Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 355: Professor Wen, please give more advice (extra)

  Song Yanming was suspicious and asked, "Then why is it you who answered the phone, Xiaoyun?"

   "Xiaoyun just went to the bathroom."

"All right……"

   "By the way, uncle, I'm going to date Xiaoyun today. Don't worry, I'll take Xiaoyun home in the evening!"

  Young people, of course dating! This Song Yanming expressed his understanding.

   Most importantly, Gu Yanyu emphasized that he would send his daughter home at night, which Song Yanming was quite satisfied with.

   However, he did not know that his daughter had been eaten and wiped—

   In summer, I was woken up by hunger. Although Gu Yanyu was fed porridge in the morning, it was already afternoon!

   turned over and saw that Gu Yanyu was sleeping soundly!

  I want to bite Gu Yanyu, but I am worried that Gu Yanyu will toss her when he wakes up.

   In order to avoid playing with fire and setting himself on fire, he still held back his itchy teeth in summer.

  I was so hungry that I simply got up from the bed in summer.

   She only wore Gu Yanyu's wide white T-shirt, which was just long enough to cover her hips.

   The fair and well-proportioned legs are really fascinating.

  Summer barefooted and walked out of the room.

   went to the kitchen to look at the ingredients, and Gu Yanyu went out to buy vegetables this morning.

   So when I opened the refrigerator in summer, I saw a lot of what she likes to eat.

   But she was so hungry, the fastest thing was to eat noodles.

  So, ready to make beef noodles in summer.

   Exactly, Gu Yanyu bought braised beef.

   Cook the noodles in the pot over there, and cut the braised beef slices here.

   In the room, Gu Yanyu, who was sleeping soundly, hugged him empty, opened his eyes and sure enough, he didn't see Summer.

  He got up from the bed and left the room barefoot like summer.

   Then, Gu Yanyu saw in the kitchen putting the sliced ​​beef into two bowls filled with hot noodles.

  Gu Yanyu was still sleepy, but the moment he saw the back of Xia Xia, his lips curled into a happy smile.

   He stretched his long legs and walked behind Xia Xia, put his arms around Xia Xia's waist, and rested his head on her shoulder: "My lady is so virtuous~ Beef noodles are so fragrant~"

  Xiamen tilted his head and stared at Gu Yanyu, with her coquettish tone, without the slightest power: "It's all your fault, I woke up from hunger!"

   Gu Yanyu tilted his head, just move his head to be able to kiss the summer.

He leaned over and kissed Xia Xia's lips, then nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, it's my fault! I shouldn't lose control because my lady is too pretty, I'll take care of Xiao Gu Gu next time. …”

   Xia Xia heard Gu Yanyu talking more and more blatantly, and his cheeks couldn't help but heat up.

   She pushed Gu Yanyu away, took her bowl of noodles and walked outside: "I'll settle the account with you when I'm full first!"

  Gu Yanyu also raised his face, followed behind Xia Dian'er, looking at her expectantly: "Okay, okay! Madam, how do you want to settle the account, let's go to bed and settle it?"

   Xia Xia gave Gu Yanyu a big white eye, and then lowered his head to eat the noodles.


   Since Gu Yanyu regained his memory, the two have experienced the feeling of falling in love again.

   Every day when I have nothing to do, I go on a date, watch a movie and go shopping.

  Gu Yanyu also went to work in Song Yanming's company, and the work efficiency was so high that Song Yanming was speechless!

   Of course, but also because of Gu Yanyu's excellence, coupled with his usual habitual meticulous care for the summer, Song Yanming was very satisfied with him.

   After dating for about half a year, Song Yanming proposed the idea of ​​marrying Gu Yanyu in the summer.

   Marriage or something, Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia naturally would not refuse.

   So, it was settled like this...

  Everything is so natural and natural.

  Song Yanming and Gu Yanyu are preparing the wedding together, from big to small, they are all carefully arranged.

When    sent Summer to the red carpet, Song Yanming couldn't help but redden his eyes.

   If it wasn't for Gu Yanyu saying that they lived together after marriage, he would probably have burst into tears at the wedding.

   Song Yanming was a little choked up when he handed Summer to Gu Yanyu.

   He opened his mouth and said, "From today onwards, I will give my daughter to you!"

   "If one day, you dare to treat my daughter badly and make my daughter unhappy or sad, I will not let you go!"

  Gu Yanyu nodded solemnly: "Dad, don't worry, I will definitely not make her unhappy or sad!"

   "I will be good to her for a lifetime of poverty and eternity!"

  The oath is not only for speaking, Gu Yanyu has always been, and he does what he says.

  Song Yanming nodded and pushed aside reluctantly to watch Gu Yanyu exchange rings with Xia Xia.

   At this moment, Song Yanming's mood is very complicated.

  Happy, sad, reluctant...

  My daughter has grown up!

   Yiyi, did you see it?

   Our daughter is grown up and married!

  You can rest assured, I will live well and watch my daughter be happy all her life!

  Don't worry, in a few decades, I will come to accompany you!


   A year later, twins were born again in the summer.

   Two sons, one surnamed Song and the other Wen.

   Song Yanming was very satisfied with this.

   Originally said that he and Gu Yanyu were in charge of the company, and when there was nothing, they would let Gu Yanyu and summer travel or something, and it didn't have to be too hard.

   After having a grandson, Song Yanming regretted it.

   In order to be able to accompany his grandson, he retired early and left the company to Gu Yanyu to take care of it.

   Then, Song Yanming accompanies his two grandchildren every day and enjoys family happiness.

  No way, Song Yanming asked his grandson to stop the company, and Gu Yanyu could only manage.

  Fortunately, he has sufficient experience and manages the company with little effort.

  Since Song Yanming likes to take his two grandchildren with him, it just so happens that he can accompany Xia Xia when he is free.

   Occasionally take the opportunity to travel to other places or abroad, and have been to the world of two together with summer.

   The family had a happy and fulfilling life——


   Many years later, Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu sent Song Yanming away.

   For decades, Song Yanming did not remarry until he left this world.

   He once said that his heart called love was very small and already lived alone.

   Even though that person is no longer in this world, she still lives in her heart.

Before    died, Song Yanming was holding the photo of Yun Ziyi and muttering something.

  Xia Tian listened carefully, only to hear him say: "Yiyi, the daughter is very good, the son-in-law is very good, the two grandchildren are very good, and the great-grandson is also very good..."

   "Yiyi, I'm finally here to accompany you..."

   When the voice fell, Song Yanming closed his eyes——

   In summer, Song Yanming was buried next to Yun Ziyi, and that place was left to him by Song Yanming from the beginning.

   As early as when he buried Yun Ziyi, he wanted to be buried next to her when he died.

   What kind of story is there between Song Yanming and Yun Ziyi, I don't know in Summer.

   But she knows that love is really beautiful!

   I hope that in the next life, two people who used to love each other but could not stay together for a long time can be together.


   A few years after Song Yanming was sent away, Gu Yanyu also reached the limit of his life.

   Summer accompanied her and left this world together.

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