Knowing that it is about to be produced, they are not so worried about Ulama. After all, this one has previous experience and is not too dangerous. Because the incident was sudden, they scared them.

However, the stones in their hearts still fell completely, and the words behind Sima Youyue made their hearts hang again.

"The situation of the mother-in-law is more serious than I expected. She is squeezed by space and there are signs of dystocia."

"What? What should we do?" Urashius cried.

Shui Qingman sent out a painful dragon yin, and Sima Youyue looked around anxiously. It happened to be in the desert, and there was no large water source at all.

They also knew that water is best produced when water is diffused in the water. After sensing the surroundings, no water source was found.

"No, I can't wait." Sima Youyue took a look at the people present, took out the small door, opened the small realm and brought them in.

The people present followed her, and for a while, the people in the desert were gone.

Shortly after they left, a large group of people flew over sitting on flying beasts.

"Well, I obviously felt someone here before? Why aren't they here?" Looking at the empty desert, they were puzzled.

"Since it's not here, let's go to the next place. In addition to gaining opportunity, we should remember our mission clearly."

"Rest assured, this time it must be darkening this continent! It's just a pity those brothers."

In order to allow more people to come in, they diluted the blood of Ruibei much, so some people's blood on Ruibei did not meet the requirements. When they flew into the crater, they did not enter the ripples, but fell to the lava Here, it was melted by magma.

Only those with high strength and quick response, who supported the protection circle when they fell into the magma, were able to survive.

"Go to the next place." As the leader ordered, the flying beast took them to the next place.

In front of him was a smooth jade with a little golden dot on it, many little red dots. The points above are moving slowly.

In the small world, all the people who came in for the first time were stunned. When they saw hundreds of thousands of people living in it, they couldn't make a noise, especially knowing that these people were the dead of the blood evil city Only the expression on his face has changed.

No wonder Sima Youyue dares to be so tough in front of so many forces. If she really gets out and adds her backups, who dares to mess with her?

But what they don't know is that not all of these people belong to Sima Youyue. There is an agreement between them. Unless it is a matter of life or death, they will not take action. In return, Sima Youyue provided them with such a stable life.

The reason why Sima Youyue brought these people in was because if they suddenly disappeared, these people didn't know how to think about it. Instead of explaining it later, it was better to bring them in together.

When she came in, she didn't care about those people, but went straight to the lake prepared for her with clear water.

When I touched the water, the water cleared my body a lot, but it was still painful. It was more difficult than giving birth to any of them.

Uramai and nine sons stood by the water, watching the water clearing in the water and sending painful dragon chants, one by one worried.

But they can't do anything, they can only put their hope on Sima Youyue.

Sima Youyue took out several kinds of elixir for Shui Qingman to eat. These were all refined for Shui Qingman before. I didn't expect to use it so soon.

After taking the elixir, she took some more spiritual power to clear the abdomen, and wrapped it around when she found the fetus.

The dragon egg was still a little anxious. After being constantly bumped into Shui Qingman's stomach, he was surrounded by Sima Youyue's spiritual power, and was instantly quiet and comfortable. In addition, the elixir began to take effect, and she felt a lot of strength coming back from her body.

"Mother-in-law, are you comfortable?" Sima Youyue came out of the water and asked Shui Qingman.

The water cleared and nodded, it was indeed quite comfortable now.

"I just found that your body is blocked, so it will be difficult to give birth. I will use spiritual power to clear you for a while. Do you cooperate with my spiritual power, will I force you to know it hard?"

"Okay. Roar--"

Sima Youyue plunged into the water again. Fortunately, she ate the beads of water that Uralul had given her before. It was not a problem to breathe underwater, otherwise she didn't know what would happen.

Two hours later, Sima Youyue finally got out of the water with a tired look, but the smile on her face let everyone's hearts fall down.

"The mother-in-law is born, mother and son are safe."

A sentence was born, letting people on the shore completely relax.

As the words fell, a purple and gold-grained egg floated from the bottom, very different from the purple dragon eggs in the past.

Uramai could not help but jumped into the water to accompany the water, and did not notice the dragon eggs emerging from the water.

The older brothers on the shore were not calm, looked at the purple-gold egg, frowned and said, "Why is this dragon egg like this?"

"None of us were like this before."

"Yeah, we're all purple. How could it be like this?" Urashius said doubtfully.

"What dragon is gold?" Ural asked.

Uramai, who was accompanied by the clear water, shook his body. He turned around and looked at the egg that strung and jumped in the water. When he saw the golden pattern above, he was speechless in surprise, but the excitement on his face was beyond words.

Seeing Urama's response, Uralul asked, "Father, do you know what happened to Eleven?"

The crowd turned their eyes to Ulamai, waiting for him to give an answer.

"East Qinglong, West White Tiger, South Suzaku, North Xuanwu." Wulamai murmured.

He said so, everyone's face changed greatly.

"Father Wang, you mean, Xiaoshi 11 ... he is Qinglong?" Wu La swallowed his throat and finally said this.

Sima Youyue looked at Xiaoxi, this guy is Qinglong? The blue dragon is blue, isn't the eleventh one golden?

"The blue dragon is not blue." Ulamai said.

Only then did Sima Youyue realize that she had spoken the following sentence.

"Qinglong is not blue? What is it called Qinglong?" Sima Youyue asked.

"Master Shenlong is in the East, and Qing is the attribute of the East. In fact, Master Shenlong is golden, so he is also called Jinlong and Canglong." Wulamai explained.

"That Eleven is really a dragon?" Ural asked.

"The eggshell is still purple. I think it is the blood vein mutation that inspired the dragon blood in our body. He is not a dragon now, but the blood vein will be a lot higher than us. When the blood vein is really excited, we can Own the Lord Dragon again! "Said Uramai more and more excited, looking at Xiaoxi's eyes with infinite hope.

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