"This is natural," Wu Lingyu said, "but I'll give him a little compensation at that time."

"What compensation?"

"You have something. Naturally, I can agree to it." Wu Lingyu said.

"What's that for?"

"Golden snake fruit."

"Golden snake fruit?" Sima Youyue sat up from Wu Lingyu's arms, "We want it a little bit of blood, and he wants us a golden snake fruit?"

Wu Lingyu watched Sima Youyue's blast, and said with a smile, "Not one, but two. Anyway, there are so many in your soul tower, it doesn't matter if you give it two."

"Hum, robbery while fire!" Sima Youyue pursed her lips.

"It works." Wu Lingyu said, "Even without this incident, I will let you give it two."

"You have a good relationship?" Sima Youyue asked.

Otherwise, she won't be asked for the golden snake fruit.

"It's not bad," Wu Lingyu said, "and it has a newly evolved clan and has a little relationship with you."

"Related to me? Who?" Sima Youyue asked curiously.

"You will know by then." Wu Lingyu laughed without answering.

"Hum, Yiqiu!" Sima Youyue glared at him.

"Hehe ..." Wu Lingyu laughed loudly, and she looked quite cute.

"It's OK to want two golden snake fruit." Sima Youyue lay back in his arms and played with his hair. "As long as it handles this thing for me, I'll give it to him, but if it doesn't handle it well, Smash things up for me, there will be no golden snake fruit. "

"You! This golden snake fruit is really useful, not to rob it while it's on fire, don't be so angry." Wu Lingyu kissed her head gently and said with a smile.

"That's my baby," Sima Youyue hummed.

"It's a baby to others, but there is a lot of you here, and you can't rank as a baby. Big deal, I let him move little hands and feet in the blood, and let the Yin Yang Palace and the Zong Zhengjia eat in Wonderland. Suffering. "Wu Lingyu thought through her careful thoughts.

"It's almost the same." Sima Youyue smiled with satisfaction.

In the Xisha Mountains, an ape couldn't help shivering, and he felt like he was being watched.

Another ape saw this, saying, "Old ancestor, are you okay?"

"It's okay." The old ape shook his head. "You two are going to follow me these days, don't act alone."

"Old ancestors, do we really want to help them?" The other yellow-haired ape was reluctant, and it didn't have a good impression on humans.

"You two need the golden snake fruit to evolve," said the old ape. "Besides, I don't have much friendship with him. It doesn't matter to help him."

"Does he really have a Golden Snake Fruit? We haven't seen it for so long, and he said it is true?"

The old ape nodded and said, "I believe him."

"I still feel a little dangling. Xiaoshi, Jinshegu will have several results every time. Why did you get only one?" The yellow-haired ape looked at Xiaoshi and asked.

"There were a lot of humans at the time," said Xiao Shi. "At that time, the power of the bloodline was not stimulated, and the strength was very low. It was not an opponent of so many people."

Xiao Shi thought of the scene of that year, and he had deep memories of those bright eyes hidden in the black cloak.

Although she snatched her own golden snake fruit, she didn't try her best to kill her. She gave herself a chance so that she could successfully inspire her blood. When she came to this continent, she met her own kind.

"If we can go to the mainland of Yilin, maybe we can still find that person, and see if she has any remaining golden snake fruit in her hand," said the Huang Mao Ape.

Xiaoshi shook his head and said, "I tried to find that person after my bloodline was stimulated. But I never found her again. I think she must have been disguised at that time. If I go back to find her now, I will definitely not find her."

"How to know without trying," said the yellow-haired ape.

"Xiao Huang, you don't have to worry. If Wu Lingyu really doesn't have the golden snake fruit, let's go to the mainland of Yilin to try again." The old ape was very anxious to see the yellow-haired ape and comforted.

"Old ancestor, I know, you also need the golden snake fruit." Xiaohuang said, "You didn't say it, because Wu Lingyu said that there are only two golden snake fruit, and you want to leave it to us. But what do you do? So we still have to find a way Go and find that person in mainland China. "

"Let's talk about this later," said the old ape. "They're here."

The old ape looked towards the mountain and saw Wu Lingyu and Sima Youyue flying over.

Wu Lingyu took Sima Youyue to stop outside a towering tree and said, "This is the temporary nest of the old ape."

Sima Youyue looked at this big tree. The crown was almost half a kilometer wide before and after. I don't know how many young people can grow into this.

The enchantment surrounding the big tree dissipated, and the two flew in. As soon as they entered, they saw three apes sitting on the branch.

"Is it you ?!" Xiao Shi cried out when he saw Sima Youyue.

Sima Youyue looked at Xiaoshi with some doubts. Does he know himself? Why are you so excited?

"You are the one who snatched my golden snake fruit in the Poussao Mountains!" Xiao Shi looked at her and said with certainty.

Those eyes, it will not admit wrong, it must be her!

When Sima Youyue heard these words, she immediately understood who the ape was, and she could say the words Pouso Mountains and Golden Snake Fruit, except for the ape who had snatched the Golden Snake fruit herself.

No wonder Wu Lingyu said that he has some relationship with himself, but he did not expect it to be old knowledge!

"Why don't you look the same as before?" Since the other party had recognized herself, she didn't have to deny it. After all, she had promised to give them the golden snake fruit.

Xiaoshi was a little excited, and said, "It's you! It seems that I did not admit it!"

Sima Youyue shrugged and said, "You're not staying in Yilin mainland. How did you come to Chenggu?"

And the strength has increased a lot, into the ranks of super beasts.

"The golden snake fruit you gave me at that time inspired the blood in my body, allowed me to come to this continent, and also found my people." Xiaoshi said.

The old ape and the little emperor all understood this. The person in front of them is the person they were just discussing, the one who owns the golden snake fruit on the mainland of Yilin.

They just said, they have n’t seen the golden snake fruit for so long on the mainland. Why is there suddenly news of the golden snake fruit? It turned out to be the one that Xiaoshi said.

"Xiao Shi, is she really that person?" Xiao Huang felt very lost.

Xiao Shi nodded surely.

"So, this world really can't find the third golden snake fruit." Xiaohuang muttered.

Xiao Shi also realized this problem. Now that Sima Youyue is here, where do they go to find the third golden snake fruit?

"Uncle Huang, at that time you and the old ancestors will take the two golden snake fruit. I have already eaten one and don't need it." Xiaoshi said.

Sima Youyue raised an eyebrow, the third golden snake fruit?

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