The little golden light emitted a long chime and fell to the hands of Yinlin. At this time, many craters emitted a golden light, indicating that the wonderland had really opened.

Except for the mountain pass where Yin Lin is located, other mountain passes were surrounded by the crowd, and everyone rushed to the mountain pass one after another to fly in.

Sima Youyue saw this mighty crowd rushing up, and some people could not help but utter a tongue in order to get a step ahead.

"This is too exaggerated, right?" Ni Anyi saw the scene, eyes widened.

"There are so many people in front, when can we go in!" Xiao Qixiao's face wrinkled.

"Wait, we can go when they get in." Mao Sanquan was not in a hurry. Those who advanced in this wonderland may not be able to get the opportunity first, so there is no need to be so anxious.

"But so many people, at this speed, I'm afraid that it will take us a long time to wait for our turn." Feng Kai said.

"Sima Prince, you can come from me." Yin Lin's voice came, Sima Youyue looked, he nodded with a smile.

"Yueyue, are we going?" Xiao Qi asked, looking up.

"Come on," said Sima Youyue, "they kindly invited us, and we can't lose their face."

"Let's go up," Simon Feng said to the Broken Gut.

The people of Tianfu College, the Zishui Dragon clan, and the Devil's Valley are all with the Broken Gut Valley. The people who go to the Broken Gut Valley will go together, and they will naturally go up together.

"The entrance is big, don't be crowded, everyone can go in, and come in order." Fan Lei yelled to the students of the college, and also reminded the people of Broken Gut Valley and the Purple Water Dragon Clan.

"Fenger, you take someone in first." Sima Youyue said.

Ximen nodded and flew into the crater first.

"Aren't you anxious to go in?" Yin Lin asked Sima Youyue anxiously.

"It's mine and it's mine. It won't be gone because I went in a few minutes late," said Sima Youyue.

"You have a good attitude." Yin Ling said profoundly.

"Why don't you go in?" Sima Youyue asked.

Yinlin shook her head and said, "We don't go. The opportunity inside doesn't belong to us. After you go in, you can go to a place where you can find your chance."

"Where?" Xiao Qi asked.

"After entering, all the way to the east, the place where the safflower is full of sky is where the opportunity lies." Yin Lin said.

"Thank you." Sima Youyue said gratefully.

"It's too early for you to thank me." Yin Lin interrupted her. "By the way, I would like to remind you that the gates of the demon and ghost world are also open, and you need to be careful when you enter."

"We know." Sima Youyue answered.

"You have a great chance. If too many people are together, your chance will be scattered, so you better get rid of the big army. They will not have any major calamities this time."

Sima Youyue didn't mean to go in to see Yinlin standing, and asked, "Aren't you going in?"

The wind blew up the silver hair of Yinlin, making him a little more immortal.

"The opportunity in it doesn't belong to us. Even if we go, it's just a trip. We have got the Fuze from God, and we can't be too greedy." Yin Lin said, "But if I can, I want to ask You help me bring something out. "

"What do you want to bring?"

"Bottle of water."

"Bottle of water?"

"What water?"

"The clearest water you see."

Sima Youyue frowned, "Is there a standard? In case the water I brought out is not what you want?"

"It depends on you. If you can bring the water I want, I will tell you a message in return." Yin Lin said.

"what news?"

"News about your father."

Sima Youyue was shocked and looked at Yin Lin in shock. "Do you know where my father is?"

"Sima, son, if you want to get the news, you have to pay the price first," Yin Lin said, "when you come back, you will know if you can get the news."

Sima Youyue's heart was hooked, but she also understood that Yin Lin didn't want to say now, no matter how much he forced him to ask.

Yin Lin still smiled faintly, and saw that the people who had broken the intestines were almost in, and said, "You go in quickly, Yin Mo will be waiting for you when you come out."

Sima Youyue understood that it was useless to say more, and arched her hand towards Yinlin, and flew towards the crater with Wu Lingyu.

This crater usually erupts from time to time. In the past, when you stood looking down at the crater, you saw red magma. But looking now, there is a faint ripple on the magma. After those people flew down, they disappeared when they met the ripples.

After the people from Broken Gut Valley, Shenmo Valley, Tianfu College, and the Zishui Dragon clan flew in, Sima Youyue and Wu Lingyu finally flew in. Since then, all four strengths have entered the fairyland.

People in other forces saw that Sima Youyue went in so fast, and the envy in their hearts was jealous and hateful! Why didn't they get invited by Yinlin? He is also very nice to Sima Youyue!

But they can only whisper in their hearts, after all, no one has the courage to ask Yin Lin to let them in.

Sima Youyue soared and fell from the crater. When she was exposed to ripples, she felt her body was sucked in by a strong attraction, and then squeezed by the space.

But the pressure lasted only a few breaths, and then she felt surrounded by a warm force.

She turned to look at Wu Lingyu and smiled gratefully.

Wu Lingyu looked at her glittering eyes, her mouth slightly raised, and her mood was very beautiful.

This barrier has been flying for more than half an hour, and finally finally the sense of oppression completely disappeared, and they fell out of the ripples of space.

"Oh, I fell on my little waist ..." A tiger-backed man sat up on the ground with his hands on his hips.


The people on the side were about to get up, and when they said this, they broke down and fell down again.

Sima Youyue landed smoothly with the help of Wu Lingyu. When she heard this, she burst into tears and laughed.

"Mother, mother!"

"What happened to your mother?"

Brother Uralud exclaimed, suddenly attracting her attention.

"What's wrong with you? Youyue, come and show your mother!" Ulama called in panic.

Sima Youyue and the clear water are relatively far away. When they heard the Ural scream, they immediately moved away.

The water was lying on the ground, and his head was covered with stomach, as if uncomfortable. Immediately, it seemed to be unwell, and Changxiao became the body.

Sima Youyue hurriedly went up and showed her, and said, "No, the mother-in-law is oppressed by the space, and now she is giving birth!"

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