After Sima Youyue sorted out the herbs, she began to refine the third type of elixir. Now she doesn't feel a little tired, and there is no problem in refining a furnace of elixir.

"This guy's mental strength is also great! Wouldn't she feel tired?"

"Do you see a tired look on her face?"

"No. It seems to be mental."

"This kid's energy is a bit scary."

"Yes. Dan, who has been practicing for a day, only she hasn't rested."

"It's so powerful at such a small age, it will definitely be an anti-natural existence in the future."

"Mage Array, the contractor of the King of the Birds, the alchemist, if such a genius can be drawn into our gate!"

"Well, even if she chooses, she chooses our family. There is more promise in our family than in your power!"

"Your family? Forget it, how many days have you been recruited and buried?"

"Don't bother you, she won't choose the two of you! You don't even know if you are here!"

"What do you mean ?!"

"It's simple, you're arguing me to watch the game!"

"Who are you? How dare you care about us!"

"Noise!" Shi Qianyi waved his hand, and the man immediately choked his throat and couldn't speak.

"Shut up, you can talk naturally after the game, otherwise, you don't want to talk anymore in this life!" Shi Qianzhi said, turning his attention to Sima Youyue who was concentrating on refining.

Although they were unwilling, they did not dare to make trouble again because they saw Shi Qianzhi's iconic thing, a blood-red fan.

People in the inner circle who did not know how powerful Shi Qianzhi used poison, and who provoked him, definitely did not end well.

Now that he said they would give them a cure, it would be wise to stay silent now.

"God makes the Lord, so it won't cause trouble?" Asked a woman beside Shi Qianzhi.

"What trouble?" Shi Qianzhi looked at the two men and asked, "Will you bother me?"

"Uh ---" The two quickly shook their heads, indicating that they would not!

The man shook his head reluctantly at Shi Qianzhi's blatant threat.

"God makes adults, right makes him ..."

"Relax, others can't see it." Shi Qianzhi said, "Although it is strange why he changed the way of revenge, but let him do it if he wants to. Pay attention to whether he needs anything."


Shi Qianzhi looked at Sima Youyue ... the man in front said, "You are waiting for your face!"

Sima Youyue controlled the medicinal solution in Dan furnace with full concentration, and did not notice that everyone around her looked at her, whether or not others were paying attention to her.

"If you do well in Danby, you will make your father proud."

She kept thinking about this sentence, what kind of achievement would make her father proud? She didn't know, she just knew that the more forward, the better.

Fusion and Ning Dan, each step carefully and methodically, until the last Ning Dan successfully.

In one go!

The people in the stands were stunned. Since she started to check the first pot of elixir, she has not stopped until all the refining is completed.

And there was no pause in the middle, as if she had refined every elixir hundreds of times.

"This mental power is almost ..."

"Even a group of people does not have her perverted mental power."

"I don't know if she can compare with the first group."

"Forget it, how old are she, how old are those people, and she has lived their odds. She has become so perverted in spirit and surpassed them in skills, which is unlikely."

"Even if not today, it will be in the future."

"Yeah, wait and see ..."


Sima Youyue put the refined elixir on the table, then beckoned, and immediately a recorder came forward to record her data, time, grade, quantity and so on.

After the record was good, Sima Youyue stepped off the stage and looking at the whole field, she was the first person to complete the game.

"Yueyue you are amazing!" Xiao Qi raised her small hand in excitement.

"Good." Mao Sanquan nodded with satisfaction.

Sima Youyue sat back to her place, feeling a special look on the stand, and she glanced sideways.

Shi Qianzhi held a glass of wine to pay respect to her, then drank the wine with a smile.

Sima Youyue frowned slightly, and when she found something, she turned her head and looked at the stage.

The man in front of her, the stranger she felt familiar with ...

As time passed, more and more people ended their alchemy, and at twelve o'clock at midnight, Ji Qingyuan announced the end of the day's competition, and no one could continue to refine. Then the recorder went up to record those results.

"We need to count the results for half a day, and we will inform you of the results tomorrow afternoon. The next game will be played the day after tomorrow."

After that, he left with a bunch of recorders.

The next morning, everyone was discussing the results and wondering if they could reach the semi-finals.

In Sima Youyue's room, everyone was not interested in this.

"You said that person was Jiang Junxian?" Han Miaoshuang widened her eyes and called out in surprise.

"I think it should be him." Sima Youyue said, "I saw Shi Qianzhi in the stands. If the big brother is not here, with his personality, he will not go to watch this game."

"Is it possible someone else?" Su Xiaoxiao asked.

"Does anyone else feel familiar to you?" Sima Youyue asked back.

"No." Han Miaoshuang and Su Xiaoxiao shook their heads.

"That's it." Sima Youyue said, "Although he disguised himself and made him unrecognizable, he still saw a little difference in our eyes. This is what we think he is familiar with. Unfamiliar reason. "

"So, that person is really him? Wasn't he going to replace Jiang Junzhe before? Why is he changing his appearance to play now?" Xiao Qi was puzzled.

"I think he may have figured it out. In this way, the Jiang family can regret it and hit their faces better." Han Miaoshuang shrugged.

"If I were him, I would also win Jiang Junzhe, and then unlock my identity, and let those people regret giving up a more talented person, and then kill those people so that they will not stare." Small novel.

"It's really troublesome." Xiao Qi lay on the table and said, "If I were him, I would go straight up and give Jiang Junzhe a few laps. His father and mother could not recognize him, and then he scrapped his hand and let him I ca n’t practice alchemy in my life! ”

As always violence!

"Sometimes, mentally beating the face will make the other person more painful." Sima Youyue said, "but I don't think he will not do what Xiao Qi said."

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