At noon, the results of the previous day came out.

Unsurprisingly, Sima Youyue topped the list and dumped the second place a few streets. The later results were very tight.

Mao Sanquan They were very happy when they learned the result. With her score, not to mention the top 100, she must be the first one! The college can finally raise its eyebrows this time!

Sima Youyue did not respond to this result, but just said: "There are many rounds of the game, it is not too late to be happy until the end."

She took out Sima Liuxuan's life card, and when she thought of him who didn't know where she was, she couldn't be happy.

She is so high-profile and so hard this time because she wants him to be proud of such a daughter. But he couldn't see it with his own eyes.

She wanted to find them, but couldn't. All she can do now is to cultivate, cultivate, and practice again!

When her strength improves, she will be able to find him, and then she will know about her mother.

The formation of forces has been on the right track, and later operations do not require her to manage it. Thinking about the things that weigh on her, she feels that after the game, she needs to retreat for a while to improve her strength.

On the second day, the second round officially started, and the number of people was half less than yesterday.

"Today's competition, three types of elixir you are good at are prepared by medicinal herbs. The final selection is still based on the grade, time, quantity, etc. of the elixir you completed. Good luck to everyone.

Everyone has long known what this level is, so they have prepared enough medicinal materials in space containers. When Ji Qingyuan announced, they immediately took out the medicinal materials and began to make their own elixir.

Today's time is significantly less than yesterday's time, and there is almost no phenomenon of fryer. Everyone completed the refining before the last moment. Such abnormalities as Sima Youyue took two thirds of others' time to complete.

The final results will not be announced until the afternoon of the next day. When Sima Youyue was ranked first again, everyone was not so surprised the day before yesterday.

This time, a few hundred people were swiped directly. Only the top one hundred can advance to the next round of competition.

In the third round of competition, there were only a hundred players in the second group. Perhaps the later games are more exciting, so starting from the third round, the two groups will no longer play together, but will shift the time by one day so that everyone can watch it every day.

"I didn't expect your alchemy to really have a hand, but sometimes blind cats also encounter dead mice?" Gu Xiping passed by behind Youyue, humming.

Sima Youyue did not hear the general, and bowed her fingernails. .

Such people need not bother at all.

Gu Xiping was uninterested, glaring at her and went to his place.

The third round of the competition was refining the prescribed elixir, but this time was different from the first round. The elixir was still common, but the refining process became more difficult.

The elixir refined in this round of competition was not circulated outside. The union provided the elixir and medicinal materials for the participants to study and refine by themselves, and then refining according to the elixir.

There are three medicinal herbs on each table, which means that each person has three opportunities. If they are used up three times, they are directly eliminated.

After Ji Qingyuan announced the start, the contestants picked up Dan Fang and started researching. Some people saw that there was a happy face behind Dan Fang, because he had seen this Dan Fang before, and he began to refine directly.

Xia Changtian and Zhao Xiangqi had anticipated this situation long ago, and it is impossible for everyone to have never seen such a Dan Fang. In order to show fairness, they made changes to Dan Fang and replaced several kinds of medicinal materials, and the refining process was different.


The sound of the fryer frightened everyone, and they looked there.

Seeing others fail, many people smiled gleefully.

Sima Youyue took a glance back to regain her attention, and continued to study Dan Fang in her hand.

She has also seen this Danfang, but she noticed that there were several changes in the middle, so instead of rushing to refining, she decided to study it carefully and try again.

After more than an hour, many people began to refine their elixir, and Sima Youyue also began to check their own herbs.


Another fryer.



The sound of the fryer came one after another, causing other contestants to be a little flustered and more careful.

After Sima Youyue checked the herbs, she took a deep breath and began to refine the herbs.



Sima Youyue heard the sound of a fryer beside and behind her, but it did not affect her. However, at the time of the fusion, because of the error in the timing of the pouring of two of the medicinal materials, the conflict of medicinal effects resulted, and the situation of the fryer appeared like other people.

Unlike others, she did not immediately dump the residue, but took it out for a while and then set it aside, then picked up Dan Fang for a while, and then started the second refining.

This time, her refining was going smoothly, and the points to pay attention to were noticed. By the time of the previous fryer, she was particularly careful. Although the collision sound was made in the Dan furnace, fortunately, there was no danger. After a few hops, the liquid medicine quieted down.

After the medicinal solution is completely fused, the subsequent Ning Dan will be no problem for her at all.

Soon, a faint scent of herbal medicine came from the Dan furnace, indicating that Ning Dan's success.

She received the elixir in the jade bottle, and someone immediately stepped forward to count the results. After she came down, she found that she was not the first to complete alchemy, and some people had successfully refined it shortly after.

What surprised her was that Gu Xiping actually completed the refining in the front. She thought that people like him who provoked others were thoughtless and had no idea. He still had two brushes.

Today's game will select the top ten for the final game. Sima Youyue looked at the people on the field and has roughly predicted who will be promoted.

On the second day, the second group rested and waited for yesterday's results.

Sima Youyue moved from the player's rest area to the stand this time. The position is different, and the angle of view is different.

A man sat beside her.

Sima Youyue glanced at him and said, "Why are you here? Afraid of someone chasing you?"

Shi Qianzhi opened the folding fan and shook it, saying, "I'm afraid I'm not Shi Qianzhi."

"Blindly arrogant." Sima Youyue said quietly, "Is that him? Didn't he go to Jiang's house before? Why did he become like this again to participate in the competition?"

"Isn't that what you said. Isn't it better to slap in public than to lose it on purpose?" Shi Qianyi asked.

Sima Youyue said for a moment that she had said such a thing, but they said it to Han Miaoshuang. After thinking about it, it is estimated that he saw his mouth shape and knew what he said before changing his mind.

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