When other people rushed here, they saw the cannibal blossoms flying around the sky, and the scene deeply shocked those who came.

"This is ... Cannibal Kao!"

"Sima Youyue!"


"When we were in the dark forest, we also saw this. There are rumors that the cannibal Kao is the contract beast of Sima Youyue! The cannibal Kao is here, and Sima Youyue must be here!"

"Is she really ?!"

After the cannibal Kao digested the demons, he slowly retracted them, and Huahua's hands changed back to the original.

After the flowers dispersed, people saw Sima Youyue and others standing behind.

"It's really her!"

When you saw Sima Youyue, everyone didn't know what it was. The person who had caused so much trouble at that time has now grown to this height. She has progressed too fast. Now she is not the one who will be bullied in the dark forest.

"Guzhu, deputy Guzhu." The comer arched his hands at Ximenfeng and Sima Youyue. "What happened just now?"

The ghost clan corpses in this place and the demon clan breath that has not yet dissipated in the air show clearly what happened here.

"As you can see, some ghost clan came, just solved, and then came the demons. But fortunately, although it was more difficult, they were all resolved." Simon Feng said.

Those people drew their mouths. Where it was hard, people in the whole valley didn't seem to do anything. Only the cannibal Kao did it.

However, people have said so, and they are not good at dismantling Taiwan. They can only agree: "Fortunately, you are strong, if we meet, I am afraid it will be more than a hard fight."

"It's a great prize," said Simon Feng, arching his hands at those people, "if there is nothing, we will go first. There will be a period later."

"There will be a period later."

Simon wind took people away, leaving those people in place.

"Elder, they are too rude, so they leave." A disciple said.

The elder with a smile on his face just snorted and said, "They are afraid that we will attack them."

"Did they get any baby?"

"Maybe that's the case, or what would they do so fast?"

"Well, even if they do get a baby, do you dare to grab it?"


This is really dare!

"Leave them alone. You haven't seen what happened at the entrance, even Master Yinlin has treated her ... Anyway, don't go against her. Anyway, let's go and see."


When the bee recounted the following dialogue, a slight smile twitched the corner of her mouth. It seemed that what happened at the entrance had a great effect on her, and it was a protection card.

"What happened to you, so happy?" Wu Lingyu asked in her ear.

Leng Buding's approach surprised her, and she recounted what she had said just now.

"You said, why is this Yin Lin so good to me?" Sima Youyue asked.

"It should be to see your future promising." Wu Lingyu said.

"When you saw a man approaching me before, you were all black-faced. This Silver Pro was so good to me, but I didn't see any reaction from you." Sima Youyue blinked.

"Bu Shi has no partner and no partner, so I ca n’t think of you. I have nothing to be jealous of," Wu Lingyu said lightly.

Sima Youyue pursed her lips. This guy is really right. He said that he was generous, sometimes stingy, and that he was stingy, and sometimes he looked pretty good.

"It feels very pitiful to people like them. Although they enjoyed the supreme glory when they were alive, they had to be alone and helpless." Sima Youyue said with some sympathy.

"People like them will be a bit lonely," Wu Lingyu said. If she is in awe of anything, she will only have a bosom operator, and she will be a bosom operator like Yinlin.

"When I looked at Yinlin, I felt that he had no expectations for life. He knew everything about the future, no surprises, short life, heavy responsibility, no own thoughts, no own life." Sima Youyue sighed and said, "Yes, you said, if he really brought out the water he was satisfied with, would he tell me about my father?"

"As long as you can take it out, there should be no problem," Wu Lingyu said, "but the question is, can you take it out."

Sima Youyue's face broke down, "The same is true. His requirements are so vague, only the cleanest water, but the water is the same, how do I know if it is the cleanest. If you are not satisfied, then you cannot exchange for your father. News. "

"You have to believe, you will find him, say or not." Wu Lingyu comforted.

"Uncle Liufeng, they haven't heard of their father for so many years, let alone we found it ourselves." Sima Youyue said, "If Yinlin can give us a pointer or two, we can do a lot less useless work."

She took out Sima Liuxuan's life card, which was covered with cracks, but not completely broken, indicating that he was suffering at the moment.

"When he was on the mountain, what did he tell you?" Xiao Qi thought of the time when they were alone.

Sima Youyue thought about it, and said their conversation briefly, and heard that Sima Youyue was Ximen Youyue, Xiao Qi was really happy for her.

"It turns out that you are all alone! So you don't have to worry!"

"Um." Sima Youyue nodded, and the knot was untied, and she was really relieved.

"Have you said anything else?" Han Miaoshuang listened to them, and while they were happy for her, they were also curious about what they were talking about.


"What did you say?"

"Let me in Wonderland get a lot of ghosts in hand."

"Hundred ghosts ?! The last one in Hongtouling?" Han Miaoshuang called.

Sima Youyue nodded.

"The hundred ghosts are so powerful. Why do you want to grab them? And it's a Devil's thing. Is it really good for you to get it?" Simon Feng disapproved.

Last time Sima Youyue was overcast by the ghost clan, almost killed him, but now he is a little scared to think of it.

"But Yin Lin said that this hundred ghosts must be in my hands." Sima Youyue said, "Although he didn't say the reason, I feel that something should happen. Otherwise he won't specifically tell me . "

"You have the blood of ghosts in your body, even if you are a hundred ghosts, you can still control it!" Wu Lingyu said, "Since Yin Lin said, you should do nothing according to what he said."

"Do you believe him so?"

"Silver Pro is the highest achievement in Bu operator. None of his predictions is accurate." Wu Lingyu said.

"Anyway, it's a treasure. If you get it, you can use it in the ghost world in the future." Sima Youyue didn't contradict this requirement, but she looked forward to it.

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