had phone calls.

But later, no matter how Jian Nanchun called, Yi Lin never responded.

If it weren't for the fact that more and more rumors about "Apocalypse Assassins" were spreading throughout Daqian, Jian Nanchun might have thought that something bad had happened to Junior Brother Lin Yi.

Now, when Yi Lin takes off his disguise and reveals his skinny, pale and sickly face, Jian Nanchun is completely different from the high-spirited Junior Brother Lin Yi in his memory.

At this time, Yi Lin was seriously ill. With the talent blessing of [Jealous Wizard], there were gains and losses. While his understanding was full, he also got debuffs. This illness came like a mountain, and it came to fruition with great success.

Illness can be late, but it will never be absent. Once it comes, it will be very cruel and directly push Yi Lin to the road of death.

Yi Lin has thought through a lot of things at this moment. He knows that completing the main mission left by Xiao Xi cannot be completed in a lifetime.

Xiao Xi once left a message on one of the wordless monuments. Here, she left Yi Lin a long time.

A long enough time for Yi Lin to "achieve herself".

There isn't much time left in this life, and Yi Lin doesn't want to die in vain, so she wants to do something.

Something meaningful.

More and more monks arrived on the scene.

Yi Lin asked Feng Qingtong to release the news in advance, saying that Lin Yi planned to assassinate the four kings and the current emperor Daqian, so that the emperor would change hands.

The monks heard the news and took action, and the whole army attacked. Due to various causes and arrangements, they gathered here tonight.

Fentian Valley, Ping'an Temple, Zhujian Villa, Tianjianmen, Xuanmen Loose Cultivator.

Everyone who could come came, but those who couldn't came either hid in secret or didn't bother to participate in this matter.

Yi Lin is a traitor to the Tianjian Sect, and Bi Tiexin leads a group of disciples from the Discipline Mountain to capture Lin Yi. From a logical point of view, there is nothing wrong with this.

"No! Brother Lin!"

Among the group of people at Ping'an Temple, Zen Master Tianxin was sitting on a huge wooden fish. He looked at Lin Yi from a distance with a helpless look.


Zen Master Tianxin said.

"No, I don't believe Brother Lin is such a person!"

Wang Xiaohu never believed that the assassin of Tianqi was Lin Yi. No matter how exaggerated or magical the world is, in Wang Xiaohu's heart, Lin Yi will always be the ignorant boy who stepped out of Qingniu Village with him many years ago and determined to make a career in the world.

"Haha...cough, cough, cough, Xiaohu, you have grown up. I'm sorry to disappoint you."

Yi Lin smiled slightly, and the voice came out. In front of Jian Nanchun and Wang Xiaohu, he took out the double-pin nail that the two usually used to communicate, threw it at his feet, and took a step forward.


With a stamp of his foot, the nails shattered into pieces. This kick seemed to break the connection between Lin Yi and Wang Xiaohu, Lin Yi and Jian Nanchun, and the long-term relationship.

The sky was filled with monks, magic weapons, and strange phenomena in the sky, surrounding Lin Yi.

Lin Yiwan seemed to have become a powerful enemy hated by the world, alone, challenging the monks all over the world.

Under the invisible threat, the Nascent Soul cultivator did not dare to die, but there were so many monks in the sky, and at a glance, there were hundreds of Golden Core Realm monks!

This scene,

Just like the "future fragments" presented by Yi Lin in "The Book of Orinomy", it is so sad and despairing.


The location is not here.

In Qingdu.

Yi Lin opened his arms and faced the monks all over the sky. After taking a deep breath, the skinny Lin Yi smiled slightly.

"If there is an afterlife, see you in the next life."

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