The old ape sighed slightly and said, "You two are the hope of the future. I'm already old and I don't need to waste that good thing."

"Old ancestor!" Xiao Shi exclaimed anxiously.

"Let's talk about this later, we still have guests," said the old ape.

Xiao Shi saw him like this and was about to cry anxiously.

"What's wrong with you?" Sima Youyue asked.

Xiao Shi set his sights on Sima Youyue and said, "You took so many golden snake fruits at the time. Do you have more?"


"Yes." Xiao Shi looked at her expectantly. "Do you have three golden snake fruits?"

"Our transaction is two golden snake fruit." Sima Youyue said.

"I know, but we ..." Half of the ten words could not go on, because the old ape was staring at him.

"You all need three golden snake fruit?" Sima Youyue asked while looking at the old ape.

"Yes." The old ape said helplessly, "The golden snake fruit is the key elixir for our family to open up the blood and evolution. If there is a golden snake fruit, we can evolve to a higher level. We had no hope before, But after meeting the tenth year, we know that there are still golden snake fruits in this world. "

"You look like you need it," Sima Youyue said.

"The old ancestors have been injured before. If they do n’t evolve, I'm afraid they won't have much time." Xiaohuang said, "But if we don't eat, we can't continue to evolve, and the old ancestors have to eat for both of us."

"Why?" Sima Youyue looked at the old ape and asked.

"Even if I eat the golden snake fruit, I can't further enhance my bloodline, why should such a precious elixir be wasted so much?" Said the old ape, "maybe let them try it, maybe we can reach the new height of our family. "

"But that will save your life." Sima Youyue said.

The old ape shook his head. "Nothing is more important than race development. Their future is more important than my broken body."

"You really ..." Sima Youyue admired the old ape a little. Only then did she understand why Wu Lingyu had such a good relationship with him.

"What you want us to do, isn't there any danger?" Xiao Huang looked at Wu Lingyu. "We have seen the movement outside and many people have come."

"A lot indeed," Wu Lingyu said.

"Old ancestors are very bad, and if the danger is too great, we will not agree to continue." Xiaohuang said.

"If that's the case, you won't have the Golden Snake Fruit." Sima Youyue shrugged, not seemingly concerned about whether they would quit halfway.

"Even if there is no golden snake fruit," Xiao Huang said firmly.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine," said the old ape.

Sima Youyue stared at them for a long time and said, "If you can do me another favor, I will give you three golden snake fruit."

"Three? Do you have another?" Xiaoshi looked at her excitedly.

Sima Youyue nodded.

When she nodded, the little emperor and the old ape were excited. The old ape even subconsciously looked at Wu Lingyu, only to see that he didn't believe anything else before she believed her words.

"What do you want us to do?"

"Isn't it your blood in the end?" Sima Youyue charmed, "I want to add something to it ..."

More than an hour later, Sima Youyue and Wu Lingyu left, leaving three apes in a daze.

"This man is too dark, but fortunately we are not her enemies." Xiaohuang muttered.

"I'm very grateful that I didn't come with her at the beginning." Xiao Shi also sighed.

The old ape is the most calm, it scratches the hair on its body, and says, "Don't remember to hit her with her, don't become her enemy with her. You can't play her with your IQ."


Xiaohuang and Xiaoshi looked at the old apes, old ancestors, would you say so directly?

"But although she is a little cruel to her enemies, she is still good." Xiao Shi was very excited when he thought of the three golden snake fruit.

"She said he healed the ancestor first and then took the golden snake fruit, so that the ancestor can continue to develop the bloodline power." Xiaohuang said, "But can she heal you?"

"If the people of the God and Demon Valley can't heal me, then my body can only be hung with golden snake fruit." Said the old ape.

"Then we will wait for them to arrange the organs."

Sima Youyue and Wu Lingyu made a few laps in the mountains, selected a suitable location, and arranged the institutions before contacting the old apes and telling them what to do next.

The old apes, they saw the place selected by Sima Youyue, the dense forest canyon is indeed a good ambush place.

After they heard what Sima Youyue explained, the three monkeys raised that idea in their hearts again, and they would not resolutely oppose this guy in the future.

Outside the mountains, all the people of the force were talking about the breath of Swiss beast that they just felt. The breath was too exciting. If they got it, they would be able to enter the fairyland.

Qin Mo and Simon Feng looked at those excited people and felt that they were a bit pitiful.

"You said, what would it be like if they found out that this was all premeditated in the end?" Qin Mo smiled, not feeling guilty for doing this himself.

"They won't know," Simon said. "This thing isn't fake, it's just artificial."

"The same is true," said Qin Mo. "After so many years, they finally have to pay a little price."

Simon wind pursed her lips and did not answer.

Yeah, after so many years, I finally want to ask them a little interest.

Suddenly, there was a wave in the space, and the two looked up, just to see Kong Xiangyi coming out of the space channel with the people in the empty medley.

"Why are you here?" Seeing Xiang Xiangyi, there was a smile on Simon's face.

Kong Xiangyi did not expect to see Ximenfeng as soon as he came here, and flew down with a smile, and said, "You told me those, am I not here to make your plans look more realistic?"

"You are not afraid to break your people."

"No, you won't let them die." Kong Xiangyi said affirmatively, "you are not the kind of people who kill innocent people for revenge."

"You really know us." Sima Youyue and Wu Lingyu returned, just hearing Kong Xiangyi's words and responding with a smile.

"That's natural." Kong Xiangyi raised his chin slightly and said, "Say, what plans do you have? Do you need any help from us?"

"You're here just right, I happen to have something to do, and it's not convenient to call the Qin people." Sooner or later, this girl is her brother-in-law, and Sima Youyue politely summoned.

After listening to Sima Youyue's words, Kong Xiangyi opened her eyes and slapped her on the shoulder with a slap, saying, "You guy is really a god!"

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