Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 354: Professor Wen, please give more advice (end)

  Song Yanming was still talking about how good Wen Linxia was when he suddenly noticed that something was wrong in summer.

   He thought summer was uncomfortable, so he asked worriedly, "What's wrong with Xiaoyun? Where is the discomfort?"

  Xiamen came back to his senses, Chong Song Yanming smiled and shook his head: "I'm not uncomfortable, I'm just a little tired today, Dad, I'll go up to rest."

   "Well, then go and rest!"

  Xiamen nodded: "Dad, you also rest early."

   After finishing speaking, Xia Xia turned around and went upstairs——

   After returning to the room, I took a shower in the summer and then slept.

   Woke up in the middle of the night and suddenly wanted to hug Gu Yanyu.

Want it so so much……

  Since you think so, you must do it in summer!

  So she got up quickly, changed her clothes and went out.

   In order to avoid waking Song Yanming, she didn't even drive the car, so she ran to the door of Wen Linxia's house.

   In summer, instead of ringing the doorbell, he called Wen Linxia.

  The first time the phone rang, Wen Linxia picked it up reflexively: "Xiaoyun?"

   In fact, Wen Linxia didn't look at the caller ID at all, but the intuition call was from summer.

   "You haven't slept yet?" Mainly, Wen Linxia answered the phone too quickly.

   Hearing the sound of summer, Wen Linxia heaved a sigh of relief and smirked: "I fell asleep, but I thought it might be a call from you..."

   "Oh, you're good, you answered the phone so quickly!" Summer's tone was full of smiles.

  Wen Linxia turned over and glanced at the time, only to realize that it was already three in the morning.

   "Xiaoyun, haven't you slept yet? Can't you sleep?" Wen Linxia asked Xia Xia.

  Xiaomi blinked, then remembered that she was still standing at Wen Linxia's door.

   She opened her mouth and said to Wen Linxia, ​​"Well, I can't sleep, can you do one thing for me?"

  Wen Linxia replied, "Yes! What's the matter?"

   Summer said: "You are coming from bed now."

   Wen Linxia got up from the bed almost as a conditioned reflex when he heard the words.

  Standing on the ground, he asked Summer: "I got out of bed, then what?"

   Without asking, why did she let him get out of bed?

  Summer grinned and continued to command: "Put on your shoes."

   "Put it on."

   "Leave the room."

   "...Okay, left."

   "Come to the gate."

   "...Well, I'm here."

   "Open the door."


  Click, the door opens.

   When he saw Xia Xia standing at the door with a smile on his face, Wen Linxia was dumbfounded.

  Xia Tian put down his phone and threw himself into Wen Linxia's arms: "When I woke up in the middle of the night, I suddenly wanted to hug you, so I came here..."

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Wen Linxia's favorability for you is 100%, the task is completed, congratulations!"

   Hearing the sound of the system prompt, Xia Xia noticed that the system prompt said 'task completed'.

   She remembered that in the last world, she didn't get the Interstellar Coin because she didn't fulfill her wish, but she completed the task of conquering Gu Yanyu's body!

  Why, didn't she get Interstellar coins?

   Or, this so-called 'task completion' is just a reminder to her that Gu Yanyu is going to restore his memory?

   Well, maybe so.

   Summer is too lazy to worry about this issue, so no matter what the system prompts say.

   "I'm so sleepy~" Xia Xia said coquettishly around Gu Yanyu's waist.

   Gu Yanyu, who had just recovered his memory, smiled tenderly, he reached out to close the door, and then carried Xia Xia back to the room.

  The two were lying on the bed, Gu Yanyu hugged Xia Xia and kissed her on the forehead again and again.

   murmured: "I'm so sleepy too, just kiss and sleep together!"

  Xia Tian squinted his eyes, originally just a little sleepy, but became very sleepy in Gu Yanyu's arms.

   "A Yu, I think you are still my sleeping pill." Xia Xia whispered.

   That sound was like a kitten meowing, and Gu Yanyu's heart was numb when he heard it.

   Gu Yanyu listened, smiled and pressed his forehead against Xia Xia's forehead.

   Raised his chin slightly, and placed a kiss on Summer's lips: "I'm very happy to be my wife's unique sleeping pill!"

   After finishing speaking, Gu Yanyu couldn't help but leaned in again and deepened the kiss...

   This kiss can't be stopped.

  Finally, a room is beautiful...


   Gu Yanyu was so tossed that it was dawn and he was able to sleep in summer.

   Before falling asleep, Xia Xia took a bite on Gu Yanyu's chest and complained, "If I had known that I would be eaten and wiped clean, I wouldn't have sent it to the door automatically in the middle of the night."

  The well-fed Gu Yanyu hugged Xia Xia, and that bite almost made him unable to bear it again.

   "I'm going to make you something to eat and then sleep, eh?"

  Xia Tian couldn't open his eyes, he pouted and shook his head gently: "No, I'm going to sleep! If you don't stop, Gu Yanyu, I'll bite you to death..."

   Before she finished speaking, she was already asleep.

   After being stunned for a while, Gu Yanyu burst out laughing.

   Well, it's his fault, he tossed her for too long without restraint.

   It seemed that he was really tired in summer.

  Although he said not to eat in summer, Gu Yanyu got up and cooked porridge for summer.

   Blown cold and fed it to Xia Xia's mouth, but Xia Xian frowned and didn't want to eat it.

   Gu Yanyu raised his eyebrows, looked down at the porridge in the bowl, and looked up at Summer's pink lips.

   With a mind, he took a mouthful of porridge with a bowl in his hand.

   Then leaned over and approached the lips of the summer...


  The warm porridge followed Gu Yanyu's mouth and entered Xia Xia's mouth.

   Gu Yanyu was like this, eating the summer tofu openly and honestly, until he drank a bowl of porridge in the summer.

  I was full in summer, and Gu Yanyu was also quite satisfied.

   The whole process is half asleep and half awake in summer.

   Xia Tian only knew what Gu Yanyu probably fed her, and then he slept with her arms around her——

   When the two of them woke up, it was already past four in the afternoon.

  Song Yanming called Xia Xia, when Gu Yanyu was feeding Xia Xia porridge in the morning.

   At that time, Gu Yanyu was worried about waking Xia Xia, so he answered the phone as soon as it rang.

   Hearing that it was Gu Yanyu who answered the phone, Song Yanming was surprised.

   He was going to have breakfast with his daughter early this morning, but no one answered the door.

   Push the door and go in, there is no one in the room at all!

  Song Yanming was very worried, so he quickly called Summer.

   "When did Xiaoyun go to your place?!" Song Yanming almost roared to question Gu Yanyu.

  Although he had already promised his daughter to be with Gu Yanyu, he couldn't wait to get married last night.

but! !

  Song Yanming was not so quick to accept his daughter running out to spend the night with someone else!

   Gu Yanyu originally wanted to say that he came to him in the early morning of the summer, but he, who was also a father, deeply understood Song Yanming's feelings at this moment.

   So when the words came to his lips, Gu Yanyu turned a corner and said, "Last night, Xiaoyun and Xiaoyun made an appointment to run together this morning, so we ran outside together."

  This fully explains why Song Yanming can't see Summer in the morning.

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