Seeing her eager look, the child smiled slightly, "Yes."

"What did your master say? Where is my father?" Sima Youyue asked anxiously.

"Sister Youyue, don't worry, my master said, I'll tell you when everyone is here." The faint look of the boy is really a bit like his master.

"Isn't this my own business? Why should anyone be here?" Sima Youyue asked, puzzled.

"My master said, because you have given us too much, we must give you back. Originally it was only news for your father, now we want to help you rescue your father together. So I will go with you. "Said the child.

"Aren't you unable to participate in these things? If you participate, will there be any bad things for you?" Sima Youyue asked a bit worried.

"Sister Youyue, the master said that because you changed the future, if you do not pay back, you will not be able to eliminate your career and will hinder my future development." Said the child. No danger, it won't die. "

After hearing what he said, Sima Youyue put down her heart and asked, "Well, what else are you waiting for?"

"One is me, one has arrived. There is another on the road, and it should be there," said the child.

"One has arrived? Who is it?"

"It's the ghost in your backyard," said the child.

"Di Wu? Why should he be with him?" Sima Youyue asked in amazement.

"The master said that where he goes, he will play a big role." Said the child.

Sima Youyue thought about it in her heart. It seems that the timing of Di Wu's coming is not accidental.

"What about the other person you said?" She asked.

"The other person is your old friend. The master sent someone to look for him. He has promised to come and help." Said the child.

"My old friend? Who is it?" Sima Youyue thought about it. Isn't her old friend Qin Mo and Mo San only?

"Of course it's me." Mo San's voice came from outside, and then the unruly figure came in.

"Three sister-in-law, you really!" Sima Youyue looked at Mo San with surprise.

"Of course." Mo San came over and patted her on the shoulder. "You have something, can I not come?"

"Hey, thank you." Sima Youyue hammered Mo San's chest with his fist, turned and looked at the child and asked, "But why must he be with him?"

"The master said that he is a master in terms of soul hunting. Only with him can he guarantee the rescue of your father." Said the child.

"Looking for souls? I can do this too!"

"Since the master said so, he naturally has his reason." Said the child.

"Okay. What do you want Di Wu to do together?" Sima Youyue asked.

"With it, we can go there."

"My father is in ghost world?"

"Also," said the child. "Do you know, in fact, there is a place where ghosts and humans meet?"

Sima Youyue frowned. Why hadn't she heard of this place?

"Ghost town?" Mo San said.


"Isn't that a legendary place?"

"No, that's real," said the child. "It's just because it's not with us that the world doesn't know."

"Where exactly is that ghost town?"

"Where the human world and the ghost world meet," said the child, "I don't know exactly where."

"You said that just now." Mo San said, "Where is this place where this ghost meets a ghost?"

"I don't know." The boy shrugged, his expression simple.


"You're a math operator, your master is Yin Lin, how could you not know?" Mo San stared at the child.

"The master didn't say where it was, just that the person of the ghost clan knew." Said the child.

"Then call the ghost clan and ask!"

"Wait a moment." Sima Youyue stopped two of them. "When did the ghost world and the human world intersect? Doesn't the soul automatically go to the ghost world after death, but can't the people in the ghost world come over? If there is intersection Place, why is there such a thing as Dongpingcheng. "

"That's because although the ghost town is a place where the human world and the ghost world intersect, it is even harder to get out of there than those ghosts. Those ghosts would rather choose a method like Dongping City rather than come from the ghost city. "Mo San said.

"Why?" There is no good way to go, so we have to use this method?

"There are thunder and robbers there. There are human races," the child explained.

"Um, that's another way." Sima Youyue said.

People of the ghost clan have thought about thunderstorms, which is almost impossible, not to mention that even after surviving thunderstorms, there are still human races outside. Seeing the injured ghost clan, the clan went directly to kill.

"It's not that no one has come. It's just very rare in history."

"Can the people pass through there freely?" Sima Youyue asked.

"Human races do not have to go through thunderstorms," ​​said the child. "However, from time to time, the ghosts will find some passages, but if the living races want to go to the ghost world, they only have to pass there."

No matter where a person dies, the soul will automatically enter the ghost world, but if a living person wants to enter the ghost world, they have to pass through the ghost city.

"So, my father wanted to go to the ghost world to find his mother, so he went to the ghost town. But how did he know the address of the ghost town?" Sima Youyue was a little confused, but this question can only be answered if he is found.

"If your parents really want to find your mother through this place, maybe they are trapped there." Mo San said, "Although your two uncles have been looking for him for so long, if you don't know the ghost town , Then naturally he cannot be found. "

"Very likely." Sima Youyue said, "Come with me, let's ask Di Wu, where is the ghost town. By the way, ask your uncle if they know the ghost town."

The three went to the backyard. They were here all their lives and Feng Kai. They were circled around Di Wu, and while touching the chin, they said, "He is really a ghost? Why can't I feel a little breath?"

Di Wu smiled proudly.

Sima Youyue walked over and said, "Di Wu, you can stay."

"Really? Miss, you agree?" Di Wu danced happily.

Simon Wind They are a little strange about Sima Youyue's sudden change. Why did she change when she went out?

"Well, I agree," said Sima Youyue, "but I have a request."

"Miss, you say, as long as you don't rush me back, don't say one, ten or eight will be fine."

"If you want to follow me, then you must listen to me. I say one, you cannot say two, I say east, you cannot go west, and I say stop, you cannot go. Can you do it?"

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