The future Super Dragon, not only the Zishui Dragon tribe, but the whole small world is excited.

Like the white tiger Suzaku basalt, Shenlong has always existed in the legend. The world ’s understanding of them only exists in ancient books, and now the Lord Shenlong has actually appeared, which can be imagined.

Sima Youyue remembered that the blue dragons seen on the Internet in previous lives were all blue. Since the world is different, these may change.

Xiaoxi elbowed in the water for a while, then flew towards the clear water.

Shui Qingman turned into a human form after production. He had consumed a lot of energy just now, and now he was weak and weak, lying in the arms of Ulama. The eleventh egg was over one meter high, and when it was close to the water, it suddenly gave off a purple-gold light, and the light dispersed, and the egg shrank to thirty to forty centimeters in length.

Xiaoxi can't speak yet, but everyone feels that he has a deep and strong attachment to the water.

"A really good boy." Shui Qingman caressed Xiaoxi with a loving face. "Whether you are a good dragon or a bad dragon, is it a dragon or an ordinary dragon, it is my child."


Xiaoxi 11 screamed cheerfully, but because he was too young to control his own coercion, the pressure of the blood veins directly squeezed the Zishui Dragon clan present.

So strong coercion!

"唔 ——" Shui Qingman's body was weak, and he suddenly spit out blood.

"Mother-in-law!" Sima Youyue called out and swam towards her at the same time.


Ulamai saw Shui Qingman vomiting blood, and anxiously, he threw Xiaoxi out.

Sima Youyue swims over, and Xiaoxi eleven falls into her arms.

"Woohoo ..."

Xiaoxi also saw that her mother was hurt by herself and made a crying sound in Sima Youyue's arms.

Sima Youyue touched Eleven's head, held it and continued to swim past.

Chi Yan suddenly appeared in front of everyone, staring at the egg in Sima Youyue's hand.

"give it to me."

Sima Youyue did not expect that Chiyan would come out. Although he looked almost the same as usual, she knew him, and he had suppressed his emotions just now.

"Chiyan? Why are you coming out?" Sima Youyue handed Xiao Eleven to him and asked.

But Chi Yan ignored her, holding Eleven and staring at it.

Sima Youyue looked at him and ignored him, thinking that Shui Qingman was injured just now, knowing that he would not hurt Xiaoshi, bypassed him and went to Shui Qingman.

As soon as Chi Yan came out, everyone felt the powerful aura emanating from him and were guessing who it was.

"Mother-in-law, let me show you." Sima Youyue came to Shui Qingman and reached out to give her a pulse, but her hand was caught by her.

"Yuyue, who is that? Will he hurt Xiaoshi?" Shui Qingman saw Chi Yan staring coldly at Xiaoshi, thinking of the terrible aura, worried.

Sima Youyue patted her hand, soothing: "The mother-in-law doesn't have to worry, he is my destiny beast. It won't hurt Eleven."

"Your destiny contract beast ?!" Uramai cried out in surprise.

Even he felt from his heart that the person who was afraid was her contract animal?

Sima Youyue nodded and said, "It happened by chance that the contract was made. Mother, first let me show you."

Qingshui nodded helplessly, but his eyes did not leave Chiyan. Although secured by Sima Youyue, she was still uneasy. But they don't necessarily beat him, they just watch him holding Eleven.

While Sima Youyue was examining Shui Qingman, she suddenly heard a painful Dragon Yin, followed by Shui Qingman's anxious cry: "Little Eleven! Don't hurt Xiao Eleven!"

Although Uramai threw out Eleven, he still loved his child, so when he heard the painful sound of Eleven, he immediately let the water clear and attacked Chiyan.

Ulama's strength has crossed the Jun level and entered the honor level. Although Sima Youyue did not use all his strength, but the attack also needs to resist well.

But Chiyan didn't move at the same place, as if he didn't see any attack coming. He still grabbed the little eleven who tried to break free with his hands, and wrapped it with **** gold light.

"Let it go!" Ulama shouted at Chi Yan, and his hands kept moving.

"Yifu!" Sima Youyue let out the water and flew over, holding Ulama.

"Yuyue, isn't he your covenant beast? You let him stop!" Ulamai shouted at Sima Youyue.

"Yifu, don't worry, Chiyan didn't harm the eleventh child," Sima Youyue explained.

"Did you see the eleventh child in pain?" Ulama said.

"Father, believe me, Chiyan is helping Xiaoshi. He won't harm it." Sima Youyue said affirmatively.

Wulamai looked at Sima Youyue's eyes, determined that she was not lying, and held her anxious and worried heart, and did not continue to attack.

In fact, one reason is that his attack was useless to Chi Yan, and it was just a waste of effort to continue.

Shui Qingman flew over from the water and stood between the two men, and Urama hurry to support her.

"Yuyue, what is he doing to Xiaoxi?"

Sima Youyue shook her head. She didn't know what Chi Yan was doing, but she knew that Chi Yan was not malicious.


A painful roar kept coming, and Uramai was worried. If it wasn't for the trust in Sima Youyue, they would have already started.

Sima Youyue looked at Chi Yan and didn't know what he was doing, but only knew through contractual relationship that he was not malicious to Xiaoxi.

The thought of him appearing out of the ordinary, and always interested in nothing, he would be so interested in Eleven, which made her even more curious.

After a while, Chi Yan stopped the flame in his hand, and then threw Xiao Eleven into the arms of Sima Youyue.

"I will help you once for your ancestor's sake. It will depend on you if you can succeed."

After that, he flashed back into the soul tower.

Sima Youyue was holding the eleventh child, and her thoughts were curious about Chi Yan's last words.

For the sake of ancestors, does this mean that he and the ancestors of the Zishuilong clan knew each other?

Or does it mean that they once had a relationship with Chiyan?

If that's the case, then Chiyan's identity ...

"Eleven's eggshell has changed!" When the flames covering Eleven's body slowly dissipated, Ureshius first noticed the difference.

Sima Youyue looked down and found that the texture of the small eleven eggshell changed a lot. It used to be mostly purple, but now it is mostly golden, as if the primary and secondary have changed.

Needless to say, its bloodline has been inspired a lot.

"Is he just inspiring the bloodline of Primary Eleven?" Uraluo frowned.

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