Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1314: Missed opportunities never come again

Obviously she is a very beautiful girl, with a smile on her face, but he raised her fear of her from the bottom of her heart as if she saw the old demon.

He swallowed and tried to make himself less scared, saying, "I have a high status in the family, and I have a soul mark left by my ancestors. Once you attack me, you will be attacked by that mark. Ben will also get news immediately. Then you are in danger. "

Sima Youyue naturally knows this kind of soul mark, and she still has several in the sea now!

But she looked at Mousse and saw him nod before she believed what he said.

"Okay, what you said is true." Sima Youyue shrugged, and didn't say to kill him or let him go.

But he was relieved, and since she already believed her words, he was safe to say.

"As long as you let me go, I will definitely not pursue this matter again, and I will send you a large compensation." He tried to make himself look sincere, "Not only that, I will treat you as the boss in the future, you let I will go east, I will never go west, you will be a cow, and I will not be a horse. If you do not believe, I can swear, as long as I swear, I will definitely not dare to hurt you. "

Sima Youyue looked at Pang Yuan with a sincere face, and had to say that this guy was smarter than Zhang Shuo and Meng Tianshan before, and the two were still putting on the young lady's score at the end, and thought they had spared her That's it.

So stupid and naive!

This Pang Yuan was not so blind and arrogant. When he saw his people were killed, he immediately lowered his mentality and knew that he apologized for compensation.

But if this heart is sincere, it remains to be seen.

"Since you said you could swear, then you swear first." Sima Youyue said.

Pang Yuan drew a trace of joy in his eyes and immediately swore: "I swear by the name of the Dark God. As long as you let me go today, I will definitely not pursue this matter again and come to her for trouble. When I go back, It must be a gift to apologize. "

Pang Yuan felt that her vows were seamless. As long as she let go of herself, she could leave.

As soon as I leave, the next thing ...

But I did not expect Sima Youyue to feel cold when she heard this, and said quietly, "I thought you were a smart man."

Pang Yuan was shocked when she said that. Hurry up and recall your vows again, and feel that nothing makes her angry!

Did she guess her mind?

Sima Youyue looked at him and said, "The vows you made are really okay, and you look very sincere. However, you shouldn't put the IQ I think as low as the woman you were before."

"I didn't!" Pang Yuanya denied.

"What you said is that after you go back, you won't get in trouble with me, but what you think in your heart is that you mean you personally. When you say that, you will get revenge on your family. As long as If you do n’t come forward, pretend you do n’t know about it, and you wo n’t break your vow, right? ”

"I ..." Pang Yuan wanted to say that she didn't think so, but Sima Youyue's eyes were so bright, he knew that even if she said that, she wouldn't believe it. "I missed it just now, and I'll post another one."

But Sima Youyue shook her head and said, "Some opportunities are missed if you miss it."

"You can't kill me! I have a soul mark on you. It's not good for you to kill me. I can swear again, I swear that the family will not bother you, okay? As long as you don't kill me." Pang Yuan said.

His analysis was indeed good. It was more useful to let him go than kill him. Unfortunately, he didn't know that she had various means to deal with him.

She thought this man wasn't too bad, so she didn't have to kill him. As long as he is interesting, it is not impossible for her to let him go. Unfortunately, he wasted this opportunity for nothing.

"Relax, I won't kill you." Sima Youyue said, "I just won't let you go."

When she heard that she would not kill him, Pang Yuan was relieved and continued to swim: "It's not good for you to catch me. If the family members never see me go back, they will definitely send someone to check. They will follow me The taste of me finds me, and it will be bad for you. "

"I want to arrest you, naturally they will not find you!" Sima Youyue said.

"The Pang family has a secret method, which can be used to estimate their approximate location." Mousse said, "If those people find it, it will be trouble."

"You can rest assured, I am free to arrange." Sima Youyue said. "Huahua, your flowers can imprison people without killing them, right?"

"Yes," Huahua said.

"Then you catch him, and when I'm done, I will consider whether to kill or not." Sima Youyue said.

"I don't want to imprison that woman. There is a smell of urine." Huahua asked.

"Well, don't you don't want to." Sima Youyue didn't force it. "Don't this woman wanted to ruin my capacity and take my life? Kill it. Mousse?"

Just now Mousse was attacked by Pang Qi when he killed Meng Tianshan, and now she gave him back to him again.

The mousse dagger was still in his hand. He walked over and saw the frightened person. He waved the dagger and fell down again.


The entire dagger was submerged in the flesh. When he pulled it out, the blood splattered out, splashing blood on his face and clothes.

Pang Yuan moved the corner of his mouth when he started, it seemed to want to stop, but finally gave up.

He didn't dislike her when she was so stinky, which shows that he had genuine feelings for her. But this relationship has become very frightened in the face of life and death.

Sima Youyue didn't think he was cold-blooded because of this, this is just a reaction from normal people in this continent. It is estimated that there are not many who are willing to die together.

"Huahua." She called out.

A rattan sprout flew out of Huahua's sleeve, and a flower quickly grew on the rattan, and came to Pang Yuan, holding him in one bite.

Pang Yuan didn't resist, he knew that his resistance was useless. Huahua can see that all his guards are killed, and this strength is not comparable to himself. If you don't resist, you can still suffer less.

Sima Youyue thinks that this boy is also a good one. The current affairs expert is Junjie. He was only one step away from Junjie. If it hadn't been for the past, he didn't give up on her mind, and missed that opportunity ...

"Well, let's go out." Sima Youyue put away the field, and the yard became that little yard again.

Those people are gone, only Meng Tianshan's body is still lying in place. Huahua can't eat, Sima Youyue throws a fire and burns her directly to ashes.

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