Sima Youyue stood in place, watching the corpse in front of her fall slowly, and the boy gasping behind.

The teenager's hands were covered with blood, his eyes were congested, and his facial features were so swollen that he could not see the original look. He looked at the corpse in front of him, eyes full of hatred.

It wasn't that Sima Youyue didn't see the boy's movement from the ground to approach Zhang Shuo, but after a second of hesitation, she didn't stop.

"Little, little master was killed ?!" The guards looked at Zhang Shuo falling down, and screamed in horror.

"Catch them! Otherwise we will have no choice but to go back!"

The protector is unfavorable, and even if the killer is caught, they cannot survive. But their strong sense of survival gives them a little hope.

"Huahua, they will give it to you." As soon as Sima Youyue waved, Huahua appeared in front of the public.

"Yueyue, I didn't expect you to give me so many delicious foods as soon as I came." Huahua was so glad to see so many people can eat, a few rattans flew from her sleeves, and quickly divided into several pieces in the air. , Each one has a flower of a height of one person, enchanting and charming.

As soon as the cannibal Kao came out, everyone present was frightened. If there is still a bit of fighting power in the face of people, then they are hopeless in the face of Cannibal Kao.

"How can there be a cannibal Kao! You are not from ghost towns!"

"Guess it right, there is a reward. This reward is to eat you all, ha ha ha-" Hua Hua laughed.

Those people can turn around and run, and at the same time have remorse, why come in this place! Now it really means that every day should not be, and that the earth and the earth are ineffective.


Successive people were caught by Huahua, and soon the alley was empty, leaving only huge pieces of flowers.

"This, this is ..." The young man froze. He thought Zhang Shuo would be killed today and he would die today. He did not expect the situation to make a 180-degree turn in just a few minutes.

Sima Youyue looked at the boy and asked, "What's your name?"

The boy looked back at her, glanced at her, said nothing, and turned away.

"Well, I just saved your life just now, that's how you repay me?" Sima Youyue shouted towards his back.

"This is not the place where you should come. When no one has found it yet, hurry up and leave. In addition, if you kill Zhang Shuo and be known by his family ... you better leave the city quickly." Dragging his broken body forward.

"Miss, let her go like this?" Di Wu asked, covering her nose and swollen face.

Sima Youyue smiled but looked at his back. His fingers moved three times according to the beat.

one two Three……


The teenager did not hold back and passed out.

Sima Youyue walked over, shook her head and said, "Di Wu, take him away!"

"Ah-take him?" Di Wu walked over. "Miss, this man offended the big man. If we take him, it will definitely cause trouble. Or leave him here and give him another meal. Just one elixir. It must be dead. "

Sima Youyue stared at Di Wu, who was getting hairy by her.

"Di Wu." She looked at him very seriously.


"Are you really a **** dog?" Sima Youyue came over, pulled him around, looked carefully, and was puzzled.

For her suspicion, Di Wu quickly clarified, and the chicken in his head nodded like a rice pecking, "Yeah, I'm a **** dog, like a fake replacement."

Sima Youyue stood upright and said, "But I don't think you look like a **** dog at all. In my impression, this **** dog should only work and not talk. But how do I feel that you just talk without work?"

"I ..." Di Wusai, Miss said so much, the point is actually this.

Where is he not like a **** dog? Alas, he is not like him, he is!

Being stared at by Sima Youyue, he finally had to pick up the teenager, and then used his ten thousand-year-old dog nose to avoid everyone and safely led him out of the restricted area.

In fact, they don't know how the place became a restricted area, but when they saw the bustling streets, they knew it was out.

Zhang Shuo chased the boy into the restricted area and was caught by him shortly after, so they were not far from the exit.

Sima Youyue asked Di Wu to carry the teenager to follow, and then looked for the inn along the street. But they looked around, and there wasn't even an inn.

"Well, that's strange. How can there be no inn here?" Di Wu complained.

He walked on the street with a man alone, and it was very noticeable. With Sima Youyue's stunning appearance, their return rate along the way should not be too high!

"There is no inn in the ghost town." The teenager on his back didn't know when he woke up and struggled twice to get off his back, but the body was really weak, and in the end it was nothing.

Sima Youyue turned to look at him and asked, "You said there is no inn here?"

"Yes, you can't find an inn even if you have traveled all over Guicheng," said the boy.


"Few outsiders will come to the ghost town. Those who come will choose to join a force, so there will be a foothold. The number of people who pass by occasionally is too small. Who will open an inn here?"

"That being the case, let's live in your house." Sima Youyue said politely.

The boy was silent for a while and said, "Let me down."

Sima Youyue glanced at Di Wu, and Di Wu immediately dropped the boy.

The teenager looked at the people on the street and said to them, "Come with me."

He got into a small alley next to him, and Sima Youyue and Di Wu quickly followed.

The teenager took them not to walk along the avenue, and kept walking around in the alley, and finally came to a run-down house, pushed the courtyard door and walked in.

Sima Youyue looked at the houses, a few small thatched houses, and the houses were still crooked. The fence around it was already rotten, and she thought in the past that if she tried hard, it would just fall off.

The yard was not so clean. The scattered wood was everywhere, and the uneven fracture was not normal at first glance. It is estimated that those people bullied into his house and interrupted them. It's just that the person being beaten doesn't know who it is.

When they came to the room, the interior was fairly clean. The main reason was that there was nothing in the room, not even the basic tables and chairs, but there was a futon on the ground.

"I don't have anything here, you can do it yourself." After the boy said, he sat down on the futon and checked his injuries. The light car looks familiar, it seems that this injury is commonplace!

"What's your name?" Sima Youyue asked.

This time the boy did not resist, he said for a while and said, "Mousse."

Sima Youyue didn't speak, the child inside the small world suddenly called out.

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