The sword was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Mousse. He simply looked and reacted, just staring at it quickly near his chest.

With such a fast and powerful sword, he could not hide, especially he felt that he was locked by a force and could not move at all.

The white sword glowed with cold light, which made him dazzle for a while, and he felt the smell of death.

Just as he watched Death and his closer, he put a soft hand on his shoulder, and a warm force came from where he touched, which pulled him out of the illusion.

He turned around and saw Sima Youyue clutching his shoulder in his left hand and the sword in his right hand. Both men flew for a long distance with the power of the sword before stopping.


The sword was thrown to the ground, Sima Youyue shook her hand in pain, took out the medicine powder and smeared it, and the blood stopped immediately.

"It really hurts!" She took a breath.

If it hadn't been for her body that had been tempered countless times, making her body comparable to a spiritual implement, then she would not just bleed now, I'm afraid the entire palm would be severed.

Mousse looked at her with a complex look, not knowing what she was thinking.

Meng Tianshan thought that she would die without doubt. I did not expect that someone would come to save herself at this time. After seeing the person who came in with her eyes, she excitedly said, "Pang Yuan, save me!"

"Shan Shan, rest assured, I will save you!" The man headed to Meng Tianshan, trying to help her up, did not disapprove of the urine she had just trousers.

Seems true love!

Sima Youyue had no interest in this Pang Yuan, and her eyes fell on the old man who came in behind. He shot the sword just now.

I don't know what he is. Can Huahua deal with him?

The important thing is that once you start the fight, people from the patrol will be attracted, and the purpose of secretly asking for the news will not be achieved.

"Who are you?" The old man looked at Sima Youyue in shock.

Although I don't know the exact age of Sima Youyue, I can feel that she is not young, at least not an old guy who has lived for hundreds or thousands of years. At such a young age, he was able to take his blow with his bare hands.

Although he did not use all his strength, but it was his magic weapon, which was not accessible to ordinary people, and she took it with her bare hands, but was injured and did not cut her palm.

"I'm not in charge of who you are." Sima Youyue said.

"Seven grandpas, it is they who killed Zhang Shuo!" Meng Tianshan nestled in Pang Yuan's arms and said with trembling.

"It was you who killed Zhang Shuo. It seems that no matter who you are, you can't let you go!" Pang Qi looked at Sima Youyue.

He has spiritual power in both hands, because just now he didn't underestimate Sima Youyue and planned to go all out.

As soon as Sima Youyue saw that he was using his spiritual power, his hanging heart fell back.

If it is not above the rank, there is nothing to worry about.

Although Pang Qi did not underestimate Sima Youyue, he still did not expect how powerful she was. One did not notice that the entire house was included in her field.

Sima Youyue did not fully expand the realm, but just used its spatial attributes to envelope it. So others didn't feel it, only Pang Qi, who was very strong, found it.

"Domain, how is this possible!" He looked at Sima Youyue, she was very young, and he would not feel wrong, but the atmosphere in this area was connected to her, and it was not wrong.

But how is this possible?

How could a young person realize the realm!

However, his heart did not want to accept it. The fact is the fact that he must admit that he was trapped in the field.

He looked at Sima Youyue, no longer behaving lightly, thinking about how long it would take to break through this field.

"Huahua, can you solve it alone?" Sima Youyue asked.

"This guy is a half-step respecter. If there is no one else, it is OK, but with these people, it is a bit difficult." Huahua said honestly.

Although her flowers can be divided into many, but her strength is not dispersed, her strength will be divided a little, which is not as good as when she attacks with full force.

"Then you go to deal with those guys. Xiaomeng, this person gave it to you." Sima Youyue said.

"Good month and month." Huahua said that she had many branches to deal with those attendants.

Because Pang Yuan has a higher status in the family, because the death of Zhang Shuo caused him alarm, the people he brought out were much stronger than those brought by Zhang Shuo and Meng Tianshan. The idea is to protect their own safety, but unfortunately it is not enough to meet Sima Youyue.

Mousse heard that Sima Youyue said another name, and she said that she actually has a stronger contract animal, which is too great!

One flower was enough to surprise him. Now another one, how strong is she?

Xiao Meng came out, and the cold air from her body shook Mousse subconsciously.

After she came out, she did not speak, and attacked Pang Qi directly.

Sima Youyue looked at the dominant small dream and sighed slightly.

What a lovely and lively girl before! Since her memory was restored and her seal was lifted, the breath on her body became colder and colder. If she hadn't signed the contract in the beginning, she would have to draw a big question mark if she wanted to win her.

In particular, she is now digesting those dark breaths. Without digesting one point, her strength will increase by one point, and the breath on her body will also be one point colder.

Mousse saw that Pang Qi was defeated by Xiao Meng and sighed, "It's amazing!"

He knows this Pang Qi, and also knows his strength, even now he can't even reach him, which shows that her strength is stronger!

Because of the extension of the field space, although it seems to be in the yard, in fact, the fighting space is very wide. The spiritual rally made Mousse feel the majestic power, but the people outside did not feel it at all.

Soon, Huahua and Diwu finished packing up those people. Seeing that Xiaomeng was about to give Pang Qi a final blow, Huahua hurried up.

"Little dream, such a good nourishment, don't kill me!" Huahua cried.

Xiaomeng's killing stroke hit him at the moment of his shot, and the breath of death and Pang Qi plugged in. But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a huge flower fell from the sky and contained him directly.

In the end, only the frightened Pang Yuan and Meng Tianshan remained.

"You can't kill me!" Pang Yuan saw that Sima Youyue was looking at him, her body was frightened, her hands were weak, and Meng Tianshan in her arms fell directly to the ground.

Here again!

"Oh? Why can't I kill you?" Sima Youyue asked indiscriminately.

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