
Not only the children on the ground, Zhang Shuo and his subordinates also found Sima Youyue.

At first they thought the people in the city came to see it lively, but when they looked up, they found that they had never seen it.

"Who are you?"

As soon as Zhang Shuo waved, his men immediately went up and surrounded them.

"We are just passing people." Sima Youyue said.

However, the other party clearly did not believe it.

"How could anyone passing by pass here!"

"Then who do you think we are?" Sima Youyue asked back.

"Huh, I care who you are!" Zhang Shuo sneered. "No matter who you are, if you dare to discover our affairs, then you will be with him!"

"I don't see it because we met you to kill, but because we are now in what you call a forbidden area!" Sima Youyue said, "Although you say that you are not afraid to be found, your father does not seem to have said what you said It ’s so powerful, it can completely keep you safe. That ’s why the killing in your eyes is so strong. Am I right? ”

Zhang Shuo stared coldly at Sima Youyue. They just said a few words, and she completely guessed her mind. What a terrible woman!

Youyue was right. Zhang Shuo was really afraid that she would spread the news that she had been to the forbidden area. If no one saw it in person, but it was a rumor, his father could completely remove himself, but if someone saw it, then It's different, the old demon will kill herself.

Therefore, these two people cannot stay!

However, seeing that Sima Youyue was so beautiful, his careful thinking turned a corner. If you can bring her back, please those who love the beauty in the family, as long as she doesn't go out, who knows they are here?

"Miss, this person's eyes have changed. The intention of killing has just disappeared, but it has become a little bit discolored." Di Wumin said to Sima Youyue's ear.

Zhang Shuo didn't expect that the other two were so sensitive. They just changed their minds and they felt it. He sneered, and said, "Now I give you a chance. If you obediently follow us back, I will save you a life!"

"Miss, he asked you to follow him back and eat you." Di Wu said, "No, his expression does not mean that, it should be trying to **** you back and eat it for others!"

This eats, of course, not for eating.

But does this guy have to say so clearly? The other party was angry because of his shame!

Zhang Shuo was indeed a little angry, but he didn't reach the point of anger and anger, and his heart was unhappy after being guessed.

"Kill me from that ghost clan! Take the woman back to me and give it to the lecherous clan elders in the family, and they will definitely not have any opinion on me anymore."

"Oh, I really think so! Miss, we're in danger!" Di Wu groaned as she pulled her sleeve.

Sima Youyue's face is black, and her cousin and ghost master can stand it? She thought that the people around his cousin were as mature and stable as Di Liu!

She glanced at these guards. There were ghosts and dark spirits, indicating that the other's identity was relatively high, otherwise she could not have two sides of the guard in such a city.

She was thinking about how to deal with each other's people. She would kill someone as soon as she came here, or if she had a relatively high status, would it cause inconvenience to her action? But if you just let him go like this, and once you do n’t want to, then the other party finds out what ghost exclusion zone he is in, and tells her about her after going out?

Is this killing or not killing?

She hasn't made a decision yet. The other party has helped her make a decision. Some people attacked Di Wu, and the rest were dead hands. Di Wu wanted to use his spiritual power to counterattack, but found that the spiritual power couldn't make it out at all!

No wonder those people choose to punch and kick when they hit people before. It turns out there is no way!

"Oh! Mom! It hurts!"

Although Di Wu is a spirit beast with thick skin and thick flesh, but the other party seems to be a spirit beast as well, so the strength of the body does not occupy a little advantage. Because of the large number of opponents, he was ravaged by rampant Hutian.

However, despite his powerful screaming, his kung fu didn't fall. He gave the guard a punch and gave the guard a kick, and the strength was not light.

With helpless fists and four hands, the number of opponents was too much, and he was still miserable.

Sima Youyue saw how miserable he was, and saw the person who was bullying him. He folded his hands and squeezed, whispering, "It has been a long time since I have been fighting with pure strength. I do n’t know that the body is rusty No more. "

After all, she punched her in the face with a punch, and flew them directly.


The man flew more than ten meters away and fell heavily on the ground. The loud noise attracted everyone's attention.

Is this what a weak woman should have?

They looked at the man's face that had collapsed halfway, and looked at Sima Youyue, who was unchanged in expression, a little stunned.

That person is a spirit beast. Where is the strength of a body comparable to a human being? But what did they see? A human flew a deformed beast with one punch, and collapsed half of his face!

No matter how surprised they were, Sima Youyue flew directly to Di Wu, and flew those who hit him one by one.

Di Wu was still being beaten passively. He did not expect that the people around him were suddenly gone. He looked at Sima Youyue and was amazed after being surprised.

Miss is amazing!

"How is that possible!" Zhang Shuo shouted, "How can a human be defeated by a beast!"

Still beat one with a punch, this ... It's really too mysterious!

He just felt that a figure in front of him was shaking constantly, and then all of his people fell down. When he responded, there were only two of them standing here.

Seeing the killing intention in Sima Youyue's eyes, he suddenly persuaded. He hated himself for running into the restricted area with that bitch. He couldn't use spiritual power here. He now had no fighting power against Sima Youyue.

"You, don't kill me!" He stepped back, his eyes full of fear, his body trembling constantly.

"Don't you just say that you want to kill, just grab it? I also let you feel how?" Sima Youyue slowly approached him, and did not immediately begin to give him psychological pressure.

Zhang Shuo looked at her hands together and swallowed in horror, saying, "If you let me go, I can hold nothing, just as if today's thing hadn't happened ..."


The knife penetrated into the body, and Zhang Shuo suddenly widened his eyes until he died. He never thought that he would really lose his life.

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